Caching in Distributed File System


Caching in

Distributed File System

Ke Wang

CS614 – Advanced System

Apr 24, 2001

Key requirements of distributed system

Scalability from small to large networks

Fast and transparent access to geographically

Distributed File System(DFS)

Information protection

Ease of administration

Wide support from variety of vendors


DFS -- a distributed implementation of a file system, where multiple users share files and storage resources.

Overall storage space managed by a DFS is composed of different, remotely located, smaller storage spaces

There is usually a correspondence between constituent storage spaces and sets of files

DFS Structure

Service - a software entity providing a particular type of function to client

Server - service software running on a single machine

Client - process that can invoke a service using a set of operations that forms its client interface

Why caching?

Retaining most recently accessed disk blocks.

Repeated accesses to a block in cache can be handled without involving the disk .


- Reduce delays

- Reduce contention for disk arm

Caching in DFS


Reduce network traffic

Reduce server contention



Stuff to consider

Cache location (disk vs. memory)

Cache Placement (client vs. server)

Cache structure (block vs. file)

Stateful vs. Stateless server

Cache update policies


Client-driven vs. Server-driven protocols

Practical Distributed System

NFS: Sun’s Network File System

AFS: Andrew File System (CMU)

Sprite FS: File System for the Sprite OS

( UC Berkeley)

Sun’s Network File System(NFS)

Sun’s Network File System(NFS)

Originally released in 1985

Build on top of an unreliable datagram protocol UDP (change to TCP now)

Client-server model

Andrew File System(AFS)

Developed at CMU since 1983

Client-server model

Key software: Vice and Venus

Goal : high scalability (5,000-10,000 nodes)

Andrew File System(AFS)

Andrew File System(AFS)

VICE is a multi-threaded server process with each thread handling a single client request

VENUS is the client process that runs on each workstation which forms the interface with


User-level processes

Prototype of AFS

One process for one client

Client cache file

Verify timestamp every open

-> a lot of interaction with server

-> heavy network traffic

Improve AFS

To improve prototype

Reduce cache validity check

Reduce server processes

Reduce network traffic

 Higher scalability!

Sprite File System

Designed for networked workstation with large physical memories

(can be diskless)

Expect memory of 100-500Mbytes

Goal : high performance

Caches in Sprite FS

Caches in Sprite FS(cont)

When a process makes a file access, it is presented first to the cache( file traffic disk traffic ), or to the server where the file is stored(

). If not satisfied, request is passed either to a local disk, if the file is stored locally( server traffic ). Servers also maintain caches to reduce disk traffic.

Caching in Sprite FS

Two unusual aspects

Guarantee complete consistent view

Concurrent write sharing

Sequential write sharing

Cache size varies dynamically

Cache Location

Disk vs. Main Memory

Advantages of disk caches

More Reliable

Cached data are still there during recovery and don’t need to be fetched again

Cache Location

Disk vs. Main Memory(cont)

Advantages of main-memory caches:

Permit workstations to be diskless

More quick access

Server caches(used to speed up disk I/O) are always in main memory; using mainmemory caches on the clients permits a single caching mechanism for servers and users

Cache Placement

Client vs. Server

Client cache reduce network traffic

Read-only operations on unchanged files do not need go over the network

Server cache reduce server load

Cache is amortized across all clients ( but needs to be bigger to be effective)

In practice, need BOTH!

Cache structure

Block basis


Sprite FS, NFS

File basis

Reduce interaction with servers


Cannot access files larger than cache


NFS : client memory(disk), block basis

AFS : client disk, file basis

Sprint FS : client memory, server memory, block basis

Stateful vs. Stateless Server

Stateful – Servers hold information about the client

Stateless – Servers maintain no state information about clients

Stateful Servers


Client opens a file

Server fetches information about the file from its disk, store in memory, gives client a unique connection id and open file id is used for subsequent accesses until the session ends

Stateful Servers(cont)


Fewer disk access

Read-ahead possible

RPCs are small, contains only an id

File may be cached entirely on client, invalidated by the server if there is a conflicting write

Stateful Servers(cont)


Server loses all its volatile state in crash

Restore state by dialog with clients, or abort operations that underway when crash occurred

Server needs to be aware of client failures

Stateless Server

Each request must be self-contained

Each request identifies the file and position in the file

No need to establish and terminate a connection by open and close operations

Stateless Server(cont)


A file server crash does not affect clients



Impossible to enforce consistency

RPC needs to contain all state, longer

Stateful vs. Stateless

AFS and Sprite FS are stateful

Sprite FS servers keep track of which clients have which files open

AFS servers keep track of the contents of client’s caches

NFS is stateless

Cache Update Policy



Write-on-close (variation of delayedwrite)

Cache Update Policy(cont)

Write-through – all writes be propagated to stable storage immediately

Reliable, but poor performance

Cache Update Policy(cont)

Delayed-write – modification written to cache and then written through to server later

Write-on-close – modification written back to server when file close

Reduces intermediate read and write traffic while file is open

Cache Update Policy(cont)

Pros for delayed-write/write-on-close

Lots of files have lifetimes of less than 30s

Redundant writes are absorbed

Lots of small writes can be batched into larger writes


Poor reliability; unwritten data may be lost when client crash

Caching in AFS

Key to Andrew’s scalability

Client cache entire file in disk


Server load and network traffic reduced

Contacts server only on open and close

Retain across reboots

Require local disk, large enough

Cache update policy

NFS and Sprite delayed-write

Delay 30 seconds

AFS write-on-close

Reduce traffic to server dramatically

 Good scalability of AFS


Is locally cached copy of data consistent with the master copy?

Is there danger of “stale” data?

Permit concurrent write sharing?

Sprite:Complete Consistency

Concurrent Write Share

A file open on multiple clients

At least one client write

Server detects

Require write back to server

Invalidate open cache

Sprite:Complete Consistency

Sequential Write Sharing

A file modified, closed, opened by others

Out-of-date blocks

Compare version number with server

Current data in other’s cache

Keep track of last writer

AFS: session semantics

Session semantics in AFS

Writes to an open file invisible to others

Once file closed, changes visible to new opens anywhere

Other file operations visible immediately

Only guarantee sequential consistency


Sprite guarantees complete consistency

AFS uses session semantics

NFS not guarantee consistency

NFS is stateless. All operations involve contacting the server; if server is unreachable, read & write cannot work

Client-driven vs. Server-driven

Client-driven approach

Client initiates validity check

Server check whether the local data are consistent with master copy

Server-driven approach

Server records files client caches

When server detect inconsistency, it must react

AFS: server-driven

Callback (key to scalability)

Cache valid if have callback on

Server notify before modification

When reboot, all suspect reduces cache validation requests to server

Client-driven vs. Server-driven

AFS is server-driven (callback)

Contributes to AFS’s scalability

Whole file caching and session semantics also help

NFS and Sprite are client-driven

Increased load on network and server

AFS:Effect on scalability

Sprite:Dynamic cache size

Make client cache as large as possible

Virtual memory and file system negotiate

Compare age of oldest page

Two problems

Double caching

Multiblock pages

Why not callback in Sprite?

Why not callback in Sprite?

Estimated improvement is small


Andrew is user-level process

Sprite is kernel-level implementation


Performance – running time

Performance – running time

Use Andrew benchmark

Sprite system is fastest

Kernel-to-kernel PRC

Delayed write

Kernel implementation (AFS is user-level)

Performance – CPU utilization

Performance – CPU utilization

Use Andrew benchmark

Andrew system showed greatest scalability

File-based cache


Use of callback

Nomadic Caching

New issues

If client become disconnected?

Weakly connected(by modem)?

Violate key property: transparency!

Nomadic Caching

Cache misses may impede progress

Local update invisible remotely

Update conflict

Update vulnerable to loss, damage

 Coda file system
