Marketing Research




Aaker, Kumar, Day

Seventh Edition

Instructor’s Presentation


Chapter One

A Decision-Making

Perspective On Marketing


Marketing Research

Function of Marketing Research is to link an organization to its market through information

Identify and define marketing opportunity and problems

Generate, redefine and evaluate marketing actions

Monitor marketing performance

Improve understanding of marketing as a process

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Role of Market Research

Specifies information required

Designs method for collecting information

Manages and implements data collection process

Interprets results & communicates findings


Aaker, Kumar, Day Marketing Research 7th Edition

Marketing Information


A continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment and procedures designed to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute pertinent, timely and accurate information to marketing decision making

MIS Uses 3 Types of Information

 Recurring market and accounting data from market analysis and accounting activities

 Intelligence relevant to future strategy of business

 Marketing research studies not of a recurring nature

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Role of Marketing

Research in Managerial

Decision Making

Four Stages of Market Planning


 Situation analysis

 Strategy development

 Marketing program development

 Implementation

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Situation Analysis

Analysis of

 Market environment

 Market characteristics

 Consumer behavior

Research Approaches

 Organize information obtained from prior studies (secondary)

 Focus groups

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Strategy Development

Market Research Provides Information to Assist Management With Three

Critical Decisions

 What business should we be in?

 How will we compete?

 What are the objectives for the business?

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Marketing Program


Programs embrace specific tasks

Action program usually focuses on a single objective in support of one element of overall business strategy


Aaker, Kumar, Day Marketing Research 7th Edition


Starts with decision to proceed to a new program or strategy

Commitment to objectives, budgets and timetables

Specific measurable objectives must be set for all elements of marketing program

"Did the elements achieve their objectives?"

“Should the marketing program be continued, discontinued, revised or expanded?"

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Factors Influencing Marketing

Research Decisions


Type and Nature of Information Sought


Availability of Resources

Cost-benefit Analysis


Aaker, Kumar, Day Marketing Research 7th Edition

Ethics in Marketing


Ethics of the Sponsor

 Overt and covert purposes

 Dishonesty in dealing with suppliers

 Misuse of research information

Ethics of the Supplier

 Violating client confidentiality

 Improper execution of research

Respondents Abuse

 Falsifying answers

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

A Push to Probe Buying Habits in Latino Homes

Hispanics account for nearly 12% of the

U.S. population.

Research shows that Latino households outspend general market households in many product categories

In 1998 only 2% of total advertising dollars in the United States was focused on Latinos.

Who can tell me what the problem is?

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Minute Maid Quits Trying to

Free OJ

Minute Maid attempted to market orange juice as more than a breakfast drink.

They failed in their attempt, but succeeded in re-discovering their original market.

With a renewed emphasis on marketing orange juice as a breakfast drink, sales have steadily risen.

Who thinks they were right to try.

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Future Grocery Store: It’s Smaller and a Big Challenge for Brand Marketers

Agentry Marketing:

 Retailer becomes agent for the consumer, creating a more efficient and personal shopping experience.

Moment of Value Store:

 Smaller: 10,000 sq ft. compared to 60,000 sq ft.

Carries only 5,000 SKU’s compared to

20,000 SKU’s.

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day

Future Grocery Store: It’s Smaller and a Big Challenge for Brand Marketers

Factors of selling through agentry marketing:

 Store manager will become a central merchandising influence.

 Products in stock to be determined by customer preferences.

 Each store will focus more closely on neighborhood preferences.

 More opportunities for co-branding.

Are Moment of Value stores better than supermarket giants of today, what do you think?

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day









Understand the environment and the market

Identify threats and opportunities

Assess the competitive position

Define the business scope and served market segments

Establish competitive advantages

Set performance objectives.

Product and channel decision

Communication decisions


Personal selling decisions

Performance monitoring

Refining strategies and program

Marketing Research 7th Edition


Aaker, Kumar, Day
