An Integrated Navier Stokes - Full Potential Free Wake Method for Rotor Flows Ph. D Work by Mert Enis Berkman Advisors: Prof. S. M. Ruffin & Prof. L. N. Sankar Georgia Institute of Technology School of Aerospace Engineering OUTLINE • Review of Rotorcraft CFD Techniques Why is a hybrid approach more favorable ? • Hybrid Solver • Navier-Stokes Zone • Full Potential Zone • Boundary and Interface Conditions • Wake Model • Results • Hover Analysis Two-Bladed, UH-60A and Tapered Tip Rotors • Forward Flight Analysis Two-Bladed, UH60A and H-34 Rotors • Conclusions ROTARY WING AERODYNAMICS • Performance of rotary wings is limited by: transonic flow (on advancing blade) stall (on retreating blade) operation under its own wake. • The flow field is 3-D, unsteady, viscous and compressible. • Rotor wake is a distorted, skewed helix that stays in the vicinity of the rotor and affects entire flow field. • The rotor wake structure determines performance, vibratory airloads and acoustics. • Modeling the wake and its effects remains a very challenging task. ROTORCRAFT CFD Lifting - Line (- Surface) Methods • Blades are modeled as a lifting-line (or -surface). • Wake is represented by a network of vortex filaments. • Routinely used in industry. They need small CPU time, thus easily incorporated into comprehensive codes as aerodynamics modules. • They require table look up for airfoil load data, and are often quasi-steady. • They are loaded with empirical corrections. ROTORCRAFT CFD Finite-Difference Methods: (Potential, Euler and N-S) a) Finite-Difference Methods with External Wake Model: • The flow field is solved near the blade; the effects of the far wake is modeled. solved • They can handle compressible flows. • They require external coupling with a wake model to account for far wake. modeled ROTORCRAFT CFD b) Wake Capturing Schemes • This class of methods attempt to capture the far wake as a part of the solution. • They provide high quality detailed flow field solutions. • They require enormous computer time since they need to resolve the tip vortex adequately. • They diffuse the tip vortex too rapidly due to the dissipative nature of Euler/N.-S. schemes. • Higher order schemes, overset and/or unstructured grids were used to conserve vorticity without significant success. ROTORCRAFT CFD Vorticity Embedding Technique • A unique finite difference technique that eliminates wake diffusion. • Vortex sheets are basically embedded inside a potential flow field and their effect is confined to a small region. • The wake is tracked by a Lagrangean approach using “vorticity markers”. • The technique is gaining popularity in helicopter industry due to is efficiency and success in predicton of hovering rotor loads. • It lacks viscous features. • It cannot model BVI, dynamic stall and tip vortex generation well. ROTORCRAFT CFD c) Hybrid Schemes • They integrate different methods in different flow regions to improve solution quality without a big penalty in computer time. • A hybrid rotor solver developed by Berezin and Sankar uses N.-S. equations near the blades and full potential equations elsewhere since viscous effects are negligible away from the blades. • The method typically shows 40% reduction in CPU time without loss in accuracy compared to full blown N-S solution. • This method is available for hovering as well as advancing rotors. • This scheme requires coupling to a comprehensive code for account for far wake and trim effects. ROTORCRAFT CFD • Moulton and Caradonna integrated the Vorticity Embedding Technique with a Navier-Stokes solver. • The resulting method enjoys advantages of high order NavierStokes methods and wake treatment of vortex embedding scheme. • This scheme can freely convect wakes without diffusion and account for viscous effects over the blade. • However, the method is limited to steady-state analysis, it can not be used to analyze advancing rotors. ROTORCRAFT CFD First Generation Second Generation Hybrid Approach Current operational methodology Current research methodology Proposed research methodology Free Wake Model Potential Flow Euler or N-S Loads Compute Inflow Trim Trim Loads Free Wake N-S Potential, Euler or N-S Trim Loads HYBRID SOLVER VERSUS OTHERS A hybrid technique offers the following capabilities: • Capture viscous phenomena efficiently • Eliminate tip vortex preservation problem • Avoid external wake models • Be applicable to hovering and advancing rotors • Offer high order accuracy • No other existing CFD technique combines ALL of the properties listed above ! OBJECTIVES OF THIS RESEARCH 1. Develop a new hybrid technique that will feature the capabilities listed. 2. Validate the method by comparison with experimental or flight test data available for realistic helicopter rotor configurations. 3. Study the effects of wake model, grid density and spatial accuracy on the solution quality. HYBRID SOLVER N-S zone FPE zone Lagrangean Wake Three Modules: • Navier-Stokes Zone • Full Potential Zone • Lagrangean Wake HYBRID SOLVER Navier-Stokes (Inner) Zone • Viscous features are captured, including separation. • The near wake is captured as a part of the solution. • Far wake effects are felt through interface boundaries. Potential (Outer) Zone • Viscous effects are negligible away from the blades. • The inner wake structure is not modeled. • An induced vortical velocity field due to a concentrated tip vortex is generated. Lagrangean Wake • The tip vortex emanating from each blade is represented by a series of piecewise linear elements. • The tip vortex may deform based on local flow. HYBRID SOLVER FP block 1 Kmatch 1 3 2 N.-S. block 2 A cut in the radial plane Inner and outer zones INNER ZONE • Finite volume technique that uses Reynolds Averaged NavierStokes equations. • Third order or fifth order accurate terms for inviscid fluxes crossing cell faces. • 2nd order accurate modeling of viscous terms. • MUSCL scheme with Roe averaging. • Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model. INNER ZONE In transformed coordinates, the N.-S. equations may be be written in differential form after nondimensionalization as 1 q F G H R S T Re Finite volume and finite difference fluxes in generalized coordinates are related via F E I n S R EV n S G E I n S S EV n S H E I n S T EV n S for cell faces (i+1/2, j, k) and (i-1/2, j, k) for cell faces (i, j+1/2, k) and (i, j-1/2, k) for cell faces (i, j, k +1/2) and (i, j, k-1/2) INNER ZONE • Treatment of Inviscid Fluxes dq RHSI RHSV dt RHSI F G H RHSV 1 R S T Re E I n S Vol EV nS Vol Roe’s approximate Riemann solver is used to calculate inviscid fluxes Fi1/ 2, j,k 0.5FL FR C qL q R INNER ZONE • Treatment of Inviscid Fluxes (cont.) i-1,j,k i,j,k i-1/2,j,k L R i+1,j,k i+1/2,j,k A third order spatial accuracy is obtained with a MUSCL scheme q L qi 1/ 3(q i1 q i ) 1/ 6(q i q i 1 ) q R q i 1/ 3(qi 1 q i ) 1/ 6(qi 2 qi 1 ) or as an option a fifth order scheme which uses information from two additional nodes is available. INNER ZONE • Treatment of Viscous Fluxes The viscous fluxes are also calculated with a finite volume scheme. An eddy viscosity class of models is used to model Reynolds stresses and turbulent transport of heat flux. m = mL + mT Pr = PrL + PrT INNER ZONE • Temporal Discretization and Diagonal ADI Factorization A first order semi-implicit scheme is used in the study. The viscous fluxes are lagged by a time step. Beam and Warming’s linearization is done. A diagonal ADI factorization proposed by Pulliam and Chaussee is employed to solve the resulting system of equations. OUTER ZONE • The unsteady full potential equations are solved in the outer zone away from the rotor blade. Consider the continuity equation t ( V ) 0 The velocity consists of two parts V Vw The second term is a superimposed vortical velocity field that is induced by the rotor wake. OUTER ZONE • Along with energy equation and isentropic gas relation, and after manipulations the governing equations form a second order hyperbolic PDE as, x xt y yt z zt a 2 tt y z z x x y • This system is converted in a set of equations to be solved for perturbation potential. • A three factor ADI scheme is used to solve the system. COUPLING OF THE TWO ZONES A cous tic waves Vn + a Vn -a N .-S. F P V orticity w aves Vn vortex filaments Entropy wave Vn COUPLING OF THE TWO ZONES • Flow Information Transfer from Inner to Outer Zone The outer zone requires specification of velocity potential along all zonal interfaces that separate the two zones. The normal component of velocity at the interface is passed to the outer zone. This condition is used to match the normal derivative of the potential at the interface. This type of a condition assures a smooth informtion passage from inner to outer zone. COUPLING OF THE TWO ZONES • Flow Information Transfer from Outer to Inner Zone The velocity components at the interfaces are found by addition of potential and wake induced velocities as u N S x Vw i vN S y Vw j wN S z Vw k FP N-S Temperature and density are found from isentropic gas law at the interface. COUPLING OF THE TWO ZONES • Flow Information Transfer from Outer to Inner Zone Although these relations do not account for information from the inner zone, they have been shown to pass information accurately enough in the past for most cases. In this study characteristic based interface conditions coded by Mello is also available as an option. These non-reflecting boundary conditions use Riemann invariants so that flow information from both sides are used in subsonic flows. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Computatinal domain covers 1 -2 blade radius above and below the rotor disk 0.6 - 1 blade radius beyond the blade tip BOUNDARY CONDITIONS • Inner zone (3 boundaries) • On blade surface: no-slip or flow tangency • Inboard: extrapolation from interior • Outboard: extrapolation from interior • Outer zone (6 boundaries) • Inboard: extrapolation from interior • Outboard: set to free stream conditions • Plane above rotor disk: set to free stream conditions • Plane below rotor disk: set to free stream conditions • Upstream plane: set to free stream conditions • Downstream plane: set to free stream conditions BOUNDARY CONDITIONS • Only one of the rotor blades is resolved in the hybrid technique. • For hover analysis since the flow field is periodic about each blade only one blade needs to be resolved by CFD methods. • In forward flight analysis, all blades need to be resolved in typical CFD methods. • In the hybrid method, the far wake of each blade is modeled (not solved for), therefore the influence of the other blades are accounted via their wake. • Significant reduction in computer time and memory requirements since only one blade is resolved. WAKE MODEL • Wake shed from the blade is captured inside the Navier-Stokes zone in the near field. • The inner wake is neglected in the Full Potential zone once it leaves the Navier-Stokes zone. • Each individual blade’s tip vortex is modeled by a series of piecewise linear elements. • These elements are introduced at the inner/outer zone boundary behind the blade trailing edge and extends for several revolutions below the rotor plane outside the computational domain. WAKE MODEL • The wake elements that lie in the computational domain are allowed to move with the local flow for hover analysis. • In forward flight analysis, the wake elements remain fixed at their predefined position, i.e. they are not allowed to move. • The induced velocity field due to these vortex filaments is calculated by Biot-Savart law. • Two parameters are needed by Biot-Savart law to generate the wake induced velocity field in the outer zone: - vortex strength - wake shape WAKE MODEL • The Biot-Savart law is dl r Vw 3 4 r elements P r dl WAKE MODEL • The tip vortex strength is taken to be either - the bound circulation at 97-99% blade, or - the peak bound circulation • The bound circulation at a blade section is calculated by the KuttaJoukowski theorem. L = V • In hover analysis, the tip vortex strength is updated at each iteration with the change in blade loading. • In forward flight analysis, the tip vortex changes at every time level based on current lift variation over the blade. WAKE MODEL • To start the solution process either - a non-contracting classical wake, or - a contracting prescribed wake structure is assumed. Computational domain Tip vortex trajectory Wake element Wake markers WAKE MODEL • In the rigid wake option this wake shape remains unchanged. • In the free wake option, the wake markers are allowed to move freely with the flow. • Inside the computational domain these markers are tracked using a Lagrangean technique. The following procedure is followed every time level in the free wake option: 1. determine in which cell each wake marker lies, 2. calculate the local flow speed at these positions, 3. move each marker to its new position • The remaining wake markers are attached to the last free marker appropriately. WAKE MODEL • Since the wake shape deforms at each time step, ideally, the wake induced velocity coefficients should be updated at each time step too. • However, calculation of these coefficients is computationally intense. Therefore, only after each 10 degrees of blade rotation the update is performed based on the latest wake structure. • In hover analysis this delay does not cause any problems since a single steady-state solution is sought. • In forward flight, these updates need to be done at every time step rendering the free wake option impractical. VALIDATION STUDIES • Two-Bladed Rotor in Hover • UH-60A Rotor in Hover • Tapered Tip Rotor in Hover • Non-Lifting Two-Bladed Rotor in High Speed Forward Flight • UH-60A Rotor in Forward Flight • H-34 Helicopter in Forward Flight HOVERING TWO-BLADED ROTOR • Two-bladed rotor tested by Caradonna and Tung Rectangular planforn, no twist, NACA 0012 sections, AR = 6 • Non-Lifting Case (Collective pitch = 0o, Tip Mach No. = 0.52, Reynolds No. = 2 Mil.) r/R = 68% r/R = 96% HOVERING TWO-BLADED ROTOR • Non-Lifting Case upper half: hybrid solver lower half: full Navier-Stokes • Hybrid solver is twice as fast as the full NavierStokes solver ! Density contours EFFECT OF WAKE MODEL • Two-Bladed Rotor: r/R = 68% (Collective pitch = 5o, Tip Mach No. = 0.794) r/R = 96% FULL N.-S. VS. HYBRID SOLVER • Two-Bladed Rotor: Collective pitch = 8o, Tip Mach No. = 0.439 r=50% Full N.-S. : 1 full revolution Hybrid : 1/3 revolution r=80% r=96% EFFECT OF NUMBER OF WAKE ELEMENTS • Two-Bladed Rotor: (Collective pitch = 8o, Tip Mach No. = 0.612) r/R = 50% EFFECT OF WAKE STRUCTURE • Two-Bladed Rotor: (Collective pitch = 8o, Tip Mach No. = 0.612) r/R = 68% EFFECT OF WAKE STRUCTURE • Two-Bladed Rotor: (Collective pitch = 8o, Tip Mach No. = 0.612) r/R = 96% TIP VORTEX POSITION • Two-Bladed Rotor: (Collective pitch = 8o, Tip Mach No. = 0.612) Radial Position of the Tip Vortex Variation with Iteration 1.05 iteration 1 rTV /R 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 Vortex Age (deg.) 300 350 400 FIFTH ORDER VS. THIRD ORDER • Two-Bladed Rotor: (Collective pitch = 8o, Tip Mach No. = 0.612) r/R = 68% r/R = 89% -1.5 -1.5 Experiment 3rd order 5th order -1 Experiment 3rd order 5th order -1 -0.5 -0.5 Cp Cp 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 HOVERING UH-60A ROTOR • Four twisted blades with rearward swept tip and two different airfoil sections, AR = 15.3. • Collective pitch=10o, Tip Mach No. = 0.628, Reynolds No.=2.5 Mil. • A two block H-O grid with 90 chordwise, 43 spanwise and 80 normal nodes. • Approximately 37% of the nodes lie inside the Navier-Stokes zone. • Free wake option with 10 wake revolutions modeled. • Initial wake is non-contracting and updated every 10o of blade rotation. • Peak bound circulation used as the tip vortex strength. HOVERING UH-60A ROTOR • A total of 2850 iterations were enough to reach steady state. Experimental Numerical CT/s0.085,CQ/s0.0070CT/s0.086,CQ/s0.0074 Sectional Thrust Coefficient Variation HOVERING UH-60A ROTOR Chordwise Pressure Coefficients r/R=40% r/R=67% r/R=87% r/R=99% HOVERING TAPERED TIP ROTOR • Four dual linearly twisted blades, with taper starting at 82% radius. • Two different airfoil sections and AR=15.3. • Collective pitch=8.6o, Tip Mach No. = 0.628, Reynolds No.=2.5 Mil. • Two block H-O grid with 90 chordwise, 43 spanwise and 80 normal nodes. • Approximately 37% of the nodes lie inside the Navier-Stokes zone. • Rigid wake option with 10 wake revolutions modeled. • Initial wake shape is based on the K-T prescribed wake. HOVERING TAPERED TIP ROTOR Collective pitch = 8.60, Tip Mach No. = 0.628 r /R= 77.5% r/R = 94.5% ADVANCING UH-60A ROTOR • Tip Mach No. = 0.628, Advance Ratio = 0.3, Reynolds No.=2.5 Mil. • The blade motion is prescribed by a table, qq(r ,Y). • Unstable behavior is observed with this blade deformation scheme. • The blade pitching motion approximated as q 8.5 7.5cos 1.84sin • Rigid wake option with 10 wake revolutions modeled. • Peak bound circulation used as the tip vortex strength. ADVANCING UH-60A ROTOR -2.5 Pressure Coefficients at = 0o r/R=67.5% -2 Ex p-upper Ex p-lower Hy b-upper Hy b-lower -2 -1.5 -1 Cp Cp -0.5 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 0.4 -2.5 x /c 0.6 0.8 0 1 0.2 0.4 -2.5 -2 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1.5 0.6 -1 0 0.5 0.5 r/R=94.5% 1 1.5 1 -0.5 0 r/R=86.5% 0.8 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1.5 -0.5 1 x/c -2 Cp -1 Cp -0.5 0 0.2 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1.5 -1 0 r/R=77.5% -2.5 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 ADVANCING UH-60A ROTOR -2 Pressure Coefficients at = 90o r/R=67.5% Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1.5 -1 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.2 0.4 -1.5 x/c 0.6 0.8 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1.5 Cp Cp -1 0 r/R=77.5% -2 0 1 0.2 0.4 -1 0.8 1 x/c -1.5 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower 0.6 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1 -0.5 Cp Cp -0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 r/R=86.5% 1 r/R=94.5% 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 ADVANCING UH-60A ROTOR -2.5 Pressure Coefficients at =18 0o r/R=67.5% r/R=77.5% -2 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -2 -1.5 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1.5 -1 Cp Cp -1 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 -1.5 x/c 0.6 0.8 0 1 0.2 0.4 -1.5 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -1 -0.5 Cp Cp -0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 r/R=86.5% r/R=94.5% 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 ADVANCING UH-60A ROTOR -4 Pressure Coefficients at = 270o r/R=67.5% r/R=77.5% -4 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -3 -2 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -3 Cp Cp -2 -1 -1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 -2.5 -4 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -3 -2 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 Exp-upper Exp-lower Hyb-upper Hyb-lower -2 -1.5 Cp Cp -1 -1 -0.5 0 0 r/R=86.5% 1 r/R=94.5% 0.5 1 2 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 x/c 0.6 0.8 1 CONCLUDING REMARKS • The hybrid solver is a very efficient new method for prediction of complex viscous unsteady flows over isolated helicopter rotors. It requires only half to the CPU time compared to a full blown Navier-Stokes solver over the same grid per time level. It converges in less number of iterations for hover cases. Only one blade needs to be resolved for advancing rotors. The hybrid solver does not need fine grid away from the blades, has no wake diffusion in the far field due to its unique wake treatment. A single method for rotors in hover and forward flight. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES • Inclusion of inner wake • Newton sub-iterations • Turbulence modeling • Adaptive stencil • Parallel processing • Coupling with a structural dynamics solver • Overset grids Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering A Hybrid Flow Analysis for Rotors in Forward Flight A Ph.D Thesis Presentation Zhong Yang Advisor: L. N. Sankar School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology June 26, 2000 Georgia Tech • • • • • School of Aerospace Engineering Outline Technical Barriers Limiting Rotor Performance in Forward Flight Overview of Current Research Methods Hybrid Methodology and Numerical Procedure Implementation Details Results and Discussion – UH-60A in high speed flight – AH-1G in low speed descent • Conclusions and Recommendations Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Background • Modeling forward flight phenomena requires detailed modeling aerodynamics (transonic flow, dynamic stall, blade vortex interaction), elasticity, blade dynamics and pilot input. • First-principles based aerodynamics analyses (N-S solver) have been available to the industries, but are computationally expensive. • In some studies, an open-loop coupling between CFD solver and the comprehensive analysis are done. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Helicopter Aerodynamic Environment Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Technical Barriers in Forward Flight • High speed forward flight: transonic flow, dynamic stall effects • Low advanced ratios: strong tip vortices, BVI • Flow asymmetry: caused by complex blade dynamics, bending and torsional deformation • Problem is multidisciplinary: aerodynamics, elasticity, blade dynamics and trim Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Comprehensive Codes • e.g. CAMRAD/JA, 2GCHAS, RDYNE, UMARC, COPTER – blade element theory – Various wake models – Can handle trim, and elastic effects – These methods are not general enough to model nonlinear and unsteady effects, except in an empirical fashion (curve fits or synthesis of airfoil load tables). Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Potential Flow Methods • e.g. Caradonna, Chattot, RFS2 by Prichard and Sankar, FPR by Strawn, HELIX by Steinhoff – limited to weak shock waves and inviscid flow – Far wake is modeled as inflow corrections supplied from an external wake model (free wake model or a prescribed wake model) – Vortex embedding techniques are sometimes used. – Rotor is trimmed, and elastic deformations accounted for, using a comprehensive code Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Euler/Navier-Stokes Methods • e.g. Wake and Sankar , Srinivasan (TURNS), Ahmad, Duque and Strawn (OVERFLOW), Banglore and Sankar, Hariharan and Sankar – Most methods can capture wake as a part of the solution. – Calculations are limited value because of: Excessive numerical viscosity Significant computational memory and time Rotor not trimmed; blade dynamics and aeroelasticity inadequately modeled. – Smith, Bauchau and Ahmad coupled NS solvers to structural dynamics codes. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Hybrid Methods • Berezin (GT), Berkman (GT), Moulton, Caradonna, and Bangalore (US Army) – Use the most appropriate models in different flow regions to retain solution quality – Large savings in computer time compared to NS methods – Berezin coupled hybrid solver to RDYNE to account for the far wake and trim effects. – Berkman modeled the entire wake from first principles, and obtained good results in hover. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Hybrid Method (continued) – Moulton and Caradonna coupled HELIX to TURNS for modeling rotors in hover. – Bangalore and Caradonna extended Moulton’s work to advancing rotor flows through overset grids. – Trim and elastic effects were not accounted for in most of these calculations, excpet in Berezin’s work (via RDYNE) and Moulton’s work (via CAMRAD). Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Research Objectives • Develop innovative methods , which combine solution efficiency and accuracy, for modeling rotors in forward flight. • Validate the methods by comparisons with experimental and flight test data for realistic rotor configurations. • Investigate the capabilities and limitations of the numerical models in capturing flow field physics. School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Hybrid Methodology N-S zone FPE zone Lagrangean Wake • Navier-Stokes solver: modeling the viscous flow and near wake • Potential flow solver: modeling the inviscid isentropic flow • Lagrangean approach: convecting vortex filaments without diffusion in the FPE zone and the far field Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Navier-Stokes Solver • Solves the 3-D Reynolds-Averaged NavierStokes equations. • Scheme is first or second order accurate in time, third or fifth order in space. • Numerical viscosity provided through Roe upwind scheme. • Effects of turbulence are modeled with a Baldwin-Lomax eddy viscocity model. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Full Potential Solver • Solves the continuity equation in finite volume form t V 0 • The velocity field is made of V Vwake • The time-marching scheme is fully implicit, first order accurate in time, second order accurate in space except in supersonic regions. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Boundary and Interface Conditions School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Boundary and Interface Conditions n (VNS Vwake ) n FP block 1 Kmatch 1 3 2 N.-S. block 2 VNS Vwake , e from isentropic flow School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Computational Domain Domain 1 4 blade 3 Conventional N-S Solver Domain 2 Hybrid Method School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Implementation Details • CPU time was reduced by performing hybrid analysis for a single blade. • The other blades are “seen” by the analysis as a collection of bound and tip vortices. • There is no more need to match and patch the grids around multiple moving, deforming blades. • This allows pitching and flapping motion to be modeled rapidly without need for inter-blade grid continuity. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Blade Dynamics • A module for computing the rigid blade motions in flap and pitch, and the complex blade deformation due to aeroelastic effects has been developed. • For rigid blades, the (x,y,z) positions in space at any instance in time may be transformed using Eulerian angles: xnew Txold ABC xold School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Blade Dynamics (continued) • If the blade is not rigid, the grid motion should include additional rotations in twist, and bending deformations: –Exact Approach: xelastic_ deformation cos q 0 sin q 0 sin q dx 1 0 xr dy dz bending 0 cos q torsion –Transpiration boundary condition: used in present calculation. v v n r V sin d z b surface dx elastic School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Wake Model • In forward flight, the helical vortices are carried downward by the induced velocity and rearward by free-stream velocity. • Prescribed wake model: –Inflow is computed from Glauert’s theory. –Wake markers are located as follows: xmarker r cos( ) Rm x Rx ymarker r sin( ) Rm y R y z marker z0 Rm z Rz Wake marker School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Wake Geometry Non-distorted wake Distorted free wake School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Wake Model (continued) • Free wake model: –It can model the distortion from the basic helix. –One option in the code is to search for the computational cell each wake marker lies in, and calculate local velocities of the markers by trilinear interpolation. This search can be costly. –Another option is to directly use the Biot-Savart Law to evaluate the self induced velocity. This option was used here. 1 r dl v 4 r 3 Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Tip Vortex Strength • An automated procedure is employed for an initial wake geometry and tip vortex strength. • The wake geometry and induced flow are automatically updated at user-specified intervals (e.g. every 5 degree azimuth) • As the blade rotates, the bound vortex circulation is computed from the flow solver by Kutta-Joukowski theorem: 1 U T U T2 cCl 2 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Tip Vortex Strength found as the peak bound circulation Tip Vortex Strength Tip Vortex Strength Positive circulation distribution Negative circulation distribution near the tip School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Rotor Trim • User supplies CT/s , aTPP and desired moments (usually zero). • The supplied tip path plane angle is used to set blade flapping motion. •The desired CT/s and moments are achieved through the adjustment of the collective and cyclic pitch. cT cT (q 0 ,q1c ,q1s ) cM cM (q 0 ,q1c ,q1s ) y y cM x cM x (q 0 ,q1c ,q1s ) School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Rotor Trim (continued) • A Newton-Raphson iterative method is employed to compute the control settings changes, and obtain a new guess. cT q (0) cT 0 cM y cM y q 0 c Mx cM x q 0 cT q1c cM y q1c cM x q1c cT q1s cM y q1s cM x q1s (0) cT q 0 q 1c cM y q c 1s Mx (0) (d ) q 0 q 0 q 0 q q q 1c 1c 1c q1s q1s q1s (1) (0) (0) Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Validation Studies • 2-D code Validation Studies (not documented) • UH-60A Model Rotor in High Speed Forward Flight • AH-1G Flight Test Rotor in Descent • OLS Model Rotor in Descent Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering UH-60A in High Speed Forward Flight • Tested in the DNW tunnel in Holland • Complex aerodynamic design: nonlinear twist, several asymmetric airfoils, and swept tip • Nonlinear elastic deformations Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering UH-60A in High Speed Forward Flight • Validation case: –Advance ratio m=0.3 –Tip Mach number Mtip=0.628, CT/s= 0.082 –The blades were trimmed to eliminate one-per-rev flapping. –H-O multi-block grid: After grid sensitivity studies, a 90x44x80 (NS zone: 62x44x44) grid was chosen for optimum combination of accuracy and computational efficiency. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Measured Torsional Deformations q 11.5 1.84 cos 7.5 sin q elastic(r , ) Modeled using Transpiration Velocity Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Grid around the UH-60A Blade School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at =00 (r=67.5%R and 94.5%R) -2 -1.5 r/R=67.5% r/R=94.5% -1.5 -1 -1 -0.5 -0.5 Cp Cp 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at =1200 (r=67.5%R and 94.5%R) -1.5 -1.5 r/R=67.5% Cp r/R=94.5% -1 -1 -0.5 -0.5 Cp 0 Cp * 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at =2700 (r=68%R and 94.5%R) -3.5 -2.5 r/R=67.5% -3 -2 r/R=94.5% -2.5 -1.5 -2 -1 -1.5 Cp Cp -0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Mach Number Contour at r=96%R (Blade at Y=900) School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=78%R (with and without elastic deformation) 1.5 r/R=78% hybrid w ithout elastic hybrid w ith elastic experiment 1.2 0.9 Cn 0.6 0.3 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=92%R (with and without elastic deformation) 1 r/R=92% hybrid w ithout elastic hybrid w ith elastic experiment 0.8 0.6 Cn 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=78%R (Comparison with Bangalore and Caradonna) 1.5 r/R=78% hybrid w ith elastic experiment Results of Bangalore et al 1.2 0.9 Cn 0.6 0.3 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=92%R (Comparison with Bangalore and Caradonna) 1 r/R=92% hybrid w ith elastic experiment 0.8 Results of Bangalore et al 0.6 Cn 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering AH-1G in Low Speed Descending Flight • Flight test done at NASA Ames • Two-bladed rectangular planform rotor • Linear twist is -100 • Several calculations have been reported: –Hernandez used FPR coupled with CAMRAD/JA –Ramchandran applied HELIX-II –Ahmad used Chi-TURNS with Chimera grid School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech AH-1G in Low Speed Descending Flight (continued) •Validation case: –Advance ratio m=0.19 –Tip mach number Mtip=0.65, CT/s =0.0713, aTPP = -1.870 –The first blade harmonics from flight test: q0 6.00 q1s -5.50 q1c 1.70 1s -0.150 1c 2.130 q1c 2.50 1s -0.150 1c 2.130 –After trimming: q0 8.00 q1s -6.50 –H-O multi-block grid: 90x43x80 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at r=91%R (=900) Due to input airfoil imperfections -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Cp 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =900 =900 (results of Ahmad et al) (hybrid method) 0.8 1 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at r=91%R (=1050 and =2700) -2 -3 -1.5 -2 -1 -1 -0.5 Cp Cp 0 0 0.5 1 1 1.5 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =1050 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =2700 0.8 1 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=97%R (with and without trimming) 0.6 r/R=97% 0.5 Flight test data Hyb. (trimmed) Hyb. (no trimming) 0.4 Cn 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 90 180 270 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=99%R (Comparison with Ahmad and Duque) 0.5 r/R=99% 0.4 Results of Ahmad et al. Flight test data Hyb. Method (trimmed) 0.3 Cn 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 90 180 270 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=99%R (with different wake models) 0.5 r/R=99% Flight test data Hyb. (free w ake) Hyb. (prescribed) Hyb. (uniform) 0.4 0.3 Cn 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 90 180 270 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Normal Load at r=99%R (with different parameters of free wake model) 0.5 r/R=99% Cn 0.4 Flight test data Hyb. (0.2, 5 degree) 0.3 Hyb. (0.2, 10 degree) Hyb. (0.1, 5 degree) 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 90 180 270 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Wake Shed from Blade at Y=2700 25 10 free wake prescribed wake 20 6 15 Y Z 10 5 4 2 Rotor disk 0 0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -15 -6 -20 -8 -10 -25 -10 free wake prescribed wake 8 0 10 20 30 40 -10 50 X 0 10 20 free wake prescribed wake 4 3 z 2 Rotor Disk 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -15 -10 -5 30 X 5 0 5 y 10 15 40 50 Georgia Tech • Blade at Y=2700 • Free wake model School of Aerospace Engineering Tip Vortex Visualization Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Tip Vortex Visualization • Blade at Y=2700 • Prescribed wake model Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering OLS 1/7 Scale Model Studies • The 1/7 scale model AH-1 rotor experiment was tested by Splettstoesser et al. • Two-bladed rectangular planform rotor • Linear twist is -8.20. School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech OLS 1/7 Scale Model Studies (continued) • Validation case: –Advance ratio m=0.164 –Tip mach number Mtip=0.664, CT/s0.0783, aTPP= -10 –The first blade harmonics from Strawn et al: q0 q1s q1c 1s 1c 0 6.140 -1.390 0.90 0.00 -1.00 0.50 –Coarse H-O multi-block grid: 90x43x80 (NS zone: 62x43x44) School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at r=95.5%R (=00 and =450) -1.5 -1.5 Chordwise Pressure for BVI Case (r/R=0.955, Psi=45) Chordwise Pressure for BVI Case (r/R=0.955, Psi=0) Cp -1 -1 -0.5 -0.5 Cp 0 0 0.5 0.5 Hybrid Method (low er) Hybrid Method (low er) Hybrid Method (upper) 1 1 Hybrid Method (upper) Experiment Experiment 1.5 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =00 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =450 0.8 1 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech CP at r=95.5%R (=900 and =1350) -1.5 -1.5 Chordwise Pressure for BVI Case (r/R=0.95, Psi=135) Chordwise Pressure for BVI case (r/R=0.955, Psi=90) Cp -1 -1 -0.5 -0.5 Cp 0 0 0.5 0.5 Hybrid Method (low er) Hybrid Method (low er) 1 1 Hybrid Method (upper) Hybrid Method (upper) Experiment Experiment 1.5 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =900 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c =1350 0.8 1 Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Conclusions • A combination of Navier-Stokes, potential flow and free wake methods can be used to model rotors in forward flight, with input from an elastic analysis. • Inclusion of torsional deformations was found to be extremely important. The AH-1G study, where elastic deformation was not available, gave less satisfactory results. • At the advance ratios considered (m >0.16), free wake and prescribed wake based inflow models gave comparable results, even though the vortex geometry was entirely different and BVI phenomena were present. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Conclusions (continued) • Measured data regarding blade dynamics is often inaccurate, or simply not available. A trim analysis should always be done as part of any forward flight analysis, based on user supplied CT/s, aTPP and rolling moment information. • In this work, methods have been developed for handling all of these important aspects of the analysis. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Recommendations • Transpiration BC is very approximate and can handle only small deformations. Improved grid deformation algorithms are needed. • The Baldwin Lomax model is inadequate for modeling dynamic stall. Improved turbulence and transition models must be developed and validated. • Biot-Savart law will occasionally produce velocity spikes when a marker is very close to a computational node. This can lead to unrealistically high velocity, and low density values. Alternate approaches for computing the rotational component of velocity must be explored. CFD Research Corporation 215 Wynn Dr. , Huntsville, AL 35805 (256) 726-4800 FAX: (256) 726-4806 FIRST-PRINCIPLES BASED HIGH ORDER METHODOLOGIES FOR ROTORCRAFT FLOWFIELD STUDIES Nathan Hariharan CFD Research Corporation Huntsville, AL Lakshmi Sankar Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA AHS 55th Annual Form & Technology Display Montreal, Canada May 27, 1999 OUTLINE • Background • High Order Methods - Fifth Order ENO - Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Scheme - Seventh Order ENO • Overset Refinement • Results and Discussions • Conclusions and Recommendations OUTLINE • Background • High Order Methods - Fifth Order ENO - Seventh Order ENO • Overset Refinement • Results and Discussions • Conclusions and Recommendations ROTORCRAFT FLOWFIELD SIMULATION • First-Principles Based Methods - High Order Methods - Vorticity Confinement • Analytical Methods - HELIX /Hybrid analysis - Design Codes, such as CAMRAD ROTORCRAFT FLOWFIELD SIMULATION First-Principles Based Methods • Direct Solution of Euler/NS Equations Including Vorticity • Vortex Formation, Convection, and Interaction • Necessity of First-Principles for Next Generation Rotorcraft - Advanced Tip Shapes - Active Devices to Enhance Aerodynamic Efficiency, Decrease Acoustic Signal - Blade-Vortex Interaction, Vortex Miss-Distance, etc. OBJECTIVES • Examine the ability of first-principles Euler/NS methodologies to capture rotor-blade tip vortices. • Develop 3rd,5th spatial order, compact stencil, Discontinuous Galerkin methodology. • Compare the vortex diffusion characteristics of DG with ENO for a 3D rotor computation. Analyze the relative computational speed, memory overheads. • Develop vortex tracking grids for blade tip vortices with unsteady the “vortex grids” embedded inside the main grid. • Capture the tip-vortex for the first 180 degrees with less than 10-20% diffusion, enabling truly first-principles based blade vortex interactional studies. OBJECTIVES • Examine the ability of first-principles Euler/NS methodologies to capture rotor-blade tip vortices. • Develop vortex tracking grids for blade tip vortices with unsteady the “vortex grids” embedded inside the main grid (overset refinement). • Compare the vortex diffusion characteristics of DG with ENO for a 3D rotor computation. Analyze the relative computational speed, memory overheads. • Capture the tip-vortex for the first 180 degrees with less than 1020% diffusion, enabling truly first-principles based blade vortex interactional studies. ROTOR IN HOVER Ceradonna-Tung Rotor Blade ROTOR IN HOVER Ceradonna-Tung Rotor Tip Vortex Top View Side View ROTOR IN HOVER Tip Vortex Capture (Fifth Order) ROTORCRAFT FLOWFIELD SIMULATION First-Principles Based Methods • Fifth Order ENO ( H-H grid, Caradonna-Tung Rotor) Top View Side View Vorticity Iso-Surfaces Showing the Tip Vortex • Compact Scheme Issues Fifth Order Stencils for Computing Left and Right Primitive Variables HIGH ORDER NAVIER-STOKES FORMULATION • NS Equations in Moving Finite Volume Framework 6 6 qJ VF VG q F S Fv S t i1 i1 • Roe Scheme for Inviscid Fluxes F • F1qL F1qR A qR qL 2 Baseline Fifth Order ENO Scheme (Third Order Temporal Accuracy, Newton Iterative Scheme) Fifth Order Stencils for Computing Left and Right Primitive Variables HIGH ORDER NAVIER-STOKES FORMULATION (DG) u t • u x 0 Assume an Approximate Form of Local Solution, let n 3 u i Vi x, t ai, j t b j x i 0 where ai,j are the moments bj = {b0, b1, b2, …} are some basis functions n=3 is the third order accurate approximation i as in the below figure for 1D case i xi-1 xi+1 xi xi-1/2 Stencil for DG Method xi+1/ 2 xci • Using the Classical Galerkin Technique, One Minimizes the Error by, u u dx 0 t x bk x i DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN FORMULATION 3-D Euler Equation Ut F 0 • Quadrature-free approach (Atkins and Shu) N bk v i, j t b jJid i i0 i bk Ji1FiJid 0 k N, Ji i 0 i I x, y, z , , 1 R b J F J d s 0 k i i i DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN FORMULATION • Three One-Dimensional Solutions in psi, eta, and tau Directions v F 0 t v F 0 t v F 0 t bk 1, , 2, 3 v a0 a1 a22 a33 • Third Order Explicit Runge-Kutta Time Stepping DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN FORMULATION Memory Management • Fourth Order (in 1-D Sense) Solution Requires Storage Of: - a0-a9 - 10 for each independent variable - 5 variable - 50 for each time-level stored - 3 time level - 150 elements for each cell • Optimal Implementation Depends on Machine/Environment • Current Implementation - for each grid -- read data from disk -- update a0-a9 for all time level -- write data to disk - next grid -- (similar to OVERFLOW) UNSTEADY OVERSET FRAMEWORK 3D, Unsteady, Overset Solver Exp ent Exp eerim rimen t Euler-First Rev Euler_516 Euler- 1/2 Rev Eu ler_ Lat er 696 4 3 Cp 2 8 Experiment Experimental Euler Euler_366 6 Cp 4 1 2 0 0 -1 -2 -2 -4 -3 PSI=6 -6 PSI=156 -4 -8 0.1 0.325 0.55 x/R 0.775 1 0.1 0.325 0.55 x/R 0.775 1 Y 6 Y56 Instantaneous Cp Distribution on the Crownline of Airframe when Rotor is at an Azimuth of PSI = 156° OVERSET REFINEMENT • Wing-Vortex System • Vortex Grid Adaptation Wing Components Across Vortex Grid System • Additional Overset Grids • Combination of Both. Provide Enough Points by Oversetting. OVERSET REFINEMENT Vortex Grid Adaptation Initial Top View Final Movement of a Streamwise Plane Side View Tip Vortex Schematic of Unsteady Vortex Grid System OVERSET REFINEMENT Vortex Grid Adaptation • Wing-Vortex Grid (Vortex Grid 100*30*30) Wing Vortex Grid System OVERSET REFINEMENT (cont.) Vortex Grid Adaptation • Vorticity Iso-surface Top View of the Tip Vortex Side View of the Tip Vortex MECHANISM OF 3D VORTEX STRUCTURE VORTEX CONVECTION DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Mach No = 0.4 a. x/c=0.1 b. x/c=0.5 c. x/c=0.9 VORTEX CONVECTION DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Mach No = 0.4 a. x/c=1.0 • b. x/c=2.0 c. x/c=3.0 Retains Vortex Up to Four Chord Lengths for the Given Grid VORTEX CONVECTION DISCONTINUOUS GALERKIN • Cannot Use DG Methods Like ENO Methods (for high order projection only) • The Mass-Matrix Dependency of Solution on its High Order Moments is a Central Characteristic of this Method VORTEX CONVECTION - FIFTH ORDER ENO Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Mach No = 0.18, Eighteen Chord Lengths Original and Adapted Vortex Grid Streamwise Momentum Contours Across Spanwise Section of the Vortex Grid VORTEX CONVECTION - FIFTH ORDER ENO (cont.) Comparison of Axial (black) and Tangential (red) Momentum Variation Across the Vortex SEVENTH ORDER ENO • Seven Point Stencil Seventh Order Stencil for Smooth Flow Conditions • One Sided Stencil Near Boundaries. Uniform High Order Accuracy • Third Order Temporal Accuracy VORTEX CONVECTION - SEVENTH ORDER ENO (cont.) • Stability - Same as Fifth Order ENO - One Chord Length Every (50/Mach No.) Iterations • CPU Requirements • SCHEME CPU/TIME ITERATION Fifth ENO 13.5 seconds Seventh ENO 17.2 seconds 27% More CPU for Seventh Order VORTEX CONVECTION - SEVENTH ORDER ENO (cont.) Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Mach No = 0.18, Eighteen Chord Lengths (~180 degrees of revolution for a rotor of AR=6) U-Momentum Contours Across a Spanwise Section of the Vortex Grid U, W Momentum Variation Across the Vortex at Various Streamwise Sections VORTEX CONVECTION - SEVENTH ORDER ENO (cont.) Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Eighteen Chord Lengths, Skewed Grid Mx=0.04 Mx=0.18 U-Momentum Contours Across a Normal Plane of the Vortex Grid U, W-Momentum Variation Across the Vortex at Various Streamwise Stations VORTEX CONVECTION - SEVENTH ORDER ENO (cont.) Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Eighteen Chord Lengths, Skewed Grid U-Momentum Contours at Several Streamwise Stations VORTICITY TRANSFER ACROSS OVERSET GRIDS (ENO Schemes) Grid-2 Interface_In Tip Vortex Trajectory Interface_Out Hole Boundary for Grid-1 Grid-1 Schematic of the Vortex Trajectory through the Main and Vortex Grid • High Order Near Boundaries (one-sided stencils) • Reduced Order Near Hole Boundaries (...can be high order) VORTICITY TRANSFER ACROSS OVERSET GRIDS (cont.) Interface_In 1.8 1 Grid-2 Grid-1 0.5 Grid-1 Grid-2 1.6 Vx/Vinf Vz/Vinf 1.4 0 x/c ~ 0.1 x/c ~ 0.1 -0.5 1.2 -1 1 -1.5 0.8 -1 -0.5 0 y/c 0.5 1 1.5 -1 -0.5 0 y/c 0.5 1 1.5 VORTICITY TRANSFER ACROSS OVERSET GRIDS (cont.) Interface_Out Interface_Out y x Grid-2 Tip Vortex Trajectory Hole Boundary for Grid-1 Grid-1 0.8 1.3 0.6 1.25 Grid-1 Grid-2 Vz/Vinf 0.4 Grid-2 Grid_1 Vx/Vinf 1.2 0.2 1.15 0 x/c ~ 4.0 1.1 x/c ~ 4.0 -0.2 1.05 -0.4 1 -0.6 0.95 -0.8 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 y/c 1 1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 y/c 1 1.5 VORTEX CONVECTION - SEVENTH ORDER ENO Vortex Grid 300*30*30, Fifth Chord Lengths (~ 3-4 half-revolutions for a rotor of AR=6) x/c=2 x/c=25 x/c=50 Axial-Momentum Iso-Surface Showing the Vortex. Graphs Show Axial (black) and Tangential (red) Momentum Distribution across Vortex SUMMARY • A fourth order spatial and third order temporal, 3-D, Discontinuous Galerkin scheme was implemented in unsteady overset settings and was proven feasible. • The efficiency of self-adaptive vortex-grid vortex grid technology was proven using tip vortex generated over a wing. • Vortex capturing using a wing grid-vortex grid overset system was undertaken using a baseline fifth order spatial/third order temporal ENO scheme. • The behavior of three dimensional vortices was analyzed in detail and the importance of capturing the axial momentum variation of the tip vortex was elucidated. Vorticity transfer characteristics between overset grids in a high order setting were analyzed. SUMMARY (cont.) • A seventh order ENO methodology was implemented in extension to a baseline 5th order scheme. • An ambitious objective of identifying and proving a high order overset method to capture blade tip vortices over 180 degrees with less than 10% dissipation has been achieved and bettered in a demonstration of capturing the wing tip vortex over fifty chord lengths with negligible dissipation of the vortex. CONCLUSIONS • 3D Euler/NS Vortex Capturing has to Resolve the Axial Component Across the Vortex. Otherwise the Captured Vortex Resorts to a Wake-Like Mode Triggered by Numerical Dissipation. • A Combination of High Order Method and Overset Refinement/Adaptation is Highly Efficient and Ideal for Rotorcraft Tip Vortex Resolution. • It is Possible to Capture Tip Vortices up to 3-4 Half Revolutions (or even 5-6 revolutions) with Grid Sizes Small Enough to Run with Workstations. CONCLUSIONS (cont.) • First-principles Based Euler/NS Simulations with Overset Refinement have Reached a Point Where They Can be Used in Routine Rotorcraft Computation. • ENO-based Methods are Ideal for Rotorcraft Computations such as Forward Flight BVI, Evaluation of Tip Shapes, Active Devices etc. (relatively well known vortex structure). Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Rotorcraft Research at Georgia Tech L. N. Sankar School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology * This work was funded by the National Rotorcraft Technology Center (NRTC) and RITA Http:// Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Outline • Overview of all the Rotorcraft Center Tasks • Rotorcraft CFD Research by the Present Investigator and Coworkers being funded under NRTC and RITA • Related research activities – Wind Turbines – Compressor Flow Control – Circulation Control Project Title : Active Rotorcraft Blade Tips for Tip Vortex Core Modifications Project Number: GT 1.1 PI: N. Komerath, S. Dancila, L. Sankar Technical barriers/problems : • Rotor blade tips substantially affect blade performance. • Passive and active modifications may be necessary to improve the performance and noise characteristics of rotors. Objectives : • Systematically study through experiments a number of passive and active tip shapes. • Perform computational studies to further understand the flow physics near the blade tip, and how/if active and passive control strategies may be beneficial. • Develop and demonstrate innovative active and passive control methods for modifying flow field in the vicinity of the rotor tip, and in the wake. Key Milestones milestones • Detailed wake field measurements for an advancing rotor. • Computational and experimental modeling of several passive control concepts • Preliminary CFD studies of active control concepts 01 02 03 ‘01 Accomplishments : • Deatiked wake measurements were done for a baseline rotor. • Algorithmic improvements were done to the TURNS analysis, in collaboration with Task 1.2 • Preliminary numerical results were obtained for the wake structure behind a baseline rotor. ‘02 Plans : • PIV measurements will be done for new baseline and rounded-tip rotors in forward flight •Detailed Analysis, modeling and implementation of piezoelectric actuation for blowing modulation on blade tips will be done. • CFD studies done in support of the experiment. Project Title : First-Principles based Modeling of Rotors in Hover, Forward Flight, and Maneuver Project Number: GT 1.2 PI / tel /e-mail L. Sankar, S. Ruffin, D. Peters, 404-894-3014; 404-894-8200 Technical barriers/problems : • First principles based models of rotors in hover and forward flight suffer from numerical errors such as dispersion, and diffusion. • Physics of the flow (e.g. tip vortex formation) can not be adequately modeled until these errors are minimized. • Strategies are needed for tightly coupling these methodologies to trim and aeroelastic models. Experiment TURNS-STVD6-WENO5 CQ/s Objectives : • Develop spatially, and temporally accurate algorithms. • Develop embedded and adaptive grid based methods for tracking vortices. • Validate methodology with data for rotors in hover and forward flight. CT/s 0 Key Milestones milestones • Hover methodology development. • Forward flight method development, and validation against UH-60A airloads. • Adaptive grid method development 01 02 03 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 ‘01 Accomplishments : • 4th, 6th, and 8th order algorithms were evaluated for rotors in hover. • Preliminary calculations were done for UH-60A rotor. • Two papers were published; improved methods were made available to industries. ‘02 Plans : • Complete hover studies; implement higher order metrics and load integration. • Improve UH-60A results with measured blade dynamics • Begin adaptive grid based vortex tracking. Project Title: Simulations of Unsteady Flow-Rotor Interactions to Predict Dynamic Loading in a Turbulent Environment Proj No. GT 1.3 PI M. Smith, S. Menon, 404894-3065, 404-894-9126 Technical Barriers, Problems: • Modern rotorcraft rotor and airframe loading is not wellpredicted by RANS methods. • Existing turbulence models developed for steady flows • LES provides the opportunity to investigate turbulence models in unsteady flows at the small-scale level where experimental methods cannot provide data Velocity Profiles at X=1.6, Z=0 1 Baldwin-Lomax Degani-Schiff Johnson-King Spalart-Allmaras 0.8 0.6 Y 0.4 0.2 Objective(s): • Extend and validate LES methods for unsteady flows of interest. • Compare RANS, LES, and experimental data for steady and dynamic stall situations • Use LES to determine how to modify RANS turbulence models Tasks (CY) • LES code extension and validation • Extend RANS codes to include variety of turbulence models 01 02 03 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Velocity 2001 Accomplishments: • LES code extended to include BC/IC for wing geometry • Ability of different grid-types: H,C,O and embedded investigated for application to LES of pitching wings • Evaluate steady semi-infinite wing • RANS turbulence model study conducted, RANS codes underway to update turbulence models, RANS steady testing begun. • Evaluate unsteady semi-infinite wing • Compare LES with RANS and experiments for steady semiinfinite wing.. • Evaluate steady finite wing 2002 Plans • Begin evaluation for dynamic stall of semi-infinite wing.. Project Title : Efficient and Affordable Joining of Composites Project number: GT 2.1 PIs : Armanios, (404) 894 8202,, Dancila (404) 894 8197, and Makeev (Delta), 404) 714 3655, Technical barriers/problems : • Premature failure of joints - Boundary layer distribution of interlaminar stresses - Presence of peel stress •Lack of understanding of interacting failure mechanisms - retro-fit fixes •Lack of reliable tools for failure prediction Objectives : • Development of affordable composite joint concept • Isolate mechanism driving premature failure • Development of associated predictive failure models • Stress-based • Strain energy release based Key Milestones milestones • Development and validation of analytical Models for interlaminar stresses • Performance of parametric studies •Manufacturing and testing under monotonic And fatigue loading •Identification of associated damage growth/ Crack resistance mechanisms 01 02 03 Nested overlap concept leading to compressive peel stress ‘01 Accomplishments : •Nested-overlap concept developed -achieved compressive peel •Corrugated interface - testing •Edited special volume on bonded joints - FAA, ASTM •’02 Plans : •Validation of nested-overlap concept -Manufacturing and testing •Improved corrugated concept •Edit follow-up volume on bonded joints Project Title: Phenomenological & First Principles Based Models for Complete Helicopters Project No. GT 3.1 PI M. Smith, L. Sankar, S. Ruffin, 404894-3065, 404-894-3014; 404-894-8200 Technical Barriers, Problems: • Modern rotorcraft have adverse rotor-airframe, and rotorempennage interactions, which are not clearly understood. • Existing methods based on panel methods and lifting line theory can not model these interactions well. • In some instances, the unsteady airloads on the tail due to the wake can cause tail fatigue, and/or loss of directional control. Objective(s): • Develop rapid first-principles based methods for modeling complex fuselage shapes. • Develop hierarchy of methods for coupling rotor aerodynamics to fuselage aerodynamics. • Use the computational tools to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of rotorcraft. Tasks (CY) • Unstructured & Cartesian Fuselage Analysis • Incorporation of rotating force field model • Replacement of body force with individual blades 01 02 03 2001 Accomplishments: • Several unstructured grid methodologies, and an adaptive Cartesian grid based method were evaluated for use in rotor-airframe interactions. • A seventh order accurate method (developed under Task 1.2) was modified for modeling rotor-airframe interactions. 2002 Plans • Couple Fuselage method w/CSM • Apply the unstructured grid method, and the Cartesian grid based method to ROBIN fuselage. • Evaluate other features (vortex modeling, turbulence. modeling, etc.) • Couple the rotor solver to the fuselage analyses, obtain preliminary results. Project Title : Damage Tolerance Analysis of Stiffened Composites and Rotor Hubs Prof. E. Armanios (GT) / 404 894-8202 Dr. A. Makeev (Delta) / 404 714 3655 Technical barriers/problems : •Absence of general damage tolerance analysis methodology • Absence of efficient and accurate models to predict interlaminar stresses and energy release rates • Finite element based techniques for evaluation of energy release rate components not convergent 5 Project Number: GT 5.2 Prof. A. Badir (CAU) / 404 880 6900 t yb u0 , GPa 4 ABAQUS, 1098 variables 3 ABAQUS, 15972 variables BEM, 144 variables BEM, 896 variables Objectives : • Development of cost effective, reliable models for damage tolerance analysis of rotorcraft composites 2 1 x b 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 -1 Key Milestones milestones • Analysis for structures of simple geometry • Extension of the analysis to nonlinear tapered flexbeams • Development of a 3D model for composites 01 02 03 ‘01 Accomplishments : •Simple damage tolerance analysis methodology identified • Simple boundary element models for composites developed ‘02 Plans : • Incorporation of higher order elements • Large systems capability based on global/local FEM/BEM • Selection of efficient and accurate fracture mechanics analysis techniques for composites Project Title : COMPOSITE BEAM CROSS-SECTIONAL OPTIMIZATION Project Number: GT 5.3 V. V. Volovoi & D. H. Hodges / 404-894-9811 & -8201 / & Technical barriers/problems : Baseline and • Design space for composite rotor blades vast and mainly design variables unexplored • Traditional design based on evolutionary changes of existing layouts; inherently leads to sub-optimal configurations • Industry is yet to exploit elastic couplings Optimized configuration • Optimal design of rotor blades is a tightly coupled interdisciplinary problem • 3-D structural optimization of rotor blades is not feasible Objectives : Stress field assessment for various loads • Apply cross-sectional analysis based on a rigorous asymptotic framework to design rotor blades with desired properties • Compliment evolutionary rotor blade design with conceptually new designs • Develop numerical methods that produce models suitable for practical rotor blade cross-sectional configurations ‘01 Accomplishments : Key Milestones • Stand-alone parametric model of a rotor-blade has Milestones been created Tasks 01 02 03 04 05 •This model has been connected with VABS and and an Parametric optimization: SimpleIntermediate Example example Proof of concept sizing optimizer in an automatic fashion Modeling Manufacturing •Tools for convenient assessment of stress distribution Industry survey Formal Set of constraints constraints over the cross section were developed. Accounting for Visualization/Stress recovery Using as optimization constraints Stress distribution •This optimization environment was tested on a simple Library of traditional Accumulating Database lay-outs example ‘02 Plans : Global optimization Aeromechanics example • Increase the fidelity of the model, consider several UCAR Proto/ Demo Topological Proof of concept Optimization other objective functions • Consider an example with discrete variables Robust Design Probabilistic optimization • Investigate the robustness of the solution Project Title : Wakes of Rotorcraft Maneuvering in Ground Effect Project Number: GIT 8.1 N.M. Komerath, GIT 404-894-3017 ; A.T. Conlisk, OSU 614-292-0808 Technical barriers/problems : • Multiple time scales of unsteadiness associated with ground vortex phenomena. • Origin of the ground vortex. • Influence of flight condition on parameters such as thrust and load. Objectives : • Develop physically-based models for rotor wake behavior in ground effect, with unsteadiness due to maneuvers or gusts. • Understand time scales of unsteadiness, including ground vortex, and vortex interactions. • Use findings to improve the aerodynamics in reducedorder flight simulation models. Key Milestones milestones •Experiments – wake distortion •Experiments on time lag in inflows and loads •Experiments: fuselage loads •Computation: loads and wake deflection; reduced-order model 01 02 03 ‘01 Accomplishments : •Flow visualization experiments successful in capturing steady (cleanly periodic) and unsteady test cases •Computation modeled wake geometry in hover and forward flight IGE. •Computation captures thrust variation due to vortex interaction effects in inflow. ‘02 Plans : •Quantify flow field of rotor wake & ground vortex. • Quantify time scales of unsteadiness. • Fuselage loads experiment & computation Project Title: Limit Detection and Limit Avoidance Methods for Carefree Maneuvering PIs: J.V.R. Prasad & A.J. Calise tel: (404) 894-3043, (404)894-7145 Technical Barriers/Problems: • Current limit prediction methods are based on the availability of an accurate simulation model of the vehicle. • ‘Dynamic trim’ based limit prediction is not applicable to the transient limit parameter predictions. • It is not clear how to provide cues for multiple and conflicting limit parameters in multiple control axes. • An effective limit cueing system will facilitate full exploitation of flight envelope with reduced pilot workload for highly reliable and safe operations of rotorcraft. • Objectives: • Develop adaptive algorithms for prediction of limit parameters that reach limit boundaries during dynamic trim. • Develop algorithms (in collaboration with Prof. Horn of Penn State) for prediction of limit parameters that reach limit boundaries during transient part of the response. • Develop approaches to combine pilot cueing and limiting using AFCS for envelope protection. • Carry out simulation and flight test evaluations in collaboration with industry and government labs. • Investigate potential applications of the envelope limiting algorithms to UAVs using the UAV test bed at Georgia Tech. Key Mile Stones: Milestones Adaptive limit prediction algorithms Simulation evaluation of adaptive algorithms Transient limit detection algorithms Combined pilot cueing and limiting using AFCS Piloted simulation and flight test evaluations Potential UAV applications 01 02 03 04 05 Project Number: GT 8.2 Adaptive Limit Detection Control Inputs and Vehicle States Estimation of Future Limit Variables Limit Avoidance Adaptive Limit Detection and Avoidance CY ‘01 Accomplishments: • Developed a neural net based adaptive limit parameter prediction method • Carried out simulation evaluations of the adaptive algorithms using the Generalized Tilt Rotor (GTR) simulation model. • Developed a method for extraction of dynamic trim maps directly from time response data. • Developed a method for limiting using the automatic flight control system for UAV applications. CY ‘02 Plans: • Adaptive algorithms using nonlinearly parameterized neural networks • Combined pilot cueing and limiting through AFCS. • Flight test evaluations of envelope limiting using the AFCS on our UAV helicopter test bed. Project Title: Deformable Wake Dynamics for maneuvering Flight Simulation PIs: J.V.R. Prasad & D.A. Peters tel: (404) 894-3043, (314)935-4337 Project Number: GT 9.1 Climb Technical Barriers/Problems: • Wake distortion effects are the primary source of the off-axis response behavior observed in maneuvering flight. • Finite state inflow models offer a viable alternative in terms of accuracy and computational expense. • Development of accurate models to capture the essential physics of wake distortion effects on the flow behavior at and off the rotor are important for development and evaluation of model decoupling flight control laws and for effective use of piloted simulation for various aircraft subsystem development and pilot training. Objectives: • Development of inflow models to capture wake bending, skew and spacing dynamics during transient maneuvers. • Development of inflow models for inflow off the rotor. • Integration of refined inflow models into a comprehensive flight simulation program and carry out simulation evaluations. • Correlations with available wind tunnel and flight test data. • Transition of inflow models to govt. labs and industry. Key Mile Stones: Milestones Wake dynamics modeling in hover Wake dynamics modeling in forward flight Wake bending and skew coupling Modeling of inflow off the rotor Correlations with test data and model refinements Transitions to industry and govt. labs 01 02 03 04 05 Hover Forward Flight Pitch Up Rotor Dynamic Wake Distortions during Transitional Flight From Hover CY ‘01 Accomplishments: • Formulated a reduced-order wake distortion model for transitional flight from hover • Extracted time constants of the model using results from vortex tube theory • Carried out model validations through comparison of simulation predictions using GENHEL with the Black Hawk flight test data CY ‘02 Plans: • Development of reduced order wake distortion models for forward flight • Development of reduced order models for inflow off the rotor • Model validations using flight test data Project Title : Neural Network Based Adaptive Flight Control PI’s: Prof. A.J. Calise and Prof. J.V.R. Prasad Tel: (404)894-7145, 3043 Linear controller Technical barriers/problems : • Gain scheduled control designs are awkward and difficult to apply to high bandwidth UAV control design • Adaptive control using neural nets offers a viable alternative and is adaptive to parameter uncertainty • High bandwidth adaptive control will have to also address more difficult issues related to time delays, unmodeled dynamics and actuator saturation Basic research in limited authority adaptive output feedback Research in active rotor control (Boeing Mesa) Applications of high bandwidth adaptive flight control (Bell and NASA Ames) Experimental demonstrations using the R-50 03 Helicopter ‘01 Accomplishments : • Development and improvement to an approach to output feedback adaptive control • Development of an adaptive approach for vibration suppression • Implementations on the R-50 helicopter and laboratory demonstration in vibration suppression. We are getting to higher bandwidths. Key Milestones 01 02 Model Inversion Adaptive NN/FL Objectives: • Extend our current research to the case of adaptive output feedback control, permitting robustness to unmodeled dynamics • Develop and approach to directly deal with control limits and in an adaptive control setting • Validation in both simulation and flight experiments, • Collaborative efforts with both industry and government labs • Pursue technology transition opportunities Milestones Project Number: 9.3 04 05 ‘02 Plans : • Continue to refine NN based adaptive output feedback control • Continue to develop our approach to vibration suppression and its application • Continue Flight testing and higher bandwidths. This will include closing outer loops that control velocity, flight direction and position • Pursue technology efforts with industry in UAV high bandwidth rotary wing flight control and active vibration control. • Continue to aggressively pursue rapid developing technology transfer opportunities, and leveraging with other NASA/Air Force /DARPA programs Project Title : Elastically Tailored Smart Composite Rotor Blades Project Number: GT 5.1 PI: E Armanios, S Dancila, O Bauchau Technical barriers/problems : •Change of linear twist of 20+ degrees required between cruise and hover to optimize performance in both regimes on typical tiltrotor configuration (Nixon et al. ) •Closed cell composite beams - insufficient level of coupling while meeting torsional stiffness stability requirements •Open cell composite beams – appropriate level of coupling but insufficient torsional stiffness •Need for a structural concept that provides adequate level of coupling without weight or stability penalties •Need for efficient piezoelectric actuator amplification strategies/mechanisms Objectives : •Improve the performance of rotor blades by combining elastic tailoring and piezoelectric actuation •Develop configurations functional and efficient on tailored active rotor blades at full scale Key Milestones milestones •Systematic investigation of star cross section beams •Modeling and analysis of tailored beams for blade flap hinge •Modeling and analysis of hinge tensiontorsion beam warping actuation using piezoelectric stack actuators 01 02 03 ‘01 Accomplishments : •Systematic investigation of tailored star cross section beams •Fundamental understanding – tailoring the entire blade structure not effective •New approach: •Untailored blade spar - high torsional stiffness •Extension-twist coupled deformation of trailing edge blade section (flap) ‘02 Plans : •Modeling and analysis of flap hinge tailored beams •Modeling and analysis of hinge tension-torsion beam warping actuation using piezoelectric stack actuators CFD Activities by the Present Investigator and Coworkers • Spatially High Accuracy Algorithms for improved tip vortex modeling and performance predictions. • Efficient Airloads Prediction methods for Rotors in Forward Flight . • Modeling of Complete Rotor-Airframe Configurations. • • • • • • C on Rectangular plan form, Aspect Ratio=6 fig NACA 0012 airfoil sections ur Untwisted rotor ati Tip Mach No. 0.388, corresponding to a rotor rpm of on 1100. St tested by McAlister. This rotor has been extensively Wake survey LDV data are udavailable. Surface pressure and thrust ie data for a similar configuration tested by Caradonna et al are also d available. Need for High Accuracy Algorithms • Many industry standard codes (e.g. TURNS, OVERFLOW) have low order spatial accuracy which leads to excessive numerical diffusion, and dispersion. • A very fine grid, and large CPU resources are needed to reduce these errors. • High order algorithms are an effective way of reducing these errors and achieving accurate solutions on moderately fine girds. Problems with Existing Methods • Numerical dissipation –Dissipation causes a gradual decrease in the amplitude of an acoustic wave or the magnitude of the tip vortex as it propagates away from the blade surface. –The computed vortical wake, in particular, diffuses very rapidly due to numerical dissipation Problems with Existing Methods • Numerical dispersion – Dispersion causes waves of different wavelengths originating at the blade surface to incorrectly propagate at different speeds. – Because of dispersion errors, the waves may distort in nonphysical manner as they propagate away from the blade surface. Model Problem Propagation of a 1-D wave • Consider the following simple PDE: Initial Condition at t=0: The exact solution: u u 0 t x u ( x, t 0) u ( x, t ) e x2 e 16 2 x t 16 Initial Solution 1.2 1 0.8 u 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 How well do the 3rd order schemes in OVERFLOW, TURNS, and CFL3D do? 1.2 Upwind, T=50 1 Dissipation 0.8 Exact u 0.6 0.4 Dispersion 0.2 0 -0.2 0 25 50 75 100 What happens at later time levels? 1.2 Upwind, T=100 1 0.8 Exact u 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 50 75 100 x 125 150 A Possible Cure • Compute the spatial derivatives with a sufficiently high order finite difference approximation (Text book solution) • Further optimize the coefficients in the finite difference form by minimizing the dissipation and dispersion errors (low dispersion schemes by Tam; Nance and Sankar). nce of a Spatially Fourth Order Algorithm for this 1.2 1.2 STVD-4, T=50 1 0.8 STVD-4, T=150 1 Exact 0.8 Exact 0.6 u u 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 -0.2 0 25 50 75 100 -0.2 100 125 150 x 175 200 Application to a Fixed Wing -5 -4 Experiment Fifth Order Third Order Cp -3 -2 % Semi-span = 89 -1 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/c Surface Pressure Distribution 89% Span Surface Pressure Distribution 97% Span -5 -4 Experiment Fifth Order Cp -3 Third Order -2 % Semi-span= 97 -1 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 Tip Vortex Velocity Field Downwash one chord length downstream 0.8 0.6 Vz/Vinf 0.4 0.2 3rd order MUSCL 0 -0.2 x/c = 1.0 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 y/c 0.4 0.6 0.8 Downstream of 5 chord lengths, the vortex quickly Diffuses, even with the 5th order scheme. Axial Velocity in the Core of the Tip Vortex 1.6 Vx / Vinf 1.4 x/c = 0.5 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 y/c 0.4 0.6 0.8 Axial velocity field is well predicted by the 5th order Scheme, up to 1 chord length in the wake. OVERSET REFINEMENT • Wing-Vortex System • Vortex Grid Adaptation • Additional Overset Grids • Combination of Both. Provide Enough Points by Oversetting. Wing Components Across Vortex Grid System OVERSET REFINEMENT Vortex Grid Adaptation Initial Top View Final Movement of a Streamwise Plane Side View Tip Vortex Schematic of Unsteady Vortex Grid System OVERSET REFINEMENT Vortex Grid Adaptation • Wing-Vortex Grid (Vortex Grid 100*30*30) Wing Vortex Grid System OVERSET REFINEMENT Before Vortex Grid Adaptation After.. Top View of the Tip Vortex Side View of the Tip Vortex VORTEX CONVECTION - SEVENTH ORDER ENO (cont.) Vortex Grid 100*30*30, Eighteen Chord Lengths, Skewed Grid U-Momentum Contours at Several Streamwise Stations RITA and NRTC Activities on High Order Algorithm • Spatially high order algorithms (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th) have been systematically implemented in public domain codes such as TURNS, OVERFLOW. • In most instances, the change from the user perspective is a simple flag in the make file. • Computer time does increase (per point per time step) by 10% to 20% with the higher order methods, compared to 3rd order MUSCL schemes. • This increase is offset by the ability obtain accurate results on relatively coarse grids. Performance of the UH-60A Rotor Grid Size 149x89x61(808K) 0.01 0.8 Experiment 0.009 0.7 0.008 CQ/s TURNS-STVD6-WENO5 0.007 0.6 0.006 0.5 Experiment FM 0.005 TURNS-STVD6-WENO5 0.4 0.004 0.3 0.003 0.2 0.002 0.001 0.1 CT/s 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 CT/s 0 0 0.05 0.1 • Error of 0.01-0.02 in FM; well within 100 lb. or 200 lb. error in 0.15 thrust;considered very good by industry. • Tip loads still not satisfactory due to highly stretched grids. Work must be done to improve performance of high order algorithms on highly stretched grids. This is critical to rotor tip design. Efficient Methods for High Speed Forward Flight Modeling high speed forward flight phenomena requires detailed modeling aerodynamics (transonic flow, dynamic stall), elasticity, blade dynamics and pilot input. First-principles based aerodynamic analyses (Navier-Stokes, Potential Flow) have been available to the industries for some time, but are computationally expensive, and require several days of turn-around time. In some studies, an open-loop coupling between aerodynamics and the other effects are done. Trim, elasticity, blade dynamics, wake are handled by the comprehensive analysis Viscous flow, transonic effects handled by CFD. Hybrid Methods for Rotors in Forward Flight • This method integrates the most appropriate models in different flow regions to retain solution quality. • A large reduction in computer time is reached. • Related Prior Work – Berezin coupled hybrid solver to RDYNE to account for the far wake and trim effects. – Berkman (under Sikorsky support) modeled the entire wake from first principles, and obtained good results in hover. – Moulton and Caradonna coupled HELIX to TURNS for modeling rotors in hover. – Bangalore and Caradonna extended Moulton’s work through overset grid for advancing rotor flows. School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Hybrid Methodology N-S zone FPE zone Lagrangean Wake • Navier-Stokes solver for modeling the viscous flow and near wake • Potential flow solver for modeling the inviscid isentropic flow • Lagrangean approach for convecting vortex filaments without diffusion in the potential flow zone and the far field School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Implementation Details • CPU time was reduced by performing hybrid analysis for a single blade. • The other blades are “seen” by the analysis as a collection of bound and tip vortices. • There is no more need to match and patch the grids around multiple moving, deforming blades. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Implementation Details (Cont.) • This allows pitching and flapping motion to be modeled rapidly without need for inter-blade grid continuity. • The solutions are manually trimmed outside the flow solver, once every revolution. • Elastic deformations are included, where available. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Blade Dynamics • A module to cope with the rigid blade motions in flap and pitch, and the complex blade deformation due to aeroelastic effects has been developed. • For rigid blades, the (x,y,z) positions in space at any instance in time may be transformed using Eulerian angles: xnew Txold ABC xold • If the blade is not rigid, the grid motion should include additional rotations in twist, and bending deformations. Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Wake Model • Wake markers may lie inside the grid, or outside. •Rigid wake model is used by default. • Free wake model that can model the distortion from a basic helical shape is also available. •We use Biot-Savart Law to evaluate the self induced velocity. •We have also programmed Steinhoff’s Clebsch formulation Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering UH-60A in High Speed Forward Flight • Validation case: –Advance ratio m=0.3 –Tip mach number Mtip=0.628 –The blades were trimmed to eliminate oneper-rev flapping. q 11.50 1.84 0 cos 7.50 sin –H-O multi-block grid: 90x44x80 (NS zone: 62x26x44) School of Aerospace Engineering CP at =00 (r=68%R and 94.5%R) Georgia Tech CP Hyb. Method (Lower) r=68% R. -2 Hyb. Method (Upper) Exp. (Upper) -1.5 Exp. (Lower) -1 -0.5 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0 x/c 0.5 1 1.5 -1.2 CP r=94.5%R. Hyb. Method (Lower) Hyb. Method (Upper) -1 Exp. (Upper) Exp. (Lower) -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 x/c CP at =1200 (r=94.5%R) -1.5 r/R=94.5% -1 -0.5 Cp 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x/c 0.8 1 School of Aerospace Engineering CP at =2700 (r=68%R and 94.5%R) Georgia Tech -3.5 CP r=68% R. Hyb. Method (Lower) -3 Hyb. Method (Upper) -2.5 Exp. (Upper) Exp. (Lower) -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0 0.5 x/c 1 1.5 -2.5 CP r=94.5%R. Hyb. Method (Lower) Hyb. Method (Upper) -2 Exp. (Upper) -1.5 Exp. (Lower) -1 -0.5 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 0 x/c 0.5 1 1.5 Georgia Tech School of Aerospace Engineering Mach Number Contour at r=96%R (Blade at Y=900) School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Thrust Coefficient at r=78%R 1.2 Cn r/R=78% 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 hybrid, rigid hybrid, elastic 0.2 experiments ψ 0 0 -0.2 90 180 270 360 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Sectional Thrust Coefficient at r=92%R 1 Cn r/R=92% 0.8 0.6 0.4 hybrid, rigid 0.2 hybrid, elastic experiments ψ 0 0 -0.2 90 180 270 360 Modeling complete helicopter configurations • Motivation: – Helicopter configurations are often complex in shape, full of corners and edges. – Present overset methods require considerable CPU time, and a very large number of overset blocks. – Design studies require quick turn around time, and the ability to model local changes to the geometry. Prior Work • • • • OVERFLOW Ganesh Rajagopalan’s work. Steinhoff’s Cartesian grid based approach Other Cartesian grid based approaches (e.g. SPLITFLOW) • Georgia Tech CHIMERA approach Proposed Approach • Model the fuselage using an unstructured grid approach. – We are starting with USM3D and/or FUN3D • Model the main and tail rotors using structured grid methods. – We will be using GT codes for start. • Tightly couple these two approaches using Georgia Tech version of the CHIMERA scheme. 2 Experiment 1.5 Euler 1 Cp 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 0.1 0.95 1.8 x/R Experiment Experiment Euler Euler_354 10 8 6 Cp 3.5 Mean surface pressure distribution along the crown line of the airframe 12 PSI=174 4 2 0 -2 0.2 2.65 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 x/R 0.8 0.9 1 Instantaneous surface pressure distribution along the crown line Modeling for Hover, Forward Flight, maneu • This task is a continuation of prior work by – Nathan Hariharan (ENO, adaptive CHIMERA) – Ebru Usta (STVDx schemes) – Zhong Yang (Hybrid Approach) • Basic algorithm developments done under the Center funding will feed into applied work with industry partners. Active Control of Rotors • Joint task with Dr. Komerath and Dr. Dancila • We will be computationally investigating various tangential and normal jet concepts. • Starting point is the circulation control airfoil research being done at Georgia Tech under NASA support. Related Research • Wind Turbine Aerodynamics • Compressor Flow Control • Circulation Control Airfoil Research School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Results for the Phase II Rotor 20 Generator Power[kw] 15 10 5 0 0 -5 -10 NREL NREL experiment experiment N-S N-S Solver Solver Hybrid Hybrid Code Code Lifting Lineresults results AeroDyn 5 15 10 Wind Speeds[m/s] 20 25 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech RESULTS for the Phase III Rotor Generator Power[kw] NREL Test data AeroDyn Present Hybrid code 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 Wind Speed[m/s] 15 20 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech The NREL Blind Run Comparison • The Phase VI Rotor •Full Scale Wind Tunnel Tests at NASA Ames •Chordwise pressure tap at 0.3, 0.47, 0.63, 0.8, 0.95R -0.5 C 0.8C 0.03m Measured Point 0.5 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Blind Run Comparison (I) Upwind Condition, Zero Yaw 95% Span Normal Force Coefficient 3 2.5 NREL 2 Present Simulations 1.5 1 0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Wind Speed (m/s) The 95%R Normal Force Coefficients 30 School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Blind Run Comparison (II) Upwind Configuration, Zero Yaw Root Flap Bending Moment (Nm) 5000 4000 3000 2000 NREL Present Methodologies 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Wind Speed (m/s) Flap Bending Moment for One Blade School of Aerospace Engineering Georgia Tech Blind Run Comparison (II) Upwind Configuration, Zero Yaw 8000 UIUC/Enron-C UIUC/Enron-UIUC ROTABEM - DTU Loughborough University Global Energy Concepts, LLC Windward (1) Windward (2) Windward (3) ECN NASA Ames Teknikgruppen AB RISOE -- HawC Risoe NNS DTU1 Georgia Tech Glasgow University TU Delft NREL Root Flap Bending Moment (Nm) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 5 10 15 20 Wind Speed (m/s) 25 30 Circulation Control Concept • Advanced CCW Airfoil: 0 - 90 degree small CCW flap •Maintain the high lift when taking off and landing with large flap angle and jet blowing • Reduce the drag when cruise with 0 flap angle and non-blowing. The CCW Airfoil Shape 0.5 0.4 0.3 Jet Slot Location 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 -0.2 30 degree integral flap -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 • To Maintain the high-lift characteristics of CCW Airfoil while greatly reduce the drag and noise compared to large angle flap 1 The Variation of Lift Coefficient with the Angle of Attack 4 Leading Edge Stall Cmu=0.1657 3 Cmu=0.111 Cl Cmu=0.0566 2 Cmu=0.0 1 0 -2 0 2 4 6 Angle of Attack 8 10 12 STEADY JET RESULTS Computed vs. Measured Variations of Lift Coefficient with Momentum Coefficient 5 4 Cl 3 2 Cl, Computed Cl, Measured 1 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Cm Angle of Attack 0 degree, Integral Flap 30 degrees The Stream Function Contours for the No-Blowing Case The Stream Function Contours for the Blowing Case, Cm=0.1657 Concluding Remarks • A snapshot of some of the ongoing CFD research at Georgia Tech has been presented. • Sikorsky and United Technologies have been partners in many of our efforts. • This has lead to fruitful interactions with Dennis Hiff, Brian Wake, Chip Berezin, Mike Torok, Bob Moffitt, Ebru Usta (UTRC Intern), Nathan Hariharan, and Alan Egolf. • We look forward to continued collaboration with Sikorsky researchers on areas of importance to Sikorsky/United Technologies, and to NRTC.