ENG4UI Oedipus Essay Assignment DESCRIPTION: The

Oedipus Essay Assignment
The persuasive literary essay is an essential component of any English course of study.
The formal essay is a type of writing that all students must master. Like all writing, there
are conventions to follow; refer to your handouts and notes on the rules of essay writing.
1- Argue that Oedipus is a universal figure; essentially, his journey is the journey
of each of us. Or, argue that Oedipus's tragic circumstances are an exception; his suffering is extreme and not
relatable to the common person.
2- “The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves.” Is this true of Oedipus?
3- Examine the character of Jocasta. Is she a tragic victim of fate or is she guided by her own free will?
1. Select your topic.
2. Begin by brainstorming ideas. Try to use a graphic organizer.
3. Develop a thesis statement. This must be an idea that you can argue using evidence from the text. It cannot be a
statement of fact about the play. Use the thesis statement handout.
4. Next, select four to five main arguments to support this statement. Gather direct quotations to support your ideas.
Include at least two quotations per body paragraph. Do not begin nor end a body paragraph with a quotation.
Consult the handout on referencing quotations.
5. Complete an outline and then a rough draft. Refer to the board note on the structure of an essay. Do not correct,
edit or even proofread the essay until you feel certain that it is finished. Then, begin to edit your rough draft. Be
mindful of the structure and mechanics of your writing.
6. Your essay must include a variety of writing strategies:
a) an engaging introduction that builds towards a clear thesis
b) five to six body paragraphs that allow a series a logical and coherent arguments to unfold, which prove your
c) an organized structure to each body paragraph which includes a topic sentence, evidence (paraphrasing and
at least two direct quotations per paragraph), and a summary statement
d) the use of literary terms in your analysis (the possibilities are endless): theme, characterization, conflict,
symbol, imagery, dramatic irony, tone, foreshadowing, catharsis, hubris, kyros, tragic hero, Chorus, etc.
e) the use of course content: Freud's theory, Minority Report, the role of the Chorus, Edith Hamilton, etc.
f) transitional words and phrases between arguments
g) effective diction and style
h) a conclusion that summarizes key ideas and makes final observations
7. Remember the conventions of the literary essay:
a) write with active, present tense verbs
b) state your opinions as facts (no “I”; personal reference)
c) name the play and the author in the introduction
d) decide on a logical order for your arguments (chronological, etc.)
8. Include a work cited (using the proper set-up). This belongs at the end of your good copy.
9. Have peers edit your work. This should be done with a coloured pen. The editors must sign your rough work.
10. Complete a final draft following the guidelines for MLA. All rough work (brainstorming, working thesis, outline,
rough draft) must be included with your assignment. No essay will be accepted without all process work. Attach the
rubric to the back of the essay.
11. Your essay should be four to five pages (1000-1250 words) in length and double spaced. Use Times New Roman
12-point font. Do not go over five pages. Do not write a five-paragraph essay.
Sample Essay Outline
Fill in the blank spaces with point-form notes. Do not write in full sentences (-this would be a rough draft, which is the
next step). Fill in ALL sections. Make the rest of your outline for the other body paragraphs and the conclusion.
Writing technique to catch the reader’s attention:
Statement(s) that summarizes the plot of the play, names the play and the author:
Introduce your topic:
Body Paragraph 1
First proof to support thesis:
Point #1:
Quotation and page number:
Point #2:
Quotation and page number:
Closing statement:
This is not a research paper. You may use any content from the course to support your arguments. However, you should
not be consulting other sources; write about what you know about the play. Plagiarism is a serious offence. Cases of
plagiarism will be forwarded on to guidance and administration with significant consequences. Parents or guardians will
be contacted too. Sign on the line to indicate that this entire assignment is your own work.
Oedipus Essay Rubric
Knowledge &
*knowledge and
understanding of the play
and the author’s intentions
*knowledge of the
conventions of a formal
Thinking & Inquiry
*uses critical, creative and
inquiry skills through
analyzing and interpreting
the novel
*formulates a strong thesis
*sufficient proof for
*use of an outline, spider
graph and rough draft with
peer editor’s comments
*proper work cited
*logical and coherent
*proper organization
*appropriate diction
(EN|G4UI level)
*proper use of quotations
*proper use of language
conventions (spelling,
grammar, punctuation)
*proper use of essay MLA
Level 1
-demonstrates a limited
understanding of the play
-demonstrates a limited
understanding of the
conventions of the formal
Level 2
-demonstrates some
understanding of the play
-demonstrates some
understanding of the
conventions of the
formal essay
Level 3
-demonstrates considerable
understanding of the play
-demonstrates considerable
understanding of the
conventions of the formal
Level 4
-demonstrates a high degree
of the understanding of the
-demonstrates a high degree
of understanding of the
conventions of the formal
-unclear thesis
-does not demonstrate
ability to interpret or
-limited supporting details
or evidence
-lack of creativity
-limited use of the outline,
spider graph and rough
-includes a work cited
with 4 or more errors
-inadequate focus, logic
and coherence
-ineffective organization
-inappropriate word
-improper use of
-limited proof of editing;
errors reduce the clarity of
the essay
-several errors with MLA
-somewhat clear thesis
-limited ability to explain
and analyze
-clear thesis
-considerable ability to
explain and analyze
*makes connections with
the play and the student’s
own response in a through
and thoughtful essay
*application of a variety of
writing strategies in a
thorough and thoughtful
-makes connections with
limited effectiveness
-some supporting details
and evidence
-some creativity
-some use of the outline,
spider graph and rough
-includes a work cited
with 3 errors
-some focus, logic and
-limited organization
-some appropriate word
-some errors with
-some editing; errors
somewhat reduce the
clarity of the essay
-some errors with MLA
-makes connections with
some effectiveness
-considerable supporting
details and evidence
-considerable creativity
-considerable use of the
outline, spider graph and
rough draft
-includes a work cited with
2 errors
-considerable focus, logic
and coherence
-considerable evidence of
-effective word choice
-quotations are used with
considerable effectiveness
-considerable use of
language conventions with
considerable editing
-minimal errors with MLA
-makes connections with
considerable effectiveness
-insightful and clear thesis
-insightful analysis and
-thorough supporting details
and evidence
-creative and original ideas
-thorough use of an outline,
spider graph and rough draft
-includes a work cited with 1
or no errors
-applies writing strategies
with limited effectiveness
-applies writing
strategies with some
-applies writing strategies
with considerable
Areas for Improvement:
-clear focus, logic, and
considerable coherence
-clear and consistent
evidence of organization
-highly effective word
-quotations are logical, set
up properly and well
-use of language conventions
with a high degree of success
-perfect MLA format
-makes connections with a
high degree of effectiveness
-applies writing strategies
with a high degree of