Financial accounting

The educational establishment "Belarusian state economic University"
The rector of the educational
"The Belarusian State
Economic University"
________________V. N. Shimov
"______"______________20__ G.
Registration No. UD-___/bases.
The curriculum for undergraduates
specialty 1-26 81 01 "Business administration"
Compiled by: D. A. Pankov, Professor, head of chair of accounting, analysis and
audit in sectors of the economy Institution of education "Belarusian state economic
University", doctor of economic Sciences.
N. N. Kireenko is the head of the Department of accounting, analysis and audit of
educational Establishment "Belarusian state agrarian technical University",
candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor.
Paszkowski, L. V. – associate Professor, Department of accounting, control and
Finance of the Institution of education "Institute of improvement of qualification
and retraining economic cadres", candidate of economic Sciences, associate
Recommended for approval:
The Department of accounting, analysis and audit in sectors of the economy
Institution of education "Belarusian state economic University"
(Protocol № 1 dated "28" August 2012.)
Scientific-methodical Council of educational Institution "Belarusian state
economic University"
(the Protocol № ___ from "____" ____________ 20___G.)
Responsible for the editor: Pankov D. A.
Responsible for release: Pankov D. A.
Explanatory note
A "Financial account" is a special discipline that forms the professional
knowledge, skills and ability of accountants of the highest qualification required to
work in the conditions of innovative economy. This course is a logical continuation
of the academic discipline "Finance and accounting", as are new patterns of
ownership, new types and forms of entrepreneurial activity, new types of
transactions and business transactions, contacts with the business circles of foreign
countries. In these circumstances, accountants should constantly replenish their
existing knowledge, to examine the experiences of colleagues in foreign countries
with developed market economies.
The goal of this course is the study of the principles and methods of
financial accounting, mastering by students theoretical knowledge and practical
skills of financial and management accounting.
Tasks of the discipline.
The most important tasks of the discipline include:
- to contribute to a deeper understanding of students of concepts, on the
basis of the underlying market accounting;
- to promote formation at students of modern style of thinking;
- to develop students skills of independent creative solution of problems
arising in the course of economic activity;
- to develop the ability to form and implement proper accounting policies of
the company in accordance with international standards;
- - assimilation organization and methods of conducting financial and
management accounting of enterprises.
As a result of the discipline "Financial accounting" students must:
- basic theory of financial accounting of the enterprise;
- fundamentals of financial accounting methods; educational-analytical cycle
of the enterprise;
- the structure and content of the financial statements
- the content and characteristics of accounting information on international
standards of accounting and reporting;
- methods financial and management accounting at the enterprise;
- the basic procedures of accounting in the enterprise.
Be able to:
- to register on the basis of primary documentation of economic operations;
- be the main forms of financial statements;
- conduct cost accounting and calculation of production costs;
- develop internal reporting about costs;
- conduct financial statement analysis on main economic indicators;
- analyze profit margin on the basis of income;
- to carry out budgeting.
- experience of financial accounting in the enterprise;
- read and use in the analysis of financial statements;
- application of analytical tools for objective assessment of prevailing
economic situations.
To study this course in the curriculum provides 138 hours, including
classroom – 44, including lectures – 12, practical classes 10 hours, counseling
students and supervised independent work. The recommended form of control –
2. Thematic plan of the discipline
"Financial accounting"
No The name of the
Basic theory of financial accounting
Fundamentals of methodology of financial accounting.
Accounting cycle
Typical method of accounting of economic operations
used at foreign companies
Features of the account commodity-material assets
Features of the accounting of non-current assets
Basis of preparation and presentation of financial
The number of hours
lectures Practical
3.The content of the discipline "Financial accounting"
Topic 1. Fundamentals of the theory of financial accounting.
Main objectives and tasks of accounting. Accounting as an information
system. Types of accounting information. The code of ethics for professional
accountants. The types of accounting. Financial and managerial accounting. The
basic elements of accounting and analytical system of financial accounting.
Accounting process. The common international conceptual framework for financial
accounting in countries with developed market economies. The main forms of
business organization abroad, their impact on the organization and methodology of
financial accounting. Apply basic generally accepted conceptual principles of
financial accounting in the accounting information reflected in the balance sheet.
The basic accounting equation. Typical balance sheet of a foreign company.
Typical income statement of a foreign company. The books of accounts.
Classification of accounting accounts. The approximate chart of accounts, used in
foreign enterprises
Topic 2. The basic methodology of financial accounting. Accounting and
analytical cycle
The main stages of accounting and analytical cycle. The main documents
used in foreign enterprises to reflect accounting information. The General scheme
of document circulation
Topic 3. Typical methods of recording business transactions, apply to
foreign enterprises
Business transactions, the order of their registration, and reflected in the
summary logs of the synthetic account. Preparation and accounting for regulatory
accounting records. The procedure of closing the accounts. The preliminary trial
balance and between dev notebook table. Preparing basic financial statements
Theme 4. Features of accounting of inventory
The basis of international standards for accounting of commodity-material
values. System of write-off on expenses of cost of the consumed commoditymaterial resources. Methods of estimating costs of resources in the permanent
write-off. Methods of estimating costs of resources in the system of periodic writeoff. Comparative analysis of the results of the use of methods of assessment of
resources in systems of periodic and permanent cancellation costs.
Topic 5. Features of the accounting of non-current assets
The basis of international standards for accounting of non-current assets.
Depreciation of non-current assets. Methods of calculating depreciation of noncurrent assets. The definition and accounting of financial results on disposal of
non-current assets out of operation. A modified system of accelerated depreciation.
Topic 6. Basis of preparation and presentation of financial statements
The objective of financial reporting. The qualitative characteristics of
financial reporting. The elements of financial statements..the Elements of financial
statements: financial position and balance sheet equation; purpose and types of
financial statements; balance sheet; statement of profit and loss..Financial
instruments. The disclosure of financial statements.
Topic 7. MS FD
General provisions. The organization of IASC. The procedure for the
creation of international standards. Standardization activities. The international
influence of the IASC.
1.Needles, D., "Financial accounting: a global approach", in 2 volumes./D. Needles
E. Gray. – M., cap/CIPA, 2006,450 p. 510 and p.
2.Horngren, D. "Accounting: managerial aspect"/Horngren E. - M.: Infra-M, 2006,
370 p.
3.Drury, K., "Introduction to industrial and managerial accounting"/ K. druri. .
Jupiter, 2007, 720 p.
4.Sokolov, J. V. "Accounting in foreign countries"/ Y. V. Sokolov, F. F. Butynets.,
L. F., She, D. A. Pankov. - . M., Prospect, 2006, 380 p.
1.Foster, D. "Management accounting"/D. foster. St. Petersburg, Peter, 2005, p.
2. Horngren, E. “Managerial accounting/E. Horngren. - Theory and Practice”,
London, Prentice Hill,2006,p 510
3.Henderson, T. “Financial accounting”/T. Henderson. - Ostin, Texas, 2007, 730 p.
4.Walton, Haller “International accounting”/Haller Walton. London, Thomson,
2005, 400 p.