Intro to Business, Ethics Business 40 Week 2 Carole K. Meagher 26 January, 2005 Agenda Roll call, introductions, project ideas Video – “Burton Snowboard” Chapter 1 Discussion Article analysis – Kraft Advertising Chapter 4 Discussion Project ideas? Week 3 Lead-in To watch out for… Think about the environment (p. 13) that Burton Snowboard works within 1. 2. 3. 4. Economic and legal Technological Social Competitive Some of the answers may not be obvious in the video, so think about them… Burton Snowboard Economic and legal Technological Social Competitive Business & Entrepreneurship Business Profit Entrepreneur Match Risk With Profit Revenue Loss Standard of Living/Quality of Life Stakeholders Nonprofit Organizations Objectives of Business Survival Growth Profit Social Responsibility Creating Wealth: Factors of Production Entrepreneurship Land Labor Capital Knowledge Business Environment Global Business Social Economic & Legal Technology Competitive Economic & Legal Environment Freedom of ownership Contract laws Tradable currency Elimination of corruption Minimum taxes and regulation Technological Environment Information technology Databases Bar codes The Internet Competitive Environment Customer service Stakeholder recognition Employee service Concern for environment Social Environment Diversity Demographic changes Family changes Social Environment Diversity/Multicultural Aging/Graying of America Two-Income Families Telecommuting Single-Parent Families U.S. Household Size 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 Number of 2.5 Persons 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1900 Source: Census Bureau 1940 1980 2000 Buying Power of Diverse Groups Women $3,700 Billion Hispanic Americans 550 Billion African Americans 500 Billion Gay Men & Lesbians 450 Billion Asian Americans 254 Billion Native Americans 35 Billion Sources: National Organization on Disability Employability; U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce;; U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Ethnic Composition 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 1990 2000 30% 20% 10% 0% White Source: Census Bureau Hispanic African American Amer. Indian Asian Other 21st Century Diversity Issues Race Age Gender Language Ethnicity Religion Disability Sexual Orientation Source: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission The Aging of America 40.0 35.0 Median Age 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1900 Source: Census Bureau 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 % U.S. Population by Age 80% 70% 60% 50% Under 15 15-64 65+ 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1920 Source: Census Bureau 1940 1960 1980 2000 Older Americans Working 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Female Male 55-59 Source: USA Today 60-64 65+ Growth of Dual-Income Households 70% 63% 60% 50% 37% 40% 20% 21% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1950 Source: USA Today 2000 Single-Earner Married Couples Dual-Earner Married Couples Women In The Workforce CEOs Top Earners B.O.D. Officers Mgmt./Prof. Labor Force 0% Source: CNNMoney, 3/3/03. 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Wives Outearn Husbands All Couples* 30.7% Two-Income Couples 24.1% *3% Involve Salaries $75,000+ Source: CNNMoney, 3/3/03. Where Americans Live 70% 60% 50% Central Cities Suburbs Rural 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1920 Source: Census Bureau 1940 1960 1980 2000 Global Environment Quality Productivity War & Terrorism Global Changes The Economic Cost of Disaster/War Loss of property Loss of life Energy diverted to… Rebuilding Stress management Political/power management issues Source: Business 2.0 , November 2002. Evolution of American Business Agricultural/Manufacturing Service Industries Future??? Trends in Business Rise of Information & Communication Technology Globalization Doing Business 24/7 Self-Directed, Empowered Employees Communication Skills Decision-Making Skills Educated Consumers Teamwork Aging Workforce Leadership Increasing Diversity Continual Learning Pyramid vs. Web Source: Keying In- Newsletter of the National Business Education Association, March 2003 Skill Level Required 58% Average Skill Level: 3.6 40% 2% Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Source: Hudson Institute as reported in Arnold Packer, “Retooling the American Worker,” Washington Post Level 6 Current Skill Level 70.5% Average Skill Level: 2.6 16.1% 6.6% 6.8% Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Article analysis & break… Kraft limits advertising… See pp 104-105 Discuss the legal implications of Kraft’s action described in the article Discuss the balance/fairness issues of Kraft’s action described in the article Discuss how your group feels about advertising junk food to kids and Kraft’s action. There are no right or wrong answers, just share thoughts and ideas. A continuum… Responsible “Good Citizen” Ethical Legal Agent of positive change Categories of Business Law Tort Bankruptcy Law Contract Law Law Business Law Sales Property Law Law of Agency Law Tort Law Wrongful Act Causing Injury Compensation Negligence Product Liability- Strict Liability Cost of U.S. Tort System $250 $204 In $ Billions $200 $150 $129 $141 $148 $156 1994 1996 $167 $179 $100 $50 $0 1990 Source: Forbes, Dec. 23, 2002 1992 1998 2000 2002 Intellectual Property Patent - Rights to Invention Copyright - Rights to Literary Work and Art Work (including sound, visual, and performing arts) Trademark - Protects Name, Symbol or Design (identifies goods or services of a seller) Types of Patents Design Patents ©Utility Patents ™ Plant Source: Entrepreneur Magazine Patents Patents Awarded in the U.S. (2002) 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 IBM Source: USA Today Canon Micron NEC Hitachi Unusual U.S. Patents Awarded to Universities School Invention U. of California New almond tree named “Winters” to help pollination M.I.T. Caltech U. of Texas Johns Hopkins Source: Forbes, March 31, 2003 Method to track motion of body Golf putter with “raised center of gravity New compound to grow human hair Thermal-control apparatus for body armor Origin of U.S. Patents Granted (2000) S. Korea Canada U.K. France Taiwan Germany Japan U.S. 0 Source: USA Today 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 IBM Average Patents Per Week 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1993 Source: World Features Syndicate 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 International Patents Awarded (2002) 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 IBM Source: USA Today Canon Micron NEC Hitachi Sales Law $ Uniform Commercial Code $ Warranties Express Implied Full Limited $Negotiable Instruments Contract Law Breach Contract Legally Binding Consequences Offer Acceptance Consideration Competence Legal Proper Form Specific Performance Payment of Damages Discharge of Obligation Business Law/Legislation Sherman Antitrust Act Clayton Act FTC Act Robinson-Patman Act Consumer Protection Tax Bankruptcy Chapter 7 Chapter 11 Chapter 13 Deregulation Ethics More Than Legality Standards are Fundamental Stem From Individual Ethical Decisions are Personal Religious, Moral, Cultural Teachings Individual Rights and Responsibilities Legislation Statutory Law Court Decisions Common Law Factors Influencing Managerial Ethics Individual Values Work Background Organizational Top Level Mgmt. Philosophy Family Status The Firm’s Reward System Personality Job Dimensions Environmental Competition Economic Conditions Social/Cultural Institutions SEC Investigations (2002) Accounting Arthur Andersen Deloitte & Touche Ernst & Young KPMG PriceWaterhouse Coopers Energy CMS Energy Dynergy Enron Halliburton Reliant Resources Source: Business Week, June 10, 2002 Software Computer Associates Network Associates Telecom Global Crossing Lucent Technologies Qwest Communications WorldCom Wall Street Credit Suisse First Boston Hedge Funds Capital Markets Merrill Lynch Corporate Scandal Fines Company Arthur Andersen Citigroup Merrill Lynch Credit Suisse First Boston Source: Business Week, Nov. 4, 2002 Fine Reason $500,000 Obstruction of Justice Shredding Enron Documents $5,000,000 Analyst Issued Misleading Information $100,000,000 Conflict of Interest Between Investment Bank & Research Dept. $100,000,000 IPO Shares Unfairly Distributed How Much Do Americans Trust Corporations? All Corporations A Great Deal Fair Amount Only A Little Not At All No Opinion Source: USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll, Jan. 25-27, 2002 10% 41% 35% 13% 1% Your Employer A Lot 50% Only Somewhat 39% Not At All 8% No Opinion 3% Ethics Check Questions: Is It Legal? Is It Balanced? How Will It Make Me Feel About Myself? Corporate Citizenship… Societal Responsibility Stakeholder Responsibility Ecological General Customers Profit Profit Responsibility Owners/Stockholders Public Suppliers/Distributors Public Interest Groups Source: Marketing, 5/E by Berkowitz, Kerin, Hartley, and Rudelius. Environment Employees Contributions to Charity (In Billions of Dollars) $9 $10 Individuals $12 Foundations Bequests $120 Corporations New Philanthropy Donor Estimated Total Given (in Millions Bill Gates $25.6 Health & Education Gordon Moore $6.6 Conservation & Education James Stowers $1.5 Biomedical Research Eli Broad $1.045 Education & Arts Walton Family $.75 Education Source: Business Week, Dec. 2, 2002 Causes Corporate Annual Giving Merck Johnson & Johnson Pfizer Eli Lilly IBM Microsoft Intel Bank of America Source: The Taft Group $221.0* 176.2 123.9 121.4 116.1 104.7 101.0 91.5 * In Millions Re lig En vi H ro io us um Ar n./ Ch an t/Cu An ar Se ltu ima ity rv ls . re Where Charitable Contributions Go (2001) Source: BusinessWeek. Dec. 2, 2002 $4.1 $6.4 $11.8 $12.1 $18.4 $20.7 In Billion $ $31.8 $81.0 Why People Volunteer Percent of Respondents Civic Duty Learn Issues/Problems Be With People With Same Ideals Be With People They Enjoy Improve Community Help People 0 20 40 60 80 Total is more than 100%- respondents could give more than one reason. 100 Corporate Volunteer Days International Ethics & Responsibility Ethics Not Unique To U.S.Leaders Accountable Demand for Socially Responsible Behavior Inter-American Convention Against Corruption Social Audit By Company Outside Company Socially-Conscious Investors Environmentalists Union Officials Customers In Conclusion… Agent of positive change Responsible “Good Citizen” Ethical It’s a continuum… Legal Week 3 Lead-in Chapters 2 and 3 – Global Economics Find an article talking about the Key Economic Indicators on pages 53-54. How are they interpreted? Do different people have different ideas about if they imply good or bad news? There are lots of articles about global trade right now. Find an article and compare their comments to the text. Any differences in perspective? Or, whatever you want, just be thoughtful and “buzzword compliant” Before you leave next week… Group roster with project idea!