Article 1: Power systems - from challenges and requirements to interoperable solutions Authors: Chavdar Ivanov, Terry Saxton, Jim Waight, Maurizio Monti, Greg Robinson Challenges when operating and developing power systems Present and future energy policies are creating a substantial transformation of the electrical power grid and pose a number of significant challenges to transmission and distribution IT systems that are needed to control and manage this grid. As more of the critical business processes are being automated and new devices and systems are being added to achieve the Smart Grid vision of the future, the challenge rapidly becomes one of having too much data from a variety of new and incompatible sources but too little information. At the heart of the solution to this dilemma is the development of an overarching framework with the goal of facilitating interoperability between the many disparate systems comprising the Smart Grid. In this special CIM edition of the IEEE Power & Energy magazine, we are highlighting one of the most promising solutions to achieving this framework which is based on the widely deployed IEC CIM (Common Information Model) standards. This special edition provides the background and explains the need of having interoperable solutions across the entire electrical energy landscape and the efforts already underway in this area. 1. Moving environment Today, the electricity landscape is changing faster than ever before. Generation patterns are shifting due to the replacement of old fossil fuelled plants with natural gas and renewable energy sources, resulting in more variability over time, more dependence on weather conditions, and energy sources widely dispersed throughout the power network. This scenario has resulted in the need for better prediction and control to maintain the security of supply. In addition, increased cross-border flows as the result of merging energy markets are increasing the system complexity. Consequently, demand needs to become more flexible, and the call for competitive electricity prices and a reliable system becomes even more essential. This in turn impacts all areas of system planning and operation and will require major changes in the market organisation and the market products. This diversity of work requires us to challenge a number of current assumptions regarding the needs of power system users, leading to the need for a new road map for the development and operation of the power system over a variety of time horizons: short term (1 up to 5 years), medium term (5 up to 15 years) and long term (15+years). The long-term European energy vision supported by the recent EC (European Commission) communication on EU (Energy Union) requires a paradigm shift that must be addressed at the panEuropean level. Uncertainties derived from the large amount of variable renewable energy sources (RES) to be integrated including offshore generation, new consumption demands, inclusion of Demand Side Response (DSR), and energy storage, create a set of possible scenarios which, in turn, lay the foundations for increasingly more novel infrastructure planning approaches and coordinated system operation at the pan-European level, all supported by well adapted market design. Similarly, the smart grid vision as articulated by NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) [1] foresees a major transformation of “…the USA’s aging electric power system into an interoperable smart grid - a network that will integrate information and communication technologies with the power-delivery infrastructure, enabling two-way flows of energy and communications.” Figure 1, which is a conceptual model of the smart grid, consists of seven domains, Page 1 of 13 each of which contains multiple applications, roles, and associations realized via secure information exchanges (or communication flows). In some countries, there is also an electrical flow from Customer direct to Transmission. Figure 1: NIST Smart Grid Conceptual Model Figure 2 illustrates, as an example, the complexity of the underlying communication paths both within a domain and between domains (of course, this is just a small sample of the many systems actually exchanging information in the real world). The goal is interoperability between all the systems/devices across all domains. Page 2 of 13 Figure 2: Sample of systems/communications paths comprising the Smart Grid vision. 2. Need to adapt to the new rules The fight against climate change together with the achievement of the Internal Electricity Market (IEM) in Europe requires new rules, new technologies, and new ways of operating the power system. Integration among all players, be it generators, consumers, Distribution System Operators (DSOs), power exchanges, power suppliers or technology providers is key to the optimization of the overall system. Transmission System Operators (TSOs) manage the backbone of the electricity supply for the benefit of the society. The importance of this role has been widely recognized and sealed in the Third Energy Package of the EU. In Europe, the EC, together with many stakeholders, have established that greater effort is needed to create a secure, competitive and low carbon European energy sector and a pan-European IEM. Network codes are intended as a tool to reach this objective by complementing existing national rules to tackle cross-border issues in a systematic manner. They are sets of rules which apply to one or more parts of the energy sector. The need for them was identified during the course of developing the Third Energy Package by the EU. More specifically, Regulation (EC) 714/2009, which deals with conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity, sets out the areas in which network codes will be developed and a process for developing them. Article 8 of this Regulation “Tasks of the ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity)”, states that “… ENTSO-E shall adopt common network operation tools to ensure coordination of network operation…”. This includes “data exchange and settlement rules, network security and reliability rules, interoperability rules, transparency rules”. Meanwhile in the USA (with similar efforts elsewhere), national legislation has led to the unbundling of previously vertically integrated utilities and the promotion of wholesale electricity markets managed by Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, regulated by Page 3 of 13 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. NIST in recent years was assigned “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems…”. This framework is seen as necessary to ensure the goals of the Smart Grid vision are achievable. Without it there is a risk that the diverse Smart Grid technologies, such as smart meters which are being widely deployed and synchrophasors that provide real-time assessments of power system health to provide system operators with better information for averting disastrous outages, will become prematurely obsolete or, worse, be implemented without adequate security measures. 3. IT complexity and interoperability With the opening of electricity markets, the complexity of products and derivatives being traded as well as the number of business processes have increased many times over. The transactions volume and the need to process data in ever shorter timescales required the development of an efficient support from IT systems. With increasing complexity of each market and greater requirement for interaction between market areas, it became apparent that IT complexity and lack of interoperability was becoming a major hindrance to an open and fully functional electricity market. All of this has practical implications with intensive computer-based automation. Increasingly, such automation depends on multiple systems at multiple locations owned and operated by multiple parties to cooperate within defined business scenarios. It requires information produced by System A and System B to be consumable by System C in order to produce information for System D in time frames that may not tolerate errors or human intervention. In order to make this happen, information transfer must not only be automated between systems that were designed independently, but the hundreds of transfers involved in complex processes must all be informationally compatible with one another in order to achieve the required end result. The need of data exchange standards The need of data exchange standards is confirmed by many utilities and industry organizations. The integration of renewable energy sources around the world, which is also a major target of the energy and climate policy objectives for 2020 and beyond, will affect existing electricity grid infrastructure, operations and the functioning of the electricity market itself. The integration of renewables into the power system requires their variability to be balanced. This can be tackled by electricity grids operating smartly and cost-efficiently. To do this, a seamless and efficient information exchange is necessary at various stages, between an increasing number of companies – TSOs, DSOs, generators etc. Such information exchanges have become indispensable in network planning (HVDC network development, interconnection development to tackle congestion, etc.); power system operation (realtime information on the generation output, balancing control, etc.); market (generation schedules, trades, balancing resource management, etc.). In its proposal for use of standardised component models for power flow and dynamics cases, NERC recognized [2] a growing need for accurate interconnection-wide power flow and dynamics simulations to analyse frequency response, inter-area oscillations and interactions between wide-area control and protection systems. Use of proprietary approaches is preventing a free flow of information necessary for interconnection‐wide power system analysis and model validation. The ability of the different utilities and network operators to exchange data enables them to collaborate to understand system issues and develop solutions. Page 4 of 13 The objective of the recently adopted European network code on capacity allocation and congestion management is to create the largest and most competitive electricity market in the world. The guideline sets out the rules that will enable a transition from the current system, in which there are different rules for electricity market participants in different countries or regions, to a single set of electricity market rules applied across Europe. The code states “… To implement single day-ahead and intraday coupling, the available cross-border capacity needs to be calculated in a coordinated manner by the Transmission System Operators (hereinafter "TSOs"). For this purpose, they should establish a common grid model including estimates on generation, load and network status for each hour. The available capacity should normally be calculated according to the so-called flow-based calculation method, a method that takes into account that electricity can flow via different paths and optimises the available capacity in highly interdependent grids….” According to the network code the common grid model “…means a Union-wide data set agreed between various TSOs describing the main characteristic of the power system (generation, loads and grid topology) and rules for changing these characteristics during the capacity calculation process…” In addition to this network code, the upcoming codes on operational security and operational planning and scheduling will also require use of a common grid model in order to fulfill the tasks and obligations defined therein. The European long term planning studies, such as the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and Regional Investment Plans, demand a high degree of coordination and consistency in the data exchanges. Without having a common data exchange standard, the task to perform credible studies and deliver results would consume a huge number of resources. Therefore the needs are clear: TSOs, third parties and service providers need to use commonly agreed upon and compatible data exchange formats. However, there are number of questions which were asked in different communities: How do we, as an industry, define “common” methods, processes, interfaces and data? How do we ensure broad agreement and adoption of them? How do we develop and maintain these standards and tools into the future? More specifically, these questions have to be answered not only between network operators, but also with all the market participants to electricity markets. This frequently requires agreements with national regulators and changes to national or regional regulations of markets or system access rules. Most of the required studies relate to system development, operation and planning, security or reliability analyses and any other studies or analysis necessary in which different parties contributing to a study use common data sets and share the analysis work. In order to achieve this, it is essential that the power system analyses tools are able to exchange information from other tools. The use of standards is the only way to approach these issues. The IEC CIM set of standards has been widely used in the last decade as the best practice to achieve interoperability. In US many utilities are using CIM to integrate different IT applications/systems and to exchange information such as power system network models between parties in the different regions. In Europe, ENTSO-E developed the Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) [3] based on the IEC CIM standards and established a framework to assess and confirm the conformity of the suppliers’ applications to the CGMES. Page 5 of 13 It is a common knowledge that standards are the most effective way of achieving full compatibility and interoperability. CIM comprises a series of international IEC standards that greatly facilitate interoperability where multiple vendor products are involved in the exchange of common grid models and other related information both between TSOs as well as to DSOs. While the focus of this article is on Europe and North America, in fact CIM standards are in use all over the world including Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and South America. Towards end-to-end data interoperability A necessary foundational element in satisfying these interoperability requirements of the future grid is a common language for data – a common semantic model. This is the utility CIM, a key standard in the USA SGIP (Smart Grid Interoperability Panel) catalog of approved standards for Smart Grids as well as in the CEN/CENELEC M/490 SGAM (Smart Grid Architecture Models) framework standard for Europe. The CIM helps organize and structure shared data through the use of a very complete model of the entire power system grid and all aspects of power system management, planning and operations to provide common semantics for information exchange. The development of the CIM standards over the last two decades was based on strong business cases. Multiple industry driven projects were launched to define use cases and propose the right solution based on CIM or necessary CIM extensions. Figure 3 illustrates the complex process starting with the task to identify business needs and collect requirements until the stage in which the applications/tools are used by utilities, TSOs, ISOs or other entities. Business process’ needs / requirements New ideas Use cases Initiate new std. or submit CIM extensions Gap analysis Prepare all necessary input to initiate or update a CIM standard Draft std./ update CIM/ discussion Test draft CIM standard (standard vetting interoperability test) Approve and publish a CIM standard Standardisation process (draft a new CIM standard or update, propose CIM extensions) Feedback to improve future editions of the standards Integration process Vendors implementing the standard Conformity to test applications against the standard Prepare the applications and tools for integration in the utility/TSO/ISO, etc. Applications available to users for integration Conformity of the integrated applications against procedures defined per business process Integrate compliant with the standard applications in the utility/TSO/ISO, etc. Objectives achieved: Integrated solutions used in the business processes Figure 3: The process – from requirements to ready to use application Due to the nature of the framework provided by the IEC to develop and approve CIM international standards, the process is relatively slow, which in turn creates a challenge related to need for timely implementation of the CIM solutions. Therefore, utilities and policy makers need to ensure that they support initiatives aimed at expediting the standardisation process by proposing to Standards Development Organization (SDOs) well-tested and vetted CIM-based solutions. This will eventually Page 6 of 13 speed up the adoption of CIM standards, their implementation and usage which will increase efficiency in the business processes, thus maximising the added value for network operators and the industry in general. Normally the efforts to test conformity and perform other important steps are coordinated by a body (association, users’ forum, project, reliability organization) in cases where there are a large number of entities that need to exchange data in compliance with legislation or to solve a particular business need. An example for such setup is the efforts that ENTSO-E is performing in Europe as described in the next section. Importance of interoperability testing to ensure vendor compliance to CIM standards There are at least two types of efforts directly linked to interoperability testing: Efforts to validate a CIM standard as a part of the standard’s development process; Efforts to validate the conformity of available software solutions with an approved standard. The interoperability testing to validate the correctness of the CIM standards started in 2000 with the first interoperability test sponsored by EPRI and held in Las Vegas, USA. These tests were driven by NERC requirements in North America and were focused on the CIM standards designed to exchange common power system network models between operational systems (SCADA/EMS solutions). Later on activities expanded to cover validation of the CIM standards related to planning and the energy market as well as for message payloads to support system integration. Currently in Europe, ENTSO-E plays a leading role in organising CIM interoperability tests related to both grid model and market exchanges. Since 2009, ENTSO-E has organised five large-scale IOP tests for grid models exchange. In 2012, ENTSO-E organised the first IOP on CIM for energy market and began a series of IOPs related to the CIM for European market style. In 2014, ENTSO-E launched a conformity assessment framework related to the CGMES which is an ENTSO-E standard based on CIM and used by the ENTSO-E TSOs for operational and system development exchanges. Using the conformity assessment framework, ENTSO-E provides services to assess different tools developed by vendors. This is an example of an effort which targets validation of the available application against specification of a standard. The CGMES conformity relies on processes specified in the ISO standards on conformity assessment. Due to the complexity of a ISO based certification process ENTSO-E decided to design the CGMES conformity more as a service towards suppliers and ENTSO-E members rather than a full scale certification process. Only first party assessment and second party assessment processes are applied. According to ISO the first party assessment activity is a conformity assessment activity that is performed by the organization (supplier) that provides the object (IT application). In such case, a Supplier would declare that his product(s) is conforming to the specified requirements by issuing a “Declaration of Conformity”. The second-party conformity assessment activity is performed by an organization (user) that has a user interest in the object. In the setup applied by ENTSO-E the first parties are all vendors that would like to conform to CGMES. ENTSO-E performs the role of a second party and issues an “Attestation of Conformity”. This process could be applied for IEC CIM standards as well and it could be extended, if necessary, to fully apply the ISO standards for certification where the assessment is performed by an additional third party. ENTSO-E has already benefited from this effort by ensuring TSOs receive better tested applications for integration into the business processes in the TSO environment. Page 7 of 13 Conformity assessment also provides a solid base of test data for future development of the CIM standards. Most importantly the conformity process and the implementation of the CGMES enables roll-out of the system development studies and the implementation of the European network codes. Figure 4 illustrates the CGMES conformity assessment process. CGMES Conformity Assessment CGMES Test data R o ec mm en d Opinion formation YES Conformity rules and Test procedures CGMES Conformity Assessment Scheme documentation NO Recommendation Review of the Applications Application Declaration of Conformity Attestation of Conformity Testing and checking conformity with CGMES rules First Party Assessment: vendor performing tests and issues a Declaration of Conformity Second Party Assessment: ENTSO-E evaluates the application and issues Attestation of Conformity Figure 4: CGMES conformity assessment process It is important to note that the current design of the CGMES conformity assessment scheme allows assessment of the applications only on certain CGMES functionalities that are supported by the assessed application . Hence, declarations of conformity and attestations of conformity cannot be used as a confirmation that an application is fully covering requirements on a specific business process. ENTSO-E is planning to further develop the CGMES conformity assessment scheme to cover relevant procedures and test use cases. This new development will allow assessment of the applications used by the European TSOs against the requirements of the business processes such as day-ahead congestion forecast, other operational planning exchanges defined in the European Network codes as well as long term planning data exchanges. Usage of CIM to organize and structure shared data CIM standards have been applied in many different areas to organize and structure shared data, such as for system integration of transmission and distribution operations and planning systems, power system network model management and exchange needed for grid reliability system studies and forecasts, and market operations. One of the major strengths of the CIM is its system architecture which organizes the CIM standards into a 3-layer framework: Layer 1 – a normalized information model of utility operations defined using UML (Universal Modeling Language) which defines the semantics for interoperability. This model is managed and maintained on the Sparx Enterprise Architect (EA) platform. Layer 2 – a set of profiles for specific system interactions/interfaces which are based on a subset of the information model in Layer 1. These profiles define the syntax for information Page 8 of 13 exchange, such as schemas that definer XML (Extensible Markup Language) -based message payloads or files, but could also include schemas for data extraction from data bases. Layer 3 – implementation technologies for the serialization of data exchanged between systems, applications, and devices which are also a part of the syntax definition to enable system interoperability. It is this layered architecture which facilitates the reuse of a single common semantic model (i.e., the CIM) for the multitude of profiles which have been already defined as well as for future profiles yet to be defined. Similarly since the profiles are a type of platform independent model, mappings to future new exchange technologies are also enabled. Another key strength of the CIM architecture is the methodology/work flow process defined to go from a business use case to interoperable data sharing over a variety of transport mechanisms. This methodology was developed over many years of experience with a multitude of real-world applications at utilities and energy companies all over the world. A related benefit is the ability to customize and extend the CIM standards as needed to meet unique data exchange requirements at a specific utility enterprise. This topic is explained in more detail later in the section dealing with “CIM for electrical distribution systems”. Where CIM standards have been applied CIM for network models The use of the CIM for power system network model exchange are generally based on the IEC 61970 series of standards that define the necessary CIM classes and attributes needed for different exchanges. These standards have been improved substantially since the first implementations of IEC 61970 were launched in the USA a decade or two ago. As a consequence, these standards are today quite mature resulting in many successful implementations world-wide. The following are just two examples: A. Use of CIM standards in USA (examples from ERCOTT and PJM) The CIM standards have been used as the foundation for the integration of operational systems as part of the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and the PJM AC2 projects. ERCOT’s CIM based Network Model Management System (NMMS) has been operational since 2010. It uses IEC 61970 standards for the exchange of network models between participating transmission organizations and ERCOT, as well as between different software systems within the RTO. More details on this is provided in other articles of the magazine. PJM AC2 project integrates several systems sourced from different vendors and legacy systems to support common RTO workflows: Day Ahead Market Operations, Real Time Market Operations, Reliability Operations, and Billing and Settlement. An Information Model Manager (IMM) is used to produce and maintain power system network models in IEC 61970-452 formats for use by the Siemens Energy Management System for reliability operations, and by the Alstom Market Management System for market operations. The IEC CIM was also used as the semantic model in the Siemens/PJM Shared Architecture. The Shared Architecture provides a secure standards based integration platform with standard services and payloads that are used by software systems provided by different, vendors and developed in house by PJM. The system has been in continuous operation since 2011. The use of a standards based service oriented architecture enables faster innovation in the area of the smart grid. B. Long term planning in Europe Page 9 of 13 As mentioned earlier, ENTSO-E has the obligation to deliver Ten Year Network Development Plans. This along with the other drivers to have efficient data exchanges for the power system analyses lead to the adoption of CIM for data exchanges related to long term planning studies. At that time, in 2009, the ENTSO-E CIM data exchange was based on IEC CIM release 14 standards. Major effort was performed to package available information, prepare the profile (the subset of CIM classes used in the data exchange), test the standard and use it in real data exchanges. The following table illustrates the first improvements in the processes when using CIM base data exchange taking into account the maturity of CIM at that time and the experience of the vendors and TSO experts in using CIM based solutions. The example is on preparation of long term planning model for the largest synchronous zone in Europe – Regional Group Continental Europe (RG CE). Preparation of long term planning model for RG CE Data collection time including data validation process Effort in 2007-2008 Effort in 2013 7 months (data exchange formats: UCTE DEF, PSS/E and Excel) 2 months (data exchange standard: CIM) 20 min in ENTSO-E Network Modelling Database Model assembling 3 months – significant manual process Obtain load flow in one tool Model size Nodes: 10800 Lines: 14400 Loads: 6300 Generators: 2050 Transformers: 3200 10 hours (including effort to apply procedures due to using tools not fit for the purpose) Nodes: 19000 Lines: 17600 Loads: 10700 Generators: 14600 Transformers: 2-winding: 5100 3-winding: 1300 Breakers: 2100 With the use of CIM the quality of the datasets increased and TSOs were able to exchange more detailed models to conduct studies. There is a growing expectation that the quality and the performance of these exchanges will continue to improve even more. This was one of the reasons the ENTSO-E CGMES specifications were developed using the newest IEC CIM release 16 related standards. Although the processes to implement CGMES are ongoing, there is already a positive indication that the model exchange is better. The reasons for this can be attributed to the use of a more mature CIM standard, the CGMES conformity assessment process, the availability of good test data, and the experience gained by experts dealing with network models exchanged using CGMES. ENTSO-E’s TSOs are also implementing CIM for the purpose of operational planning network model exchanges. This effort is presented in another article in the magazine. CIM for electrical distribution systems A common problem for distribution utilities is that efforts to automate and manage business processes are foiled by incongruent data from applications supporting the planning, constructing, maintaining, and operating of power distribution and customer interface assets. As there are many tools available to bridge the gaps between the disparate technologies, the main showstopper for large scale integration is Page 10 of 13 that data resides in thousands of incompatible formats and cannot be systematically managed, integrated, or cleansed. As depicted in the following diagram (Figure 5), the IEC 61968 series is intended to facilitate interapplication integration of the various distributed software application systems supporting the management of utility electrical distribution networks. It connects disparate applications that are already built or new (legacy or purchased applications), each supported by dissimilar runtime environments. Therefore, IEC 61968 is relevant to loosely coupled applications with more heterogeneity in languages, operating systems, protocols, and management tools. Figure 5: Distribution management with IEC 61968 compliant interface architecture As used in IEC 61968 series, distribution management consists of various distributed application components for the utility to manage electrical distribution networks. These capabilities include monitoring and control of equipment for power delivery, management processes to ensure system reliability, voltage management, demand-side management, outage management, work management, automated mapping and facilities management. The distribution management system could also be integrated with premise area networks (PAN) through an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) network. IEC 61968 recommends that the semantics (i.e., CIM) of system interfaces of a compliant utility interapplication infrastructure be defined using UML. The XML is a data format for structured document interchange particularly on the Internet. One of its primary uses is information exchange between different and potentially incompatible computer systems. Using tools available from multiple sources, profiles are modelled in UML and then message types (XSDs) are auto-generated to define grammar/syntax of a given interface in the utility inter-application infrastructure. Pre-defined industry standard message types (XSDs) are available in the IEC 61968 series of standards. However, for most enterprise integration efforts, utilities view this series of standards as a ‘starter kit’ in that they are able to use the same approach to extend the CIM to include their unique data requirements and then generate their required message-types. For some areas such as AMI, Page 11 of 13 customization is often not required. However, for other areas such as asset management, work management, and customer information, it is typical that utilities have unique attributes that they want to add on top of industry standard interfaces. While this practice is not ‘standards compliant,’ it has served a valuable purpose - when compared with vendor-proprietary or custom-developed interfaces in that extending the industry standard saves substantial design, implementation and maintenance costs. It also makes them more agile as business changes. CIM for Market The establishment of an electricity energy market requires information to be exchanged between electricity utilities but also a number of participants from various sectors, such as traders, power exchanges, aggregators of information, meter data collectors, etc. A harmonized approach was necessary to define data interchanges, to reduce the complexity and cost of IT systems whilst ensuring the ongoing quality and usability was maintained. With this objective in mind, the IEC 62325 series of standards were developed to facilitate efficient interactions among market participants, market operators and system operators to provide a unified approach to conducting market operations. Currently, two market models are being developed: one for the North American style market (nodal market) and the other one for the European style market (zonal market). The initial focus was on European style markets which resulted in the IEC 62325-351 standard as well as the series of IEC 62325-451-n for dedicated business processes such as acknowledgment, scheduling transmission capacity allocation and nomination, settlement and reconciliation, status request and problem statement, and transparency data publication. In particular, the IEC 62325-451-6 on transparency data publication was developed based on the European Transparency Regulation (EU) No 543/2013 of 14 June 2013, and it is used by all the actors that have reporting responsibilities. Development and implementation were completed within one year thanks to the use of CIM and the IsBasedOn methodology described in IEC 62325-450. Currently more than 100,000 messages per day are exchanged via this transparency platform. Work is also underway for North American style markets in the form of a series of standards dealing with Day Ahead and Intra-Day Markets. These standards describe the exchange of supplemental market definition data and run-time market data (bids, offers, schedules of awards, and LMP prices). Conclusion The operation and development of bulk power systems around the world is changing rapidly due to the need to integrate more renewables into the electricity grid, to use the assets more efficiently and to cope with structural changes in the power system business. More analytic work needs to be performed and this requires seamless data exchanges that meet the requirements of different business domains. For this purpose the industry has developed, implemented, and standardized a Common Information Model (CIM). The success stories described in this article and the ones that follow should provide confidence that the IEC CIM standards have achieved a high level of maturity and should be deployed as a best practice to achieve data interoperability. For Further Reading Page 12 of 13 [1] NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 3.0 [2] NERC - Proposal for Use of Standardized Component Models in Powerflow and Dynamics Cases, 2013 [3] ENTSO-E Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES): Biographies Chavdar Ivanov is with ENTSO-E, Belgium Terry Saxton is with Xtensible Solutions, USA Jim Waight is with OMNETRIC, USA Maurizio Monti is with RTE, France Greg Robinson is with Xtensible Solutions, USA Page 13 of 13