Marching Band & Auxiliary Walk-Thru Packet Materials Instrumental Music Program Walk-Thru & Registration Wednesday August 5 6:00pm New Families 7:00pm Returning Families Concord High School Multi-Purpose Building 2015-2016 Instrumental Music Familes Concord High School Gary Coartney, Director May 29, 2015 Dear Incoming Parents and Students, Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year. This letter is to inform you of important contact information, and a few words about the upcoming school year. Contact Information: *Gary Coartney, Director Director of Instrumental Music (925)682-8000 ext. 3330 school website school email………… *Theresa Dowd professional email President, Concord High Instrumental Music Boosters (CHIMB) email Website for Parents and Students Please go to the website ( to stay up to date on all events that we do throughout the year. When on the website, go to the bottom-right and click on the calendar icon. We update the calendar frequently. Also go to the Parents Header, Events Blog for specific information as each event is coming up. Examples of Events 2015-2016: Heritage Music Festival in San Diego, and: *Recording Sessions for New Double CDs *Joint Concerts with Colleges and High Schools *Community Events *New Focus on Music Technology & Multimedia Lab Instrumental Music Walk-Thru for all Parents and Students Instrumental Music Walk-Thru for all Parents and Students (MANDATORY!!!) is Wednesday, August 5th 6:00pm for incoming students, 7:00pm for returning students. Please plan your calendar so that family events do not conflict with Instrumental Music Events throughout the school year. It is crucial to the success of the Instrumental Music Ensembles that all students participate in concerts!!!!!! We are all looking forward to another incredible music & school year. Sincerely, Gary Coartney CHS Instrumental Music Marching Band/Auxiliary Students/Parents Important Summer Dates for August Refer to “Outline Calendar or Website Calendar” provided for event times. August 5th Walk Through for All Music Families (in MU) Important meeting for program information, booster information, Student Handbooks, program expenses 6:00pm for Incoming Families 7:00pm for Returning Families August 6th-7th Pre-Marching Band Camp (ALL INCOMING MB STUDENTS) August 10th – 12th Instrumental Music Retreat Band and Auxiliary students, 3 day, 2 night retreat to Antioch Fairgrounds Mandatory attendance, No Cost for the Retreat! August 13th - 21st Marching Band Camp (Blacktop) August 25th MB/AX Practice begins (Blacktop) (3:30-6:00pm on Tuesday & Thursday) August 25th First Day of School Contact Gary Coartney, Website Information Director of Instrumental Music Check Out Our Website Phone (925)-682-8000x3330 Emails: CHS Instrumental Music Program Highlights of Events 2015-2016 ONGOING EVENTS FOR PARENTS (Parent participation encouraged) 7:15pm-9:00pm Band Room 1ST Monday of Every Month CHS Instrumental Music Boosters (CHSIMB) Meetings (Occasional Exceptions – See calendar for exceptions) Bingo EVERY Friday Night @ Blue Devils Hall (Our Program is FINANCED by our Fund-Raising efforts and those efforts are critical to the success of our program. Without it, we could not continue to provide the highest quality musical education and individual student’s experience. Every parent’s participation contributes to the program’s success.) UPCOMING CALENDAR EVENTS: for more times and additional information: August: 8/3 Monday 8/5 Wednesday 8:30am-4:00pm IMLC Camp begins (M –F) (All Instrumental Music Leadership Council) 6pm 7pm 8/6 8/7 8/10 8/12 8/13 8/21 8/25 Thursday Friday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday 12-2pm Pre-Marching Band Camp (All incoming MB students) 12-2pm End of Pre-Marching Band Camp (All incoming MB students) 6am 3pm 5-9pm 5-9pm 7:00a 3:30p 8/27 Thursday September: 9/5 Saturday 9/7 Monday 9/11 Friday 9/14 Monday 9/19 Saturday 9/21 9/26 Monday Saturday Instrumental Music Registration and Walk-Thru Returning Families Registration and Walk-Thru 3:30p Antioch Overnight Retreat Begins (MB/AX) @ CHS Antioch Overnight Retreat Ends (MB/AX) @ CHS MB/AX Camp Begins (8/13. 8/14, 8/17-8/21) @CHS MB/AX Camp Ends @ Chs First Day of School MB/AX After School Rehearsal Begins (3:30-6:00p) @CHS (Every Tuesday until Thanksgiving) AX After School Rehearsal Begins (3:30-6:00p) @CHS (Every Thursday until Thanksgiving) 7:30a CHS Bocce Tournament and Fundraiser (all day) @ Newhall Park Labor Day (no school) 6:00p Home football game (MB/AX) (in Uniform Game starts at 7pm) 7:15p CHSIMB (Concord High School Instrumental Music Boosters) meeting Band Room TBA Walnut Festival, Rehearsal, Picnic and Parade (all day) Refer to website Calendar for details 6:00p Winter Guard Clinics 6-9p in MU (every Monday until Auditions) TBA Delta BR (Band Review) (all day) refer to Website October: 10/3 Saturday 10/5 Monday 10/16 Friday 10/16 Friday 10/17 Saturday 10/26 Monday 10/28 Wednesday 10/30 Friday November: 11/2 Monday 11/7 Saturday 11/11 Wednesday 11/18 Wednesday 11/23 Monday 11/28 Saturday December: 12/3 Thursday 12/5 Saturday 12/7 Monday 12/10 Thursday 8-noon March-A-Thon 7:15p CHSIMB (Concord High School Instrumental Music Boosters) meeting Band Room 6:00p Homecoming Football (MB/AX) not in uniform 7pm game No School (teacher in-service) TBA Santa Cruz BR (all day) 6:00p Winter Guard Auditions MU 7:00p WG/WP Parent & Student Meeting Band Room TBA Home football game (MB/AX) (in Uniform Game starts at 7pm) 7:15p CHSIMB meeting Band Room TBA Lodi Grape Bowl BR (all day) Veterans Day (no school) TBA MDUSD Jazz Festival Thanksgiving Break TBA Hollywood X-Mas Parade???? (Return early Monday) 12/19 Saturday 12/21 Monday 7:30p Fall Concert #1 (WE/OR/SYM)(AX bake sale) 4:00p Todo Santos Tree Lighting Ceremony JE 7:15p CHSIMB meetings 7:30p Fall Concert #2 Jazz Concert MU (JE/SB) (Perc Bake Sale) featuring the Rory Snyder Night Jazz Band TBA AX Program Vacation Celebration (AX/WG/DM) Winter Recess January: 1 /4 Monday 1/9 Saturday 1/18 Monday 1/19 Tuesday 1/22 Friday 1/23 Saturday 7:15p CHSIMB meeting TBA MDUSD Honor Band Festival (all day) MLK (no school) Finals Teacher In-service (no school) TBA Folsom Jazz Festival (all day) February: 2/1 Monday 2/6 Saturday 2/8 Monday 2/12 Friday 2/13 Saturday 2/15 Monday 2/27 Saturday 2/29 Monday 7:15p CHSIMB meeting TBA Dinner Dance and Auction in MU Lincolns B-DAY (no school) 8:00p WG/WP/WDM Friends & Family #1 in MU TBA Delta WR (WG/WP/WDM)(all day) Presidents Day (no school) TBA Fairfield WR (WG/WP/WDM) (all day) 7:15p CHSIMB meeting for March in Band Room March: 3/7 Monday 3/11 Friday 3/12 Saturday 7:30p MDUSD Concord Area Band Festival (Ax Program Bake Sale) Teacher In-Service Day (no school) TBA Granada WR (WG/WP/WDM)(all day) March cont: 3/14 Monday 3/25 Friday 3/26 Saturday 3/28 Monday 7:30p MDUSD Concord Area Orchestra Festival (Perc Program Bake Sale) TBA WG/WP/WDM Friends & Family #2 in Gym TBA NCBA Winter Champs (WG/WP/WDM)(all day) @ Cal High Spring Recess April: 4/4 4/13 4/18 4/25 4/25 4/27 4/28 4/30 Monday Wednesday Monday Monday Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 7:15p TBA 3:30p 4:00p May: 5/2 5/2 5/3 5/5 5/7 5/8 5/14 5/26 Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Saturday Thursday 7:15p 6:00p 7:30p 7:30p TBA TBA TBA TBA June: 6/6 ?? 6/14 Monday ??? Tuesday 7:15p CHSIMB meeting in Band Room ??? Graduation Ceremony at Concord Pavilion WE/SYM 6:00p Summer Auxiliary Rehearsals Begin CHSIMB meeting in Band Room Heritage Music Festival in San Diego Trip (Return on: 4/17/15) Auxiliary Training Clinics (thru Friday 22nd) Auxiliary Auditions Fine Arts Week 7:00p Auxiliary Team and Parent meeting in Band Room 3:30p Drum Major Auditions TBA Blues Concert in Dave Brubeck Park (all day) CHSIMB meeting in Band Room Auxiliary rehearsals begin (every Monday thru the 23rd) Spring Concert #1 (WE, SYM, SO)(IMLC Bake sale) Spring Concert #2 (JE, SB) (Perc Bake Sale) Recording Session (all day) in MU Recording Session (all day) in MU Awards Banquet Todo Santos Summer Concert in the park Series (JE/SB) Concord High School Instrumental Music Class Periods 2015 - 2016 Class Period 0 Class Name________________ Marching Band (1st Semester) Symphonic Band (2nd Semester) Enrollment for (Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion) 2 one year Stage Band (Intermediate Jazz Band) (Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones, Guitar, Bass, Drums & Piano) 4 Wind Ensemble (Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion)(exceptions can be made) 5 String Orchestra (Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass) 6 Jazz Ensemble (Advanced Jazz Band) (Saxophones, Trumpets, Trombones, Guitar, Bass, Drums & Piano)… By Audition Only SUPERINTENDENT'S MESSAGE - MARCH 2015 Parents, Staff and Community Members, With the implementation of common core, many schools are focused on the new tests and rigorous standards, and instruction in the visual and performing arts can easily take a back seat. I do not want that to be the case in Mt. Diablo Unified School District. The Arts should be an integral part of our district’s academic program. We want our students to be highly skilled and literate. We want them to be strong in mathematics, science and the social sciences. We want them to be physically fit and healthy. We also appreciate the ability of the arts to enhance their lives. All of our students must have the opportunity to experience the beauty of color, sound, movement, and creativity. At the elementary level, students participate in vocal music each week with a credentialed music teacher. The children learn how to sing, dance, and perform with music. Fifth graders have the opportunity to participate in the instrumental music program. This voluntary program provides instrumental lessons twice a week where the children acquire the skills to read and play notes and rhythms. Through this program, many of our fifth graders are learning how to play musical instruments and perform in a band or orchestra setting. Many of our elementary schools have visual arts programs. The children learn about artists, visual art forms and create using a range of different media and techniques. This year Meadow Homes Elementary is one of just ten Turnaround Arts Schools in the state. Turnaround Arts is a public/private partnership that works to improve student achievement, increase student engagement and enhance the culture of a school. This grant has allowed Meadow Homes students to receive visual arts, music, dance and drama instruction at school and to experience the arts integrated into their regular classroom curriculum. At the secondary level, students have the opportunity to expand and enhance their artistic skills acquired earlier in their school careers or find new forms of expression. At the middle level, students may choose courses in visual art, vocal or instrumental music, or drama. Our high schools offer an array of courses that vary from school to school but that may include everything from AP Studio Art to Film Study, Photography, Jazz Band or Stagecraft. Our students have the opportunity to find a new artistic outlet and learn the intricacies of that craft. We are very proud of our students and their talents. However, it is through the diligent support of parent and community groups that our art programs thrive. The Mt. Diablo Music Education Foundation has provided grants to purchase new and refurbish old musical instruments. The Booster Clubs provide grants for new music and materials, and assist in securing transportation to festivals, concerts and performances. Additionally, parents work tirelessly to make such performances enjoyable for the participants and audiences. Many of our middle and elementary Parent Faculty Clubs provide funding to purchase equipment and supplies for class projects and also contribute to fund after school arts enrichment programs. Another great partnership we have is with the Bedford Gallery. They are providing a new docent-led visual arts pilot program at five of our elementary schools. Next year, the Assistance League of the Diablo Valley will also support a new visual arts program at two additional elementary schools. Everyone should be grateful to the parent and community groups that share our district’s commitment to educating the whole child by supporting the arts programs in our schools. The visual and performing arts programs for our kids would not exist without dedicated teachers and staff. These educators model their passion for the arts and guide them as they discover the excitement and beauty inherent in timeless works of art. MDUSD is fortunate as we have accomplished artists who share their talents and enthusiasm with our students while teaching them to follow their artistic inspiration. I urge you to attend some of the many performances by our students and view an exhibition of their work. I think you will be impressed with what you will see and hear. If you follow our district or specific schools on social media or school websites, you will see postings about upcoming performances. Creative, imaginative, and wonderful things happen at our schools every day. Nellie Meyer, Ed.D. Superintendent Mt. Diablo Unified School District © 2014-2015 Mt. Diablo Unified School District 1936 Carlotta Dr., Concord, CA 94519 (925) 682-8000 Phone | TTY Help! Our Music Program Is In Danger!! Dear Parents and Students, For the last 35 years Bingo has been the major fundraiser for our music program. Bingo contributes onethird of our entire program budget. That equates to around $40,000 a year. It is the financial life-blood of our program and is paramount in helping us to continue offering amazing experiences for our students. Without Bingo we would not be able to travel to Band Reviews, Festivals, Events and Trips (both in California and around the country). If bingo was lost, we would still have an amazing program that performs within a 20 mile radius (the basic distance that a parent would be willing to drive their child to an event), but not to many of the events that we have participated in throughout the years. Here is a list of things that I will have to eliminate from the program if we lose Bingo: Santa Cruz Band Review Folsom Jazz Festival Heritage Music Festival in San Diego Fantasy Studios Recording Session and Double CD of entire program Awards Banquet All Scholarships Winter Guard and Winter Percussion (including all instructors). This would be devastating to our students and our program. We are one of the best programs in Northern California because of our incredible booster organization (you the parents) and your volunteerism when it comes to fundraising. If we lose Bingo this program will only be a shadow of its former self. We need your help working Bingo through the summer as well as throughout the rest of the year. Bingo not only raises money for the program but also for your family. Please participate in Bingo. This is very serious and very real. We may lose bingo before the end of summer if we don’t start getting more parents to help every Friday night. Please call or email: Theresa Dowd (Booster President) (925)586-0889 cell email Katie Norlin (Bingo Chair) (925)768-2237 cell email WALK-THRU CHECKLIST Wednesday August 5th, 6:00pm for new families and 7:00pm for returning families Students and Parent/Guardians Must Attend!! 1. FORMS TO BRING TO MEETING (FILLED OUT) ☐ Student & Parent/Guardian Information Form ☐ Concord High School Instrumental Music Boosters (CHSIMB) Form ☐ Student Emergency Form ☐ Student Authorization for Medication Form ☐ Marching Band/Auxiliary Bus Transportation Permission Slip Form ☐ Marching Band/Auxiliary Private Transportation Permission Slip Form ☐ Marching Band/Auxiliary Antioch Retreat Permission Slip Form 2. ADDITIONAL ITEMS NEEDED FOR THE MEETING ☐ Pen or Pencil ☐ Check book or Credit Card ☐ Calendar (if you have questions on dates) ☐ ☐ Patience and a Positive Attitude (meetings can be a little overwhelming with the amount of information discussed). Know your students clothing sizes (and possibly shoe size) Dear Families, It is important we have the right contact information for our families. Please enter all the current information on this form and return ASAP. Thank you! CHBB -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Parent(s) Names _________________________________________________________ Address (including City and Zip Code): _________________________________________________________ Class Year: Instrument(s): __________________ ________________________________________ Indicate Program Please: MB/Symphonic ____ AUX ____ Wind Ensemble ____ Stage Band ____ Jazz Band ____ _ Orch________ Family Phone #: Student Phone #: _______________________________ ______________________________ Primary Parent/ Guardian email address 1: __________________________________________________________________ Secondary Parent / Guardian email address 2: Student email address: __________________________________________________________________ T-SHIRT SIZE FOR STUDENT: ____________ (Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL) My information is correct: ________________________________ Date: ____________________ (Parent Signature Please) Mt. Diablo Unified School District HIGH SCHOOL FIELD TRIP PERMISION SLIP Marching Band and Auxiliary Bus Transportation 2015-2016 Participant (Student full name):___________________________________ School Site: Concord HS Destination: Antioch Fair Grounds 8/10-8/12/15; Delta BR 9/26-15; Santa Cruz 10/17/15; Lodi, CA Event/Activity: Antioch Fair Grounds; Antioch High School; Santa Cruz Band Review; Loci Grape Bowl Band Review Instructional Objective: ___Band Review and Fund Raising Rationale (be specific):__Music Festival____________________________________________________ Method of Evaluation (related to standards):____Assessment__________________________________ Trip coordinator/Supervisor: __Gary Coartney_ Class/Group Attending: Marching Band and Auxiliary Call time: TBA______ Departing from: _School____ Approximate return time: _TBA Method of Transportation: __Bus Transportation__________________________________________ Health & Emergency Information Student’s specific medical needs, if any: ________________________________________________________ Medical provider: __________________________________ Telephone number: (____) ______-___________ Emergency Parent/guardian Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Cell Number: (____) ____-_______ Home Number: (____) ____-_______Work Number: (____) ____-______ Alternate Parent/Guardian Contact: _____________________________________________________________ Cell Number: (____) ____-_______ Home Number: (____) ____-_______Work Number: (____) ____-______ AUTHORIZATION TO TREAT MINORS: in the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give my permission to call 911 and/or to contact a medical facility or physician selected by the school staff to secure proper treatment for my child and that I will be responsible for said expenses. Prescription or over-the-counter medication: I certify that I have on file in the school a current form stating all medications that my child must take. I HAVE READ AND HERBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-LISTED INFORMATION IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PERMISSION SLIP. Parent/guardian signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian name (please print):____________________________________________________________ Mt. Diablo Unified School District HIGH SCHOOL FIELD TRIP PERMISION SLIP, 2015-2016 Participant (Student full name):___________________________________ School Site: Concord HS Destination: Antioch Fairgrounds, Antioch - Marching Band and Auxiliary Students Event/Activity: MB-AX Overnight Retreat, August 10-12, 2015 Instructional Objective: ___Team Building and Performance Development for Academic Year Rationale (be specific):__Performance Preparation_____________________________________________ Method of Evaluation (related to standards):____Assessment__________________________________ Trip coordinator/Supervisor: Gary Coartney_Class/Group Attending: Instrumental Music Program Students Call time: 6:00am 8/10/15 Departing from: CHS Approximate return time: _8/12/15 at 3:00pm to CHS Method of Transportation: _Bus Transportation Health & Emergency Information Student’s specific medical needs, if any: ________________________________________________________ Medical provider: __________________________________ Telephone number: (____) ______-___________ Emergency Parent/guardian Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Cell Number: (____) ____-_______ Home Number: (____) ____-_______Work Number: (____) ____-______ Alternate Parent/Guardian Contact: _____________________________________________________________ Cell Number: (____) ____-_______ Home Number: (____) ____-_______Work Number: (____) ____-______ AUTHORIZATION TO TREAT MINORS: in the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give my permission to call 911 and/or to contact a medical facility or physician selected by the school staff to secure proper treatment for my child and that I will be responsible for said expenses. Prescription or over-the-counter medication: I certify that I have on file in the school a current form stating all medications that my child must take. I HAVE READ AND HERBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-LISTED INFORMATION IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PERMISSION SLIP. Parent/guardian signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian name (please print):____________________________________________________________ Students are responsible for all missing work. He or she must take the initiative in obtaining missing assignments and submitting complete assignments. Although teachers will, of course, make every effort to assist students who are absent, they cannot deliver individual lectures or demonstrations, instruction or labs to accommodate absenteeism. Grades and class attendance are often directly proportional. Student Acknowledgement: _________________________________________________ Mt. Diablo Unified School District HIGH SCHOOL FIELD TRIP PERMISION SLIP Marching Band and Auxiliary Private Transportation 2015-2016 Participant (Student full name):___________________________________ School Site: Concord HS Destination: Walnut Creek (Twilight) 9/19/14; Concord Neighborhoods 10/4/15; Event/Activity: Walnut Festival; Concord March-A-Thon Instructional Objective: ___Band Review and Fund Raising Rationale (be specific):__Music Festival____________________________________________________ Method of Evaluation (related to standards):____Assessment__________________________________ Trip coordinator/Supervisor: __Gary Coartney_ Class/Group Attending: Marching Band and Auxiliary Call time: TBA______ Departing from: _School____ Approximate return time: _TBA Method of Transportation: __Private Transportation__________________________________________ Health & Emergency Information Student’s specific medical needs, if any: ________________________________________________________ Medical provider: __________________________________ Telephone number: (____) ______-___________ Emergency Parent/guardian Contact: ___________________________________________________________ Cell Number: (____) ____-_______ Home Number: (____) ____-_______Work Number: (____) ____-______ Alternate Parent/Guardian Contact: _____________________________________________________________ Cell Number: (____) ____-_______ Home Number: (____) ____-_______Work Number: (____) ____-______ AUTHORIZATION TO TREAT MINORS: in the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give my permission to call 911 and/or to contact a medical facility or physician selected by the school staff to secure proper treatment for my child and that I will be responsible for said expenses. Prescription or over-the-counter medication: I certify that I have on file in the school a current form stating all medications that my child must take. I HAVE READ AND HERBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE-LISTED INFORMATION IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I FURTHER AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PERMISSION SLIP. Parent/guardian signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian name (please print):____________________________________________________________