Heartland Community College Division: Humanities and Fine Arts COURSE PREFIX & NUMBER: COMM 101 COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Speech DATE PREPARED: July 2014 DATE REVISED: August 2014 PCS/CIP/ID NO: 1.1-231001 IAI NO. (if available): C2 900 EFFECTIVE DATE OF FIRST CLASS: August 18, 2014 CREDIT HOURS: 3.0 CONTACT HOURS: 3.0 LECTURE HOURS: 3.0 LABORATORY HOURS: 0.0 Instructor: Lisa Martin, M.S. E-Mail: lisa.martin@heartland.edu Room: ICB 1704 Class Meeting Time: Monday and Wednesday 9:30-10:45 am Semester: Fall 2014 Office Hours: By appointment only (RM ICB 2025) Catalog Description: This is an introductory course in public speaking, with the dual goals of helping students understand basic communication principles and improving their oral communication skills. The course emphasizes preparing, selecting, organizing, and delivering oral messages, as well as analyzing and evaluating the speaking-listening process. Required Text: Public Speaking: Prepare, Present, and Participate. Dr. Cheri Simonds Required Materials: Note Cards (3x5; White; lined or unlined), Notebook, Access to computer and printer (HCC labs offer free printing), and a pocket folder. RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND TRANSFERABILITY: COMM 101 fulfills 3 of the 9 semester hours of credit in Humanities/Fine Arts required for the A.A. or A.S. degree. It satisfies the Humanities component of this requirement. COMM 101 should transfer to other Illinois colleges and universities as the equivalent of the General Education Core Curriculum course C2 900, described in the Illinois Articulation Initiative. However, students should consult an academic advisor for transfer information regarding particular institutions. Refer to the IAI web page for information as well at http://www.itransfer.org/IAI/Other/Student.taf COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: I. Introduction: The Essentials of Communication II. Public Speaking III. The Informative Speech IV. The Persuasive Speech V. Speeches for Other Occasion COURSE OBJECTIVES (Learning Outcomes) After completing this course, students should be able to: General Education Learning Outcome Effectively organize thoughts and ideas into coherent, well-focused verbal messages appropriate for the audience, occasion, and purpose. Conduct evaluative scholarly research and incorporate appropriate materials into focused, well-informed presentations. Demonstrate appropriate behavior as active listeners and participants. CO1 Demonstrate an awareness of and sensitivity to non-verbal communication in both speaking and listening situations. Evaluate and employ appropriate visual aids to enhance the impact of oral presentations. Demonstrate awareness, respect, and appreciation for the diversity of others as they endeavor to refine their communication skills. Employ strategies to reduce communication apprehension in order to effectively participate in a variety of public communication situations. Become more effective communicators in democratic situations, demonstrating the ability to consider and evaluate multiple perspectives on social issues and the ability to manage conflict. CO3 Assessment: May include but are not limited to: Speeches, class discussion, Q&A, outlines, workshops, tests, and quizzes CT3 Library exercises, speeches, bibliographies, citations, quizzes, tests, in-class exercises CO3 DI5 Presentations, Q&A, self reflection essays, class discussion, tests and quizzes Presentations, self-reflective essays, class discussion, speech critiques, peer evaluations, tests and quizzes Presentations, workshops, speeches, tests and quizzes CO3 CO5; DI5 CO4 PS4;CO2 Self-reflection essays, speech critiques, class discussion, Q&A, tests and quizzes Self-reflective essays, class discussions, self-reports Class participation, workshops, small group assignments, Q&A, tests and quizzes Final Grading Scale (Percentages) : 100-90: A 89-80: B 79-70: C 69-60: D 59-0: F Assignments: Exams: There will be a mid-term exam and a final exam given at the end of the semester. The exams must be taken on the date assigned. If an exam is missed, the student must negotiate with the instructor on a makeup date, but you must have a very, very good reason to have missed the exam date. If you don’t send me a message explaining the absence before the next meeting time, there is no longer a make-up option. If you think you might have to miss an exam date, let me know beforehand that it is a possibility. Again, I am much easier to work with if I am communicated with. Speeches: There will be five speeches delivered throughout the course. College level work will be expected on all assignments. Grammar, spelling, and style will influence your grade. Sloppy work will not be tolerated. All assignments must stapled and neat. Hand written assignments for outlines and references will not be accepted. Outlines and references for speeches must conform to APA Style manual. (The HCC computer lab offers free printing) No speech will be performed without having turned in a completed full sentence preparation outline and appropriate references!!! Because there is a lot of content and speeches to get through in this course, you are expected to give your speech on the day it is assigned. If you have a conflict, please see me as soon as possible to discuss the matter. Failure to show up on your speech day with no valid reason (determined by the instructor) will result in a grade reduction. If a speech is delivered the class after it was due, it will be assessed a 15 point penalty off the grade. After that, it will be 50 points off. Again, if you have a valid reason for missing your speech, please speak to me as soon as possible. ALL SPEECHES MUST BE COMPLETED TO PASS THE CLASS! Chapter Questions/Participation: You are expected to be in class every class period, and to participate in class discussions and activities. This includes participating and activities and contributing to and listening during discussion. To receive points for class, you must come and have the chapter questions completed. If you do not complete them or do not come to class, you do not receive points for that day. Unless you have spoken with me prior to the class as to why you will not be there. On days there are no chapter questions, in-class participation activities may be assigned. If you are not here, you cannot get credit for those activities. Homework: Unless specifically stated, the homework for each class period will be the Preparing to Participate questions throughout the assigned chapter. It is possible I will also require additional homework related to in class activities or speech development. All work must be completed prior to class. I will not accept handwritten work for any assignment, unless it is a worksheet I have distributed for you to fill out and bring back to class. There are no exceptions to this rule; the HCC computer lab offers free printing. Grade Breakdown: Introduction Speech: Current Event Speech: Informative Speech: Persuasive Speech : Special Occasion Speech: Speech Peer Evaluations: Midterm Exam : Final Exam: Participation/Chapter Questions: 25 Points 25 Points 100 Points 125 Points 100 Points 20 Points 100 Points 100 Points 122 Points Course Total: 717 points ***(It is possible that points could be added or subtracted from this depending on how the semester develops) Course Policies: Attendance: Attendance is required in this class. Speech class is both a developmental and a performance course which requires a prepared, responsive audience to be effective. Hence, you must participate in this course in three areas: 1) as a speaker; 2) as an audience member; 3) as a student in class activities. You will be held responsible for your attendance, and your grade will be affected negatively for absences. Tardiness will also not be accepted. If you feel you may be late to a class, please inform me. Once I am done with attendance, you are considered late. I will allow two tardies a semester, after that I will take 5 points off of your attendance/chapter questions grade. Professionalism: Should you need to miss a class or an appointment, I would appreciate the same courtesy and sense of responsibility you would extend to an employer. Professionalism includes respecting others’ opinions, not interrupting in class, being respectful to those who are speaking, turning off all electronic devices, and working together in a spirit of cooperation. On speech days, never walk in while someone else is giving his or her speech. Assignment Due Dates: All work is expected on the date it is due. Late assignments will not be accepted. I will work with you if you have a legitimate reason for your absence (determined by me) AND arrangements have been made with me prior to the class meeting. I want to help you in any way possible but will not accept less than your full effort. I am understanding if you keep me informed. If you encounter problems, please inform me right away. Speech Etiquette: Your attendance on speech days is required and is not optional. Failure to be an attentive audience member on speech days will result in a 5 point deduction from your speech – this includes sitting up and having all electronic devices turned off and put away. Audience members will be attentive and consider. Please do not enter or leave the room while a speech is in progress. It is inconsiderate to arrive late during a presentation and as such tardiness will result in a 10 point reduction from your speech grade. E-Mailing: You are responsible for checking your e-mail and Blackboard on a regular basis as important announcements will be sent. If you e-mail me, please give me 12 hours to respond during the week and 36 hours to respond on weekends. As a student of higher education, it is expected that all communication be of professional quality, including addressing the instructor by name, identifying a subject in the subject line, and signing your name to the e-mail. Midterm Withdrawal Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes and meaningfully participate each day. Any student who does not make reasonable attempts to successfully complete all course activities (exams, homework, quizzes, etc.), may be withdrawn from the course at midterm. However, if any of the following situations apply, the student will be automatically withdrawn by the end of week 8: was absent for any 2 consecutive weeks without appropriate notice has more than 5 unexcused absences Did not complete at least 60% of assignments Cheating/Plagiarism: Evidence of plagiarism or cheating on papers, speeches, or exams will result in an F on the assignment. If a second act of cheating or plagiarism occurs, you will receive an F in the course. Further, instances of plagiarism will be reported to Heartland Community College. If you ever are not sure if what you are doing is plagiarism, contact me before turning the assignment in so I can help you. Tutoring and Writing Services: If you feel that you need additional aid in developing your reading/writing skills within this or other classes, be sure to utilize the Tutoring Center or Writing Lab here on campus. To set up an appointment for the Tutoring Center you can call them at 309-268-8231. To set up an appointment for the Writing Lab you can call 309-268-8231. Support Services for Students with Learning Disabilities: A learning disability is a permanent disorder that affects the manner in which individuals with normal or above average intelligence take in, retain and express information. It is recognized as a deficit in one or more areas of cognitive processing. If you have or suspect you have a Learning Disability, contact the Disability Support Service, also called Build, at 309-268-8259. You can also stop into SCB 1407-1408. If you do not register with Support Services, then I cannot take any LD’s into account when assessing your work. Testing Services: The Testing Services area is in SCB2001A. If you end up needing to make up an exam, take one early or need accommodations, this is where you will do so. You will need to work out the time with me, then you will need to make sure you have a photo ID when you go in to take the test. Tentative Schedule Week Date Day Material Covered 1 8/18 M Syllabus/Syllabus Contra Assign Bag Speech 1 8/20 W Bag Speeches Ch. 1: Intro to Communication Bag Speeches/ Spiral/Ch. 1 2 8/25 M Ch. 2: Communication Confidence Ch. 3: Ethical Communication Ch. 2 P2P & Ch. 3 P2P 2 8/27 W Ch. 4: Listening: Assign Informative Speech Ch. 4 P2P 3 9/1 M No School: Labor Day 3 9/3 W 4 9/8 M 4 9/10 W Ch 5: Choosing Topics and Ch. 7: Integrating support material; Assign Current Event Ch. 8: Organizing Ideas & Ch. 9: Outlining/ (Work on outlines in class) Ch. 10 Beginning and Ending Ch. 12: Designing Presentation Aids; Current Events 5 9/15 M 5 9/17 W Ch. 6: Analyzing Your Audience, Ch. 11: Language, & Ch. 13 Delivery Major Assignments Due (bolded items worth points) Ch. 5 P2P and Ch. 7 P2P Ch. 8 P2P Ch. 9 P2P; Ch. 10 P2P Current Event/ Ch. 12 P2P Outlines Due Ch. 6 P2P Ch. 11 P2P, Ch. 13 P2P/ Return Outlines Question and Answers Speech Reminders and Remaining Material 6 9/22 M Speech 6 9/24 W Informative Speeches Informative Speeches 7 9/29 M Informative Speeches 7 8 8 10/1 10/6 10/8 W M W 9 10/13 M Review for Midterm Exam Midterm Exam Ch. 14: Understanding Persuasive Principles, Assign Persuasive Speech Group Communication Class Work 9 10/15 W Ch. 15: Building Arguments Ch. 15 P2P Speech Speech Exam Ch. 14 P2P 10 10/20 M Ch. 16: Listening and Critical Thinking Ch. 16 P2P Outlines Due 10 10/22 W In – Class Work Day Return Outlines 11 10/27 M Persuasive Speeches Speech 11 10/29 W Persuasive Speeches Speech 12 12 11/3 11/5 M W Speech 13 11/10 M Persuasive Speeches Transition from Persuasive to Special Occasion /Assign Special Occasion Speech Speaking on Special Occasions 13 11/12 W Speeches of Introduction and Speeches of Acceptance Class Work 14 11/17 M Speeches of Presentation and Roasts and Toasts Class Work 14 11/19 W Eulogies and Tributes, After Dinner Speeches, and Speeches of Inspiration 15 M SOS/Work Day Return Outlines 15 11/24 11/26 W Thanksgiving Break Break 16 12/1 M SOS Speech 16 12/3 W SOS/ Review for Final Speech Review for the Final 17 12/812/10 M, W Final Exam Class Work Bring rough outline Grade Breakdown: While I will likely post major on Blackboard, if you want to keep track of your grade during the semester, and I suggest you do, here is the breakdown. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Class Work Class Work Class Work Class Work _____/7 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/6 _____/7 _____7 _____/8 _____/6 _____/9 _____/3 _____/7 _____/7 _____/5 _____/7 _____/8 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 Introduction Speech _____/25 Current Event Speech _____/25 Informative Speech _____/100 Persuasive Speech _____/125 Special Occasion Speech _____/100 Peer Evaluation 1 _____/5 Peer Evaluation 2 _____/5 Peer Evaluation 3 _____/5 Peer Evaluation 4 _____/5 Midterm _____/100 Final _____/100 Misc. Assignment _____/_____ Misc. Assignment _____/_____ Misc. Assignment _____/_____