flowing - School Of Communication

By Dr. Kevin Meyer
Director of Forensics @ ISU
Donny Peters
Director of Debate @ ISU
 Importance of flowing
 Necessary materials
 Setting up your flow
 What to write on your flow
 Flowing techniques
 Advantages of flowing on computer
 Flowing by speech
 Suggestions
 Exercise
 Why is flowing important?
Make 8 Equal Columns: First Affirmative
Constructive, First Negative Constructive, 2nd
Affirmative Constructive, The Negative Block,
1st Affirmative Rebuttal, 2nd Negative Rebuttal,
and 2nd Affirmative Rebuttal.
For off case arguments started in the 1NC, you
only need 7 columns.
In order of importance:
 Claim or Conclusion
 Citations – author’s name and
 Summary of Evidence
The following is read into the debate:
Starting School Later Would Improve Student’s
Academic Performance
Sarah Bernard, Edutopia Organization – The
George Lucas Educational Focus, January 23,
“According to recent reports by the National Sleep
Foundation and several university research
centers, teenagers are wired to be sleepier in
the morning — their levels of melatonin (a
sleep-promoting hormone) don’t fall until at
least 8 AM. As a result, some high schools
have begun delaying the morning bell in order
to make the school day more manageable for
sleep-deprived teens. Some argue, however,
that most of the evidence for teenage sleep
patterns remains anecdotal, starting school
later would cut into after-school activities, and
other factors should take priority when it
comes to student achievement.”
The following should
be on your flow
1. Later Start ↑
Acad. Perf.
Bernard 07
Studies show that
melatonin levels still
high in a.m.
***author admits
Each Major Issue in the Debate Should Get
its Own Sheet of Paper.
Space Reasons – you would never have room to fit all the
arguments from entire debate in one column.
Organization Issues – allows you to keep issue
separate on a separate sheet of paper for analysis.
Strategic Reasons – allows you to strategically shuffle
the order that you address issues in the debate.
2. Write Small – as you need to
fit lots of information in narrow
columns, the smaller you write the
more neatly you can fit the
arguments on the flow.
Use 2 Different Colors
1 color for your team
1 color for opposition
4. Abbreviate – formulate
abbreviation system which
will allow you to get more
arguments down on the
5. Write Neatly – you
need to be able to
read off your
flowsheet during
the debate!
6. Leave Space between
 You can typically type faster than you can write
 You do not need to worry about neat handwriting
 Partners can share their flows easier. No need to
rewrite an entire speech for back flowing
 Easier to organize flows
 Easier to save flows
 More difficult to lose flows
 Easier to correct or fill in gaps in flow
 No need to waste paper
 1AC: Everyone flows this speech (Affirmative should
have speech preflow)
 1NC: Everyone should flow (Negative should have
 2AC: Everyone flows (1A should backflow for the 2A)
 2NC: Everyone except 1NR flows this speech
 1NR: Everyone
 1AR: Everyone- You must have a complete flow of this
 2NR: Everyone
 2AR: Everyone, especially 1N
 Don’t ever stop
 Be organized
 Preflow
 Backflow- Use your partner
 Label your arguments
 Always keep your flows handy
 Don’t lose your flows
 Consult with your partner
 Flow on your computer if possible