English 10 Syllabus Mr. Justin T. Reid Room 242 Jreid@cityschools.com 540-372-1100 ext. 2242 Hello, and welcome to your tenth grade year at THE James Monroe High School. I hope everyone had a safe and eventful summer, plenty of fresh air and enough time to relax. But summer is over and you are beginning a sophomore year that will be both challenging and fun, educational and rewarding, and above all else, necessary towards completing your tenth grade SOL requirements. This is a year of transition for many students and I look forward to working with all of you towards a degree of higher level education. This class will be very demanding and requires dedication, a positive attitude, hard work, and focus. I will do everything in my power to work with you, give help when needed, guide you, and make class enjoyable on a daily basis. If you need extra help, a little refresher on class material, or anything else, I will be in my room and available before school begins, and up to an hour after the school day. Also, feel free to use the information above to get in contact with me whenever you have a question. Remember: Good communication is key and essential to understanding and succeeding this year. We will be covering a large amount of important and interesting material, so communicate with me and put forth strong effort. Materials Needed: Please have the following materials by class tomorrow. * Three ring binder with lined paper * Four dividers (Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing, Literature) * Composition notebook * Black and Blue pens to write with * Red pens (for editing ONLY) * Pencils with good erasers and extra erasers if needed * USB Flash drive (Preferred) * 200-300 Index Cards * Book cover General Rules and Guidelines: The James Monroe Student Handbook is the basis for these rules, but my classrooms guidelines are expected to be followed in addition to anything found inside that document. 1. Students will respect everyone in the classroom. This includes yourself, peers, teachers and substitutes. 2. When the bell rings you are expected to be IN THE CLASSROOM and PREPARED. Have your materials and homework out, pencils sharpened and ready to begin the work for the day. Hanging out in front of my room and rushing in as the bell rings is NOT ALLOWED; this will result in a tardy. 3. Give the speaker your attention and do not interrupt by talking, getting out of your seat, or doing something distracting. 4. You may NOT make or receive cell phone calls or text messages during class. Calls or texts from parents are NOT an exception. The new school policy states that any student who has a cell phone out during educational hours will receive a DISCIPLINE REFFERAL (DR). IPods, music and headphones fall into this category as well. 5. Leaving the room during class is not allowed unless you have our permission. 6. Any homework being done for another class will be confiscated. 7. Eating in class will not be permitted unless otherwise approved by us. Eat breakfast before you come to class. Only water is allowed in my classroom, and it must be in a sealable container. 8. Class does not end with the bell or five minutes before the bell. Class ends when we dismiss you. Students packing up before the bell will be subject to detention. 9. You may not sleep in class. If you are sick, please ask to go to the nurse. Sleeping during class is a sign of disrespect toward your teacher and will be handled accordingly. *** Follow these rules and other directions swiftly when directed by the teacher so the maximum amount of quality work can be accomplished within my classroom. Cheating and Plagiarism: By enrolling at The James Monroe High School you are expected to follow the Honor Code, and any form of cheating or plagiarism directly violates this code. Cheating includes: Talking, whispering, or mouthing words to anyone EXCEPT the teacher from the time the first test or quiz is distributed, until the last test or quiz is collected. (When you are done, work on another assignment for MY CLASS ONLY. If you have no work for my class, then read, write, or do something creative in your seat that is not distracting.) Wandering eyes. Keep them on your own material, my walls, or ceiling. Any violation of these rules will result in a zero for that assignment and will be reported immediately to administration. Plagiarism includes: Using anyone else’s words as your own without correctly citing and giving due credit to that person and/or source. Copying and pasting, or changing key words in a quote to make it your own. Turning in work from another person as your own. And all other examples as talked about in class, or seen in The James Monroe Student Handbook. Be original, thoughtful and take pride in your own work. And know that we will be submitting essays/papers into a program that will show us EXACTLY how much of your paper was borrowed from ANYONE ELSE. Turning in a paper with your name on it serves as your pledge to following the Honor Code. Discipline: I expected the aforementioned rules to be followed daily without constant reminders. However, if they are not, the following actions will be taken. 1. A silent or verbal warning. 2. I will meet with you in the hall to explain how you are breaking my rules and we will talk about what’s wrong and how we can fix it. You will be allowed back in my classroom unless you are uncooperative with me concerning the situation. 3. Detention, a call home to your parent/guardian, and/or a Discipline Referral (DR). * 4. A Discipline Referral (DR) and sent to the office. * * I reserve the right to skip steps 1 & 2 if the situation calls for it. Physical violence of ANY sort, direct verbal or physical bullying, or derogatory name calling will NOT BE PERMITTED IN MY CLASSROOM. Also, a new school rule requires me to give a Discipline Referral (DR) to anyone with a phone, IPod, or any multimedia device out in the classroom. Grading Policy: Tests: Participation/Class work: Quizzes: Writing Assignments/Essays: Homework: 30% 15% 20% 25% 10% Grades will be calculated at the end of each 9-week period based on the total number of graded materials and their averages. Extra credit is NOT OFFERED in classroom. Do the work that is expected of you and turn it in to me on time. REMEMBER: I do not give grades to you, it is you who EARNS grades by what you accomplish in my classroom. In accordance with The James Monroe Student Handbook, making up assignments WILL NOT be permitted unless you have an excused absence confirmed by the attendance officer for me to view in the SMS Attendance System. Daily homework will not be accepted late. For other assignments, every day it is late will be a full letter grade deduction until the assignment reaches zero. After this point, absolutely no credit will be given. It is advised that if you miss more than one day of class, you contact the school and/or one of us to request missed assignments. Only one day will be given to make up missed work per day you are absent excused. Extensions will be considered when circumstances permit. REMEMBER: It is your responsibility to come see me for missed work. If you miss a day with a test or quiz, you will be expected to reschedule that test/quiz within two days of your return to school. You must also come and see me for material missed from that day in class. Excused absences, in accordance with the student handbook are those receiving a hospital/doctor’s note, note from court, etc. Absences: Remember that EIGHT ABSENCES are permitted a semester. Anymore beyond that will result in an attendance failure for that class. Seat time may be made up on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please contact the administrative offices to make arrangements, when necessary. REMEMBER: I cannot teach you if you are not here. I hope this document has been helpful in understanding what my expectations are for this class. Our students are nearing adulthood and must understand the expectations and demands of the working world, as well as what it takes to be successful. These rules and guidelines are meant to help them become the best students they can, and create a learning environment where everyone feels safe. Thank you and I look forward to meeting and working with all of you. - Mr. Justin T. Reid, English Teacher ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS In signing this form, we acknowledge receipt of the written 2012-2013 Classroom Expectations for Mr. Reid’s class. We have read and understand the expectations, procedures, and the consequence of violations. Printed student name ______________________________________________________ Student signature: __________________________ Date: __________________ Parent signature: __________________________ Date: __________________ Parent preferred contact information: Parent Name: ____________________________________________ Phone number where best reached: ___________________________ Best times to contact parent: ________________________________ E-mail address: __________________________________________ Student, please return this form to Mr. Reid no later than Friday, September 6th. It will be counted as a homework grade. English 10 Syllabus Mr. Reid Room 242 Jreid@cityschools.com 540-372-1100 ext 2242 Textbooks: 1. Holt McDougal, Literature. Grade 10 2. Prestwick House, Vocabulary Power Plus for the New SAT: Vocabulary Reading, and Writing Exercises for High Scores. Book Two I. Literature A. Short Story Elements i. Plot ii. Conflict iii. Characterization and Motivation iv. Point of View v. Theme vi. Irony vii. Symbolism viii. Tone ix. Allusion x. Imagery B. Drama i. ii. iii. Twelve Angry Men Othello Antigone C. Novel i. To Kill a Mockingbird D. Poetry- various selections from the text i. Figurative language ii. Forms of poetry iii. Reading and analyzing poetry of different types iv. Self-expression through poetry E. Non-Fiction i. Essay ii. Consumer Materials iii. Informational Materials II. Grammar A. Parts of a Sentence i. Review sentence complements (if necessary) ii. Recognize and correcting sentence structure errors iii. Distinguishing independent and subordinate clauses iv. Writing clear, concise sentences v. Review punctuation, usage, and agreement (if necessary) B. Phrases i. ii. iii. C. Clauses i. ii. Recognizing verbal phrases – participial, gerund and infinitive Using appositive phrases correctly Recognizing and correcting errors in phrase placement and punctuation Using and punctuating noun, adjective, and adverb clauses correctly Recognizing and punctuating simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences III. Vocabulary A. B. C. D. E. Vocabulary units and spelling Synonyms and antonyms Sentence completion Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Using inference IV. Writing A. Poetry B. Persuasive and Expository writing- with a focus on the essay format and related to the literature selections read. C. Research Project- with a focus on careers and the world of work V. SOL Concepts A. B. C. D. E. Writing prompts Reading comprehension Usage skills Sentence structure Information/Consumer materials