Regional Conference on “SME Access to Finance: Moving Forward in Support of Women Entrepreneurs in the Less Developed ASEAN Countries” Melia Hotel, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 24-25 September 2014 Draft Agenda Day One (24 September) 08:30-09:00 Registration 09:00-09:30 Welcome Remarks H.E. Mr. Dang Huy Dong, Vice Minister, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Government of Viet Nam. Representative from US/AID Mission (TBC) Representative from Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs Council, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 09:30-09:45 09:45-10:30 Photo session Session 1: Financing Challenges and Options for Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging ASEAN Speaker: William J Scheela, Professor Emeritus, Bemidji State University, Minnesota, USA. Moderator: ACTI Representative 10:30-10:45 Coffee/tea break 10:45-11.55 Session 2: Public-sector or Country Programs and Initiatives to Enhance MSME Financing, Women-owned Enterprises Especially: Good Practices, Success Stories, and Lessons Learnt Moderator: GIZ or ACTI Representative Introductory Remarks: Gender Disparities in MSME Financing Speaker: Dr. Janti Gunawan (TBC) Presentation 1: SMEWG Representative from Viet Nam (TBC) Presentation 2: Ms Yunita Resmi Sari, Director, Cooperation and Coordination of SME Program Division, Bank Indonesia (10:45-10:55) (10:55-11:25) (11:25-11:55) 12:00-13:30 Networking Lunch Page 1 of 3 13:30-14:30 (13:30-14.00) (14.00-14:30) 14:30-14:45 14-45-17:15 (14:45-15.10) (15:10-15.35) (15:35-16:00) (16:00-16:25) (16.25-16.50) (16.50-17.15) 17:15-17.30 Session 2 (continued) Presentation 3: SMEWG Representative from Cambodia or Laos (TBC) Presentation 4: Mr. Nazatul S. Reza, Director, Corporate Communication Division, SME Corp. Malaysia Coffee/tea break Session 3: Private-sector Programs and Initiatives to Enhance MSME Financing, Women-owned Enterprises Especially: Good Practices, Success Stories, and Lessons Learnt Moderator: William J Scheela or USAID Presentation 1: Ms Angelyn Liem, Executive Director, Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia Presentation 2: Ms Jeannie E. Javelosa, President, ECHO Sustainable Initiatives Foundation. Presentation 3: Ms Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, Managing Director, Vietnam Microfinance Working Group Presentation 4: Ms Pamouane Phetthany, Director, Microfinance Association of Laos Presentation 5: Mr Dennis O. Dimaculangan, SME Head, CARD SME Bank, Philippines Presentation 6: Dr. Bun Mony, Chairman, Cambodia Microfinance Association and Chief Executive Officer, Sathapana Limited. Open Forum and Q&A Day Two (25 September) 09:00-11:45 (09:00-09:30) (09:30-10:00) (10:00-10:30) Session 4. Donors’ Programs and Initiatives to Enhance MSME Financing, Women-owned Enterprises Especially: Good Practices, Success Stories, and Lessons Learnt. Moderator: Bank Indonesia Presentation 1: Mr. Kevin Martin, Field Investment Officer, RDMA/US Agency for International Development. Presentation 2: Mr. Ricardo Tafur, Regional Microfinance Specialist, International Finance Corporation Group. Presentation 3: Mr. Kim N. V., Project Director, Initiative for ASEAN Integration, GIZ. 10:30-10:45 Coffee/tea break (10:45-11.15) Presentation 4: Mr. Charles Bodwell, Enterprise Development Specialist, International Labour Organization, Bangkok. Presentation 5: Goldman Sachs or UNCDF or UNESCAP (TBC) (11:15-11.45) Page 2 of 3 11:45-13:30 Sideline Meetings and Networking Lunch 13:30-14:15 Session 5: Public-Private Dialogue on the Agenda in Moving Forward to Enhance MSME Financing, Women-owned Enterprises Especially: Among other focus areas for dialogue: (a) enabling regulatory framework, (b) the formation of public-private partnerships for funding and technical assistance, (c) leveraging technology to improve financial literacy and track record necessary as well as to expand reach and reduce cost (e.g., mobile payments and phone banking) in financing SME start-up and development, etc. Moderator: William J Scheela 14:15-14:30 Wrap-up Summary on Follow-on Activities Speaker: William J Scheela 14:30-14:45 Coffee/tea break 14:45-18:45 (14:45-15:15) (15:15-15:45) (15:45-16:15) (16:15-16:45) (16:45-17:15) (17:15-17:45) (17:45-18:00) (18.00-18.15) (18.15-18.30) Break-out Session 6 (One-on-one, Closed Meeting—By Invitation only): Funding and Capacity-building Proposals from Banks and Micro-finance Institutions Advisory Panel Members: Ms J. Javelosa, Mr. N. Kim, Ms A. Liem, Mr. K. Martin, Ms Y. Sari, Mr. C. Bodwell (among others). Moderator (TBC) Presentation 1: MFI from Cambodia Presentation 2: MFI from Laos Presentation 3: Social Bank from Viet Nam Presentation 4: MFI from Viet Nam Presentation 5: SME Bank from Philippines Presentation 6: MFI from Myanmar Presentation 7: MFI from Viet Nam Presentation 8: MFI from Viet Nam Presentation 9: MFI from Viet Nam 18:30-18:45 Wrap-up Remarks on Follow-on Activities Page 3 of 3