Climate change and the future of energy Christian Azar Chalmers University of Technology SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND Virtually certain: the greenhouse effect Water vapour ”is a blanket more necessary to the vegetable life of England than clothing is to man”. - John Tyndall 1862 Virtually certain: CO2 on the rise IPCC AR4 faq 2.1 Virtually certain: temperature on the rise Gobal average surface temperatures Source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies THE CHALLENGE Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels (1950-2006) 35 30 Gton CO2 per year 25 20 "Developing" countries 15 Former eastern bloc 10 "Developed" countries 5 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Source: CDIAC CO2 emissions per capita from fossil fuels (2007) 20 ton CO2/cap 15 10 5 0 USA EU China India TECHNOLOGY TRENDS AND PROSPECTS Energy efficiency – half of the solution! Plug-in hybrids Co-generation Energy-efficient houses Energy efficient lamps Fuel use in Swedish district heating Fuel systems use in Swedish district heating (1970-2008) 60 TWh/år 60 50 TWh/year 50 40 Others 30 30 20 10 Coal OIL BIOMASS COAL 20 Oil 10 Biomass 0 0 1970 OTHERS 40 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Biomass energy CO2 CO2 Wood Power Biomass energy with carbon capture and storage CO2 CO2 Wood Power Bioenergy risks: - Higher food and land prices? - Destruction of sensitive ecosystems? - Land conflicts Rapid growth in wind power GW 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 1990 2000 Rapid growth in wind power GW 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 1990 2000 10,000 times more energy from the sun The small squares show the area of solar cells required to power and fuel the world Installed capacity (GW), solar PV 25 20 15 Global 10 Germany 5 0 1995 2000 2005 2010 New electric capacity in Europe 2009 (in MW) World Generation, Past andNuclear future Electricity role of nuclear power TWh/year TWh/year 3000 Rest of the world 2500 Former Soviet Union 2000 OECD 1500 1000 500 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source: BP World Energy Statistics. COMBINING THE OPTIONS Global energy scenario towards 350 ppmv. EJ/yr 800 700 nuclear 600 coal w capt. 500 gas w capt. 400 coal solar H2 300 solar electr. solar heat oil 200 bio w capt. gas 100 wind hydro biomass 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 Based on model runs with the GET model. Azar et al, Climatic Change (2006) Model can be run interactively at CLIMATE POLICIES ARE NEEDED Climate policy is easy… • Carbon price • Support to technology development …yet so difficult • Vested interests: ”I hate carbon taxes”. Bill Rainey, CEO West Virginia Coal Association • The general public does not seem to love carbon taxes either • Different countries have different preferences and priorities, and different views about responsibilities …so very difficult • Summer 2009: – House of representatives: Waxman (D)Markey(M) climate change bill adopted by 219-216! • Summer 2010: – Senate: Lieberman, Kerry, Graham To bring forth solutions, we need • Political leadership… • Public opinion… • Business leaders… arguing in favor, not against, climate protection CONCLUSIONS • Tough challenge • Technically feasible • Emission trends in the wrong direction • Policy measures needed • How can the steel industry help so that better climate policies are introduced? • BACK UP Virtually certain: CO2 on the rise IPCC AR4 faq 2.1 Virtually certain: GHGs on the rise IPCC AR4 faq 2.1 Average CO2 emissions (until 2008) and legislation for passenger cars Lewenstam, Volvo cars Future role of nuclear power? IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT TECHNOLOGY Global greenhouse gas emissions (2000) Source:Stern report 2006 COSTS The cost to stabilise the atmosphere (I) Trillion USD 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 350 ppm 450 ppm 550 ppm stabilisation target Azar & Schneider, 2002. Ecological Economics The cost to stabilise the atmosphere (II) Global GDP Trillion USD/yr 250 200 Bau 150 350 ppm 450 ppm 100 550 ppm 50 0 90 2000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2100 Year Source Azar & Schneider, 2002. Ecological Economics OUT OF THE FRYING PAN, INTO THE FIRE? Millons of hectares of biomass – dream or nightmare? Sweden 45 Mha 507 Mha Russia 1708 Mha 1960 Mha 957 Mha 500 Mha of energy plantations? 317 Mha Biomass plantations 1787 Mha 3031 Mha 769 Mha Higher food prices - good or bad for the poor? Civilian nuclear fuel cycle Natural Uranium 0,7% U235, 99,3% U238 Enrichment Ca 4% U235, 96% U238 Reactor U235 is fissioned, Pu + fission products are produced Separation of plutonium Final disposal Reprocessing Links to nuclear weapons Natural Uranium 0,7% U235, 99,3% U238 Enrichment Ca 4% U235, 96% U238 90% U235 Nuclear bombs Highly enriched uranium or plutonium Reactor U235 is fissioned, Pu + fission products are produced Separation of plutonium Final disposal Reprocessing Nuclear energy and weapons • Technological risks – Enrichment facility (dual use) – Reprocessing (dual use) – Nuclear reactor produces around 200 kg Pu/year • International policy and security analysis – Sweden, Finland etc no ambition to get weapons, – USA, China, etc already have – Which countries should have the right to have advanced civilian nuclear energy programmes? Development of NPT? – Benevolent regimes might become aggressive, and vice versa. • More nuclear for Sweden and the US build more nuclear? – Which signal do we want to send? – The bigger nuclear industry, the stronger lobbying to sell to the rest of the world (think of Sarkozy) How do we best protect sensitive ecosystems and rural poor who lack formal property rights to their land? - Certificate systems? - Import taxes? - No biomass? Nuclear energy and nuclear weapons POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS? • Only those countries that already have enrichment and reprocessing plants should be allowed to have it? • The entire fuel cycle under multinational control? • New reactor designs? POSSIBLE CONCLUSIONS • Nuclear energy is clearly not the only pathway to nuclear weapons • But under current frameworks a world wide effort to expand nuclear energy is hardly attractive Nuclear weapons a broader perspective • More than 26 000 nuclear weapons, total yield corresponds to 200 000 hiroshima bombs • 2000 on hair-trigger alert (15-30 minute notice) • NPT aims at preventing proliferation. Further, weapons states should strive towards ”complete disarmament” (article VI). • Can England require that Iran cease with its enrichment program while they at the same time plan to modernise their own weapons capacity? Impacts • Temperature increase • Sea level rise • More intense precipitation • Droughts • Biodiversity • Positive impacts • A lot of uncertainty remains Flooding, Assam, India, July 2004 Food-fuel competition Johansson & Azar, 2007. Biomass – a complex form of energy PROMISING FORMS: - Sugar cane ethanol - Woody biomass for heat and cogeneration -- 2nd generation fuels LESS PROMISING - Wheat & corn ethanol - RME from rapeseed (area intensive, expensive, often associated with high GHG emissions) Carbon emissions (MtC/year) 2000 China 1600 USA 1200 800 India Russian Fed. 400 Japan 0 1990 03 05 07 99 Global Carbon Project 2009; Data: Gregg Marland, CDIAC 2009 01 03 05 2008 CO2 emissions (PgC y-1) CO2 Fossil Fuel Emissions 5 55% Annex B (Kyoto Protocol) 4 Developed Nation 3 45% Developing Nations 2 Non-Annex B 1990 2000 Taken from Global Carbon Budget, Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature Geoscience; CDIAC 2009 2010 Why the climate sensitivity is important Why the climate sensitivity is important Caldeira et al, Science 2003. Basic facts • There is a natural greenhouse effect • CO2 and other greenhouse gases are increasing • This increase is fundamentally due to human activities (for CO2, fossil fuel burning and to a lesser but nevertheless, important extent deforestation) • This means that the surface temperature has to increase • Temperature is on the rise • There is natural variability in the climate, but this can not explain the increase in temperatures that has taken place over the past 50 years • Much uncertainty remains when it comes to the climate sensitivity, aerosol forcing and regional impacts • Oceans become more acid as CO2 concentrations increase Two legitimate points of view • Rich countries should take the lead: – Historically, they are the main ”culprits” – They emit much more on a per capita basis – They have the technological and economic capacity, whereas many developing countries have other more urgent problems Two legitimate points of view • Rich countries should take the lead: – Historically, they are the main ”culprits” – They emit much more on a per capita basis – They have the technological and economic capacity, whereas many developing countries have other more urgent problems • Developing countries need to act too, otherwise the world will not be able to solve the problem. Carbon storage possibilities 130 – 500 Gton C with structural traps 30 – 650 Gton C Herzog et al Scientific American, February 2000. Enhanced oil recovery 20 – 65 Gton C Grimston et al (2001). What about the cold weather last winter? ”>90 percent” certain: human responsibility Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report The climate sensitivity Svante Arrhenius 1859-1927 The climate sensitivity • Water vapour • Clouds • Ice and snow cover • Lapse rate Svante Arrhenius 1859-1927 The climate sensitivity The global average annual surface temperature is expected to increase by 2-4.5oC per CO2 equivalent doubling (when equilibrium is established). Chalmers Climate Calculator available at