The University of Hong Kong - Online Undergraduate Handbook

Original Thinking Applied
• Meetings
• Destinations
• Things to consider
• Making a decision
• Application process
Two further meetings:Wednesday 5 March 2014
13.00 onwards – B10 MBS East
run by final year and exchange students
Wednesday 7 May 2014
15.30 – 17.00 B10 MBS East
Aalto University School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Stockholm University School of Business, Stockholm, Sweden
Uppsala University, Sweden
Lund University, Sweden
NHH, Bergen, Norway
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
RSM, Erasmus, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Universitat St Gallen, Switzerland
University of Mannheim, Germany
University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
WU Wien, Vienna, Austria
IESEG Lille, France
EM, Strasbourg, France
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
ESADE, Barcelona, Spain
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain – to be confirmed
University of Auckland, New Zealand
University of Otago, New Zealand
University of Melbourne, Australia
University of Queensland, Australia
University of Sydney, Australia
UNSW, Sydney, Australia
University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Chinese University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong
HKUST Business School, Hong Kong
National University of Singapore
Singapore Management University, Singapore
• Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki, Finland
• Formerly Helsinki School of Economics
• One of the top business schools in Europe
• School professionally run, and enthusiastic in welcoming and looking
after exchange students
• Unique cultural experience, well placed for Russia/Baltic States etc.
• Amazing trips organised to Russia, Sweden, Estonia and skiing in
• “A sentence does not do such a wonderful experience justice”
• Stockholm University Business School, Sweden
• Beautiful city with rich cultural heritage and nightlife
• Fairly cheap flights from the UK, but cost of living can be high
• Innovative courses available, often working with major companies e.g.
• Amazing social life in Stockholm
• “Stockholm is a blast, an incredible experience and an amazing city,
Stockholm has been a wonderful place to spend a year abroad but it’s the
people you meet on exchange who make it so unforgettable”
• Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Founded in 1666. An international centre for research and education
Huge student population – approximately 46,000
A real student town in the Oxbridge style – you will have a bike!
40 minutes from Copenhagen and still nearer to Malmo
Excellent ‘Nation/Buddy’ system in place where students have access to
cheap food/drinks
• Teaching modular, two courses per term over 4 terms
• “Intense, over the top, crazy experience that is not to be missed - a
great year with great people in a great country which I wouldn’t have
discovered if MBS hadn’t sent me here!”
• Uppsala University, Sweden
• Uppsala University is known as the Swedish Oxford/Cambridge
• Uppsala has a large student community (approx 25,000) in a beautiful
student town in the Oxbridge style
• Similar to Lund
• Excellent ‘Nation/Buddy’ system in place where students have access
to cheap food/drinks
• You will almost certainly own a bike here!
• Close to Stockholm where Nobel prizes are awarded
• “10 countries, 10 months, 1 amazing experience - I have met friends
for life after the craziest, busiest and most amazing year”
• NHH, Bergen, Norway
• NHH was formed in 1936 and is the largest and most prestigious centre
for research and education within the fields of economics and business
administration in Norway
• Large student community
• Opportunity to take subjects from the University of Bergen
• World heritage site, spectacular setting
• Winter sports
• Cost of living can be high but our students say a student loan and the
Erasmus grant is enough to get by
• “A great experience that I enjoyed from start to finish! I don't want to
• Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
• One of largest and highest ranked business schools in Europe
• Very convenient for travel from UK
• CBS has exchange agreements with 360+ universities and business
schools around the world, half of which are European and offers more
than 200 courses taught in English
• Cost of living can be high
• Cycling is a must
• No language issues whatsoever – English widely spoken and
• “It has been the most wonderful and mind blowing year in my life”
• Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands
• A top-ranked European business school
• Excellent links to industry, possibility of organising internships through
• Very large exchange programme, which gives opportunities to meet
students from all over the world
• Rotterdam offers an excellent social scene and is located only 40
minutes from Amsterdam
• Very convenient for the UK
• “Even though Dr. Seuss said ‘Don’t cry because its over, smile because it
happened!’ – I will disagree and definitely shed a tear or two at the end
of this amazing year!!”
• Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Beautiful city with famous nightlife
Cultural, historical and social aspects to Amsterdam
Convenient and cheap for travel from UK
Very strong Business Administration and Economics Faculty
University housing is offered if you apply on time - private
accommodation very limited and pricey
• A bicycle is a must
• “A great life experience and so much fun – I even learnt something!”
• University of St Gallen, Switzerland
One of the best business schools in Europe
One hour from Zurich, close to Germany, well placed for European travel
Exchange programme with over 100 partner universities
Very pretty town, with lots of snow sporting opportunities
German not essential but is helpful - classes offered before and
throughout semester
• St Gallen is part of the Erasmus scheme
• “An amazing year in a top rated university during which I was able to meet
great people, do a lot of outdoor activities and travel all around Europe once you visit you will not want to leave, truly amazing experience, truly
amazing place”
• University of Mannheim, Germany
• Outstanding business school, a real pioneer in the German system
• University located within Mannheim Castle, very well organised and active
• In almost every set of ratings in Germany, Mannheim Business School is
ranked national number one
• Great position for travel around central Europe, located between
Frankfurt and Stuttgart
• Opportunity to learn or improve German skills
• “I’ve met the people of the world whilst staying in one place and having
the most interesting and exciting year of my life”
• University of Economics, Czech Republic
• VŠE is the leading university in the field of management and economics in
the Czech Republic
• Prague has been the political, cultural, and economic centre of the Czech
state for over 1000 years and the city is home to nearly 1.2 million people
• Flying time from the UK just under 2 hours with many budget airlines
• Borders with Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Poland
• “A year where I learnt a lot, partied a lot, met friends from around the world
and most importantly, a year that I will never forget and will never be able to
beat - would not have changed one minute of it!”
• Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
• Beautiful historic and cultural city, well placed to explore
central/Eastern Europe
• Brand new University campus opened in 2013
• Teaching very hands on, intensive short courses run by external
• Huge exchange programme, and a great buddy network
• German not required but opportunities to study the language
• “A wonderful and challenging journey of discovering new cultures and
places, new interests and goals, new people, new friends and a new me”
• iéseg School of Management, Lille, France
• Historic city with beautiful buildings, shopping and restaurants
• Easy access from the UK on Eurostar – Paris one hour away and Brussels 20
• One of the top business schools in France
• Good induction programme
• Small classes, little essay work, lots of presentations
• This exchange is with the Lille campus only
• “It was a truly unforgettable year full of new experiences and memories and I
have made some very close friends from all over the world – I can’t wait until I
can visit them in their respective countries!”
• EM Strasbourg Business School, Université de Strasbourg, France
• Beautiful city with cultural heritage of Alsace
• Near German border so a mix of both French and German influences
• Home of the European Parliament and European Court of Human
• Very well run School with good range of courses
• Excellent Erasmus society for social events
• TGV - only two hours to Paris
• Offers the opportunity to take the Diploma in European Management
• “Unbelievable, met some very special people and had an amazing
• Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
• Milan is the fashion capital of the world and the economic capital for
• Second largest city in Italy
• Bocconi very highly placed in international rankings of universities
• Students must take the ‘attending’ option
• 4 week Italian course pre-registration available (Erasmus funding may be
• “Truly amazing, inspiring and life changing; I have learnt so much, gained
so much confidence and enjoyed every single second… É la dolce vita!”
• ESADE Business School
• ESADE business school is one of the top three business schools in Spain, and
is among the top 10 business schools in Europe
• The business school became one of only four European Schools to have
EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB triple accreditation
• Second largest city in Spain where both Catalan and Spanish is spoken
• The undergraduate programmes are taught on the Sant Cugat campus, 15km
(25 minutes) from the centre of Barcelona
• “My time is Barcelona was filled with sun, colour, laughter, art and love for
the city and the people I met”
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
A new exchange for 2014/15 – to be confirmed
Based just 20 minutes by train from the centre of the capital city Madrid
Madrid is a major centre for international business and commerce and is
one of the largest centres for finance in Europe
The university is ranked first in Spain for research competitiveness
Small lecture and seminar class sizes
Specialises in finance, accounting, economics and business administration
Madrid enjoys more cloudless days than almost any other city in Europe
• University of Auckland, New Zealand
• Pre-eminent university in NZ
• Campus located in the centre, allowing participation in cosmopolitan
Auckland city life
• Founded in 1883, Auckland is now the country’s largest university with
38,500 students
• Affordable cost of living/accommodation similar to Manchester
• Consider costs of flights
• Academic year reversed - early start July and long vacation Nov/Dec-Feb
• Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
• “An absolutely awesome experience and a brilliant opportunity to really
experience New Zealand - seriously thinking about deferring a year to
stay longer”
• University of Otago
Oldest university in New Zealand with 20,000+ students
Highly ranked and the most internationally-oriented of NZ universities
Located on stunning South Island
Queenstown (bungy jumping, sky diving, clubs, skiing) is only 3 hours
Dunedin renowned for student social life
The most distant of our exchange partners
Academic year reversed - early start July and long vacation Nov/DecFeb
Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
“I’m 99.9% sure I would not have enjoyed any other exchange
university as much as I enjoyed Otago ”
• University of Melbourne, Australia
• One of the Group of Eight top Australian universities with an excellent
business school
• A great cultural city, with a strong European feel
• Great opportunities to travel within Australia/NZ and further afield
• Accommodation expensive – cheaper to find your own
• Part time work pays well
• Academic year reversed – early start (July) but summer holidays free
• Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
• “You always think people are exaggerating when they talk about the “best
year of their lives”, this really was!!”
• University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
One of the Group of Eight top Australian universities
Picturesque campus by river
Tropical climate, and access to Gold and Sunshine Coasts
Great opportunities to travel within Australia/NZ and further afield
Students have recommended finding their own private
• Academic year reversed – early start (July) but summer holidays free
• Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
• “I expected the year of my life and I got that and more - legitimately
the best thing I’ve ever done, Brisbane is the place to be”
• University of Sydney, Australia
One of the Group of Eight top Australian universities
The oldest Australian university, with many historic buildings on campus
Students usually find their own accommodation
Part time work pays well
Academic year reversed– early start (July) but summer holidays free
• Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
• “An unforgettable experience that I would recommend to anyone; Sydney
is an incredible city and I was lucky enough to spend a year there, mostly
at the beach!”
• UNSW, Sydney, Australia
One of the Group of Eight top Australian universities
A modern campus not far from Bondi and Coogee Beaches
Great opportunities to travel within Australia/NZ and further afield
Students recommend finding private housing
Students usually find their own accommodation
Part time work pays well
Academic year reversed– early start (July) but summer holidays free
• Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
• “A million percent the best place to study abroad, if I didn’t have to come
back to Manchester, I wouldn’t”!
• UWA Business School, Perth, Australia
One of the Group of Eight top Australian universities
Highest entry requirements nationally
EQUIS, AACSB accreditation
From Perth to Margaret River, 26 kms of white sandy beaches
with dolphins, penguins, whales & scuba diving
Bali – 3 hours, Singapore – 5 hours – cheap fares
Academic year reversed– early start (July) but summer holidays free
Students must have a first year average of 55% or above to be eligible
This was new for 2013/14 so our first student is now there on exchange
“A full year of just beautiful beaches, snorkelling, roadtrips, and dolphins.
I’d say if you haven’t been to Australia, you’ve been nowhere”
• Chinese University of Hong Kong
Start date late August
Located in New Territories (30 mins from HK city centre by direct train)
Bicultural but with strong Chinese influence
Large and rapidly expanding international programme
Take advantage of the MBS Hong Kong Office – Alumni events
organised very frequently
• Shared accommodation
• “An unbelievable life-changing experience that went so fast it’s scary!”
• HKUST, Hong Kong
• Highly ranked university and school with an August start date
• Strong US links in teaching and staffing – where East
meets West
• Accommodation (if offered) small and shared but economical
• Stunning location on the harbour (30 mins by metro/bus from HK Island)
• “Hong Kong is honestly one of the best, most vibrant cities in the world, it’s
been my home for a year, enabled me to travel and make some of the best
friends someone could want - it’s given me the best year of my life. Hands
• The University of Hong Kong
The oldest university in Hong Kong
Classical colonial campus architecture
Very highly ranked
Located centrally (on HK island)
Strong Western/Anglophone tradition
Arrival late August - shared rooms if offered – housing is not
• “1 year, miles away from home, only need to pass, in one of the most
exciting places on earth - I'll let you figure this one out...!”
• National University of Singapore
• Most established and recognised university in Singapore - early start
• Teaching very interactive, varied, and case-based, drawing on real life
• Friendly and safe, with great opportunities for cheap travel across Asia
• Apply on time to be given university accommodation
• Students have often stayed for summer internships
• “Studying in Singapore was the best year of my life; I made friends from
all across the world, travelled to more places than I would have
imagined, experienced things from swimming with Whale Sharks to
eating fried Crickets, all whilst finding enough time to study and pass in
one of the top educational institutions in the world”
• Singapore Management University
• Brand new state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Singapore, but early
start (Aug)
• Flexible, US-influenced teaching style, featuring innovation and creativity
• Friendly and safe, with great opportunities for cheap travel across Asia
• Students on exchange at SMU generally have to find private
accommodation - can be similar to Manchester but good facilities and you
may need to be prepared to have to have a guarantor over 21
• Cost of living affordable
• Be prepared for the ‘bidding system’ to register for courses
• Students have often stayed for summer internships
• “Pool parties, roof-top bars, wall to wall sunshine, 5 day weekends,
chopstick pro, weekend trips to Bali/Full Moon Parties = The Singaporean
Bachelor Lifestyle – to have the whole of South East Asia on your doorstep
while still studying in a country that is so fun and easy to live in was the
perfect year abroad experience”
1. Melbourne, Australia
2. Vienna, Austria
3. Vancouver, Canada
4. Toronto, Canada
5. Calgary, Canada
6. Sydney, Australia
7. Helsinki, Finland
8. Perth, Australia
9. Adelaide, Australia
10. Auckland, New Zealand
Information for Third Year Abroad
Student Details Form
Institution Choices Form
Costs for 2014/15
Workload Requirements
Powerpoint slides
Butex Scholarship Information
• Registration – you will still need to complete registration at U of M
• Fees for Third Year – see separate sheet
• Student Loans/travel awards via Student Finance – look up
‘Student Finance Fact Sheet FS10’ online
• Contact Student Services for further advice on other funding such as
Access Funds
• Proof of evidence of financial support may be required for some visa
• Accommodation, health/insurance cover, visas, books, travel, food etc.
• Erasmus Funding - You must attend an additional meeting (probably in
May) to receive documentation for applying for funding. This is
organised by IPO (International Programmes Office) and not the MBS
International Team. Failure to submit the appropriate paperwork will
affect your application for funds. Further details to follow
SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS – decided on an annual basis
HONG KONG - The Scholarships for Excellence
Study Exchange Opportunities in Hong Kong for UK Students
Confirmed on an annual basis. The scheme is open to UK passport holders and
enables UG students from higher education institutions in England to spend a
semester or full year at a higher education institution in Hong Kong. A minimum of
ten scholarships will be awarded each year, with each scholarship worth up to
SINGAPORE - The Duo-Singapore Fellowship is awarded by the Singapore Ministry
of Foreign Affairs to promote student exchanges between European and Asian
(Asia-Europe Meeting ASEM) member countries. The Award, based on merit, is for
a pair of exchanges between a university in Singapore and its respective partner
university in Europe in any academic field. Each successful student will be
awarded a maximum of 4,000 Euros
BUTEX Scholarship – A limited number of £500 travel scholarships are awarded for
UK students studying abroad in a non-European destination - apply January to
You need to be prepared to complete lengthy applications and ensure that
applications are submitted on time
• The University of Manchester provides Travel Insurance cover for University of
Manchester students undertaking study placements. The Travel Insurance will
cover you for emergency medical treatment. The policy will cover students for
up to two weeks either side of the official start and end dates of the exchange
• You may also have to purchase compulsory health insurance at the host
institution especially out of the EU. Costs vary so check websites for further
• Non EU students may be required to purchase compulsory health insurance at
EU institutions
• Information on health costs on UG Intranet under Exchanges for IM and
Occasionally the host institution may accept the University of Manchester
Insurance in place of health cover but this is rare. It is your responsibility to
see whether this waiver is possible
Accommodation varies across destinations
University Halls of Residence or Private
Not always guaranteed
If you have to find your own accommodation – you should be given some
guidance/assistance with this by the host institution
• Accommodation often offered in shared rooms, particularly out of Europe
• If you can apply for University Halls, do it as soon as you are sent the
information. Often allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Accommodation can often be taken up within a couple of hours of it being
offered online
Additional support while you are abroad – You should declare any
disability or medical condition (including mental ill-health conditions) and
register with the DSO at:
DSO, 2nd Floor of University Place, Block 2. –
0161 275 7512
With your permission, we can advise the partner University of support
that is in place for you at Manchester and request that you receive
support from the DSO at the host institution
Attitudes to disabilities vary in different countries and MBS is not able to
guarantee that all recommendations can be put in place for you
• Visa processes vary so check the appropriate websites for further
• Visas will incur extra costs
• You may be asked to produce medical certificates and/or attend for a
medical check-up
• NON-EU STUDENTS – May need to apply for residence permits/visas
before arrival for European destinations
• Your passport
The recommendation of the IPS (Identity and Passport
Service) is that your passport is still valid for a minimum of six
months at return date
It must be in a good condition and should have some blank pages
• Course choices – what kind of courses are offered
• How many to take
• Courses taken on the year abroad will not count as prerequisites for MBS final year courses
• You need to pass your second year in order to proceed to
the year abroad
• Refer to your IM Workload Requirements document for
further information on what is required during the year
• You will probably have to choose your courses as part of
your application process
Do not make any travel plans until you have had an acceptance from the
University and you have obtained your visa
Check your visa date to know when you are able to arrive in the country
It may be necessary to provide proof of English Language qualifications
as part of the application ie IELTS, TOEFL etc.
• You are expected to attend the International Fair after this meeting to meet
exchange and final year students
• Think carefully about all your choices - fifth and sixth choices are as important
as your first and second
• Consider what you hope to gain from your host institution – large/small
campus, travel opportunities, sporting activities, societies
• Think about costs and distance from home
• Think about the language of the country
• For further information visit the Undergraduate Intranet:
Fact sheets, institution websites, feedback, insurance and information on
extra health costs, forms and helpful information
• D18 has library of information on destinations although most up to date
information can now be found online at each University website
“Uppsala by far was the best choice ever to study abroad.
Despite initial hesitation of going to a place that wasn’t in my
top three, I can safely say it was the best decision. Amazing
people, amazing social life, amazing city.”
Amardeep Bahia – IM
The allocation of places is a difficult decision and it will be based on the
following factors:• Ensuring that students take up places across all our partner institutions
• Aiming to allocate students to as high a preference as possible based on
the ranking
• Taking into consideration first year average mark (before resits)
• Taking into account your personal statement
• Completed MBS Outgoing Undergraduate Exchange Student Details Form
• Completed Institution Choice Form
• One passport size photograph with your name on the back
• A ‘Statement’, 250-500 words maximum, outlining what you hope to gain
from the year abroad both personally and academically but not naming
Deadline for forms
12.00 pm Tuesday 5 November 2013
D18 – MBS East
Any delays may affect your destination
• You will be informed of your destination by the end of November at the latest
• The International Team will then nominate you to the host institution
• The application process will then commence. This varies according to
institution but you will receive an email with instructions on how to apply from
either MBS or from the host institution. Some applications can be long and will
require you to dedicate time to this
• Your application will need to be approved and accepted by the host partner
• Remember where English is not your first language, you may be asked for proof
of language ability ie IELTS or TOEFEL so check as soon as possible so you have
enough time to take the appropriate test if you need to
• You must be pro-active in responding to all emails and filling in forms as missing
deadlines may jeopardise your place at the host institution. Responding late
could also affect your allocation to courses, housing and visas
• For applications to institutions in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Hong
Kong, you need to start immediately you receive the application information. It
can be a lengthy process and you have very early starts – July/August
• Documentation that may be required as part of your application:
MBS First Year Transcript
MBS Reference Letter
The MBS International Team will provide you with first year transcripts
and a reference letter from your Programme Director, if required
• The International Team is here to guide and support you through the
process but is not responsible for completing the application for you
• Please check your University of Manchester emails on a regular basis
Accommodation, Housing - Not having enough information on housing - Not all
accommodation is guaranteed. If you are offered housing and you have not
applied on time, you may not receive university housing and you will have to find
your own
If you have to look for private accommodation, please look at the feedback from
previous students on the UG Intranet and refer to the host institution for further
help and guidance
Method of Teaching, Workload - Intense schedules, workload, expectations
relating to input and attendance, difference in the method of teaching, bell curve
Costs - Additional costs for extras, sundries etc. This could cover local transport,
sports facilities, library, printing etc. Remember you do not pay academic fees but
ancillary costs are often compulsory.
The cost of living - consider the exchange rate
Visas – not having enough information. We are not allowed to give out visa
information in case this changes so you should refer to the country websites for
visa information or be guided by the host partner
Manchester Business School's
Alumni Network is truly global
With 27,000 alumni in over 140 different countries, our global
footprint reaches many corners of the world
Original Thinking Applied
Sue Fidalgo – International Coordinator
Room D18 – MBS East
Telephone – 0161 306 3515
Andrew Walker – International Programmes Administrator
Room D20 – MBS East
10.00 – 12.00 & 14.00 – 16.00
Telephone – 0161 306 3503
Dr Antony Potter – Programme Director
Room 3.54 - MBS West
Telephone – 0161 275 6466