Depuis Workshop on International Standards Rome 14 – 15 May 2008 Paul van Exel, Director USPI Standards association Oil, Gas, Process & Power Industry History of ISO/STEP exchange between two similar systems Rationals: - IT interpretable - esparanto ? 1984: - Harmonization 3D standards - Methods History of ISO/STEP exchange between two different systems ERP CAD B.o.M. change request 1991: - internal integration - 3D, drawings, B.o.M. (not similar system integration) Rationals: - IT department - consistency - quality - efficiency History of ISO/STEP shared data, long term archiving Rationals: - consistency - long term archiving 1993: - product structure - data ware house - product data management Data exchange/sharing during the life cycle of a plant The original STEP concept neutral format Present situation Different applications exchanging/sharing data with different formats Future situation Different applications exchanging/aharing data in a neutral format History of ISO/STEP Part-, Class-Libraries Virtual Market Place SGML, XML, etc. 1995: \ ISO TC 184 SC4 Ma nufacturing Ma nageme nt Part Data Libraries ISO 15531 STEPLife Cycle Product Da ta ISO 13584 ISO 10303 “Re source s” en Methodieken Application Protocols AP 202 AP 203 AP 212 Geassocieerde Standaarden AP 214 SG ML Data for Oil & Gas Para metrics ISO 15926 AP 225 = Internationale Standaard AP 227 Tek ening 3D mode l Obj ecten bibliotheek Isometrics 2D mode l Stuk lijst Dat a Ware H ouse 3D pijpmod el Symbolen bibliotheek Etc. ISO 14959 Etc . AP 221 EDIFACT Etc . P&ID 13 13 JAPAN, Duitsland, USA; NL: RWS/CAD; Hope/2, enz. PDM-Schema : SAP, enz.! NL: Estec, enz.; NASA, Lockheed (Stork?) Compliancy eis NL: Philips (met artikelbestand PLIB); H-E (E-STEPS) Siemens D; NL: UNETO ETIM/STEP BMW, VW, enz.; NL Odette NATO/CALS; NL: VNSI Project initiatie European Marine STEP Association PLIB (ISO 13584) Library 1 Library 2 IS O 13584 LIB US ER LIBRARY IS O 13584 post processor IS O 13584 post processor US ER LIBRARY S upplie r Part library IS O 10303 file CAD-MODEL CAD IS O 10303 post processor IS O 10303 pre processor CAD-MODEL produ ct data En d Use r System A En d Use r System B NL: USPI-NL, NAM, CROW, BAS, ... Epistle Core Model; ISO 15926 NL: CROW (Woordenboek/ CAD; UMW) JAPAN, USA; NL: ??? NL: via ICAAMC (Compressoren) Internationale artikelbestanden via Internet (XML); electronic (CIREP), ship, furniture (Funstep), enz. NL: ET Artikelbestand (UNETO) PLIB (ISO 13584) Library 1 Library 2 IS O 13584 LIB US ER LIBRARY IS O 13584 post processor IS O 13584 post processor US ER LIBRARY S upplie r Part library IS O 10303 file CAD-MODEL CAD IS O 10303 post processor IS O 10303 pre processor CAD-MODEL produ ct data En d Use r System A En d Use r System B History of STEP In 70’s and 80’s development of several CAD/CAM exchange standards by Industry, Defense, International efforts with limited successes. STEP project initiated 1984 by ISO TC184 “Industrial Automation systems and Integration” SC4 “Subcommittee “Industrial Data” STEP= STandard for the Exchange of Product model data: Create single international standard, superseding national and de-facto standards Standardize mechanism to describe product model data, independent of any system Provide basis for exchange and sharing data CD Ballot in 1992, Approved IS “International Standard” in 1994 Established as ISO10303 series with range of protocols ISO TC184/SC4 Development-Activities Methods Express, STEP-File SDAI STEP-XML Binary Data Resources Geometry, Generic – PDM Tolerances, Kinematic, Math, ... APs 201/203...202...209/210/212/214...239/233/240... Modules CAD Usage 1984 2005-01-31 1994 Copyright LKSoftWare GmbH, 2005 PDM CAx Integration 2004 23 ISO 10303 Applikations-Protokolle (AP) (1/2) General, Mechanical 2D, 3D Part 201: Explicit draughting (einfache 2D Zeichnungen) Part 202: Associative draughting (2D-Zeichnungen mit Bezug zu 3D-Modellen) Part 203: Configuration controlled design (3D-Design) Part 204: Mechanical design using boundary representation Part 207: Sheet metal die planning and design Part 214: Core data for automotive mechanical design processes Manufacturing: Part 223: Cast Parts Part 224: Mechanical product definition for process planning using machining features Part 229: Forged part Part 236: Furniture product data and project data Part 238: Application interpreted model for computer numeric controllers Part 240: Process plans for machined products Schipp: Part 215: Ship arrangement Part 216: Ship moulded forms Part 218: Ship structures 2005-01-31 Copyright LKSoftWare GmbH, 2005 24 ISO 10303 Applikations-Protokolle (AP) (2/2) Elektrik/Elektronik Part 210: Electronic assembly, interconnection, and packaging design Part 212: Electrotechnical design and installation (Kabelstränge, Energieverteilung, ... Zusammen mit AP214) Simulation und Materialien Part 209: Composite and metallic structural analysis and related design Part 235: Materials information for the design and verification of products Part 237: Fluid dynamics (AWI) Anlagen / Wartung Part 221: Functional data and their schematic representation for process plants Part 225: Building elements using explicit shape representation Part 227: Plant spatial configuration Part 239: Product life cycle support Part 241, AEC maintenance (planned) Andere Part 232: Technical data packaging core information and exchange Part 233: Systems engineering data representation 2005-01-31 Copyright LKSoftWare GmbH, 2005 25 Application modules ISO 10303-4xx and 1xxx (>500) 2008-03-28 Copyright LKSoftWare GmbH, 2008 26 Super AP – a very draft idea for now A new AP for Cross AP implementations Implementors wants to have only one top schema to use A kind of „union“ of other APs Modular based approach: go for a yearly update – stepmod as a database standard (ISO 10303-1000) 2008: Start with combining final and released modules form AP203, 210, 236, 239 2009: add AP209 and 233, PDQ-S 2010-: parametrics, constraint models, kinematics, manufacturing 2008-03-28 Copyright LKSoftWare GmbH, 2008 27