Michigan 4-H Global Youth Institute application

Michigan 4-H Global Youth Institute Application
4-H Exploration Days, Michigan State University, June 18-20, 2014
Your Name: _____________________________________
Age: __________ Birthdate: ______________________
Grade in school fall 2014: _____________________
County you live in: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
Phone: (________) ________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name: ____________________
Email: ___________________________________________
1. Do you plan to attend 2014 4-H Exploration Days?
Yes __________ No __________
2. If yes, do you plan to register for the Michigan 4-H
Global Youth Institute session? Yes ________ No _________
Note: The 4-H Exploration Days registration book lists
this Session as “Shape the Future: Michigan Global Youth
3. Will you apply to be a teen delegate to the Global Youth
Institute in Des Moines, Iowa, October 16-18, 2014?
Yes _______ No _______
Note: For more information about the Institute go to
“Global Youth Institute – Michigan Delegates” at
Phone: (_________) _______________________________
4. If yes to question #3, you must send this completed
form by May 15, 2014. In addition, bring an outline of
your hunger research paper to 4-H Exploration Days.
For questions regarding the Michigan 4-H Global Youth
Institute contact: Renee Applegate:
applega1@msu.edu or Betsy Knox: knoxe@msu.edu
5. If no, to Question #3, you are still encouraged to attend
the Michigan 4-H Global Youth Institute at 4-H
Exploration Days.
Complete this portion of the form if you plan to apply for the Global Youth Institute in Iowa
Go to the “Global Youth Institute – Michigan Delegates” website. Click on the “2014 Paper Instructions.” The
2014 theme is food security. People have food security when they do not live in hunger or fear of starvation.
Worldwide, more than 925 million people – one seventh of the world population – are without enough food
to eat on a regular basis and six million children die of hunger annually (World Food Prize. 2014). Your task
is to select one country and one key factor affecting food security in that country as the focus of your
research paper. See Steps 1 and 2 under “How to Write Your Research Paper” on the “Global Youth Institute
– Michigan Delegates” website (see above for website) for countries and key food security factors. Please list
below your selected country and key factor.
Country ______________________________________ Key Food Security Factor ______________________________________________
Mail or Fax Completed Application to:
Gloria Ellerhorst
Michigan State University Extension
Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture
Michigan 4-H Youth Development
446 W. Circle Drive, Room 160; East Lansing, MI 48824
FAX (517) 355-6748
4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT / MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION – MSU Extension is open to all without regard to race,
color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, disability, political needs, sexual orientation, marital status,
family status or veteran status
4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT / MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION – MSU Extension is open to all without regard to