TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction E-rate for California Intermediate/Advanced Applicants Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 1 Agenda TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Role of CDE and State Library E-rate Technology Planning Discount Calculations Eligible Services (interconnected VOIP) FCC Form 470 Competitive Bidding FCC Form 471 Myths & Misconceptions- CIPA Gifting Rules Form 500 Audits CALNET 3 Appendices A. California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) B. Discount Calculations C. Eligible Services D. Invoice Reconciliation E. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 2 General Information about E-rate The role of CA Dept of Ed and State Library TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction CDE & State Library have no statutory authority to administer the federal E-rate program CDE & State Library only provide general information about the E-rate program including: training and outreach, reference materials, and other publicly available SLD/USAC resources Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 3 What is the NPRM & its Purpose TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • NPRM = Notice of Proposed Rulemaking • Purpose: To give applicants and the public an opportunity to provide input to the E-rate program. “How to Improve it” • Why: First Catalyst: Program does not have enough funds for P2, and may have challenges with P1 • Time Line: Initial Comments were due Sept 16th, and Reply Comments were due Oct 16th. However, you can always send comments via the Ex Parte Process • More on E-rate 2.0 at the Intermediate Advance Training Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 4 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation E-rate Technology Planning Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 5 E-rate Process Technology Planning TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction FCC Form 470 & RNL Competitive Bidding FCC Form 471 & RAL Application Review & FCDL FCC Form 486 FCC Forms 472 (BEAR) & 474 (SPI) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 6 Technology Plan Review 1. FCC rules require an “approved” technology plan when receiving E-rate discounts for priority 2 services. 2. Find your public charter, district or COE Tech Plan status at: 3. Tech Plan must be “written” prior to posting Form 470. 4. DOCUMENT the existence of this “Written Plan” – i.e., Letter/E-mail from Cabinet, screen print of file name and date, and physical copy of plan. 5. Must cover all 12 months of the funding year (July 1 – June 30). 6. E-rate only plans should not cover more than 3 years; EETT tech plans that meet Erate requirements can cover 5 years with progress review during 3 rd year. 7. Tech plans must include all services (both current and future) for which E-rate discounts are sought. 8. Must be approved by a “Certified Technology Plan Approver” See the Technology Plan approver locator tool on the USAC website: 10. Leverage the technology expertise of your CTAP regional assistance: CTAP: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 7 4 Required Elements of a Technology Plan Used for E-rate 1. Clear statement of goals and realistic strategy for using telecommunications and information technology to improve education or library services. 2. Professional Development strategy to ensure staff understands how to use technologies to improve education or library services 3. Needs Assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services that will be needed to improve education/library services Evaluation process to monitor progress towards goals and allows for mid-course corrections in response to new developments as they arise TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 4. Budget: No longer required in the tech plan but USAC will likely request this information during PIA or other application reviews. Best practice would be to put a budget with appropriate fund sources highlighted in your E-rate related documentation files. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 8 Technology Planning Tech Plan Cycle Dates TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Technology plans may be submitted for approval anytime but no later than: 1. Cycle A: November 30, 2013 2. Cycle B: May 31, 2014 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 9 Technology Planning “Must Do” Reminders 1. Must be “Written” prior to posting Form 470: – It must be documented that it is written before the posting of the form 470! (Applicant must document the existence of this plan, i.e., e-mail with plan attached, memo from cabinet level about the plan being written, including the date. “DATE STAMP.” ) 2. Must include a sufficient level of detail and cover all services (priority 2) for which E-rate discounts are being sought on the Form 470(s) and subsequent Form 471(s). 3. Must be approved by the start of services (July 1) or the filing of Form 486, whichever is earlier 4. E-rate only plans must be approved by a “USAC Certified Technology Plan Approver” see USAC link: 5. Tech plans must be submitted to your CTAP region for approval: 6. Must include all four required elements (as noted previously) regardless of the type of plan being used (E-rate only or Long Form tech plan) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 10 Technology Planning Additional reminders TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Service Providers may not act as technology plan approvers, write/create, or assist in the tech plan in any capacity • Remember to include in your tech plan all the services that you apply for on Form 470/471, required for priority 2 - internal connections, and basic maintenance Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 11 Technology Planning Help TOM TORLAKSON • CDE/E-rate: Larry Hiuga,, 916-327-4629 State Superintendent of Public Instruction • CDE/Tech Plans: Doris Stephen,, 916-324-9943 • CTAP: • CTAP Tech Plan Builder: • Libraries: Rushton Brandis, , 916-653-5471 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 12 Questions? TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 13 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation Discounts Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 14 Discounts General information TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • How large are the discounts on eligible products and services? – Discounts are 20-90 percent of eligible costs – Discount level for a school or library depends on: • Percentage of students who are eligible for National School Lunch Program (NSLP) in – (for a school) the school – (for a library) the school district in which the library is located • Urban or rural location of the school or library Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 15 Discounts Discount Matrix TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 16 Calculating Your Discount CA Public Schools/School Districts TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Use state-verified data sources for free and reduced lunch eligibility and enrollment • Use CALPADS Reports 1.1 and 5.1a for 2013 – If 2013 not available, 2012 raw data files, based on CALPADS located at: • Alternatively, use Child Nutrition and Information Payment System (“CNIP”) claim form – Claims are filed monthly, so you may choose which month’s data to use – Best practices to use consistent months year-toyear (i.e. every October) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 17 Discounts – sample report CALPADS Report 1.1 Enrollment TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 18 Discounts – sample report CALPADS Report 5.1a TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 19 CNIP Discounts – sample report TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 20 Calculating Your Discount Schools/School Districts TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Calculate the discount rate for each individual school • School District average = weighted average of the schools • Multiply E-rate discount by total student population of the school to get weighted product • Add all weighted products and divide by total students in school district • Raw data files located at: • Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 21 Calculating Your Discount Individual Libraries TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Calculate the total percentage of students eligible for NSLP in the school district in which the building is located • Use the urban/rural status of the county or census tract in which the library outlet is located Library Systems • Calculate the E-rate discount for each library outlet • Calculate the simple average of the library outlets – Add discounts for each outlet and divide by total number of outlets Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 22 Calculating Your Discount Non-Instructional Facilities (NIFs) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • NIFs on the campus of single school/library and that serve only that entity, get the discount of that school/library – Separate entity number necessary, only if public right-of-way is crossed • NIFs that serve multiple schools/libraries, and without classrooms or public areas, get shared discount (aka weighted average) for the school district/library system • NIFs that serve multiple schools and with classrooms use the snapshot method to get discount – Snapshot method: Choose a specific day and determine the NSLP eligibility of the student population that is in class on that day Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 23 Calculating Your Discount New School Construction TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • School under construction – Population is known = use that data – Population is unknown = use district shared discount • Library under construction – Same as regular individual library outlet • Private/Charter Schools – Population is known: use that data – Population is unknown: apply for 20% but can amend with actual figures if obtained later Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 24 National School Lunch Program Provisions 1, 2, and 3 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Allow for socio-economic survey to be used to establish reimbursement rate and reduce paperwork for schools • Applicant uses approved NSLP eligibility percentage to calculate discount rate • Schools submit base-year documentation to support discount rate • If extension is granted, applicants can submit extension approval letter to support discount rate Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 25 Head Start TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction National School Lunch Program • All Head Start students meet free lunch guidelines under NSLP • Head Start entities automatically qualify for 90% discount – Home based Head Start is not eligible – Early Head Start (EHS) is not eligible • If facility is shared with Head Start students and Early Head Start students a cost allocation must be done to account for the ineligible students Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 26 Validation Letter Process TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction If USAC’s PIA Reviewer Questions Entity and/or Discount %, Request Validation Letter from CDE • Follow instructions for the creation of certification letter from entity ( _Discount_Validation_Template.doc ) • • Send E-mail certification letter(using template with completed information from the above web link) and USAC PIA review e-mail to for validation • Validation e-mail from CDE will be created and sent to USAC within 48 hours if not sooner. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 27 Questions? TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 28 Intermediate/Advanced TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Eligible Services List (ESL) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 29 Eligible Services Categories of Service TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Priority 1 (P1): funded first – Telecommunications Services – Internet Access – Telecommunications • Priority 2 (P2): funding starts with neediest applicants – Internal Connections – Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 30 Eligible Services List Order TOM TORLAKSON As of FY 2013 ESL - List of P1 Services was Consolidated State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Priority One services are no longer separated by regulatory category (Telecommunications Services, Telecommunications, and Internet Access) – Consolidation is to make ESL more user-friendly • There are no changes to FCC rules and requirements – Consolidated list includes services that can be requested as Telecom Services or Internet Access on the FCC Form 471 (e.g., voice mail, interconnected VoIP, fiber) depending on the type of service provider Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 31 Eligible Services List Order ESL Order 2014 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – FY 2014 Dark Fiber eligibility clarification: • Special construction charges for leased dark fiber are eligible only on the applicant’s property. • Special construction charges for dark fiber from the applicant’s property line out to a carrier’s fiber network are not eligible (see diagram). • For leased lit fiber, all service charges are eligible, implicitly including charges associated with the offcampus construction. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 32 Eligible Services TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Priority One Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 33 Priority One Telecommunications Services TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – Local and long distance service – Cellular – Digital Transmission Services • • • • DSL T1, DS1, DS3 Satellite PRI – For more details refer to Beginners Presentation at Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 34 Priority One Not Eligible as Telecom Services TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Broadcast “Blast” messaging • Monitoring services for 911, E911 or alarm telephone lines • Services to ineligible locations • End-user devices – Cell phones, tablet devices, netbooks and computers Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 35 Priority One Internet Access (IA) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Support for IA includes charges to access the Internet and costs for the conduit to the Internet • For wireless IA, make the distinction if this is cellular (i.e. mobile) or not and if it is on campus only. • Other eligible Internet Access services include: – E-mail service – Wireless Internet access – Interconnected VoIP – Web hosting Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 36 Priority One Not Eligible as Internet Access TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Costs for Internet content – Subscription services such as monthly charges for on-line magazine subscriptions • Internet2 membership dues • Website creation fees • Web-based curriculum software • Software, services or systems used to create or edit Internet content • Off campus use of wireless IA is not eligible Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 37 Ineligible Internet Services Ineligible charges related to web hosting • TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • • • • Costs attributable to the creation or modification of information, or design such as a web site creation fee or content maintenance fees. Content supplied as part of a web hosting service created by third-party vendors or the web hosting service provider itself and any features or software involving data input or Retrieval other than the provision of applicant-created content for an educational purpose (e.g. teacher web pages or blogs). Databases; student attendance or grades or grade management; course scheduling; tests or testing systems; online/interactive education systems; and learning/education Management systems. (An eligible web hosting service will also not include support for the applications necessary to run online classes or collaborative meetings). Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 38 Internet Services FY 2014 Clarification of Eligible Internet features TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Features to facilitate ability to communicate, e.g., • blogging & • discussion boards are eligible if part of a web hosting package. – Not eligible if they are offered as a standalone service. • Because FCC did not designate these features as standalone services, applicants may NOT seek them from multiple providers. – Applicants may not seek funding for web hosting services from one vendor and communications features from another Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 39 Eligible Services TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Priority Two Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 40 Priority Two Internal Connections TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Support for equipment and cabling onsite that transport info to classrooms or public rooms of a library • Subject to the Two-in-Five Rule – Entities can only receive funding every two out of five years Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 41 Priority Two Internal Connections TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 42 Priority Two TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections (BMIC) • Support for basic maintenance of eligible internal connections • Such as: – Repair and upkeep of hardware – Wire and cable maintenance – Basic tech support – Configuration changes Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 43 Priority Two Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Agreements or contracts must state the eligible components covered, make, model, and location • Service must be delivered between July 1June 30 • Two-in-Five Rule does not apply to BMIC Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 44 Priority Two BMIC Updated Guidance TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Applicants may make estimates based on: – Hours per year of maintenance – History of needed repairs and upkeep and – Age of eligible internal connections • Applicants using the factors listed above must submit a bona fide request • It is not reasonable to estimate an amount that would cover the full cost of every piece of eligible equipment Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 45 Priority Two BMIC Updated Guidance TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Flat rate contracts may be eligible however, applicants may only invoice for services actually delivered/work performed • Exceptions that will not require demonstration that work was performed are: – Software upgrades and patches – Bug fixes and security patches and – Online and telephone based technical support Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 46 Eligible Services Open Items for USAC/FCC TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Are free VoIP handsets permissible if provided to all customers? • –DA 10-2355 states, “For example, many cell phones are free or available to the general public at a discounted price with the purchase of a two-year service contract. Schools and libraries are free to take advantage of these deals, without cost allocation, but cannot accept other equipment with service arrangements that are not otherwise available to some segment of the public or class of users.” • FCC still determining eligibility of handsets on a case by case basis Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 47 Eligible Services Open Items for USAC/FCC TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Cloud Services: – You may see CLOUD type services being offered as part of a web hosting (bundled internet), etc. At previous USAC training, it was stated that CLOUD services was stated as being ineligible in general. There was no specific official guidance at this point. USAC will work with FCC for an official position Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 48 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced FCC Form 470 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 49 FCC Form 470 Form Summary TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Indicates the services and categories of service which entities are seeking. • Must be based on tech plan for Priority 2 services. • Must be posted for at least 28 days. • Indicates if you are planning/have issued an RFP. • Indicates any special requirements and/or disqualification factors. • Indicates who will be receiving the services. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 50 FCC Form 470 Request for Proposal (RFP) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • FCC rules refer to RFPs generically, but they may have a variety of names (Request for Quotes, Scope, or Statement of Work). • FCC rules do not require RFPs, but state and local procurement rules may. • Must be based on entities’ tech plan (if Priority 2 services). • Must be available to bidders for at least 28 days – Applicants must count 28 calendar days from whichever document (FCC Form 470 or RFP) was posted or available last • Example: RFP posted on December 1, Form FCC 470 posted on December 15, December 15 starts the 28-day clock. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 51 FCC Form 470 FCC Form 470 and RFP issues TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Provide sufficient detail on FCC Form 470 for the desired products/services. – Cannot provide generic descriptions (e.g., all eligible telecom services, Digital Transmission Services). – Cannot provide laundry lists of products and services. • Significant change(s) made to RFP after its release may require the 28 day bidding period to re-start. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 52 FCC Form 470 Beware of KILLER GOTCHA’S TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Indicated you would not have an RFP and yet you released one, or the reverse. • Forgot to add one or more services on the Form 470. • Did not allow sufficient time for Form 470 and/or RFP to be posted for 28 days. – Added detail to RFP that caused 28 day period to re-start. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 53 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Competitive Bidding Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 54 Competitive Bidding Basics TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • You must ensure that the competitive bidding process is open and fair. – You must keep all incoming bids/correspondence with bidders and – Evaluate bids equally – All potential bidders have access to the information from your FCC Form 470 and RFP (if you filed one), and they can respond to your requests. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 55 Competitive Bidding Basics TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Avoid conflicts of interests • Independent Consultant vs. Service Provider • Applicant vs. Service Provider • Follow and UNDERSTAND the rules – FCC, State and local • Board Policy • California Public Contract Code • Bid Limits/Thresholds: • Master Contracts • Document the process!!! Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 56 Competitive Bidding NEW REQUIREMENT AS OF FY2013 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – Commission’s competitive bidding rules prohibit applicants from including a particular manufacturer’s name, brand, product or service in an FCC Form 470 or request for proposals (RFPs) unless they also use the words “or equivalent” in such a description. • “XYZ manufacturer's high-speed router model 345J or equivalent” meets new requirement. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 57 Competitive Bidding Applicants Cannot TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Have a relationship with service providers that would unfairly influence the outcome of the competition • Furnish service providers with inside competitive information • Have ownership interest in a service provider’s company competing for services • Violate gifting rules Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 58 Competitive Bidding Applicants CAN TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Have pre-bidding discussions with potential bidders as long as that doesn’t lead to one bidder having more information than another • Attend product demonstrations • Encourage and seek vendors to bid • Do research to determine what costeffective solutions are available Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 59 Competitive Bidding Service Providers cannot TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Dictate the types of services the applicant will seek on a FCC Form 470/RFP • Prepare, assist applicants with filling out the FCC Form 470/RFP • Sign, certify and/or submit FCC Form 470 • Assist or run the competitive bidding process for the applicant, which includes preparing or conducting the bid evaluation and selection process. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 60 Competitive Bidding Service Providers CAN TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Ask clarifying questions when bids or descriptions are vague or generic or if more information is needed in order for the service provider to effectively respond to Form 470 and/or RFP Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 61 Competitive Bidding Bid Evaluation TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Vendor selection criteria should be posted with the RFP • Vendor evaluation begins after 28 day waiting period • Follow your vendor selection criteria • Price of the eligible goods and services must be primary factor overall (the most cost-effective) • Other factors, including other price factors, can be considered as well but they cannot be weighted equally or higher than cost of the eligible goods and services Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 62 Competitive Bidding Sample Evaluation Matrix TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 63 Competitive Bidding AVOID Sham Bidding TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • “I want to stay with my incumbent” • Must respond to all legitimate inquiries – Bidders can’t just send spam, but you have to talk to bidders, too – Providers that are being stonewalled may contact USAC for assistance or may use the “Whistleblower’s Hotline” • Cost to transfer to another provider alone is not by itself a good enough reason to stay with incumbent • Avoid appearances of a “done deal” • Don’t post for something you don’t want • If plans change, have a plan to communicate with potential bidders Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 64 Competitive Bidding Reminders TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Solution must be cost-effective • An existing contract can be used as a bid response to your posted FCC Form 470 – Post 470, evaluate all bids & existing contract, memorialize your decision if existing contract is selected • No bids or one bid (email yourself noting the fact) • Retain all vendor selection documentation – Winning and losing bids, correspondences, memos, bid evaluation documents, etc. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 65 Competitive Bidding Choosing a service provider TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • After you close the competitive bidding process for your services (on or after the ACD), you can: – Evaluate bids received – Choose your service provider(s) – Sign a contract – Submit an FCC Form 471 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 66 Competitive Bidding Choosing a service provider TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 1. Must be signed AFTER 28 days have elapsed but BEFORE you file your Form 471 2. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FINE PRINT! 3. Allow enough time to take contracts to Board for approval (if required by Board policy) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 67 State Master Contracts & E-rate TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Master Contracts, Multiple Awards Schedules, and Piggyback Contracts may be used but do not preclude FCC bidding requirements • Make sure Board policy is followed when using master contracts • Applicant must still post a Form 470 and conduct a 28-day competitive bidding process • Form 470 must indicate that vendors must be master contract holders in order to respond • All other federal requirements must be met (28-days, most cost effective bid, etc…) • If one vendor holding a master contract is encouraged to bid, ALL vendors holding the master contract must be contacted • ONLY exception is CalNet with State Form 470 Competitive Bidding Gotchas TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Applicant did not follow requirements of Public Contract Code (“CPCC”) • Did not conduct formal bid for services over the annual bid limit, and did not advertise in the newspaper • Did not follow the CPCC bidding requirements for public works projects • Applicant did not conduct a bona fide competitive bidding process when purchasing off a master contract, piggyback contract, or multiple awards schedule • Applicant awarded contract before the required 28-day window was completed Competitive Bidding Gotchas (continued) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Applicant did not run a fair and open process and did not respond to all vendors equally – Bid Protests – Whistleblower Hotline • Applicant did not adequately identify disqualifying factors in competitive bidding documents • Applicant did not adequately describe services sought on Form 470 • Inappropriate vendor involvement in preparation of bidding documents Bidding/Contracting Tips TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Plan for growth of or decrease of services over the term of awarded contracts – Increased Demand for Bandwidth – School openings/closures – Form 470 and/or RFP must account for such contingencies • One-year contract with voluntary extensions versus multi-year contracts – Contract language must allow for extensions • Read the Fine Print, may involve legal council if contract is being provided by the service provider. • Contracts contingent on receipt of funding approval both through E-rate and locally TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Requesting Funding FCC Form 471 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 72 New FCC Forms 470 and 471 Proposed FCC Form 470 Updates New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 73 Proposed FCC Form 470 Updates Consolidated the Telecommunications and Internet access categories of service into the field Priority One Services Applicants must still distinguish services between Telecommunications and Internet access on the FCC Form 471 New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 74 Proposed FCC Form 470 Updates Block 2, item 8a, 10a and 11a text addition – 8a, 10a, 11a. YES, I have released or intend to release an RFP for one or more of these services. It is available or will become available on the Internet at: New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 75 New FCC Forms 470 and 471 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 76 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates Block 2 has been removed and a new data gathering section has been added to Block 5 New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 77 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates Additional Block 5 reporting requirements – For Broadband and other connectivity services only • E.g. T-1, fiber, DSL, cable, cellular wireless hotspots, satellite – Does not apply to non-broadband or other connectivity services • E.g. Cellular service, web hosting and email service – Complete information for every applicable funding request New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 78 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates If you are not requesting broadband or other connectivity services for the individual funding request, check the box New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 79 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates If you are requesting broadband or other connectivity services, fill out Block 5, Item 24 For example, if you request one T-1, six fiber connections that average 150 Mbps and one gigabit connection: New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 80 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates Item 25 b, 1 - For applicants if the Internet service is available to students or patrons in more than just a single location or office – If the access is provided by wired connections, approximately what percentage of the school classroom or public library rooms included in the Block 4 worksheet for this FRN will have access to wired drops? _____? New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 81 Proposed FCC Form 471 Updates Item 25 b, 2 - For applicants if the Internet service is available to students or patrons in more than just a single location or office – If the access is provided by Wi-Fi connections, approximately what percentage of the school classroom or public library rooms included in the Block 4 worksheet for this FRN will have access to wired drops? _____? New FCC Forms 470 and 471 I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 82 FCC Form 471 Purpose TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Identify the service providers and eligible services you have chosen • Identify the eligible schools and libraries that will receive services • Calculate how much support you seek for the year • Include your discount calculation information • Certify your compliance with program rules Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 83 FCC Form 471 General Information TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Must be filed every funding year • This is your actual request for funding • This is where you specify…Who, What, Where, When, & How – – – – – WHO: WHAT: WHERE: WHEN: HOW: Service providers chosen Services being requested Service Delivery locations Dates for services Costs for services and terms Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 84 FCC Form 471 Reminders TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Include ALL NIFS on the Block 4 that will be receiving discounted services • Separate Priority 1 and Priority 2 services on two different Forms 471 • Separate Recurring from Non-Recurring charges – Contract expiration date for non-recurring services - September 30 (coincides with deadline for delivery of services for non-recurring charges) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 85 FCC Form 471 Filing Strategies TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Priority One Filing Strategies – File questionable services on a separate Form 471. • Priority Two Filing Strategies – Create multiple Block 4s to identify different groups of sites. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 86 FCC Form 471 Item 21 Attachments TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – The description of services (including price) associated with a funding request – Avoid TMI Syndrome (Too Much Information) – Can be submitted online, by fax, e-mail, or on paper – Attachment(s) are part of the FCC Form 471 and they must be submitted by the close of the application filing window to ensure that the FCC Form 471 is treated as on time Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 87 FCC Form 471 Item 21 Attachments TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Remove ineligible costs – be careful – 30% rule –30% or more of funding request dollar value cannot be for ineligible products and services. the entire request may be denied unless… – Can be rectified during your PIA process: Remove it-Split it up- separate FRN • Work with service provider(s) to create your Item 21 attachment(s) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 88 FCC Form 471 DEADLY ERRORS TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • DON’T file Priority One and Priority Two funding requests on the same Form 471 • DON’T forget to wait at least 29 days after any mandatory processes associated with your competitive bidding before selecting a service provider or signing any contracts • DON’T submit your Form 471 BEFORE signing all related contracts • DON’T forget to CERTIFY your submitted application (whether electronic or paper certification) • Item 21 must be submitted by close of Form 471 filing window Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 89 FCC Form 471 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 90 FCC Form 471 Receipt Acknowledgement Letter (RAL) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – A letter issued by USAC to the applicant and the service provider that summarizes the information provided in the FCC Form 471 – Many of the entries on the form can be corrected after submission by using the RAL – Ministerial and clerical errors can be corrected until USAC issues the letter containing USAC’s decisions on your funding requests (FCDL) – Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 91 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Application Review and FCDL Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 92 E-Rate Process Technology Planning TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction FCC Form 470 & RNL Competitive Bidding FCC Form 471 & RAL Application Review & FCDL FCC Form 486 FCC Forms 472 (BEAR) & 474 (SPI) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 93 Application Review TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • You must answer all PIA reviewer questions; • Ask for reviewer assistance/clarification if you don’t understand what they are requesting from you. • Share PIA reviewer letter with anyone/everyone (your “E-rate support team”) who can help/contribute to your responses. • Send PIA letter to your “E-rate support team” and or service provider as soon as you receive it, to give them adequate time to gather data/information in support of what you need to respond. • Be responsive; establish a working relationship with PIA reviewer. • Request additional time from PIA if you need it! Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 94 Application Review TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • If you cannot answer PIA reviewer’s questions by deadline or you fail to respond to all of the PIA reviewer’s questions: – Your funding request amounts will be reduced or Worst case: – your funding requests will be denied. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 95 FCDL TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Upon receipt of your FCDL, review for details on approved or denied requests and your next steps. • FCDL is your “trigger” to file subsequent forms both for USAC and Service Providers • You have 60 days from FCDL date to submit an appeal if you do not agree with USAC’s funding decision(s). • If you miss the 60 day window to appeal, then SLD determination is final. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 96 TOM TORLAKSON Intermediate/Advanced Presentation State Superintendent of Public Instruction Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) & Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 97 CIPA Basics • Children’s Internet Protection Act (“CIPA”) enacted in December of 2000 – effective April 20, 2001 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • CIPA requirements apply to ALL applicants that receive funding in following categories of service: • P1 - Internet Access • P2 - Internal Connections • P2 - Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections • CIPA compliance is not required for applications for P1 - Telecommunications Services and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) • First-time applicants (ONLY) may have up to two additional years to come into compliance Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 98 CIPA Compliance Recap of continuing requirements TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 1. Internet safety policy 2. Technology protection measure (filter) 3. Public notice of – and public meeting or hearing on – the Internet safety policy For a detailed discussion of CIPA requirements: Children’s Internet Protection Act website guidance Form 486 Instructions Form 479 Instructions Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 99 Protecting Children in the 21st Century Basics • Erroneously referred to as CIPA • Supplement to CIPA Policy TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Enacted in October of 2008 – effective July 1, 2012 • Requirements apply ONLY to school and school district applicants that receive funding in following categories of service: • P1 - Internet Access • P2 - Internal Connections • P2 - Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections • LIBRARIES – No new requirements. The above July 1, 2012 requirement does not apply to Libraries • Requires applicants meet certain requirements regarding education of minors and cyberbullying awareness and response Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 100 Overview of Protecting Children in the 21st Century Requirements TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Schools must educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms (education requirements apply only to minors and not adults) • Schools must promote cyberbullying awareness and response • Schools must update their Internet Safety Policies to address these new requirements • These activities must have been in place by July 1, 2012 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 101 Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Additional Information on New Requirements TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • “Social networking” and “cyberbullying” are not defined, nor are specific procedures or curricula detailed for schools to use in educating students – Congress’ intent is that local authorities should make decisions in this area. – Resources are available to assist in this process if needed – e.g., OnGuard – For more guidance, go to: • Schools do not need to hold a new public meeting or hearing about amendments adopted to meet these requirements unless required to do so by state or local rules. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 102 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced E-rate Gift Rules Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 103 E-rate Gift Rules Rules codified in FY 2011 in 6th Report & Order TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Receipt or solicitation of gifts by applicants from service providers and potential service providers and vice versa is a competitive bidding violation. • Rules apply to everyone participating in E-rate. • Gift prohibitions are applicable year-round, not just during the competitive bidding process. • Must always follow FCC rules. May also need to comply with additional state/local requirements. If those provisions are more stringent than federal requirements, failure to comply with them will be a violation of FCC rules. • Counted per funding year Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 104 E-rate Gift Rules Gift Rule Exceptions TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • “Modest refreshments not offered as part of a meal, items with little intrinsic value intended for presentation, and items worth $20 or less, including meals, may be offered or provided, and accepted by any individuals or entities subject to this rule, if the value of these items received by any individual does not exceed $50 from one service provider per funding year.” See 47 C.F.R. § 54.503(d)(1). • Single source = all employees, officers, representatives, agents, contractors, or directors of the service provider. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 105 Charitable Donations Questionable Charitable Contributions TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Equipment, including laptops and cell phones, may be permissible if it benefits the school or library as a whole and broadly serves an educational purpose. – Gifts of equipment that increase demand for a donor’s services, and thus cause the applicant to purchase more of a provider’s services, are prohibited. • Example: Service provider donates computers, causing a need for more Internet Access, which the provider sells to the library Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 106 Prizes TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Conferences and Training Sessions • Raffle tickets, prizes, or door prizes that have a retail value of over $20 violate the gift rules unless the event is open to the public. – “Open to the Public” means the event is free of charge and that members of the public at large typically attend such a gathering. • State Fair would qualify • State District IT Directors meeting would not qualify Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 107 Conferences and Training Sessions Widely Attended Events TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • “Widely attended events” are exempt from gift rules. See 5 C.F.R. § 2635.203(g) – Gathering is widely attended if: • Employee’s attendance must be in the interest of the agency (i.e. school or library) and further its programs and operations, and • It is expected that a large number of persons will attend, and • Persons with a diversity of views or interests will be present. – Event is open to members from throughout the interested industry or professional or those in attendance represent a range of persons interested in a given matter. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 108 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Form 500 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 109 Form 500 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction To request adjustment to Funding Commitment $ and/or modify Receipt of Service Confirmation: • To request one or more of the following changes to a Funding Request Number (FRN) to: – – – – Change service start date on the FRN; Change contract expiration date on the FRN; Reduce funding amount on the FRN; Cancel the FRN • NOTE: Once you submit a Form 500 to reduce or cancel the funding amount, it is irreversible. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 110 Intermediate/Advanced TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Service Substitutions Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 111 Service Substitutions To request change in products and/or services specified in Form 471 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Substitution of a service or product must meet the following conditions: • Substituted services or products have same functionality as services or products contained in original proposal. • Substitution does not violate any contract provisions or state or local procurement laws. • Substitution does not result in an increase in percentage of ineligible services or functions. • Requested change is within the scope of controlling FCC Form 470, including any Requests for Proposal, for the original service. For details: Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 112 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation SPIN Changes Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 113 SPIN Changes SPIN changes: Operational vs. Corrective • Pre-commitment SPIN changes: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – Corrective SPIN changes only (i.e., data entry errors). • Post-commitment SPIN changes: (as referenced previously in this presentation) 6th Report & Order restricted Operational SPIN changes as follows: – Operational SPIN changes must have legitimate reason to change, such as breach of contract or provider unable to perform, and – must select provider with the next highest point value in evaluation. For more details: Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 114 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Audits Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 115 Audits Purpose of E-rate audits TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Primary purposes of audits: to ensure compliance with FCC rules and program requirements and to assist in prevention and detection of waste, fraud, & abuse • If you cannot prove that you followed the rules, then it will be assumed that you DID NOT follow the rules. • The consequences of negative findings by an auditor can mean payback by the School/District/Library of E-rate monies… or worse. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 116 EXPECT TO BE AUDITED TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Audits • Various types of E-rate Audits: – BCAP- conducted to determine compliance with FCC & program rules, such as Eligibility, Competitive bidding, CIPA, etc. • Audit takes several weeks, site visits typically last 3-5 days – PQA – Payment Quality Assessment assesses the rate of improper E-rate disbursements • Assessment, not an audit. Similar to a condensed desk audit with no site visits Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 117 Always Be Prepared for Audits Document Retention Requirements • Keep for 5 years after last date of service TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – Be aware of contract dates and extensions – All USAC correspondence, including Quarterly Disbursement Reports • Make sure all departments understand document retention requirements for E-rate – E.g., food services data, surveys, etc., in support of NSLP participation • Align Board policies with E-rate requirements • Per 5th Report and Order: if applicant can’t prove compliance with rules through documentation, they must assume that you didn’t follow the rules • No documentation = Recovery of Funds (Applicant may have to pay back USAC for Erate monies they already received) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 118 PREPARING FOR AUDITS Audits 1. Plan ahead for an audit or review by documenting every step of the process as the work is done. TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction e.g., document how you conducted competitive bidding; save copies of any RFPs issued in conjunction with any Form 470s, save copies of your bid evaluation matrix and scoring of bidders, etc. 2. Create and maintain ORGANIZED E-rate binders for EACH funding year • Retain ALL E-rate related documents • Contact service providers for assistance when appropriate • USAC Documentation Checklists for PQA’s and BCAP audits BCAP: PQA: it/SL-Documents.pdf Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 119 Other Levels of Scrutiny •H.A.T.S Visits Audits •Helping Applicants To Succeed TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Primarily for applicants that have had funding issues in the past • Welcome the help…do not be afraid • Special Compliance Reviews • Typically during PIA • Item 25 Selective Review • Cost Effectiveness Review • CIPA Compliance and Competitive Bidding Selective Reviews Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 120 Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes Overview 1. Submitting paper forms containing errors 2. Missing deadlines 3. Not following competitive bidding rules 4. Not communicating with service providers after the competitive bidding process 5. Mixed bucket funding requests 6. Incorrect discount calculations 7. Incomplete PIA responses 8. Missing or incomplete Item 21 attachments 9. Ignoring USAC letters 10. Poor invoicing practices 11. Inadequate document retention 12. Not managing your E-rate process Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 121 Paper Forms Submitting paper forms containing errors We suggest that you file your FCC forms electronically. If you file on paper, complete every field in FCC Forms and check for accuracy before submitting. Otherwise: • The Client Service Bureau (CSB) must first contact you and ask for corrections. If you didn’t include identifying information on your paper form, CSB may not be able to reach you. • Your FCC Form 470 may not be posted by the deadline. (Forms filed online are posted immediately.) • Paper invoice forms (FCC Forms 472 and 474) with incomplete information may be rejected upfront (“pass zero”). Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 122 Paper Forms Unsigned, undated FCC Form 486 paper certification Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 123 Paper Forms FCC Form 472 – applicant FCC Form 472 – service certification page 3 signed by provider certification page 4 applicant signed by same applicant Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 124 Paper Forms Submitting paper forms containing errors To avoid delays and/or denials: • File online if possible. • Check your work for accuracy. • Refer to the source documents that contain the correct information (e.g., Funding Commitment Decision Letter, FCC Form 486 Notification Letter) when you work on your forms. • Ask CSB for help if you need it. – Submit a Question or call (888) 203-8100 Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 125 Deadlines Missing deadlines Many FCC forms and requests are subject to deadlines. Missing a deadline can have negative consequences, including: • An FCC Form 471 submitted after the close of the filing window will not be considered for funding. • An FCC Form 486 submitted after the deadline will have its service start date adjusted to the date 120 days before receipt or postmark of the form. Invoices for services delivered before the adjusted service start date will not be paid. • An appeal submitted after the 60-day deadline will be dismissed. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 126 Deadlines Missing deadlines Common problems (cont.) • A service delivery deadline extension requests submitted after the last day to receive services will be rejected. • An invoice submitted after the invoice deadline will be rejected. To resubmit, an invoice deadline extension request must first be submitted to USAC and approved. • Ministerial or clerical error corrections submitted after the FCDL is issued will not be made by PIA. • PIA questions that are not answered result in a decision based on the information at hand, which may lead to a reduction or a denial. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 127 E-rate Program Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes Fall 2013 Applicant Trainings Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 128 Competitive Bidding Not Following Competitive Bidding Rules Posting an FCC Form 470 opens a competitive bidding process governed by program rules. Any of the following violations of those rules can lead to funding denials: • Not waiting 28 days after posting an FCC Form 470 to the USAC website or after issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) – whichever is later – before closing your competitive bidding process, selecting a service provider, signing a contract, and filing an FCC Form 471. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 129 Competitive Bidding Not Following Competitive Bidding Rules Common problems (cont.): • Stating on the FCC Form 470 that you have not issued or do not intend to issue an RFP or similar document describing the desired services or procurement process, when in fact you have or later do issue an RFP or similar document. • Neglecting to conduct a bid evaluation. • Not considering the price of the eligible products and services as the most heavily weighted factor in your bid evaluation. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 130 Competitive Bidding Not Following Competitive Bidding Rules Common problems (cont.) • Neglecting to evaluate all comparable options on a state master contract, using the same criteria you would use to evaluate bids received in response to your own FCC Form 470. • Accepting assistance with your competitive bidding process from a service provider. • Having improper communications with the selected service provider or accepting prohibited gifts from the selected service provider prior to or during the competitive bidding process. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 131 Competitive Bidding Not Following Competitive Bidding Rules To avoid delays and/or denials: • Review the competitive bidding and bid evaluation guidance and related documents on the USAC website and follow them. • Make sure your competitive bidding process is open and fair. • Ask CSB for help if you need it. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 132 Service Providers Lack of Communication with the Service Provider Communication with the service provider AFTER the competitive bidding process is over is an important part of the application process. Lack of communication can result in: • Contractual disputes where no program rules were violated – USAC’s ability to provide assistance is extremely limited in these circumstances. • Incorrect SPINs featured on FCC Form 471 funding requests. • Service providers not prepared to assist applicants with technical information requested during PIA review. • Ineligible products and/or services delivered. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 133 Service Providers Lack of Communication with the Service Provider Common problems (cont.) • Invoicing issues, for example: – Confusion about invoicing method (BEAR vs. SPI). – Services that must be invoiced under separate FRNs or separate SPINs. – BEAR reimbursements sent to the wrong address or entity. – Services delivered before the service start date that are ineligible for discounts because of timing. – Invoicing for products/services that, while eligible, were not approved as part of a funding request. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 134 Service Providers Lack of Communication with the Service Provider To avoid delays and/or denials: • Use the Search for SPIN Information tool to find your service provider E-rate Program contact information if you do not know it. • Review your contract and related documents BEFORE signing them. • Verify with the service provider how many funding requests to file and which SPINs and costs to feature on each one. • Discuss service delivery, services, invoicing and other program issues with your service provider(s) EARLY in the process but NOT before the competitive bidding process has ended. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 135 Mixed Bucket Funding Requests Mixed Bucket Funding Requests Mixing Priority 1 (Telecommunications Services and Internet Access) and Priority 2 (Internal Connections and Basic Maintenance) on the same funding request or the same application causes delays. • Mixed bucket funding requests filed as Priority 1 must be separated out by your PIA reviewer, and you will be asked to confirm the separation. • Mixed bucket funding requests filed as Priority 2 may not be reviewed until Priority 2 reviews start. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 136 Mixed Bucket Funding Requests Mixed Bucket Funding Requests To avoid delays and/or denials: • Review the Eligible Services List for the appropriate funding year to understand which products and services fall under Priority 1 and which fall under Priority 2. • If your Priority 1 request contains leased equipment, also review the On-Premise Priority 1 Equipment guidance to verify that it is eligible under Priority 1. • Check your FCC Form 471 and Item 21 attachment for accuracy. • Ask CSB for help if you need it. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 137 Discount Calculations Incorrect Discount Calculations PIA reviews discount calculations and information carefully. Poor documentation and incorrect or outdated data can delay funding decisions. Here are some of the most common problems: • If the discount for an entity has increased from the previous year, not providing National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or other discount validation documentation up front. • Providing discount data from a previous funding year to substantiate the current year’s discount calculation (unless program guidance allows for this, e.g., survey data used for two consecutive funding years). Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 138 Discounts Incorrect Discount Calculations Problems with applicants not using NSLP data to calculate their discounts: • Using NSLP forms as surveys. • Not keeping copies of surveys. • Projecting discounts from surveys with a return rate below 50%. • Using Community Eligibility Option (CEO) data to validate the reported discount. – NOTE: CEO schools use NSLP data from the year before they started participation in CEO. The FCC has not indicated whether it will provide a waiver for FY2014 applications to use old data. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 139 Discounts Incorrect Discount Calculations To avoid delays and/or denials: • Read the Calculating Discounts guidance to understand how discounts are calculated and what documentation you need. • Review and follow the Alternative Discount Mechanisms guidance if you are not using NSLP data. • Maintain your discount calculation source documentation – e.g., NSLP data, surveys, list of matching siblings, direct certification list – for each year it affects so that you can produce it if requested. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 140 Responses to PIA Incomplete Responses to PIA Program Integrity Assurance (PIA) reviews applications for compliance with program rules. If PIA emails or faxes questions but receives incomplete responses, or no response, the funding decision is based on the information at hand. Incomplete responses include: • A response that does not directly address the PIA questions. • A response that addresses some but not all of the PIA questions. • A response that does not include documentation when documentation was specifically requested. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 141 Responses to PIA Insufficient Response Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 142 Responses to PIA Insufficient Response Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 143 Responses to PIA Incomplete Responses to PIA To avoid delays and/or denials: • If PIA emails or faxes questions to you, read them carefully. – If you understand the questions and the documentation requested, respond promptly. – If you do not understand what is being requested, contact the initial reviewer immediately for clarification and document such contact. • If you need more time, ask for it. • If you feel you are not communicating successfully with your initial reviewer, ask to speak to a manager. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 144 Item 21 Attachments Missing or Incomplete Item 21 Attachments The Item 21 attachment is a detailed description of the services in each funding request and an FCC Form 471 will be considered incomplete until the Item 21 attachment is submitted. PIA uses this information in its review. Common problems include: • Missing Item 21 attachments. If an Item 21 attachment is not submitted by the deadline, the associated funding request will be denied. • Incomplete information. PIA will reach out for additional information or clarification if needed. Without this information, PIA must make its funding decision based on the information provided. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 145 Item 21 Attachments Item 21 Attachment Missing Information Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 146 Item 21 Attachments Item 21 Attachment with No Identifying Information (FCC Form 471 application number, FRN, BEN, etc.) Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 147 Item 21 Attachments Missing or Incomplete Item 21 Attachments To avoid delays and/or denials: • Read and carefully follow the Item 21 Attachment guidance. • Identify your work – contact information, FRN, etc. • Check your work for completeness and accuracy. • File online if possible. • File early. • If you file by email, fax, or on paper, include all the Item 21 attachments for a single FCC Form 471 in one clearly labeled submission. USAC stores these by form number, not by FRN. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 148 USAC Letters USAC Receipt Acknowledgment and Notification Letters Each time you file an FCC form, USAC issues a letter containing useful information. You should review the contents of the letter carefully. If you don’t: • You may miss errors that could be corrected by using the procedure described in the letter. • You may not be aware of the next steps in the process, including upcoming deadlines. • The processing of your next program form may be delayed if you do not refer to the information in the current letter when completing that next form. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 149 USAC Letters FCDL Next Steps Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 150 USAC Letters Ignoring USAC letters To avoid delays and/or denials: • Review the funding report in the Receipt Notification Letter and Receipt Acknowledgment Letter for ministerial or clerical errors you can correct. • Take note of the next steps and any deadlines described in the letter and be prepared to act on them. • Note any changes from your original submission (e.g., an adjusted service start date in the FCC Form 486 Notification Letter) and take action as appropriate. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 151 USAC Letters Adjusted Service Start Date Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 152 Invoicing Poor Invoicing Practices USAC must be invoiced – either through the applicant FCC Form 472 (BEAR Form) or service provider FCC Form 474 (SPI Form) – for discounts on services actually delivered and installed. Delays or denials can occur if: • Invoices are filed after the invoicing deadline. • Invoice-related forms are not filed first (FCC Form 473 for service providers, FCC Form 486 for applicants). • Invoice entries are incomplete or inconsistent. • If the invoice undergoes review, requested documentation (e.g., proof of payment, copy of contract) is unavailable. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 153 Invoicing Poor Invoicing Practices To avoid delays and/or denials: • Review and follow the Invoicing guidance, the FCC Form 472 instructions, and (for service providers) the FCC Form 474 instructions to avoid common mistakes. • Check your work. • Submit invoices in a timely fashion. (Note that applicants can file BEAR Forms monthly or quarterly if they want to.) • Maintain and/or be able to produce backup documentation for invoices (e.g., proof of delivery of services, contracts stipulating specific payment arrangements). Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 154 Document Retention Inadequate Document Retention The E-rate Program has stringent document retention requirements. Failure to retain documents for the required time period (at least five years from the last date of service delivery) can result in: • Funding reduction or denial after PIA review. • Adjusted service start date. • Invoice rejection. • Audit findings. • Commitment adjustment (COMAD). Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 155 Document Retention Response to Additional Selective Review Question Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 156 Document Retention Inadequate Document Retention To avoid delays and/or denials: • Review the E-rate Binder guidance for a suggested checklist of documents to retain and how to organize them. • Store your documents in such a way that you – or your successor – can find them easily if needed. • Remember that even if your local or state regulations require a shorter time period for document retention, you must follow the FCC program rule for documents related to the E-rate Program. • Keep in mind that some documents (e.g., multi-year contracts, notice of public hearing or meeting for CIPA) must be kept for five years after the latest funding year they affect. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 157 Managing the Process Managing Your E-rate Program Process Applicants are often surprised by parts of the process, such as required forms or requests, looming deadlines, or requests for supporting documentation. Not being prepared can lead to: • Incorrectly filed forms or requests due to unexpected and impending deadlines. • Denials or reductions in funding due to the inability to support requests. • Inability to provide documentation for audits, especially when the responsible staff member is no longer there. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 158 Managing the Process Managing Your E-rate Program Process To avoid delays and/or denials: • Stay informed. – Review the guidance information on the USAC website. – Subscribe to the SL News Brief. • Plan ahead. – Create a timeline of your E-rate Program activities and follow it. – Submit required forms and requests well before the deadline. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 159 Managing the Process Managing Your E-rate Program Process To avoid delays and/or denials (cont.): • Track your submissions. – Call CSB for the status of paper form data entry. – Familiarize yourself with the tools on the Search Tools page to verify postings and certifications, and to track the progress of reviews and requests. • If you need it, request an extension before the deadline. • Ask questions. Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 160 Questions? Avoid the Dirty Dozen Mistakes I 2013 Schools and Libraries Fall Applicant Trainings 161 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced State Master Contract Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 162 State Master Contracts What is it? TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • A contract that is competitively bid and put in place by a state government entity for use by others. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 163 State Master Contracts If the State files a Form 470 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • The applicant may cite the state's Form 470 on its Form 471. The state must follow a competitive bidding process pursuant to FCC requirements and state procurement law. • The applicant is required to follow the applicable provisions of the state master contract and state and local procurement laws. No separate bidding documents or contracts are required by the applicant citing the state's Form 470, other than what is required by the state master contract and state and local procurement laws. The signed state master contract between the state and the service provider meets the FCC signed contract requirement. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 164 State Master Contracts Multiple Awards Schedule TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Applicant must conduct a “mini-bid” process for all venders able to provider services under the contract. – Determine factors to be used in evaluation – Score venders appropriately – Select most cost effective • The applicant does not need to post an FCC Form 470 to conduct a mini-bid. • The applicant does not need to conduct a mini-bid if only one vendor is able to provide service. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 165 State Master Contracts TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Determine if the State Form 470 meets your needs. If not, file your own Form 470 • The applicant must follow a competitive bidding process pursuant to FCC requirements and state and local procurement law. • If the applicant selects the state master contract as the most cost-effective alternative, the applicant is required to follow the applicable provisions of the state master contract, state contract law, and state and local procurement laws. The signed state master contract between the state and the service provider meets the FCC signed contract requirement. • The applicant cites its own FCC Form 470 on its FCC Form 471 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 166 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced CALNET 2 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 167 CALNET 2 Expiration TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction CALNET 2 expires January 29, 2014 Expiration falls mid-way through E-rate Funding Year 2013 No extensions will occur Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 168 REMINDER – If your School or Library is currently on CALNET 2 contract, then: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Follow CDE guidance provided via email dated 9/18/2012, excerpted here: • “….two possible strategies to consider: – …Each district and library posts its own Form 470 and conducts a competitive bidding process compliant with state and federal rules…. – Use the state Form 470 that was or will be posted and follow the guidelines set forth by USAC for a State Replacement Contract…” Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 169 If you are on CALNET 2, then what else can you do to prepare for Year 2014/15? TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • CALNET 3 Modules 1-6 were awarded on 11/15/13. Coming Soon - More details • Subscribe to CDE LIST SERV by submitting a blank e-mail to • Read and understand additional guidance as it is released. • Additional guidance to be provided when it’s available Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 170 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation Appendices Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 171 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 172 California Teleconnect Fund Overview TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) established the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) in 1996 and is solely funded through an all end-user surcharge placed on all intrastate telecommunications services in California. • The CTF program 50% discount on selected telecommunications services to qualifying K-12 schools, community colleges, libraries, government-owned and operated hospitals and health clinics, non-profit community based organizations, California Telehealth Network Consortium. • Program website: Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 173 Who is Eligible for CTF? TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Schools: Public or nonprofit private schools that provide elementary or secondary education and that have endowments under $50 million. • Libraries: Libraries eligible to participate in state-based plans for funds under Title III of the Library Services and Technology Act. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 174 Who is Eligible for CTF (continued) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – Hospitals and health clinics that are owned and operated by a municipal, county government, or a hospital district. • Community based organizations (CBOs): o must be a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501 (c)(3) or 501 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code, Title 26 of the United States Code and must also have a Form 990. o Second, they must offer health care, job training, job placement, 2-1-1 referral services and information (approved by the Commission), educational instruction, or a community technology program offering access to and training in the Internet and other technologies. • California Community Colleges • California Telehealth Network Consortium Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 175 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Qualified organizations may receive 50% discount on the following telecommunications services • Measured Business service • Centrex, PBX Trunks • ISDN service • DS1 service • DS3 service • Up to and including OC-192 services, or their functional equivalents • Internet access services, with certain exceptions, as defined under the FCC’s website • Multi-Protocol Label Switching o Service Providers may use different terminology to “name” their CTF-eligible services. Contact the applicable Service Provider for more details which billing components and named services are eligible for CTF discounts. o Not all billing elements associated with the above named services may be eligible for CTF discounts, e.g., usage is not eligible, federal taxes and surcharges not eligible, etc. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 176 Internet Services eligible for CTF, Effective 12/1/2008: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • The definition of Internet Access is the same as that used by the FCC. • Internet definition can be found @ • Eligible Internet Services include: o landline; and o satellite/wireless Internet access, including cellular data plans and laptop cards o Service Providers may use different terminology to “name” their CTF-eligible services. Contact the applicable Service Provider for more details which billing components and named services are eligible for CTF discounts. o Not all billing elements associated with the above named services may be eligible for CTF discounts. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 177 SB1102 IMPACT ON PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • CTF service providers are required to apply the California statewide average E-rate percentage before calculating the CTF discount (this calculation only reduces customer’s eligible dollar amount considered for CTF discounts; it does not provide the customer an E-rate discount) on eligible services, where applicable. • “NEW “ (effective 7/1/12)….Community based organizations (CBOs) that offer Head Start programs will see CTF discounts stacked, just as with schools and libraries Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 178 Services that are Ineligible for E-rate, but eligible for CTF TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • If an applicant is a public or private school or public library, eligible to receive E-rate discounts, but subscribe to telecommunications services that are ineligible E-rate discounts, those services will not be affected by SB1102. • CTF applicant is required to provide documentation to their carrier identifying each CTF service/circuit ID and the reason why they are ineligible for E-rate discounts. • Contact your carrier to inquire what paperwork they require to accommodate for these situations. • E.g., currently, data plans for wireless are only eligible for Erate if used on campus. Off campus usage is not currently eligible. If school or library is not applying for E-rate for the data plans or is cost allocating only for a portion of the off campus usage & is applying for CTF for the card, customer must submit CTF Eligible/E-rate Ineligible Services form (annually) to receive 50% discount CTF discounts without stacking. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 179 CTF Proposed Changes to be released soon TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • CTF Proposed Changes to be released on December 31, 2013. • Reply comments due by February 14, 2014. • Proposed changes to be primarily focused on CBOs. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 180 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Presentation Alternative Discount Mechanisms Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 181 Alternative Discount Mechanisms Alternative Discount Mechanisms TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • NSLP eligibility based on student’s family being at or below 185% of federal poverty levels • Income Eligibility Guidelines (IEG) published annually by U.S. Department of Agriculture • Other alternative discount methodologies seek to determine if a student meets the NSLP IEG threshold Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 182 Alternative Discount Mechanisms Acceptable Mechanisms • Programs that meet the IEG threshold for the NSLP: TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction – – – – – – Medicaid Food stamps (SNAP) Supplementary Security Income (SSI) Section 8 Housing Assistance Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations Unacceptable Mechanisms • Programs that do not meet the IEG threshold for the NSLP: – Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) – Title 1 – Scholarship programs Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 183 Alternative Discount Mechanisms Sibling Match TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • If school can establish that one sibling in a family is eligible for NSLP, then it can count the other siblings in the same family as eligible for NSLP even if the other siblings do not participate. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 184 Alternative Discount Methods Surveys TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Must be sent to all families whose children attend the school • Surveys must contain at least student and family name, size of family, income level of family or acceptable alternative mechanism • Surveys are valid for two years • NSLP application forms are never an acceptable survey instrument Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 185 Alternative Discount Methods Survey Extrapolation TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • If a survey is sent to all households of its students, and • If at least 50% of surveys are returned • School may extrapolate the data to 100% of its students • Example: – 100 families received the survey; 75 returned them – 25 of the 75 families are eligible for NSLP – 25/75 = 0.33 – School can report 33% of all students are eligible Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 186 Alternative Discount Methods Combining Alternative Discount Methods TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Ensure that the same students are not double counted. • Surveys cannot be combined with other alternative discount methods if you have extrapolated • Provisions 1-4 cannot be combined with other alternative discount methods since they include extrapolation • Keep detailed records to show that the same students were not double counted Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 187 Alternative Discount Methods Ineligible Discount Calculation Methods TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Feeder School Method – Extrapolating from elementary to secondary schools • Principal’s Survey/Estimate – Based on administrators’ knowledge of some of their students • Title I eligibility • Neighborhood poverty measurements Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 188 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Dark Fiber Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 189 Dark Fiber Leased Dark Fiber as Priority One TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Leased dark fiber added as Telecommunications starting with the FY2011 Eligible Services List • Allows for lease of dark fiber as a Priority One service, from any Service Provider • On the FCC Form 470, file for either Telecom or Internet Access (per ESL) • On the FCC Form 471, select Telecom box if dark fiber is provided by a Telecom carrier – If dark fiber is not provided by Telecom carrier, select Internet Access box Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 190 Dark Fiber Leased Dark Fiber as Priority One TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Installation costs to hook up the dark fiber is eligible from the eligible entity to the property line Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 191 Dark Fiber Dark Fiber as Priority One TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Special Construction charges to build out connections from applicants’ facilities to an off-premise fiber network are NOT eligible Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 192 Dark Fiber Dark Fiber as Priority Two TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Installation and Fiber costs between two eligible buildings, not crossing a public right of way are considered Internal Connections Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 193 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Interconnected VoIP (Hosted; Priority 1) Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 194 Interconnected VoIP TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Priority One Services – May be applied for in either Telecommunications or Internet Access on Form 470. – USAC highly recommends posting in both Telecom and Internet Access. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 195 Interconnected VoIP (aka Hosted VoIP) TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 196 • Defined as a service that 1. Enables real-time, two-way voice communications. 2. Requires a broadband connection from the user’s location. 3. Requires Internet protocol-compatible customer premises equipment (CPE). 4. Permits users generally to receive calls that originate on the public switched telephone network and to terminate calls to the public switched telephone network. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 196 Interconnected VoIP • Leased VoIP or PBX equipment are NOT eligible for Priority One funding. TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 197 • By removing the VoIP or PBX equipment, the local voice network will cease to function. This equipment is eligible ONLY as Internal Connections. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 197 Interconnected VoIP TOM TORLAKSON • A gateway may be leased with eligible Priority One VoIP service. • A gateway is considered a single basic terminating device. State Superintendent of Public Instruction 198 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 198 Interconnected VoIP TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 199 • A multipurpose leased router may be eligible for Priority One funding if, as seen in this example, the internal data and voice network functions without dependence on the leased router. Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 199 Information to provide VOIP Vendors TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 200 1. What telephone/PBX solution is currently in place? 2. How many total VoIP or phone set users? 3. Any additional Voicemail Boxes for those that will not have a phone? 4. Do you need additional cabling drops to connect the phones to? Or, do you already have network drops everywhere you want a phone? 5. Is a telephone number required for every handset? 6. Do you need to integrate with an existing paging system? 7. What does your current switching infrastructure look like? a. Are they POE? b. Do they support VLAN? 8. What does your current WAN look like? (Total Sites and Connectivity) 9. What is your current Internet Bandwidth? 10. Are you required to purchase your voice, video, distance learning solution through an existing state or local contract? If so, what is the name of the contract you are required to use? Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 200 Intermediate/Advanced TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Equipment Transfers, Disposal and Trade-in Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 201 Equipment Transfers Equipment Transfer Rules TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • In general, equipment may not be transferred for money or any other thing of value • A no-cost transfer may occur three years or more after the purchase of the equipment to other eligible entities • No equipment transfer may occur prior to three years from the date of purchase, unless the eligible entity is permanently or temporarily closing Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 202 Equipment Transfers Equipment transfers less than 3 years TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Notify USAC • Both the closing entity and the recipient must retain records of the transaction – Include the reason for the transfer • Records must be kept for five years after the date of the transfer • Records for equipment >3 years follow the traditional document retention requirements Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 203 Disposal of Equipment Rules Disposal of Equipment Rules TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • As of January 3, 2011, applicants can dispose of obsolete equipment, but no sooner than five years after the date the equipment is installed • Resale for payment or other consideration is allowable no sooner than five years after the equipment is installed • Resale or disposal is prohibited before the five years have passed Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 204 Trade-ins and Exchanges Trade-ins and Exchanges TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Trade-ins of equipment may be permitted if the E-rate funded equipment to be traded in has been installed for five years – This limitation does not apply for equipment not funded through E-rate Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 205 TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Intermediate/Advanced Miscellaneous Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 206 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Charges TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Miscellaneous charges can apply to all service categories and are funded in the same category of the service they are supporting • Training is eligible when included as part of the contract and performed coincidently with the installation of the new service/product or in a reasonable time thereafter – Training for end-users or professional development is not eligible Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 207 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Charges TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Taxes, surcharges and other similar reasonable charges are eligible for discount. This includes but is not limited to : – Universal service fund – Excise Tax – 911 – Local Number Portability and – Telephone relay service Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 208 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Charges TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Other charges that are not eligible include but are not limited to: – Universal service administration fee – Interest or finance charges – Late payment fees and – Termination fees – See Appendix for additional Eligible Service Items Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 209 E-rate Applicants Reminders TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 1. Post Form 470(s) by February 1, 2014 (at the very latest!)* If you wait until after this date, you will have to do everything that needs to be done at the last minute, if you can even get all E-rate related tasks accomplished so close to the application deadline. 2. Submit Form 471 application(s) by March 1, 2014!** If you wait until this date or later, you run the risk of not getting all E-rate related tasks accomplished in time. 3. Make sure you submit all Item 21 Attachments by the Form 471 deadline date! *Form 470 filing deadline is Feb 26, 2014 **Form 471/Item 21s filing deadline is March 26, 2014 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 210 Who to Contact? TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • State Library: Rushton Brandis, (916) 653-5471 • CDE/E-rate: Larry Hiuga, (916) 327-4629 • CDE/EETT: Tech Plans: Doris Stephen, 916-324-9943 • K-12 HSN/Butte COE: Russ Selken 530-532-5678 Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 211 How to join the CDE E-rate listserv TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction • Join the E-rate e-mail list to receive updates about E-rate and the CTF programs. Subscribe to the E-rate listserv by sending a "blank" message to • If you would like to unsubscribe from the E-rate listserv, send a "blank" message to Intermediate/Advanced Presentation I 2013 California Department of Education 212