Holidays Homework Subject- Mathametics Class – VI 1. Solve the question paper of FA1 of 2013 2. Revise FA1 3. Project Work- write in words and figure population of (i) India (ii) States of India (iii) China (iv) Canada (v) Pakistan (vi) New Zealand Class – VII 1. Solve the question paper of FA1 of 2013 2. Revise FA1 3. Project Work(i) Ex 2.1 q.3 (ii) Ex 2.2 q.1 & 2 by paper cutting and colouring in scrapbook Class – VIII 1. Solve the question paper of FA1 of 2013 2. Revise FA1 3. Project Work- By paper Cuting and Pasting Show (i) Sum of the angles of Quadrilateral is 3600 (ii) Sum of the Exterior angles of any polygon is 3600 (iii) Study the properties of the different quadrilaterals (iv) By Paper cutting and folding represent Rational Numbers on number line Class – IX 1. 2. 3. 4. Solve the question paper of FA1 of 2013 Revise FA1 Project Work- Write the formulas of Chapter Polynomial Prepare CD for 1st term on any topic Class – X 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solve the question paper of FA1 of 2013 Revise FA1 Project CD :- Of 1st Term on any Topic Plot the Graph of linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomial. Solve any additional 15 questions of Pair of linear equation in two variables Subject – Social Science 6th class (a, b, c) Geography 1. The earth in the solar system 2. Globe : Latitudes and longitudes Civics 1. Understanding and diversity History 1. What ,where how and when Learn all the chapters and write in the holidays homework notebook and prepare a ppt on 1 chapter from these chapters For social science exhibition 2014-2015 prepare the following on U.S.A, States Goa 1. Charts 2. Political and physical maps 3. Scrap book 4. Drawing/Painting/collage etc. Summer vacations holidays Home work (20142015) 7th class (Social Science) 1. Geography : Lesson 1 and 2 2. Civics: lesson 1,2 3. History: lesson 1,2 Learn and write in your holiday’s homework notebook 2. Prepare P.P.T on any two lesson of geography. 3. Social science exhibition (2014-2015) Country: U.S.A State: Goa Make the following items for exhibition 1. Chart 2. Scrap book 3. Painting /drawing 4. Political maps 5. Physical maps Class-VIII 1. Map Work – India – States, Capital, Neighboring Countries. Worldoceans, Continents, 2. Learn Lesson 1,2 - History Lesson 1 – Geography Lesson 1 – Civics Learn and write 3 questions daily 3. Read history 3, 4 . Geography 2, 3 Civics 2,3 Make 5 MCQ of each lesson Book Review :- read any book related to the freedom fighters of India and write the book review Class-IX 1. Make file of disaster management of lesson 2. 2. Learn lesson 1 of history Lesson 1 of geography Lesson 1 of economics Lesson 1 of civics Learn and write 3 questions daily 3. Read lesson 3 of History Lesson 2,3 of Geography Lesson 2 of economics Lesson 2,3 of civics Make ten MCQ of each lesson 4. Map Work – India – States, Capital, Neighboring Countries. Worldoceans, Continents. Class X 1. Learn lesson 6 of History Lesson 1 of economics Lesson 1 of civics lesson 1 of geography Learn and write 3 Question Daily 2. Read Lesson 7 of history Lesson 2,3,4 of civics Lesson 2,3,4 of geography Lesson 2,3, of economics Make 10 MCQ of each lesson 3. Map work:- India states, Union Territories ,Adjacent countries, Rivers, forest, main, food crops of India 4. Make CD of disaster management(with File or Print-Out of CD) of chapter 1/2 12th class Map work (world) Show and name the area on world map: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Area of subsistence farming Area of Nomadic herding Area of commercial livestock rearing Area of primitive subsistence Agriculture Area of intensive subsistence farming Map work (India) Fill following items on the political map of India 1. Major seaports 2. Major iron and steel industries 3. Software technology parks 4. Major minerals (Ferrous and non-ferrous) 5. Conventional and non-conventional sources 6. Major oil refinanies and oil producing areas Lear the following chapters for 1st UT test july 2014 1. Human Geography: Nature and scope 2. World population :Distribution ,Density and Growth 3. Population composition 4. Human development 5. Primary activities HISTORY 12th class 1. Chapter 1 to 4 50 M.C.Q of each chapter 2. Chapter 1 and 2 (Book II) 3. Maps work (15) 1857, Revolt, Already done. Economics 1. Role of human capital in development economy . ( Prepare file) 2. How to solve the problem of unemployment in India with a help of PPC. 3. What are the central problems of an economy. 4. What is budget line, budget set and budget constraint. 5. Find a consumers equilibrium in case of two commodities X & Y utility analysis. 6. Find out consumers equilibrium with help of indifference curve approach. 7. Survey a consumer market of primary goods and capital good and find out their price and demand.(weekly survey) 8. Find out important facts of union budget 2013-14. 9. Balance of payment for a exchange rate. Collect different facts with relation to India. XII –BUSINESS STUDIES ANY ONE PROJECT BASED ON FIRST HAND INFORMATION CONTAINING 25-30 PAGE Project 1 The changes in the transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cart boards crates used in place of wooden crates etc. Reasons for above changes. Cost borne by the manufacturer or consumer, packaging as the mean of advertisement.\ CLASS (II) Visit any of the following: (i) Departmental store (ii) a Fast Food outlet (iii) any factory Make report whether principles of Fayol or Taylor are applied over there.{ Photographs must} VISIT DIFFERENT WEBSITES ON GOOGLE FOR ASSISTANCE. (III) Read Thoroughly Value Based and HOTS Questions Chapter 1 to 3 IV) Learn all the notes properly provided by the teacher. 10. CLASS –XII –Accountancy 1. Prepare Comprehensive project report including preparation of JOURNAL,LEDGER,SUBSIDIARY BOOKIS,CASH BOOK,TRIAL BALANCE AND FINAL ACCOUNTS along with interpretation. 2. Q 82 TO 105 OF ADMISSION OF A PARTNER 3. VALUE BASED and HOTS questions from 1 to 3 chapters discussed in the classroom. 4. Solve the Work Sheets and paste in classwork Note book IX-A,B,C SUBJECT- SCIENCE 1. 10 POINTS ON DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOLIDS,LIQUIDE,GAS. 2. ON PAGE 10 PLASMA,BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE (EXAMPLE) 3.ON PAGE 34 a. LEARN AND WRITE TABLE 3.1 b. LEARN AND WRITE TABLE 3.2 4. ON PAGE 26, 27 LEARN AND WRITE a. MIXTURES AND COMPOUND (TABLE 2.2) b. MATTER ( on 27) Table c. HYDROCHOLORIC ACID : HCL d. SULPHURIC ACID : H2 SO4 e. NITRIC ACID : HNO3 e. PHOSPHORIC ACID : H3 PO4 f. AMMONIA : NH3 g. CALCIUM CARBONATE ( LIME STONE) : Ca CO3 h. CARBONIC ACID : H2 CO3 i. SODIUM CARBONATE : NA2 CO3 j. CALIUM HYDROXIDE: Ca(OH)2 k. Sodium hydroxide : Na OH X-A and C SUBJECT- SCIENCE 1. CHAPTER NO. 1 EXPLAIN DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES IN CHAPTER NO. 1 IN FILE POINTS: AIM : MATERIAL RIQUIRED :METHOD :OBSERVATION : RESULT : CONCLUSION :PRECAUTION 2. WRITE SHORT NOTE ON : a. GOBLE WARMING b. GREEN HOUSE EFFECT c. OZONE DEPLETION 3. GIVE INNOVATIVE IDEAS FOR SCIENCE EXHIBITION ON THE TOPIC: a. ENERGY b.AGRICULTURE AND PREPARE A WRITEUP 4. (PAGE -14) FROM NCERT TEXTBOOK CLASS IX WRITE IMPORTANT SYMBOLS FOR DIFFERENT ELEMENTS 5. PAGE 35) CLASS IX ATOMIC MASSES OF DIFFERENT ELEMENT 6. WRITE FORMULA OF FIVE INORGANIC ACIDS CLASS-VIII 1. WHAT ARE THE MAJOR GROUP OF MICRO ORGANISM FIG. 2.4,2.5 2. WHAT ARE THE USES OF MICRO ORGANISMS(FRIENDLY) PAGE:19 3. WHAT ARE THE DISADVANTAGES OF MICRORGANISMS 4. DRAW THE NITROGEN CYCLE 5. ACTIVITY 2 (PAGE 15, 30) 6. DESCRIBE A NOTE ON SAY NO TO PLASTIC 7. CD OF DIFFERENT TPYES OF MICROGANISMS AND THEIR USES AND DISUSES Science holidays homework For class 10 B 1. To write any 15 chemical reactions with their equations and balance them. 2. To visit a health centre and find out your haemoglobin content (hb) Normal range of HB content in humans in both male and female Normal range of (HB) content in buffalo or cow 3. To draw diagrams of chapter life processes Diagrams 6.1, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 6.9, 6.10, 6.13, 6.14) SCIENCE HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK CLASS 6 1. Collect different synthetic fibres and natural fibres. Prepare on scrapbook. 2. Prepare a chart of balance diet showing essential vitamins and minerals with their diagrams. SUBJECT –GERMAN Class VII Q.1. Stell dich und deine familie vor (80-100 worter) Q.2. Was sind deine hobies ? Q.3. How many states has Germany and Write their capitals name? Q.4.Schreib die Deutsche Nationalhymne ? Q.5.Wer ist bester Freund /in ? Schreib iiber ihn /sie . Q.6.Schreib 15 Tiere Namen auf Deutsch . Holiday Homework Class-VI 1. Schreiben Sie das Alphabet 2. Schreiben Sie die Zahlen null bis zwanzig. 3. Schreiben Sie die Monate auf Deutsch. 4. Schreiben Sie die Wochentage 5. Mal den Stammbaum in dein Heft. 6. Schriben sie etwas ueber Deutschland. Class-VIII Sub- German 1)Schreib dein tagesablauf. 2)Schreib die Kanjugationen. Mitbringen, einkaufen, einladen, zuruckfahren, einkaufen. 3)Schrieb satze i)Deutschland ii)Geburstag party iii)Geschenk iv)Freunde einladen v)E-mail schreiben vi)Grobvater besuchen vii)Spazieren gehen viii)Ferien ix)Hausaufgaben x)Freizeit 4) Schreib 10 satze uber deinen/deine Friend/Freundin. 5)Schreib deutsche Nationalhyme. Holiday home work Drawing Class 6 Drg of flowers 5 Pattern design1 Landscape 1 any festival scene 1 Class 7 Still life 1 Scenery 1 balloon seller 1 paper collage 1 any festival 1 class 8 still life in pencil shading landscape paper collage Any one craft item Class 9/10 Poster on save environment Landscape Still life with three objects Paper collage Festival scene केन्द्रीय विद्यालय नं.१ जालंधर कैं ट ग्रीष्मकाली रचनात्मक लेखन- बोर्ड परीक्षा के अनुरूप विषय का चयन ककया गया है । क. ननम्न विषय पर ननबंध रचना कीजिए १. हमारा उत्तम भारत दे श । २. अहहंसा और शांनत । ३. महान हो, ियी बनो । ४. शशक्षा की बदलती दशाएं । न अिकाश कायय - २०१४-१५ कक्षा १२ - सभी िर्गों के ललए ५. साहहत्य और समाि का संबध । ६. अननयोजित नगरीकाण : समस्या ही समस्या । ख. ननम्न विषय पर आलेख तैयार कीजिए १. विज्ञापनों की लभ ु ािनी दनु नया । २.आपदा प्रबंधन। ३.न्याय में दे री : न्याय की असफलता । ४. बबिली और विकास । ५.हाईिे और हादसे । ग. ननम्न विषय पर फीचर शलखखए : १. िाने कहां गए िे हदन ? २. शाम को घर लौटती कामकािी महहलाएं । ३. आधुननक बचपन । ४. चाय िाले की व्यथा कथा । ५. हम हैं ना ! ६. अन्नदाता भगिान - ककसान । ७. विज्ञान की फंतासी दनु नया । घ. ननम्न विषय पर संपादक के नाम पत्र अथिा संपादकीय तैयार कीजिए १. सूचना का अधधकार । २. शशक्षा का अधधकार । ३. साईबर क्राईम । ४. सह अजस्तत्ि का शसदधांत । ५. िेनेररक दिाईयां : एक नई सोच । ६. नशाखोरी के खखलाफ़ , बुलंद हो आिाि । नोट: १. ऊपर हदए गए सभी प्रश्नों को कक्षा कायड अथिा अलग कापी में करें । Class IX- maths Polynomial Polynomials in one variable 1. .an expression which is (a constant) × (a variable) 2. Expressions of following form are called polynomials in one variable. x3 – x2 + 4x + 7 t2 + 4 3. the highest power of the variable in a polynomial as the degree of the polynomial. 4. The Degree of non- zero constant polynomial in zero 5. A polynomial of degree one is called a linear polynomial. Its general form is ax +b, a≠ 0 6. A polynomial of degree two is called quadratic polynomial, Its general form is ax2 +bx +c, a≠ 0 7. A polynomial of degree 3 is called cubic polynomial, its general form is ax3 +bx2 +cx +d, a≠ 0 8. General form of polynomial of degree n is anxx +an-1xn-1 + … + a2x2 +ax + a0 9. Zero polynomial is polynomial which is equal to zero 10. Degree of zero polynomial is not defiened 11. Remainder Theorem : Let p(x) be any polynomial of degree greater than or equal to one and let a be any real number. If p(x) is divided by the linear polynomial x – a, then the remainder is p(a). 12. Factor theorem: If p(x) is a polynomial of degree n > 1 and a is any real number, then (i) x – a is a factor of p(x), if p(a) = 0, and (ii) p(a) = 0, if x – a is a factor of p(x). 13. Identity I : (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2 Identity II : (x – y)2 = x2 – 2xy + y2 Identity III : x2 – y2 = (x + y) (x – y) Identity IV : (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab Identity V: (x + y)3 = x3 +y3 +3xy(x +y) Identity VI: (x –y)3 = x3 -y3 -3xy(x –y) Identity VII: x3 +y3 = (x +y)(x2 –xy +y2) Identity VIII: x3 –y3 = (x –y)(x2 +xy + y2) Identity IX: x3 +y3 +z3 -3xyz = (x + y+ z)(x2 +y2 +z2 –xy –yz –zx) If x +y +z -=0, then x3 +y3 +z3 = 3xyz Questions 1. Degree of polynomial p(x) = 3x2 -4x4 -2x -3 a) 4 b)3 c)1 d)1 2. Write whether the following statements are True or False. Justify your answer. (i) A binomial can have atmost two terms (ii) Every polynomial is a binomial (iii) A binomial may have degree 5 (iv) Zero of a polynomial is always 0 (v) A polynomial cannot have more than one zero (vi) The degree of the sum of two polynomials each of degree 5 3. If p(x) = 4x3 -3x2 -3x +2, evaluate p(1) –p(2)- p(-1) HOLIDAYS ASSIGNMENT CLASS XII CLASS XII CHEMISTRY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. VALUE BASED QUESTIONS(2-3 FROM EACH UNIT) SOLUTION OF NCERT BOOK EXERCISES. 5 HOTS FROM UNIT COVERED. QUIZ QUESTIONS FROM THREE UNITS. WRITING 50 COMPOUNDS WITH CHEMICAL FORMULA FROM TEXT. NCERT PHYSICS 1. RAY DIAGRAMS OF IMAGE FORMATION FROM CONVEX, CONCAVE MIRROR AND CONCAVE, CONVEX LENS. 2. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND WORKING OF AC GENERATOR. 3. QUESTIONS RELATED TO LENS FORMULA AND MIRROR FORMULA. 4. REVISION OF FIRST THREE CHAPTERS OF CLASS XII TEXTBOOK, AND NUMERICALS. 5. POWERPOINT PRESENTATION ON ANY TOPIC RELATED TO SYLLABUS. MATHEMATICS 1. ALL EXAMPLES OF CHAPTER 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5. 2. ASSIGNMENTS QUESTIONS FROM ALL CHAPTERS (PHOTOCOPIED ASSIGNMENTS GIVEN). 3. VALUE BASED QUESTIONS FROM CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5. Subject-Biology To do the questions given from unit one in the form of sample papers 1,2,3 . To read chapter 13,14,15,16. Value based questions from unit one. CLASS –XII –BUSINESS STUDIES ANY ONE PROJECT BASED ON FIRST HAND INFORMATION CONTAINING 25-30 PAGE Project 1 The changes in the transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cart boards crates used in place of wooden crates etc. Reasons for above changes. Cost borne by the manufacturer or consumer, packaging as the mean of advertisement.\ (II) Visit any of the following: (i) Departmental store (ii) a Fast Food outlet (iii) any factory Make report whether principles of Fayol or Taylor are applied over there.{ Photographs must} VISIT DIFFERENT WEBSITES ON GOOGLE FOR ASSISTANCE. (III) Read Thoroughly Value Based and HOTS Questions Chapter 1 to 3 (IV) Learn all the notes properly provided by the teacher. CLASS –XII –Accountancy 1. Prepare Comprehensive project report including preparation of JOURNAL,LEDGER,SUBSIDIARY BOOKIS,CASH BOOK,TRIAL BALANCE AND FINAL ACCOUNTS along with interpretation. 2. Q 82 TO 105 OF ADMISSION OF A PARTNER 3. VALUE BASED and HOTS questions from 1 to 3 chapters discussed in the classroom. HOLIDAY HOME WORK 2014-15 Subject :- English Class XII Reading Skills 1 Sample paper exercises of Reading comprehension. 1 2. Note Making 1 exercise Advanced Writing Skills 1. Short composition 1.Advertisements 2 2.Notices 2 3.Formal & Informal Invitations 2 2. Long composition Letter Writing Formal –Job application 2 , Letter to Authorities 2 Literature Section Chapter wise summary of the novel “ The Invisible Man “ Written by H.G.Wells. Character sketch of the main characters of the novel. A book review of the novel “ The Invisible Man “ Written by H.G.Wells. Gurmail PGT English CLASS:-10 1.Project:-Power point on any one poem and herbal plants. 2.Book review 3.Solve 2 sample papers. 4.Article on 1.Fast food 2.Degradation of environment. 5.Solve Workbook. 6.Learn syllabus of FA1. CLASS:-9 1.Project –Power point on any one poem. 2.Book review 3.Solve 2 sample papers. 4.Article-1.How to save environment. 2.Pollution 3.Deforestation 4.How to take care of pet and how can they be helpful. 5.Debate-Educating a girl child is important. 6.Solve workbook. 7.Learn syllabus of FA1. CLASS-8 1.Project-Power point on tsunami 2.Article-1.Child Labour 2.Abuses of war 3.Conservation of wild life. 3.Learn syllabus of FA1. 4.Debate-Are wars a good way to end conflicts. CLASS -7 1.Paragraph writing (File) 2.Importance of value education. 3.Importance of discipline. 4.Anecdote-Working after animals without parent’s knowledge. 5.Write a story. 6.Power point on fire. CLASS-6 1.Write 50 forms of verb. 2.Write 50 opposites words. 3.Read story books. 4.Learn syllabus of FA1. 5.Write notice ,application in activity notebook. Class HOLIDAY HOME WORK 2014-15 Subject :- English Class XII Reading Skills 1 Sample paper exercises of Reading comprehension. 1 2. Note Making 1 exercise Advanced Writing Skills 1. Short composition 1.Advertisements 2 2.Notices 2 3.Formal & Informal Invitations 2 2. Long composition Letter Writing Formal –Job application 2 , Letter to Authorities 2 Literature Section Chapter wise summary of the novel “ The Invisible Man “ Written by H.G.Wells. Character sketch of the main characters of the novel. A book review of the novel “ The Invisible Man “ Written by H.G.Wells. Gurmail PGT English CLASS:-10 1.Project:-Power point on any one poem and herbal plants. 2.Book review 3.Solve 2 sample papers. 4.Article on 1.Fast food 2.Degradation of environment. 5.Solve Workbook. 6.Learn syllabus of FA1. CLASS:-9 1.Project –Power point on any one poem. 2.Book review 3.Solve 2 sample papers. 4.Article-1.How to save environment. 2.Pollution 3.Deforestation 4.How to take care of pet and how can they be helpful. 5.Debate-Educating a girl child is important. 6.Solve workbook. 7.Learn syllabus of FA1. CLASS-8 1.Project-Power point on tsunami 2.Article-1.Child Labour 2.Abuses of war 3.Conservation of wild life. 3.Learn syllabus of FA1. 4.Debate-Are wars a good way to end conflicts. CLASS -7 1.Paragraph writing (File) 2.Importance of value education. 3.Importance of discipline. 4.Anecdote-Working after animals without parent’s knowledge. 5.Write a story. 6.Power point on fire. CLASS-6 1.Write 50 forms of verb. 2.Write 50 opposites words. 3.Read story books. 4.Learn syllabus of FA1. 5.Write notice ,application in activity notebook. Class 1.Search topic for Informatics practices project (Analysis & design ) in batch of 2 students. 2.Revise chapter Networking,revision tourI,II,III and do programming question in your notebook. 3. Revise MySql revision tour & do Table based question in HOLIDAY HOME WORK Subject-Computer VI –A,B,C 1.Make a powerpoint presentation on latest computer devices. VIII-A,B,C 1.Make a powerpoint presentation on use of MS Office & its features(word,excel & powerpoint) X-A,B,C 1.Design a website of at least 10 pages on any topic related to computer. XII-B Subject- Informatics practices your notebook Seema Rathour PGT(C.S) केन्द्रीय विद्यालय नं.१ जालंधर कैं ट ग्रीष्मकाली रचनात्मक लेखन- बोर्ड परीक्षा के अनरू ु प विषय का चयन ककया गया है । क. ननम्न विषय पर ननबंध रचना कीजिए १. हमारा उत्तम भारत दे श । २. अहहंसा और शांनत । ३. महान हो, ियी बनो । ४. शशक्षा की बदलती दशाएं । न अिकाश कायय - २०१४-१५ कक्षा १२ - सभी िर्गों के ललए ५. साहहत्य और समाि का संबध । ६. अननयोजित नगरीकाण : समस्या ही समस्या । ख. ननम्न विषय पर आलेख तैयार कीजिए १. विज्ञापनों की लुभािनी दनु नया । २.आपदा प्रबंधन। ३.न्याय में दे री : न्याय की असफलता । ४. बबिली और विकास । ५.हाईिे और हादसे । HOLIDAY HOME WORK 2014-15 Subject :- English Class XII Reading Skills 1 Sample paper exercises of Reading comprehension. 1 2. Note Making 1 exercise Advanced Writing Skills 1. Short composition 1.Advertisements 2 2.Notices 2 3.Formal & Informal Invitations 2 2. Long composition Letter Writing Formal –Job application 2 , Letter to Authorities 2 Literature Section Chapter wise summary of the novel “ The Invisible Man “ Written by H.G.Wells. Character sketch of the main characters of the novel. A book review of the novel “ The Invisible Man “ Written by H.G.Wells. Gurmail PGT English CLASS:-10 1.Project:-Power point on any one poem and herbal plants. 2.Book review 3.Solve 2 sample papers. 4.Article on 1.Fast food 2.Degradation of environment. 5.Solve Workbook. 6.Learn syllabus of FA1. CLASS:-9 1.Project –Power point on any one poem. 2.Book review 3.Solve 2 sample papers. 4.Article-1.How to save environment. 2.Pollution 3.Deforestation 4.How to take care of pet and how can they be helpful. 5.Debate-Educating a girl child is important. 6.Solve workbook. 7.Learn syllabus of FA1. CLASS-8 1.Project-Power point on tsunami 2.Article-1.Child Labour 2.Abuses of war 3.Conservation of wild life. 3.Learn syllabus of FA1. 4.Debate-Are wars a good way to end conflicts. CLASS -7 1.Paragraph writing (File) 2.Importance of value education. 3.Importance of discipline. 4.Anecdote-Working after animals without parent’s knowledge. 5.Write a story. 6.Power point on fire. CLASS-6 1.Write 50 forms of verb. 2.Write 50 opposites words. 3.Read story books. 4.Learn syllabus of FA1. 5.Write notice ,application in activity notebook. Class 12 .Search topic for Informatics practices project (Analysis & design ) in batch of 2 students. 2.Revise chapter Networking,revision tourI,II,III and do programming question in your notebook. 3. Revise MySql revision tour & do Table based question in Subject-Computer VI –A,B,C 1.Make a powerpoint presentation on latest computer devices. VII & VIII-A,B,C 1.Make a powerpoint presentation on use of MS Office & its features(word,excel & powerpoint) IX & X-A,B,C 1.Design a website of at least 10 pages on any topic related to computer. CLASS XII COMPUTER SCIENCE Make a synopsis on the investigatory project to be prepared for board exam. Solve the questions given in the class( previous years questions) Solve q1,2,and 3 from atleast 3 sample papers. Prepare lesson 1-5 for revision. केन्द्रीय विद्यालय नं.१ जालंधर कैं ट ग्रीष्मकाली रचनात्मक लेखन- बोर्ड परीक्षा के अनुरूप विषय का चयन ककया गया है । क. ननम्न विषय पर ननबंध रचना कीजिए १. हमारा उत्तम भारत दे श । २. अहहंसा और शांनत । ३. महान हो, ियी बनो । ४. शशक्षा की बदलती दशाएं । न अिकाश कायय - २०१४-१५ कक्षा १२ - सभी िर्गों के ललए ५. साहहत्य और समाि का संबध । ६. अननयोजित नगरीकाण : समस्या ही समस्या । ख. ननम्न विषय पर आलेख तैयार कीजिए १. विज्ञापनों की लभ ु ािनी दनु नया । २.आपदा प्रबंधन। ३.न्याय में दे री : न्याय की असफलता । ४. बबिली और विकास । ५.हाईिे और हादसे ।