Unit Topic: Build a water carrier. Length of Unit: 4 weeks Year Level: 2 CONTEXT School: The P-7 State Primary school is situated in a rural town in South East Queensland. The school is a mixed- gender school and is situated in a low socio economic environment. The school encompasses the community and its students’, who have a diverse range of backgrounds. Teachers in the school are proficient users of new and interactive ICTs and keep their skills up to date. The school has a focus on equipping students for the 21st century. The school has a computer room for each sector. Students: This year 2 class consists of 26 students of mixed abilities. Majority of the students are effective users of ICT’s and enjoy using new technologies. Many students enjoy hands-on activities and visual learning. Time allocated for this unit is 1 lesson a week for 4 weeks. Curriculum Technologies: Design and Technologies processes and production skills. Generating Content description: Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas through describing, drawing and modelling. Custom elaboration: Judge whether a created design is effective. Science: Science Understanding: Earth and space sciences Content description: Earth’s resources, including water, are used in a variety of ways Elaboration describing how a resource such as water is transferred from its source to its point of use Science Inquiry skills: Planning and conducting Content description: Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources. Purpose of the unit: This integrated unit will give year two students the opportunity to engage in the Design and Technologies and Science curriculum. Students will first explore water and how it is used and transferred from its source. Throughout the unit students will participate in investigations that allow them to explore materials that can be manipulated to form an object that can carry water (a water carrier). The assessment will allow students to design a water carrier through visualising, describing, drawing and modelling with materials. Assessment By the end of the unit… Students will know… Why water is needed for all forms of life. How water can be transferred from its source to its point of use. What materials are appropriate for carrying water e.g. strength, waterproof etc.? Students will be able to… Visualise, generate, develop and communicate design ideas. Describe, draw and model their design ideas. Choose appropriate materials to carry water. Manipulate materials to form a water carrier. Answer questions and judge the effectiveness of their water carrier. Formative: Summative: Formative assessment will be used to assess what level students are at and provide them with supportive feedback. Summative assessment will be used to get an understanding of the students learning and will allow the teacher to put them on a scale from A to E. Teacher will complete observations and question students. Students will write a sentence about their learning at the end of each lesson Students will engage in investigations where they will be monitored. Students will first need to visualise, develop, and draw a design for a water carrier. They will then choose and manipulate an appropriate material that can create a water carrier. Once students have tested their water carriers they need to judge it for effectiveness. Learning Sequence Learning Experience 1 ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do? Length: 1 week TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities: What will the teachers do? Topic: Water Technologies Science -Students will learn about water and where it comes from. They will brainstorm the needs for water and what it is used for. They will learn why water is needed for all forms life. They will investigate how water gets transferred to its point of use. -The lesson will prompt students to think about a range of objects that are used to carry water which could include bags, containers and cups. Are these effective for carrying water or not? Teacher will lead a brainstorming session Earth’s resources, and write key words on the board. Teacher Judge whether objects including water, are will show students pictures of water at its are effective to carry used in a variety of source to help with student thinking. water. What parts of ways. their design makes Teacher will ignite students’ prior theme effective? knowledge and get them to think about things they have seen carry water. Learning Experience 2 Length: 1 week ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do? Resources Australian Curriculum Focus: General Capabilities /Crosscurriculum priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures: How water was traditionally carried from its source to the necessary location. IWB to write students brainstorming. Pictures of water in different locations. Images of objects that are used to carry water. Explore websites such as http://bit.ly/1AI451u to learn about why living things need water. TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities: What will the teachers do? They will learn about different materials Investigation with the different materials. which could include paper, plastic, wood, Investigate for strength, water proof and cardboard and play dough. Can these ability to mould. materials get wet? Question: What is the material? What is it Can they be moulded? used for? Are they strong? Give students opportunity to play with materials and decide whether they could be appropriate to build a water carrier. Topic: materials Resources Australian Curriculum Focus : Technologies Science General Capabilities /Crosscurriculum priorities Describing how water is Generate design transferred from its Critical and creative thinking: students will ideas through source to its point of need to investigate and learning about use. imagine the different materials. : Partici Participate in different effectiveness of the types of guided materials. investigations Materials for students to experiment with and manipulate. Learning Experience 3 ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do? Length: 1 week TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities: What will the teachers do? Topic: Developing Technologies Science General Capabilities /Crosscurriculum priorities The students will have the opportunity to Provide students with an example. How visualise and draw their own water would you do it if you were given the carrier and describe the features they will task? include and the materials they will use. Explain the rubric to children and discuss Students will then develop and design a what they will be marked on. model water carrier. Monitor students for understanding. Ask them to talk their ideas through with a partner. Visualise, generate, Describing how water is Critical and creative develop and transferred from its thinking: students will communicate design source to its point of need to use their ideas through use. learning to create describing, drawing something new and modelling. : Partici Participate in different types of guided investigations Learning Experience 4 Topic: Assessment week ACTIVITY (S): What will the students do? Students will conclude the unit by creating their designed water carrier. They will conclude the assessment by judging whether their water carrier for effectiveness. They will need to communicate their judgements in sentences. Length: 1 week TEACHING STRATEGIES aligned to activities: What will the teachers do? Technologies Science Describing how water is transferred from its source to its point of use. Participate in different types of guided investigations Materials for students to experiment with and manipulate to make their water carrier. Resources Australian Curriculum Focus : Take photos of students’ water carriers. Question them individually and note their Judge whether a created design is responses. effective. Get students to write judgements. Provide them with sentence starters if necessary. An effective water carrier would be made out of appropriate materials and should be able to carry water across the school oval. Resources Australian Curriculum Focus : General Capabilities /Crosscurriculum priorities Literacy: students will need to communicate their judgements in an effective way Materials for building water carrier. Water Area for students to test. Books and writing equipment Rubric for Summative Assessment Technologies Knowledge, Understanding and skills. Science knowledge, understanding and skills. Judgement of effectiveness and presentation of task. A B C D E Development of drawings and design plan for water carrier were completed and well thought out. Student chose the most appropriate material to manipulate into an effective water carrier. Development of drawings and design plan for water carrier were completed and well developed. Student chose an appropriate material to manipulate into an effective water carrier. Development of drawings and design plan for water carrier were completed. Student chose a material to manipulate into an almost effective water carrier. Developments of drawings and design plan for water carrier were not completed appropriately. Student chose an ineffective material to manipulate into a water carrier. Developments of drawings and design plan for water carrier were not completed. Student did not choose a material to manipulate into a water carrier. Identified and explained when a water carrier like their development could be used. Identified when a water carrier like their development could be used. Stated when a water carrier like their development could be used. Could not state when a water carrier like their development could be used. Could not state when a water carrier could be used. Individually made and wrote detailed judgements. Individually made and wrote judgements. Judgements of effectiveness were logical and well thought out. Required sentence starters and assistance write judgements. Judgements of effectiveness were not appropriate. Did not write sentences even with the assistance of sentence starters. Judgments of effectiveness were logical, well thought out and descriptive. Required sentence starters or assistance to write judgements. Judgements of effectiveness were logical.