Common Core Standards Judy Green Valley Springs Summer, 2011 Now 1 Arkansas Frameworks 2 TLI Maps & TIA Documents 3 Arkansas State Assessments 4 TLI Alignment and Assessments Benchmark and EOC Literacy, Math, Science Interim Assessments New 1 Common Core Standards 2 CCSS Comparison 3 2014-2015 Assessment 4 K-Highth School TLI Alignment and Assessments th th Adding 4 , 6 & 8 Science Interim Assessments Teachers App (T) and Valley Springs Web Site Common Core Standards • CCSS Comparison with Arkansas SLEs •Language Arts CC Curriculum Maps •PowerPoints • Common Core Standards Language Arts K-12 Math K-12 Literacy in History/SS, Science & Technical Subjects 6-12 Time Line Year District ADE Assessment 2010-2011 District Develops Transition Plan Share Resources & Provides PD State Assessments Reflect AR Curriculum Frameworks 2011-2012 Common Core State Standards Grades K-2 Share Resources & Provides PD State Assessments Reflect AR Curriculum Frameworks 2012-2013 Common Core State Standards Grades 3-8 Share Resources & Provides PD State Assessments Reflect AR Curriculum Frameworks 2013-2014 Common Core State Standards Grades 9-12 Share Resources & Provides PD Pilot New Assessment System 2014-2015 Common Core State Standards K-12 Full Implementation of Common Core State Standards Full Implementation of New Assessment System Literacy Strands • • • • • • Reading: Literature Reading: Informational Text Reading: Foundational Skills Writing Speaking and Listening Language Reading: Literature and Informational Text Topics • Key Ideas and Details • • Craft and Structure • • Standards Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • • Standards Standards Range of Reading and Level of Complexity • Standards Reading Foundations Topics • Print Concepts K-1st • • Phonological Awareness K-1st • • Standards Phonics and Word Recognition K-5th • • Standards Standards Fluency K-5th • Standards Writing Topics • Text Types and Purposes • • Production and Distribution of Writing 3rd-12th • • Standards Research to Build and Present Knowledge • • Standards Standards Range of Writing • Standards Speaking and Listening Topics • Comprehension and Collaboration • • Standards Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas • Standards Language Topics • Conventions of Standard English • • Knowledge of Language 2nd -12th • • Standards Standards Vocabulary Acquisition and Use • Standards Math Domains • Domains are large groups of related standards. Clusters • Clusters are groups of related standards. Standards • Standards define what students should understand and be able to do. MATH Strands Domains ARKANSAS FRAMEWORKS COMMON CORE STANDARDS •Number •Counting and Operations •Algebra •Geometry •Measurement •Data Analysis and Probability & Cardinality – K •Operation and Algebraic Thinking •Expressions and Equations •Functions •Number & Operations in Base Ten •Number and Operations-Fractions •The Number System •Measurement and Data •Statistics and Probability •Ration and Proportional Relationships •Geometry K-5th Math Domains Abbreviation Domain CC Counting and Cardinality OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten NF Number and Operations-Fractions MD Measurement and Data G Geometry (Kindergarten) (3rd -5th) 6th – 8th Math Domains Abbreviation Domain RP Ratios and Proportional Relationships NS The Number System EE Expressions and Equations F Functions G Geometry SP Statistics and Probability (6th & 7th) (8th ) 9th – 12th Math Conceptual Categories Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability (8th ) Standards for Mathematical Practices Kindergarten-12th Grade 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Mathematical Critical Areas Kindergarten-12th Grade Critical areas for a focus for instructional time. Step 1 Similarities What are the major similarities between what you currently teach in your classrooms and what is required by the Common Core Standards? Step 2 Differences What are the major differences between what you currently teach in your classrooms and what is required by the Common Core Standards? Step 3 Immediate Assistance In which skill areas will student need immediate assistance (in the short term) to make an effective transition to the expectations of the Common Core? Step 4 Support What will be our professional development needs? What support will we need? Step 5 Changes What are some of the changes that will need to take place? How will we go about making these changes? Math Match 3 = Excellent Match • Arkansas SLE(s) match the Common Core Standard in both depth of learning and content. 2 = Good Match • Arkansas SLE(s) match the Common Core Standard with minor aspects of the Common Core Standard not addressed in the Arkansas SLE(s). 1 = Weak Match • Arkansas SLE(s)relate to the Common Core Standard with major aspects of the Common Core Standard not addresses by the Arkansas SLE(s). No Match R.L R.L R.L 7 9 10 CC.5.R.L.7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel; multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem). CC.5.R.L.9 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics. CC.5.R.L.10 Range of Reading and Complexity of Text: By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently. 5 5 AR.5.OV.3.1 (OV.3.5.1) Utilizing media for information and understanding: View a variety of media (e.g., posters, film clips, periodicals, charts, cartoons, etc.) to enhance and show understanding of a specific topic 5 5 AR.5.OV.3.2 (OV.3.5.2) Utilizing media for critical analysis and evaluation: Differentiate between fact and opinion in media 5 5 AR.5.R.9.2 (R.9.5.2) Making Connections: Describe the interrelationships between text and other content areas 5 4 AR.4.R.10.11 (R.10.4.11) Reading a variety of literature for enjoyment and critical analysis: Read a variety of stories, including mysteries and realistic fiction 5 4 AR.4.R.10.13 (R.10.4.13) Reading a variety of literature for enjoyment and critical analysis: Create own mystery and/or realistic fiction 5 5 AR.5.R.11.12 (R.11.5.12) Reading with fluency: Read grade level text orally with an approximate rate of 128 words per minute 5 5 AR.5.R.11.13 (R.11.5.13) Reading with fluency: Read grade level text orally with accuracy and expression 5 2 AR.2.R.10.16 (R.10.2.16) Reading a variety of poetry for enjoyment and critical analysis: Analyze poetry to identify the characteristics of couplets and quatrains 5 5 AR.5.R.10.2 (R.10.5.2) Exhibits behaviors and habits of an active reader: Read texts that reflect contributions of different cultural groups 5 5 AR.5.R.10.10 (R.10.5.10) Reading a variety of literature for enjoyment, critical analysis, and evaluation: Read a variety of literature, including historical fiction, biography, and realistic fiction 2 3 3 AR does not analyze through use of media and AR uses term topic and not specific to text 8 AR.8.NO.2.4 (NO.2.8.4) Number theory: Apply rules (conventions) for order of operations to rational numbers 8 AR.8.NO.3.1 (NO.3.8.1) Computational Fluency: Compute, with and without appropriate technology, with rational numbers in multi-step problems 7 8 AR.8.NO.1.4 (NO.1.8.4) Rational Numbers: Understand and justify classifications of numbers in the real number system 7 8 AR.8.NO.3.1 (NO.3.8.1) Computational Fluency: Compute, with and without appropriate technology, with rational numbers in multi-step problems 7 2c CC.7.NS.2c Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational numbers. 3 7 2d 3 CC.7.NS.2d Convert a rational number to a decimal using long division; know that the decimal form of a rational number terminates in 0s or eventually repeats. CC.7.NS.3 Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. (Computations with rational numbers extend the rules for manipulating fractions to complex fractions.) AR does not address converting 1 a rational number to decimal by long division 2 7 8 AR.8.NO.2.5 (NO.2.8.5) Understand Operations: Model and develop addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of rational numbers AR includes "multistep," CC includes complex fractions Task Analysis The act of breaking a broad learning goal down into essential learning steps necessary for achieving the goal and then sequencing these steps from the simple to the most complex. Task Analysis Process Total Instruction Alignment •Common Core Standards •Understand what the standard means and how will the standard be assessed to determine student mastery. •What would a student have to know and be able to do in order to accomplish this goal? •Establish the correct order for instruction. Step 3 Step 1 Determine the learning goal. Step 2 Make sure there is a clear understanding of the learning goal. Identify the learning steps necessary to accomplish the goal. Step 4 Establish a logical order for instruction. Second Grade page 1 CC.2.NBT.1 Understand place value. Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. Understand the following as special cases: -a. 100 can be thought of as a bundle of ten tens — called a “hundred.” -- b. The numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 refer to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, or nine hundreds (and 0 tens and 0 ones). AR.2.NO.1.4 (NO.1.2.4) Whole AR.4.NO.1.2 (NO.1.4.2) Whole AR.3.NO.1.2 (NO.1.3.2) Whole AR.1.NO.1.4 (NO.1.1.4) Whole Numbers: Represent numbers to Numbers: Use the place value Numbers: Use the place value Numbers: Represent numbers to 20 100 in various forms in various forms structure of the base ten number structure of the base ten number system and be able to represent system and be able to represent and compare whole numbers to and compare whole numbers millions (using models, illustrations, including thousands (using models, symbols, expanded notation and illustrations, symbols, expanded problem solving) notation and problem solving) Task Analysis *show numbers using manipulatives and pictorial representations *represent numbers using bundles of tens and ones *model numbers to 100 in various forms a. *recite/identify place value to millions. *write numbers in standard form *use base ten blocks to create numbers to the millions *apply expanded notation to the millions *represent numbers in a variety of ways b. *create numbers using base ten blocks and compare *read numbers on a number line *locate numbers on a number line *use <, >, = to compare 2 numbers to the millions *use manipulative to show whole numbers up to and including thousands *use manipulative to compare numbers up to and including thousands *illustrate to show whole numbers up to and including thousands *illustrate to compare whole numbers up to and including thousands *use symbols to compare whole numbers up to and including thousands *use expanded form to write and to compare whole numbers up to and including thousands *solve real-world problems by applying their knowledge of showing and comparing whole numbers up to and including thousands *orally count to 20 *model numbers to 20 in various forms such as pictures, numerals, sets of objects, words, tally marks, base ten blocks compare represent place value thousands expanded notation models base ten period comma base ten blocks Vocabulary expanded notation standard form symbol Pacing Literacy Grade 6 • • • • • • Unit 1 I Won’t Grow Up Unit 2 Folklore: A Blast from the Past Unit 3 Embracing Heritage Unit 4 Courageous Characters Unit 5 Figure it Out Unit 6 Winging It Pacing Math Developmental and Learning Progression Common Core Standards Crosswalk Comparison Monitor and Adjust Implemention Literacy Units & Math Progression Integration of Common Core Time & Support TLI Alignment