
Due Date:_________________
Exploring Integers and Rational Numbers
Identify and highlight the three activities you will be completing. Attach this
paper to your completed activities.
Create an Anitmoto
video (1-2 minutes in
length) to demonstrate
what you have learned
about integers and
rational numbers.
Include 7-10 text slides
and as many picture
slides as you’d like.
If today were a 0 on a
time line, show some
integers to represent
important events in
your life in the past and
the future. Label the
time line.
Find examples of
integers and rational
numbers in the
newspaper, magazine
or on the internet. Clip
out the examples and
glue them to a piece of
construction paper.
Use the letters in the
Explain to a parent or
Use the words integer
word “integer” and
other family member
and rational numbers in
“rational number” as
why we need integers
two different thinking
stick figures in a
and rational numbers
maps to show what you
cartoon, or make an
and what might happen
have learned about
artistic design using the if they did not exist as a
each. Don’t forget to
words that demonstrate
set of numbers. Have
include a frame of
understanding of the
them sign a note saying
you completed this
Make up a poem, rap or
Create either a board
a story about Mr.
game or physically
Integer of Mrs. Rational
active game that
Number and how they requires players to use,
are used in the real
interpret and
world. Minimum length
understand integers
is ten sentences.
and rational numbers.
Materials, rules of play
and sample board game
(if applicable) must be
Write a story that could
be represented by this
integral expression:
20 + (-10) + (-4)
Story must be a
minimum of ten