Brave New World chapter three guided reading questions

Guided reading questions (chapter 3)
Brave New World
*** Please, do not write on this sheet. Write all answers on your own notebook paper. ***
1. How does the new world promote their children’s “discovery” of their own gender and the
opposite gender?
2. Why does the new world promote these behaviors/activities?
3. *What advantages and/or disadvantages do YOU see with this theory?
4. How does Mustapha Mond describe the physical and psychological problems with homes in the
5. *Is he being too harsh or is he accurate with his descriptions? Defend your answers.
6. What point about mental and social stability is Mond making with his example of piercing holes
in a pressurized water pipe?
7. *Explain why you agree or disagree with this theory (is it better to maintain or eliminate families,
and why?)
8. According to Mond, how do emotional and social stability make men more productive?
9. Based on what others say about him and what he thinks himself, how is Bernard Marx and
example of a flaw in this new world?
10. According to Mond, why have they eliminated organized religion? *Do you agree or disagree
with this thinking? Why?
11. Why have they eliminated old age? *Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why?
*** Please note that the starred (*) items do not have one correct or incorrect answer. I am interested in
hearing your thoughts on these ideas, so you must answer these items as well. ***