World History Project Ideas

Early African civilizations and there structure and way of life.
Inca, Aztec, Mayan civilizations and there structure and way of life.
Early Greek society
Hellenistic Culture
Greek Culture
Roman Empire
Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Christianity, Islam, and indigenous religious
8. Establishment of Constantinople as the Eastern Roman Capital and the
9. Byzantine
10. Spread of Christianity
11. Historical turning points of Islam and the disputes between Sunnis and Shi’ah
12. African kingdoms of Ghana, Mail, and Songhai.
13. The Crusades: Clashes between Christendom, Islam, and other people.
14. Emergence of the Ottoman Empire
15. Chinese exploration and expansion
16. Compare the societies of the Mayan, Incas, and Aztecs
17. The Black Plague and its impact
18. Development of trans-Atlantic slave trade and its impact on Africa and American
19. The Renaissance
20. Rise of Italian City-States and its impact.
21. The Reformation
22. Describe the Scientific Revolution – name leaders and there impact
23. The Glorious Revolution and English Civil War
24. Ideas of the Enlightenment and its impact
25. Compare the French Revolution to the American Revolution
26. Napoleonic Wars and the Concert of Europe
27. Major scientific, technological, and philosophical developments of the 19th century
28. European imperialism in Africa and Asia
29. World War 1
30. The Treaty of Versailles
31. The Russian Revolution – Causes and consequences
32. League of Nations – Reasons for failure
33. Role of important individuals in World War 2
34. The Holocaust
35. The United Nations
36. Cold War Events – Berlin Wall, Berlin Airlift, Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis,
37. Sputnik
38. Vietnam War
39. Berlin Airlift
40. Berlin Wall
41. U2 Spy Planes
42. Impact of nuclear weapons on world politics (MAD)
43. Creation of the state of Israel
44. Human Rights principles and violations in the late 20th century
45. September 11th, 2001 and its continuing impact.