Chapter 2 - McGraw Hill Higher Education

Introductory Mathematics
& Statistics
Chapter 2
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
Learning Objectives
 Understand and use percentages
 Apply percentages to common commercial situations
 Calculate commission (including brokerage)
 Calculate discounts (including chain, trade and cash
 Calculate tax (including GST, personal tax, company
tax, FBT and land tax)
 Calculate profit and loss
 Calculate stamp duty
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.1 Conversion to and from percentages
• Conversion of a fraction to a percentage
– Multiply by 100 and use % sign
Express as a percentage
 E.g.
  100  62.5%
• Conversion of a decimal to a percentage
– Multiply by 100 by moving the decimal point 2 places to the
right and then add a % sign
 E.g.
Express 0.269 as a percentage
0.269  100  26.9%
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
Conversion to and from percentages
• Conversion of a percentage to a fraction
– Divide by 100 and remove % sign, then simplify
 E.g. Express 72% as a fraction
72 18
100 25
Conversion of a percentage to a decimal
– Divide the percentage by 100 by moving the decimal point 2
places to the left, and then remove the % sign
 E.g.
Express 45.3% as a decimal
45.3  100  0.453
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.2 Commission
An agent is paid a commission when he or she sells goods and
Commission can be paid by looking at a either
– fixed amount (irrespective of sales)
C  F  S  R
– straight commission with no fixed amount
 S = sale amount
 R = rate of commission per sale
 F= fixed amount paid (irrespective of sales)
 C= commission earned
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2.2 Commission (cont…)
• Brokerage
– Brokerage is commission paid to a stockbroker who acts on
a client’s behalf
– Brokerage rates vary according to the type of transaction,
but general rules that apply are:
 When selling, brokerage is subtracted from the proceeds
of the sale
 When buying, brokerage is added to the amount that
you must pay for the stock or shares
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2.3 Discounts
Discount is an inducement for the customer to make a
 two for the price of one
 an advertised special with an expiry date
 a fixed amount off the price
 a reduction in the unit price if large quantities are
On some occasions there may be more than one discount
on an item. These multiple discounts are called chain
A reduction in price is referred to as a discount and is often
expressed in the form of a percentage
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.3 Discounts (cont…)
– To calculate the amount of discount,
– Where:
 L = list price
 D = amount of discount
 R = rate of discount
 DP = discount price
– The rate of discount is:
– The amount of discount
D  R L
– The discount price (or net price) is:
DP  L  D
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.3 Discounts (cont…)
• Trade discount
– A special discount when goods and services are purchased
from one business by another business.
 a builder purchasing timber from a timber yard
 a service station obtaining tyres from a manufacturer
 an electrician purchasing cables and switches from an
electrical supplier
– A typical trade discount would range between 10% and
25%, depending on the trade and the item
– The method for calculating trade discounts is the same as in
the previous examples
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.3 Discounts (cont…)
• Cash discount
– A form of discount that is given if the purchaser pays in cash
or by cheque
– The percentage of the discount may depend on how quickly
the bill is paid.
 E.g. A supplier of electrical goods informs retailers that the
following discounts are available for early payment of
• Within 7 days – 10.0 %
• Within 14 days – 7.5 %
• Within 28 days – 2.5 %
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2.4 Goods and Services Tax (GST)
• An Australian broad-based tax of 10% on most supplies of
goods and services
• The GST replaced a number of other taxes, including
wholesale sales tax, that were applied at varying rates to a
range of products
• The amount of GST payable can be calculated easily by
working out 10% of the cost of the goods or service
• To work out how much a customer has paid in GST, divide
the final price by 11
GST inclusive price  11  GST
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.5 Personal income tax
• Individuals who receive income are liable for
personal income
• Definitions
– Gross income is the total amount received or accrued
– Assessable income is gross income less exempt income
– Allowable deductions are costs of producing income and
certain concessional deductions
– Taxable income is assessable income less allowable
– Tax payable is tax according to the table on taxable income
less rebates
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.5 Personal income tax (cont…)
The tax-free threshold for most resident individuals is $6000
Taxpayers are subject to a Medicare levy, normally calculated at
the rate of 1.5% of your taxable income
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2.6 Company tax
A company is a distinct legal entity with its own income tax
liability that is separate from personal income tax
The income tax of companies is calculated on taxable income,
which is the income earned by the company less any allowable
The amount of tax to be paid is reduced by any PAYG (pay as
you go) instalments paid during the year
The general rate of tax payable by companies on 2009–10
income is 30%
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.7 Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
FBT is an Australian government tax paid on certain benefits
employers provide to their employees in place of, or in addition
to, salary
FBT is separate from income tax
FBT is payable by the employer and is based on the taxable
value of the various fringe benefits provided
The rate of FBT is currently aligned with the top marginal
income tax rate and was set at 46.5% in 2009–10
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2.8 Land tax
Land tax is a state tax levied on the owners of land in various
states of Australia
A principal place of residence (your home) or land used for
primary production (a farm) is exempt from land tax
You may be liable for land tax if you own or part-own:
– vacant land, including vacant rural land
– a holiday home
– investment properties
– company title units
– residential, commercial or industrial units
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2.8 Land tax (cont…)
Land tax is calculated on the combined value of all the taxable
land you own
The land tax threshold varies from state to state
For example, for 2009 it was
– $368 000 in New South Wales
– $250 000 in Victoria
– $110 000 in South Australia
– $600 000 in Queensland
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2.9 Profit and loss
The actual profit is the difference between the price the item is sold
for (the selling price) and the cost of that item (the cost price)
An item may be sold for an amount that is less than the cost price.
The profit is therefore negative and is referred to as a loss
The actual cost of an item is often difficult to calculate, since it
involves not only the cost of obtaining the item from the supplier but
other costs as well.
– These include the general costs of running a business, e.g.
 wages
 insurance
 taxes
 stationery
 equipment
 electricity
 rent
 other overhead expenses
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2.9 Profit and loss (cont…)
The following definitions will be useful for profits:
SP = selling price (not including any applicable GST)
CP = cost price
P = actual profit (when the value of SP exceeds the value of
Ps = profit rate (or mark-up rate) expressed as a fraction of
selling price
Pc = profit rate (or mark-up rate) expressed as a fraction of cost
(The profit rates expressed as percentages are 100 × Ps and
100 × Pc, respectively)
Copyright  2010 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.9 Profit and loss (cont…)
The following definitions will be useful for loss:
L = actual loss (when the value of CP exceeds the value of SP)
Ls = loss rate (or mark-down rate) expressed as a fraction of
selling price
Lc = loss rate (or mark-down rate) expressed as a fraction of
cost price
(The loss rates expressed as percentages are 100 × Ls and
100 × Lc , respectively)
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.9 Profit and loss (cont…)
• The following relationships
P  SP  CP
L  CP  SP
Ps 
Ls 
Pc 
Lc 
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e
2.10 Stamp duty
Stamp duty is a tax on transactions that is levied by the
individual states in Australia
Stamp duty is really a tax on the document of transfer (the title
transfer), and not on the property itself
• Stamp duty on vehicles
– Stamp duty is based on the market value of the vehicle or
the price that was paid, whichever is greater
• Stamp duty on real estate
– Stamp duty is payable on the purchase price of property
– The amount payable depends on the price of the property
and which state it was bought in
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The application of percentages in modern business practice is
widespread and this chapter has presented some of the more
common examples
The introduction of the GST into Australia was part of significant
tax reform including substantial personal income tax cuts and
the removal of a number of indirect taxes
In using the taxation tables and related information, it is
important to be aware that rates charged may vary from year to
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PowerPoint slides to accompany Croucher, Introductory Mathematics and Statistics, 5e