Walton High School - Great Wyrley High School

Great Wyrley High School
What kinds of special educational need does Great Wyrley
High School make provision for?
 Great Wyrley High school is a maintained mainstream secondary
school (11-18). We have provision to meet the needs of students with
moderate and specific Cognition and Learning Difficulties, children with
Communication and Interaction Difficulties (including students with
Autism Spectrum Conditions), young people experiencing Emotional,
Social and Mental Health difficulties and children with Sensory and/or
Physical difficulties.
 It should be noted, however Great Wyrley High School does not have
enhanced or specialist provision for any specific type of additional or
special educational need.
How will I know about my child’s progress in school?
 Four times a year you will receive a report informing you about your child’s
progress in each subject area, comparing their current attainment with their
target grade. You will also be informed about their behaviour and effort
along with any homework concerns.
 Once a year one of these reports will be a full annual report, the other
three will be ‘mini’ reports.
 There is one academic tutorial parents’ consultation week for each year
group following the full report. This is held with the form tutor. The
appointments are made to suit the parents availability from 8:00am to
7:30pm during the identified week. Also, there are at least 3 parent
partnership evenings a year for parents to meet with subject staff if they
want face to face feedback. All dates of Parents’ Consultation Evenings
are published in the school calendar and on the school website.
How will Great Wyrley High School identify and assess my
child’s special educational needs?
 Great Wyrley High School believes that children’s needs should be
identified and met as early as possible. This is done through:
the analysis of data including entry profiles, Key Stage 2 SAT results, reading
ages, spelling ages other whole-school learner progress data;
classroom-based assessment and monitoring arrangements;
following up parental concerns;
tracking individual children’s progress over time;
liaison with primary schools on transfer;
information from previous schools;
information from other services;.
involving an external agency where the student is not making adequate
progress and specialist knowledge that goes beyond that available in the
school is required;
Who should I contact if I have concerns about my child’s
progress at school?
● In the first instance, if you are concerned about a specific subject, contact that
subject teacher. All teachers can be contacted on the main school telephone
number: 01922 419 311.
● If your concern is more general about your child’s progress across a number of
subjects you should contact your child’s Head of House
Year 7/Transition Manager
Mrs Matthews
Mr Smith & Ms Stuart
Mr Mills & Mrs Williams
Mr M Hulme & Mrs Wood
Miss Knight & Miss Lloyd
● Your child’s teacher or the Head of House can consult the SENCO at any point and
will discuss with you whether a referral is appropriate
How does Great Wyrley High School evaluate the effectiveness of
provision for students with Special Educational Needs?
The monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of our provision for SEN learners is carried out
in the following ways:
classroom observation by the Heads of Department and Senior Leaders;
ongoing assessment of progress made by intervention groups;
work sampling on a termly basis;
scrutiny of planning by subject leaders;
informal feedback from all staff;
learner interviews when setting new targets or reviewing existing targets;
Review meetings with parents on a termly basis reviewing intervention plans of Assess,
Plan, Do, Review;
learner progress tracking using assessment data;
liaison with Inclusion Manager & evaluation of attendance records;
regular meetings about learners’ progress between the SENCO and Heads of House.
How is the curriculum and leaning environment adapted to meet
the needs of students with special educational needs?
 We aim to achieve full inclusion of all children.
 Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children
within the school and provide materials appropriate to children’s
interests and abilities. This ensures that all children have full access to
the school curriculum.
 Where children are underachieving and/or identified as having special
educational needs, the school provides intervention strategies to meet
their needs.
What additional support for learning is available at Great
Wyrley High School?
Wave 1 All Students
High quality teaching
differentiated to meet
individual needs
• High quality marking
and feedback
• Pastoral support
• Access to enrichment
• Regular assessment
and progress tracking
• Careers guidance
Wave 3
A small number of students
• Specialist support, including
support from outside
• Pastoral support
• Multi-agency intervention
• Counselling
Wave 2 Some students
• Literacy & Numeracy
Interventions eg, guided
reading, paired reading or
• Additional adult support
in lessons
• Keyworker
• Individual Mentoring
• Individual intervention
tailored to meet the
students needs
• 1-1 tuition for literacy and
What is Great Wyrley High School’s approach to teaching
students with Special Educational Needs?
 All learners will have access to high quality differentiated teaching for
individual learners in every classroom. Wave 1
 Any learners that are identified as underachieving and needing to make
accelerated progress will be provided with personalised interventions
 Learners will be offered SEN support when it is clear that their needs require
intervention which is “additional to” or “different from” the well-differentiated
curriculum and additional interventions on offer for all learners in the school i.e.
they have a special educational need as defined by the SEN Code of Practice
2014. Wave 2 and 3.
All students on the SEN register will be included on a detailed whole-school
provision map which outlines and monitors all additional intervention across the
How does Great Wyrley High School adapt the Curriculum
and Learning Environment for students with SEN?
 We aim to achieve full inclusion of all children whilst meeting their
individual needs.
 Teachers provide differentiated learning opportunities for all the children
through materials appropriate to their abilities. This ensures that all
children have full access to the school curriculum.
 Where children are identified as underachieving the school provides a
variety of approaches and interventions to address the needs .
 Currently for a small number of students in yr 11 the school offers an
alternative curriculum option for KS4.
What activities are available to my child outside of the school
 Great Wyrley High School is an inclusive school and all students
regardless of disabilities and/or special educational needs have a
recognised right to be included in all aspects of the school.
 All students at Great Wyrley High School have the opportunity to
access trips.
 Where needed the school will undertake risk assessments and if
needed provide additional support to ensure that students with Special
Educational Needs and/or Disabilities have access to extra-curricular
What support is there for my child’s overall well-being?
 We have a robust safeguarding policy and protocol in place. Student’s health
and well-being are a paramount concern.
 We pride ourselves on providing a high level of student support and guidance.
In year 7 students will be placed in a vertical tutor group and are likely to
remain with the same tutor as they progress up the school. This provides
continuity and builds a strong relationship between students, form tutor and
house staff. We have a robust anti-bullying policy and procedures to address
any incidents.
 The school employs a number of qualified First Aiders.
 Where appropriate we initiate EHA (Early Health Assessments) and work
closely with Health and Care practitioners to ensure students are provided with
co-ordinated support.
 When necessary we ensure that appropriate additional support for students
from other agencies.
What training is provided for staff supporting my
 Training is provided to all staff, including teachers and TA’s, as the
need arises and there is ongoing training for all staff on a weekly basis
including Anti-bullying, and Behaviour for Learning.
 Staff who are new to the school follow an induction programme which
includes training and information on SEN.
 Within the SEN team we have staff who have a range of experience
and training covering various SEN needs including CCET (Certificate
of Competence in Educational Testing); NVQ Level 2 & 3 Supporting
Learners in Schools; Behaviour Support; Supporting students with
ASD; Supporting students with ADHD; developing the role of the TA;
Preparing for Dyslexia Friendly Status.
How will Great Wyrley High School secure specialist equipment and
facilities for children with Special Educational Needs?
 As a school we can access a range of services including Visual and
Hearing Impaired Team and Disability Team. These services are
contacted when necessary and appropriate, according to your child’s
needs. If you believe your child needs specialist equipment or other
facilities please contact the SENCO or discuss the issue at the next
parent partnership evening or academic tutorial.
How are parents of children with special educational needs
involved in the education of their child?
The school aims to work in partnership with parents and carers. We do
so by:
giving parents and carers opportunities to play an active and valued role in their child’s education
We need you to support us and your child by encouraging them to fully engage with their
learning and any interventions offered by:
Helping them to be organised for their day (including bringing the right equipment and books)
Full attendance and good punctuality
Completion of homework
Checking and signing planner
Attending academic tutorials and parent partnership meetings
Attending any meetings specifically arranged for your child
If your child is identified as having Special Educational Needs we will support you further by
having regular communication and a named key worker for your child who will contact you on a
regular basis. You will be asked to be involved with drawing –up an Intervention Plan and
monitoring progress.
providing all information in an accessible way, including, where necessary, translated information for parents
with English as an Additional Language.
How are children with special educational needs involved
in making decisions about their education?
 We recognise that all learners have the right to be involved in making
decisions and exercising choice. In most lessons, all learners are involved
in monitoring and reviewing their progress through the use of feedback and
All SEN learners will have a keyworker. They will have termly review
meetings where targets will be agreed and recorded in the form of a passport.
● These targets will identify the learners own learning needs.
● The learner will know what their targets are and why they have them.
● They will self-review their progress and set new targets using the Assess
Plan, Do, Review model.
What do I do if I have a concern about the provision made for
my child?
 If there are any complaints relating to the provision for
children with Special Educational Needs these will be
dealt with in the first instance by the SENCO, Mel
Harrison then, if unresolved will be referred to a senior
member of staff.
 The governor with specific responsibility for
SEN/inclusion may be involved if necessary.
 In the case of an unresolved complaint the issue should
be taken through the general Governors’ complaints
procedure (see separate Complaints Policy).
What specialist services and expertise are available to support GW High
School in meeting my child’s special educational needs?
Effective working links will also be maintained with a variety of outside agencies, including
health and social services to assist the school in meeting the needs of all students. needs. The
school works closely with Staffordshire County Council and use the Early Health Assessment
process when appropriate to do so.
Great Wyrley High School currently receives support from
 Special Educational Needs Support Service (SENSS)
 Educational Psychology Service
 Specialist Services
 Autism Outreach Team
 Hearing Impairment Team
 Behaviour Support Team
 The Virtual School for Looked After Children
 The Educational Welfare Service
 The Local Support Team
 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (Camhs)
 School Nurse Service;
 Entrust Careers Service;
● Physical Disability Support Service;
The school works closely with Staffordshire County Council and use the Early Health
Assessment process when appropriate to do so.
Where can I get further advice and information from?
 Parent Partnership Service: Contact Number: 01785
 email:spps@staffordshire.gov.uk
How do you prepare my child for joining your school or
transferring to another phase of education?
 We liaise closely with primary schools and provide additional
transition support both before your child starts and afterwards, if
it is needed. We also host a summer school for year 6 sudents
which will include familiarisation activities.
 All children receive advice on careers and are encouraged to
visit colleges to explore post-16 courses. If additional support is
needed this will be put in place. We work closely with Entrust
Careers Service to ensure relevant paperwork is completed for
students with Statements/EHCP’s.
Where can I get further information about services/support for
my child?
 The Staffordshire Local Offer can be found at:
 www.staffordshiremarketplace.co.uk
Walton High School’s SEN support
 SENCO – Ms M Harrison
 Assistant SENCO – Mrs A Wilton
 Inclusion Manager: Mrs J Hughes
● School Governor with responsibility for SEND:
● Mrs L Lockett
● Assistant Headteacher: Mr S Frost
● You can contact any member of staff by telephoning
the main switchboard on 01922 419311