FRAME THE LESSON Student Expectations Bundled in Lesson Noun=Underline Verb=Italicize 8.8 (A) describe components of the universe, including stars, nebulae, and galaxies, and use models such as the Herztsprung-Russell diagram for classification 8.8 (D) model and describe how light years are used to measure distances and sizes in the universe 8.8 (E) Research how scientific data are used as evidence to develop scientific theories to describe the origin of the universe. TEACHER: Flanigan CLASS: Science LESSON DATE: 2/8– 2/12 Teaching Points & Activities Engage: Explain: Explore: Elaborate: Evaluate: Resources/Materials: 8.8 A and 8.8 E Planet Collision Video from Discovery Education The Big Bang Activity. Place star stickers on a balloon and blow up to show the expansion of the galaxies. Explain that the expansion of the galaxies supports the big bang theory. Also discuss the red shift of galaxies. Components of the Universe Comparison Matrix. Complete using textbook and additional resources if needed Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets information sheet Types of Galaxies Foldable – Use information in textbook Briefly discuss Edwin Hubble and his contributions to science Use textbook to analyze HR diagram Read about the big bang theory in textbook. Find a partner who does not sit at your table and explain the Big Bang Theory to them. The Big Bang Video from Discovery Education HR Diagram Worksheet Quick Write – See critical writing prompt 8.8 D Measuring the Universe Video How Long is a Light Year Worksheet PBS Time Travel Activity Balloons Star stickers Asteroids information sheet Light year worksheet Resources from PBS website Objective/Key Understanding: Compare and contrast planets, asteroids, meteors and comets focusing on composition, light production, orbit patterns and size. Calculate the time to travel to near and distant destinations and construct a time scale model of the universe by using time travel distances. Closing Product/ Question/ Informal Assessment: Create a graphic organizer to compare and contrast components of the universe. Asses understanding of the Big Bang theory and whether or not they personal agree. Stop & Check for Understanding—High Level Questions Why do we measure distances in space using light years? Why is a light year a measure of distance and not time? Critical Writing Prompt: Do you agree with the Big Bang Theory? Why or why not? Small Group Purposeful Talk Question Stems: List evidence that supports the big bang theory. What are some components of our universe? Rigor & Relevance: (Real World Connection) PBS Time Travel Activity Vocabulary: Elliptical, Irregular, Spiral, Asteroids, Comets, Galaxies, Meteor, Nebulae, Planets, Stars, Universe