Petition to Request a New Class I. II. III. IV. Petitions to change classes are valid only for: a. Seniors who have failed a class that is a graduation requirement b. Students enrolled in a class they have already completed with a passing grade. c. Teacher recommendation due to student not meeting a course prerequisite d. You have a “hole” in your schedule We are unable to honor requests for specific teachers or class periods. All courses, including elective and AP classes, are year-long commitments that MUST be honored by students. If you meet the above criteria, you may complete a petition to request a class change, however, schedule changes are limited given class sizes and schedule constraints. Date of request Student name Student ID Number Student Grade I am requesting to drop the following class: Instructor initials:_ I am requesting to add the following class: Instructor initials:_ __ Reason for Change (check one): Graduation Requirement: ___________ Already completed course: ___________ Teacher initiated changed based on student/teacher consultation ___________ Reason for change: Date of teacher consultation: Teacher Signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date: Please down load and submit completed petitions to the school library. All requests must be submitted to Room 21 by January 6th @ 3:00pm to be considered. Guidance Counselor Response: Change granted: Request denied due to: Classes full________ Conflict in schedule___________ Reminder: ATHLETIC DIRECTOR AND COACHES WILL WORK DIRECTLY WITH THE GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT FOR SPORT CHANGES. DO NOT REQUEST SPORTS CHANGES WITH THIS FORM.