The Clique - DPS Student Digital Showcase

The Clique Series
By: Lisi Harrison
Report By: TA
This Story takes place in Westchester County, New York. Massie and her friends
hang out in her room which is all white except for her purple bedspread, at the
mall, and Octavian Country Day School.
Massie Block- Massie Block is the main character of the
book. With her glossy brunette bob and laser-whitened smile she is
gorgeous. She is the ruler of The Clique and everybody else at
OCD. And loves Chanel anything. She isn’t very nice, and she
knows you’d give anything to be just like her.
Dylan Marvel- Massie’s second in command who divides her time
between sucking up to Massie and sucking down Atkins diet shakes. She has
red hair and her mom is the host for Wake Up New York show.
Alicia Rivera- As sneaky as she is beautiful, Alicia floats under the adult
radar because she seems so “sweet.” She has brown hair and people like to
make fun of her because of her big boobs. And adores Louis Vuitton bags.
Would love to take Massie’s throne one day. Just might.
Kristen Gregory- She’s smart, hardworking, and can insult you to
tears faster than you can say “my haircut isn’t ugly!” She is very sporty
and loves to play soccer for OCD.
Claire Lyons-Claire is the new girl from Florida in Keds and two-year-old
Gap overalls, who is clearly not clique material. Unfortunately for her, Claire’s
family is staying in the guest house on Massie’s family’s huge estate while they
look for a new home. Claire’s future looks worse than a bad Prada knockoff.
But with a little luck and a lot of scheming, Caire might just come up smelling
like Chanel No. 19…
My favorite character is Massie or Alicia. The
reason why is I can relate to both of them. Alicia
does ballet, and hip hop just like me. Massie on
the other hand is a leader and we both like to
be in charge.
Story Summary
Since this is a series of books I’m going to
talk about the first book. In the beginning
one of Massie’s dad’s friends just moved
from Florida to New York. They are staying
in Massie and her family’s guest house until
they can find another home. Claire and
Massie are completely different. As the story
goes on they are always butting heads.
Claire desperately wants to be in the Pretty
Committee with Massie and her friends. But
Claire needs to prove if she really wants it
or not.
I thought the ending was
okay. I wish the author
would have told what
happened to the characters
after the story. It was just
kind of like a drop off
Throughout the whole series I think
the message is that you should treat
others the ways you want to be
treated. For example Massie treats
others like dirt and later in the
story karma came back to get her.
I recommend this book to almost anyone. I
don’t think this book is right for anyone
under the age of 12 because there is some
content that is inappropriate. Another
bad thing is the book might go out of style
after awhile because they talk a lot about
fashion so some of the designers might not
be as popular as they were before,
concluding in the book being called lame
because of the contents, but other than
that this book is great.
The book all about…
Broken Hearts
Other Stuff
About the Author
Lisi Harrison, the author of the Clique Series
was born in Toronto, Canada. She did not go to a
private school like Massie, in fact she went to a Hebrew
school until ninth grade then went to Forest Hill
Collegiate a public high school. There were many kids
in her school that had a lot of money but her on the
other hand wasn’t aloud to wear anything other than
K-Mart or Hanes. Her parents tried to keep her as
unspoiled as possible.
She worked at MTV for 12 years. There were so many
employees who worked at MTV who would do and wear
anything just to be accepted by the “cool people.” These
people reminded her so much of when she was in seventh
grade so she just had to write about and that’s how she
started writing the series.
The End
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