1 Reproduce two or more body systems using small objects and common (not dangerous) objects model include notes or labels label parts show interconnections 4 Design and conduct an experiment. Share your data & results. Measure arm to leg ratios, for instance. Chart your caloric intake vs. exercise and energy. Measure breathes per minute at rest and after running. 7 Perform your (researched topic) as a skit/play/drama: Include appropriate props and costumes Speak loudly and clearly time limit of 2-8 minutes practice first create music or song if you like 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 Research through videos: Write 10 questions View 10-20 informative videos Use sites below Select one subtopic Research the subtopic Choose a way to present what you’ve learned Process: Plan Research Paraphrase Report Illustrate Cite Create book or other product Publish or share your product or presentation 3 Produce a children’s book that teaches about 3-5 Human Body Systems. illustrate proofread limit of 8-20 pages use colorful illustrations include bibliography of 3-10 sources 8 Create an A-Z book, Flipchart, or Power Point Include 3-12 body systems Include medical terminology Include (draw) 3-5 original illustrations 9 Explain the latest information about one specific organ, disease or physiological process Include pictures, graphs, charts, or other data Complete bibliography of 2 or more sources. 6 Create a digital presentation: include at least one visual present to the class time should be 2-8 minutes practice before presenting teach the class important medical terms Keep all Body System notes and books in one place. Negotiate due dates for finishing research, finishing your product, and presenting Books – make a list of the book titles and web/digital resources (Cite Sources) TV/DVD/Videos/podcasts – make a list of shows and digital media you watch Read a LOT before you chose a narrower topic. (Survey current literature) Choose one or two projects from above or suggest one to your teacher. A. Web sites: 1. http://www.teachersdomain.org/folder/view/1926078/ Teacher’s Domain Human Body Systems folder – view short videos and interactive visuals 2. http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/htbw_main_page.html 3. http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/explore/ehs/nobel_winner.htm 4. 5. 6. 7. http://www.brainpop.com/science/diversityoflife/humanbody/preview.weml http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/eating-and-exercise http://www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/3d/index.html http://www.engineergirl.org/GetThere/Contest/Winners/2013Winners.aspx Read award-winning essays written by girls – on health issues and inventions 8. http://science360.gov/ipad/ for iPad 9. http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/human-biology/blood.htm how blood works 10. http://science.howstuffworks.com/zoology/reptiles-amphibians/frog2.htm Human and frog skeleton are similar in certain ways 11. http://www.biology.arizona.edu/human_bio/problem_sets/blood_types/Intro.html Blood type calculator 12. http://gladstoneinstitutes.org/videos short videos promoting a research firm’s health projects (cool visuals) 13. http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih6/Bone/activities/activities_toc.ht m (students’ section – goes with #1 of Teacher’s sites 14. http://0-school.eb.com.erslion.dpsk12.org/levels/middle/article/7388 LION – Online resources – adjust to highest reading level and read Britannica Elementary or Middle school articles. Teacher’s Guide and resources: 1. http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih6/Bone/default.htm B. Physiology and Anatomy vocabulary: 1. http://www.free-ed.net/sweethaven/MedTech/MedTerm/default.asp medical terms arranged by body system With quiz questions and answers – fun! 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_medical_roots,_suffixes_and_prefixe s 3. http://www.medword.com/verbs.html#.UjM72FLLlGM Includes a nice chart and quizzes 4. http://webhome.cs.uvic.ca/~vanemden/greekLatin.html nicely arrayed like a dictionary – medical terms C. Books and Resources: 1. Gray’s Anatomy: A Fact-filled Coloring Book by Freddy Stark, PhD ISBN 13: 978-07624-0944-0 running press 2. Anatomy Study Cards – Bookies $26.00 3. Sabin library books – see section 611-612 for human physiology Due Dates: 1. Online survey research to be completed by _____________________________ 2. Narrow topic to one of interest by ____________________________________ 3. Decide on product/presentation specifics by_____________________________ 4. Present to class(es) by ______________________________________________