Diapositiva 1

Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
The empowerment of women
Growing research shows that women economic
empowerment is one of the fastest ways for a
country to increase productivity and to reduce the
risk of a war or a political unrest.
Actually, engaging women in the leadership and
decision making roles of an enterprise and
industry contributes to the development and the
welfare of all members of society.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
BPW International
is one of the most influential international
networks of business and professional women
with clubs in over 100 countries.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
BPW women leaders in the world
BPW International and F.I.D.A.P.A. –
BPW Italy members include
influential entrepreneurs, business
owners, executives, professionals
and young career women.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Some women leaders in BPW International
Abeer Qumsieh Jouaneh
Amanda Ellis
BPW Jordan
BPW Egypt
Lead Specialist, Gender and Development, for the World
Bank Group. She manages the World Bank’s Global
Private Sector Leaders CEO Forum to promote women’s
economic empowerment. Amanda is an economist with
a specialization in international trade and development
economics, a founding member of the Global Banking
Alliance for Women, and the founder of the gender
program at the International Finance.
Director and Founder of Better Business, a BToB
business model specialized in Building Service Cultures.
Her main fields of expertise include Organizational
Organizational Mindset and Customer Cultures. She has
worked as a consultant for hundreds of companies and
projects and trained thousands of people around the
Middle East & GCC.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Some women leaders in BPW International
Irene Natividad
Carolyn Grady
BPW Philippinas
President of the Global Summit of Women, an 18-year
old annual gathering of women leaders in business and
government. Ms. Natividad also serves as Co-Chair of
Corporate Women Directors International. In 2004, she
Co-owner of Oshkosh Office Systems, Inc. and
past President, Business and Professional
was selected by Women’s eNews as one of the “21
Women/USA in 2003. A successful business
Leaders for the 21st Century.” She was named in 1997 as
professional, she has 25 years of business
one of “25 Most Influential Working Mothers” by
ownership/management experience in both the
Working Mother Magazine, and was also named in 1988
insurance and office equipment industries.
as one of the “100 Most Powerful Women in America”
by Ladies Home Journal.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Some women leaders in BPW International
Jean Murray
Kellie Tranter
BPW New Zeland
BPW Australia
Medical scientist by profession, she is currently an
Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of New South
adviser on ethical and legal policy for the South
Wales in 1999. She is the principal of her law firm, Kellie
Australian Minister for Health in areas as diverse as
Tranter Attorney. She has been awarded BPW Maitland
embryo research, reproductive medicine, genetics and
2005 Career Woman of the Year and a 2007 WEL Edna
organ donation. Her post-graduate studies include a
Ryan Award for Community Activism, she was an
Master of Health Management and Doctorate of Public
independent candidate for Maitland in the 2007 NSW
Health Ethics.
State election and was a finalist in the 2007 Finalist
Women Lawyers' Association of New South Wales
Achievement Awards.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Some women leaders in BPW International
Lu Hsiu-Lien
Elena Fedyashina
BPW China
BPW Russia
Taiwan leading women's rights activist in the 1970s. In
Executive Director of the Committee of 20, an
1979 a 20-minute speech she gave criticizing the
authoritarian government led to her spending almost six
years as a political prisoner. Lu was elected to the
international women’s movement since 1995. Elena is a
Legislature in 1993, where she co-chaired the Foreign
strong advocate for economic empowerment and career
Relations Committee. In 1997, Lu was elected Taoyuan
advancement of women gaining recognition as one of
County magistrate and, in 2000 and 2004, was elected
the leading experts in this field.
Taiwan vice president. In 2005, she founded the
Democratic Pacific Union.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Some women leaders in BPW International
Anne-Marie Pierre-Paul
Piia-Noora Kaupi
BPW Finland
BPW Haiti
Managing Director of the Federation of Finnish Financial
Services. She has previously worked as a Member of the
Parliamentary Group of the National Coalition Party
Kokoomus, Secretary for the Working Groups for the
Legal Affairs Committee and the Constitutional Affairs
Committee, Legal Assistant at Borenius & Kemppinen
Attorneys at Law and Secretary at the Office of Secretary
In 1954, Anne-Marie Pierre-Paul Desvarieux opened the
first private professional school in Haiti: “Maison
Menagerie”. The school was an immediate success
teaching new techniques in fashion and culinary arts.
She introduced the first classes about cake decoration in
Haiti. Most of the Haitian professional schools in fashion
and culinary arts are owned by her alumni, an indication
of her legacy to generations.
General, Democratic Youth Community of Europe
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Young BPW International
It is a training and self-development
program for young members of BPW
International, launched in 1985.
Since then, this group has experienced
continuous growth and has became an
international network of hundreds of
young women around the world.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
BPW International History
1919: Lena Madesin Phillips founded in America
the F.BPW - Federation of Business and Professional
and Professional Women was founded in Geneva,
Women - to gather in one Federation all the
thanks to the initiative of the National Federations
American women engaged in professions and
of Austria, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy and The
1930: I.F.BPW International Federation Business
United States. At the ceremony two Delegates of
the League of Nations were also present .
1929: Professor Maria Castellani, President of a
woman cultural club in Rome, conforms to Lena
Madesin Phillips’ ideals and founds - together with
1945: F.I.D.A.P.A., after the interruption due to the
the sections in Rome, Milan and Naples -
II World War, on February 14th its international and
F.I.D.A.P.A., Italian Federation of Women, Arts,
national path restarts in Rome.
Professions, Business.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
BPW World Map
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
BPW International Membership in 2013
Total Members
Asia Pacific
Latin America
North America
Total BPW International
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
BPW International Membership in 2013
Today we are 23.564
Membership 2013
Latin America
North America
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
Aim and Purposes
Strive to remove any discrimination
against women, both within the
family and in work environment,
always respecting
the current regulations regarding
equal opportunities.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
Aim and Purposes
Appraise the associates’
expertise and knowledge, guiding
them towards cultural and social
activities favoring the
improvement of everyday and
working life.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
Aim and Purposes
Promote, coordinate and support
the initiatives of women operating
in the fields of Arts, Professions
and Business, both independently
and in collaboration with others
Corporations and Associations.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW ITALY is divided into 7 Districts:
NORTH WEST - Liguria, Lombardia, Piemonte, Valle D’Aosta
NORTH EAST - Emilia Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige
CENTRE - Toscana, Lazio, Marche, Umbria
SOUTH WEST - Calabria, Campania
SOUTH EAST - Abruzzo, Basilicata, Molise, Puglia
For a total number of about 290 Sections and of about 12.000 associates.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
Milano Club
Milano Club is one of the three
Founding Clubs of the
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Women-owned businesses
In Milano in 2012 on about 284.915 operative
enterprises, 57.892 are led by women.
In Lombardy on about 821.819 operative
enterprises, 173.033 are led by women.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
an imperative for growth
Milano is a space of global
interconnections, inserted
into the most important
transnational circuits.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Women for Expo 2015
Diana Bracco, Expo 2015 Spa. President,
will work actively to ensure that
EXPO 2015 provides a useful platform
to reintroduce, reaffirm and develop
the great potential that women
possess and can express.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Women for Expo 2015
Diana Bracco said “Women has to become the
real ambassadors of Expo 2015.
Our aim is to support women’s entrepreneurial
creativity, as women will increasingly become the
influential protagonists of social development.
Women for Expo wants to encourage a greater
presence and full responsibility of
women's Associations in Expo 2015, for their real
and effective participatory contribute.”
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
2013 – 2015
Expo 2015 Event
In order to create actual business relationships between members
who have all the tools to go from opinion to action in the markets and professions
according to the BPW International indications
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy proposes to “use” the Expo 2015
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
for EXPO 2015 in Milano
“B to B women in ethic business”
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
What’s BtoB in Ethic Business ?
It’s an International Event that expects attendance of
entrepreneurs, managers,freelance, artisans, educators and
creativeartists members of BPW.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
It will be held in Milano (Italy)
from June 22nd to 26th, 2015 in
Palazzo Cusani, a magnificent
building right in the center of
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
Will be the Event held inside EXPO 2015 in Fiera Rho ?
No. EXPO in Fiera Rho is only focused on nutrition and food.
Our event as the goal of offering a much wider horizons of
market places and sectors where will be possible realize
experiences, ideas and businesses.
Indeed, a wider spread economic wealth in the world will also
bring food and improved quality of life for many populations!
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
Why “Ethic Business”?
Ethic ranks at the first place among the BPW principles. Doing
business ethically with transparency, with honesty, with
correctness and professional deontology, means give a
contribution of high add value to wellness, to the environment
protection and to a sure economic return for the
underdeveloped population of the Planet.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
And so entrepreneurs, Managers and freelance of each Continent will meet each other
in Milano (Italy) from June 22nd to 26st, 2015 with the clear target to drive a bargain
according to professional ethics and deontology.
Opening plenary session attended by all members. Italian-English translation and
viceversa will be provided.
The abstract of each Speakers will be available in Italian, English, Frech, Germany and
Spanish language.
The Workshops Moderator are “excellence” in the Workshop’s matter.
The Speakers registered at the Workshop can present their activity and their Company
Profile will be linked.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
Our Partners
The Milano’s Chamber of
Commerce, as Public authority,
perform a work for the
companies of Milano’s territory.
The headquarter is in Milano, but there are also subsidiary in a lot of little town to facilitate
business education, access to credit for companies, innovation and transfer of technology, drive
increment of e-commerce, environmental protection during company activity, infrastructures’s
development and increase resources of territory. Achieve action to facilitate economic
development of the territory and to increase competitiveness, promoting the globalization
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
Our Partners
AIDDA is part of FCEM, the pioneer association uniting
women business owners from the world over. Founded
in France in 1945 at the end of World War II by Yvonne
Foinant, and months before the United Nations, the
Association quickly spread into other European
countries and the 5 continents.
FCEM brings together in solidarity and friendship, likeminded women who share a common interest: that of
Today the network FCEM includes over 120 different
countries and 5 millions members from the five
continents. And FCEM membership is growing, with
new demands for membership each year.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
Our Partners
ADGI is part of The International Federation of Women in
Legal Careers, FIFCJ, is a Non Governmental Organization of
women jurists founded in Paris in 1928 with the aim of
fighting for the eradication of all forms of discrimination
against women and promoting their Human Rights.
The FIFCJ has consultative status with the United Nations
Economical and Social Council since 1961.
Collaborates with ECOSOC, UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO, and ILO.
It also teams up with others federations and associations with
common goals:
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
• Thematic conference dedicated not only to food and nutrition
• Guided tours to Expo 2015 pavilions
• 9 thematic round table with business workshop
• B To B meetings
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
“B to B women in ethic business”
During BtoB women in ethic business our sponsors and partners can hold an
half day seminary in one of the most charming room of Palazzo Cusani
that will be at their total disposal for meetings, convention, workshops…
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Why B to B women in ethic business
B to B women in ethic business event
provides for 9 thematic round tables in which
all the interested members are invited.
In every round table there will be a
business workshop where every attendee will
explain the mission of their own business.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Why B to B women in ethic business
At the end of the workshops, the entrepreneurs
will be invited to an encounter in a private
room where there will be the real business
meeting between the two involved women.
All the round tables will host an
EXPO delegate together with some Italian
excellences in every arguments.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Expo 2015
Global ethic marketing
Thematic round table
• Food and nutrition
• Sustainable business
• Health, sport and wellness
• Design and fashion
• Communication
• Architecture and construction industry
• Education
• Finance
• Consulting
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
B to B communication
B to B communication has different characteristics in relation with the
mass-consumption ones:
It’s selective and not of mass
It’s not aggressive but informative
It is based on rational reasons rather
than on emotional ones
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
B to B communication benefits
• Reduction of costs and transition times as the information is managed in a more efficient
and standardized way.
• Opening to a global market through the reduction of territorial and temporal barriers.
• Greater efficiency in the management of supplier relationships within vertical production
chains, industrial districts or partnerships.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
B to B is a strategic element for the
planning and the development
of business
B to B, radically changing the way in which enterprises make business relationships,
represents the main hub through which the so-called new economy is intertwined with
the old.
Only in the last decades, this discipline has taken an increasingly important role in the
management of the relationship between companies and it is a strategic element for
the business development and planning.
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Wishing that this national project
will bring lots of satisfaction and many contacts
to F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy
I thank you for your attention
Laura Caradonna
Milano Club President – North West District
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna
Laura Caradonna
Milano Club President - North West District - ITALY
Viale Molise 57, 20137 Milano Italy
Tel. +39.02.54122018 / +39.02.37921046
Mail : lauraladacaradonna@gmail.com
Facebook : www.facebook.com/groups/601011433288734/?fref=ts
SKYPE : alga1951
Intellectual, strategic, artistic and creative property of this project is exclusive of the President of F.I.D.A.P.A. - BPW Italy Milano Club, Laura Caradonna