Ulysses S. Grant High School Course Syllabus (U.S. History) Course Information – U.S. History. Room 205, Fall Semester (Aug 2014-Dec 2014). 5 Credit Units. Graduation requirement fulfilled. Instructor Information – Mr. McDermott, email: Recluse45@ca.rr.com. Website: www.mcdermotthistory.net. Phone: (818) 239-6543. Course Materials – Textbook: The Americans – Reconstruction to the 21st Century. McDougal Littell. Supplementary Readings: Several supplementary readings (primary source and secondary source) will be given throughout the semester. Students can access most of these reading by emailing me after they have been passed out in class. Required Materials: Student Unit Notebook (SUN) – a portfolio the students will have with them at all times where they will keep their notes and most assignments. Students will need four folders that have brackets that can hold hole-punched college ruled paper. Pencils (for tests) – other work can be done in pen. Textbook – The U.S. History textbook will be brought to class every day. Course Description – The course focuses on U.S. history from the Reconstruction to nearly the present. This course is designed to have students prepare for the state assessments during the second semester, and is a required course by the state to graduate from high school. The U.S. History State Standards chronologically “jump” around a little bit, but we will mostly do a chronological order when focusing on certain standards (but other standards might be brought up in the same reading). Students will need to keep up with the Course Schedule, listed below, as tests and quizzes will primarily correspond to it. Course Schedule – Week 1: Introduction to the class. Rules and procedures of the course. The SUN. Begin Standard 11.1 Week 2: Standard 11.1 – pg. 46, 58. Week 3: Standard 11.1 – Quiz 11.1 (1). Pg. 66, 112 Week 4: Standard 11.1 – Quiz 11.1 (2). pg. 74, 120 Week 5: Standard 11.1 – Test 11.1 Film - Lincoln Week 6: Standard 11.2 – Pg. 139, 184 Week 7: Standard 11.2 – Quiz 11.2 (1). Pg. 236, 241 Week 8: Standard 11.2 – Quiz 11.2 (2). Pg. 241, 254 Week 9: Standard 11.2 – Quiz 11.2 (3). Pg. 262, 267 Week 10: Standard 11.3 - Test 11.2, SUN #1 Due Pg. 130, 144 Week 11: Standard 11.3 – Film – Inherit the Wind Quiz 11.3 – Pg. 282, 306 Week 12: Standard 11.4 –Test 11.3 Pg. 342, 346 Week 13: Standard 11.4 – Quiz 11.4 (1). Pg. 352, 359 Week 14: Standard 11.4 – Quiz 11.4 (2). Pg. 381, 388 Week 15: Standard 11.4 – Quiz 11.4 (3). Pg. 398 Week 16: Thanksgiving Week Week 17: Standard 11.5 – Test 11.4 Pg. 412, 419 Week 18: Standard 11.5 – Quiz 11.5. Pg. 434, 440 Week 19: Finals, Final will include 11.5 as well as all other standards. SUN #2 Course Policies – Students who are absent, and their absence is excused can have their test excused or be tested on another day. When students are absent it is their responsibility to make up the work they missed. Students are encouraged to have study groups and student contacts that they can get in touch with in case of absence. If a student was absent on a day when something was due, they can turn it in the very next school day to the instructor for regular credit. Late work is allowed, however the students will receive 10% off their grade on the assignment for it being late. All work needs to be delivered by hand to the instructor on the due date for it to be considered on time, unless there is an excused absence. Class Participation – Students are required to read the text prior to the test. Some of the section readings will be covered in class, and others at home. Tests and lectures will be dependent on students participating in the reading both in class and at home. Grading – All assignments are given a point value. Each SUN is usually worth nearly between 200- 300 points, and account for the bulk of the grade in the course. A student who does not complete or do well (passing grade) on the SUNs has a much less likely chance passing the course. Students receive points on each of their assignments, and those points are then divided by the total possible points to yield a percentage. The student’s percentage determines their letter grade, and the grade breakdown is as follows: World History: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59% Please keep this Syllabus in the front of your SUN. Dates are subject to change at any time, as they are only a guide as to approximately where we should be at the given times. Honor Policy – Plagiarizing and cheating is not allowed in any form. If Mr. McDermott catches anyone of cheating this could result in an automatic “F” for the semester for both the cheater and the person who allowed the cheating. For instance, if you copy another person’s work in the class and pass it off as your own, both you and the person whose work you copied could automatically receive an “F” for their entire semester grade. Cheating and plagiarizing entails but is not limited to: -Copying someone on a test. -Copying and pasting from an internet website (Wikipedia or other websites). -Copying the textbook or other book that is not authored by you. -Copying the work of another student. -Having a cheat sheet or other type of material (web enabled phone like an iPhone) out during a test. STUDENT CONTACT SHEET Directions: Fill out the information below and turn it into Mr. McDermott by the due date that is stated in class. Student Full Name (Print):_______________________ Name you wish to be called in class IF different from your roll sheet name:__________________________ Student Email (Print):___________________________ Student Phone Number:_________________________ By signing below you agree to the class syllabus and any other rules and policies in the course, including the cheating policy in the course. ___________________________ Student Signature __________________ Date Parent Name(s) – Please Print:______________________________ _______________________________ Parent Email (Print):______________________________ Parent Phone Number:_____________________________ By signing below you understand the policies in the course, and have understood the syllabus. Students will have homework in the course that is primarily reading, taking notes, working in their Student Unit Notebook, and reviewing/studying material to prepare for tests. __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Date _________________________________ Parent Signature (if applicable)