Sales contract for petroleum products paid with Gazprom fuel debit

Standard Form
Concluded in _____________ date ___________ 20___ by and between the following contracting parties:
NIS j.s.c. Novi Sad, address Narodnog fronta 12, Novi Sad, SALES AND DISTRIBUTION, address Milentija
Popovica 1, Belgrade, phone: 011/311-33-11, master number: 20084693, entered in the Business Register in
Belgrade, registration number: BD 93824/2005, activity code: 0610, current account number: 160-211974-86 with the
bank Banca Intesa, PIB: 104052135, as represented through the Power of Attorney number _____________ dated
_____________ by ________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Seller)
_____________________; address: ___________________, phone: _________, master number: _____________,,
activity code: ___________, TIN: __________,, as represented by __________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as the Buyer)
Article 1
Topic of the Contract is the buying and selling of petroleum products, other goods and services with the Seller’s - Gazprom
fuel debit cards (hereinafter the Card).
The Seller shall be obliged to deliver to the Buyer petroleum products at Seller's petrol stations. A list of Seller's public gas
stations has been published on the Seller's web site and
Article 2
Entering into this Contract, the Buyer shall accept all the rights and obligations under the General Rules, which are an integral
part of this Contract, and are available on the Seller's web site and
Article 3
Prices of petroleum products, other goods and services shall be set through Seller's decisions, according to the fluctuations in
the market price of petroleum products in the Republic of Serbia.
Delivered petroleum products, other goods and services the Seller shall invoice to the Buyer at a price which is valid on the
date of delivery, including the date of the petroleum products acceptance, or other goods and services by the Buyer at Seller's
petrol stations.
Article 4
Discount on the prices of petroleum products shall be approved to Buyer based on received quantities of petroleum products
on a monthly basis, for a calendar month, adhering to the valid discount scale for received Seller's petroleum products
(Appendix No 4, which is an integral part of the Contract).
Corresponding discount shall be approved to Buyer through a note delivered by the end of the current month for the previous
If, during this Contract, there are some amendments to the quantity discounts, defined in Appendix No 4, the Seller shall be
obliged to inform the Buyer about such changes in writing, submitting to the Buyer a new Appendix No 4.
Seller shall reserve the right not to calculate the discount in the case of Buyer's payment defaults.
Article 5
Buyer shall define the installments amount and schedule of payments onto Card account.
Buyer shall make payments in RSD onto Seller's current account No 160-211974-86 with the bank - Banca Intesa.
Buyer shall make payments according to Seller's instructions.
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Standard form
On the basis of the payments, the Byuer shall be issued at the end of the month and advance account.
Buyer can receive petroleum products, other goods and services using the Card, up to the amount of the funds.
At the end of the month the Seller shall send to the Buyer a final account for delivered petroleum products, other goods and
services base on the vehicle type, together with specifications about the transactions, via the Card.
Article 6
Contract shall be concluded for a limited period of time, specifically for one year from the date of its conclusion, pursuant to
Article 9. If any one party to the Contract within 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration of the time of the Contract
validity does not inform in writing the other contractual party about it not wishing to extend this Contract, respective vali dity
shall be extended for every next year under the same conditions.
In the case that any of the provisions, or some appendices to this Contract cease to be in accordance with the applicable legal
regulations, or the Seller's official documents and decisions, the transactions under this Contract shall be governed by the
Seller's valid regulations, i.e. official documents and decisions.
Seller shall be liable inform in writing the Buyer about any changes from the previous paragraph of this Article, within five (5)
working days of the date of entry into force of such changes.
Article 7
Parties to the Contract shall, in the case of any disputes, stipulate the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court in Novi Sad.
Article 8
For everything not foreseen under this Contract, the provisions of the Act on Contracts and Torts shall apply, as well as other
legal regulations, relating to the topic of the Contract.
Article 9
This Contract shall be considered concluded on the date when it was signed by the authorized representatives of both parties,
and if not signed by the authorized representatives on the same date, the contract shall be considered concluded on the date
of the second signature, in chronological order.
Article 10
Seller shall reserve the right not to deliver petroleum products in the situations arising as a result of technical, production, or
business and operational problems. Seller shall reserve the right to suspend delivery of goods in the case when the Buyer is
in default with payments.
Seller will not be responsible for any damages which the Buyer could likely suffer on such basis.
Article 11
Integral parts of this Contract are as follows:
General Rules ( and
Appendix 1: Vehicle specification for the Gazprom Fuel Debit Card issuance
Appendix 2: Request for the Gazprom Fuel Debit Card issuance
Appendix 3: Record on the delivery of the Gazprom Fuel Card issuance
Appendix 4: Discount scale for received quantities of petroleum products
Appendix 5: Statement of ownership structure
Article 12
This Contract was concluded in 2 (two) original copies, per 1 (one) for each contractual party.
[name, surname and job title]
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[name, surname and job title]
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