
Integrated Lesson
Essential Question
Facet of Understanding
How do authors thoughtfully and purposely craft their arguments?
What are some ways that everyday people express themselves?
What might the product reveal about the person and his/her agenda?
Healthful living: 8.PCH2.2 Judge the effects of popular fads on health (tattooing,
piercing, artificial fingernails.)
Visual Arts: 8.CR. 1.1 Use convincing and logical arguments to respond to art.
1. Free write: Are tattoos, piercings, and fake nails art or a fad? Support your
opinion with evidence.
2. Write around: respond to the others through writing by adding a further
comment or asking a question. (Circle through group of three twice.)
3. Learning centers (thematic)
Students will circulate through all three centers to get an overview on all
three popular trends.
a. Tattoos:
- Mayo Clinic: (
-Statistic verification on tattoos (text: chart)
-Website: Richmond tattoo shops and American traditional tattoos
-American Academy of Dermatology (
b. Piercings:
-Mayo Clinic: (
-Statistic verification on piercings (Text: chart)
-Types of piercing/history (text: report)
- American Academy of Dermatology: (
c. Fake nails
-Mayo Clinic: (
-American Academy of Dermatology: (
-Metallic (
-images of current fake nails trends
4. Create a poster (tiered by challenge) (attached)
A. Lower levels of Blooms:
1. Identify and list the health risks involved in one of the popular trends.
2. Summarize the history of the activity.
3. Decide if this particular activity is really a fad (here today, gone
tomorrow) or has a more permanent place in our society? Support
your answer with evidence from the text.
4. Explain how this particular activity is like a work of art. Support
your answer with evidence from the text.
B. Higher levels of Blooms
1. Compare and contrast the health risks of all three poplar trends.
2. Generate reasons why these activities have become part of
mainstream culture. Support your answer with evidence from the text.
3. Explain how this particular activity is like an argument. Support your
answer with evidence from the text and from personal experience.)
4. Create a new form of personal expression that could actually be
beneficial to a person’s health. Explain how the activity could be
classified as both art and healthy
Paper for free write
IPad (To look up websites)
Readings: Types of Piercings/history; statistical verification charts
Paper for poster or brochure
Tiered Activity (Tiered by challenge/Blooms) Differentiated by product
Extended time to complete project
Work in pairs to complete center notes together
Rubric for poster/brochure (attached)
Students will record their data and reflection on individual student tracker.