Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 WORKING DOCUMENT FOR FOCUSED CONSULTATION GROUP MEETING 01 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Objective and scope of this task ..................................................................................................................................... 2 B. Summary of NPA comments (Part-M and Part-145) ...................................................................................................... 5 1. Rule structure: ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Applicability of the new management system framework (SMS) ......................................................................... 5 3. AMCs and alternatives means of compliance: ...................................................................................................... 5 4. Management of changes / Indirect approval / changes not requiring prior approval ......................................... 5 5. HF and Fatigue risk management (FRM) in Part-145............................................................................................. 6 6. Occurrence reporting ............................................................................................................................................ 6 SECTION B ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 7. Management system for competent authorities: ................................................................................................. 6 8. Flexible oversight planning cycles and extension beyond 24 months: .................................................................. 6 9. SMS related oversight: .......................................................................................................................................... 7 C. Proposal for applicability and proportionality of SMS .................................................................................................... 7 D. List of items for group information & discussion ......................................................................................................... 10 1. Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 2. Structure (limit duplicate content) ...................................................................................................................... 10 3. Consistency between Part-M and ARO/ORO ...................................................................................................... 10 4. Alignment with Regulation 376/2014 ‘Occurrence Reporting’ ........................................................................... 10 5. Proportionality..................................................................................................................................................... 10 6. SMS Implementation Support ............................................................................................................................. 10 7. AMCs, altMOC and related application/approval procedures ............................................................................ 11 8. CAME ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 9. SMS – Organisation and responsibilities............................................................................................................ 11 10. SMS Conceptual – Compliance Monitoring..................................................................................................... 11 11. SMS Conceptual – Management system integration ...................................................................................... 11 12. SMS Conceptual – Emergency Response Planning (ERP) ................................................................................ 12 13. SMS – Human Factors ..................................................................................................................................... 12 14. Oversight – Oversight programme & methods ............................................................................................... 12 15. Oversight – Root cause analysis ...................................................................................................................... 12 16. Management of changes / Indirect approval / changes not requiring prior approval ................................... 12 Part-M specific issues ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 E. Editorial and consistency changes (as proposed in the NPA) ....................................................................................... 14 Page 1 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 A. Objective and scope of this task This task is to issue a CRD and Opinion for the introduction of SMS for Part-M Subpart-G organisations. The main objectives of the proposed regulatory changes are to: ensure effective compliance monitoring and safety risk management in all continuing airworthiness management and airworthiness review activities ensure a harmonised implementation of the new management system requirements for all Subpart G organisations which are either o approved as part of their AOC in accordance with Regulation (EU) 965/2012; or o approved as an ATO in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1178/2011 as last amended by 290/2012; promote an integrated approach to management systems for those organisations and related oversight; provide proportionate management system requirements for all Subpart G organisations not directly or indirectly linked to an AOC holder, with due regard to the Agency’s General Aviation roadmap. amend Section B ‘Procedures for Competent Authorities’ to harmonise with the authority requirements already applicable in the fields of ATM/ANS, aerodromes, aircrew and air operations. introduce additional changes to Sections A and B regarding the possibility for AOC holders to contract continuing airworthiness management (RMT.0209, old M.014) based on the outcome of NPA 2010-09 consultation. Changes to Part-M Subparts A, B, C, D or E may be required as a result of the above changes. Further changes to Section B to realise the full potential of alignment with the authority requirements in the fields of aircrew and air operations (considering RMT.0516/0517 ‘review of ARO/ORO’), as well as changes to Part-M/F, Part-145 and Part-147 will be assessed in a second phase and are not part of this task. Phase II will be subject to new ToRs and new NPAs. A CRD for NPA 2013-01(B) for the scope outlined above (not including Subpart-F) will be completed (individual responses to comments) and published together with the Opinion to be issued. A regulatory impact assessment is to be provided with the Opinion, this should include more quantitative elements as compared to the RIA included with the NPA. Focused Consultation Group input will be sought. For the specific scope of this task the number of comments to be considered is as follows: Item # 1 Explanatory material to NPA 2013-01(B) 2 Part-M Subpart G Section A and remaining Part-M excl. Part-M/F 3 Part-M Subpart G Section B nb 67 238 54 Page 2 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 TOTAL * 359 A number of comments to NPA 2013-01(C) Part-145 relate to elements that are common to Part-M and Part-145, therefore the real number of comments to be analysed and considered for this Opinion is higher than in the above table. Page 3 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 Planning milestones Kick-off meeting 25 June 2015: o Review ToRs and work package Focused Consultation Meeting 02 - September 2015 o Review discussion items - FCG DOC 01 o Review resulting text (Opinion) – FCG DOC 02 o Review CRD inputs (responses) – FCG DOC 03 o Focus on Section A and Implementing Rules Focused Consultation Meeting 03 - October 2015 o Review list of discussion items and resulting text of the Opinion and CRD inputs o Focus on Section B and all AMCs and GM o Work on RMT M.014 elements (contracting of CAMO) o Work on RIA Draft CRD & Opinion for EASA processing : end of October 2015 latest Publication : November 2015 NB: The need for an additional group meeting will be determined after the EASA Committee meeting. This would mainly focus on finalising AMCs and GM. Mailing list focussed consultation group: juan.anton@easa.europa.eu; karl.specht@easa.europa.eu; francis.jouvard@easa.europa.eu; julia.egerer@easa.europa.eu; Edmund.bohland@easa.europa.eu; chris.drew@bainessimmons.com; neil.richardson@bainessimmons.com; prosper.preau@airbus.com; Barbara.Weindl@alt-heliservice.de; axel.soltysiak@lht.dlh.de; jim.pegram@easyJet.com; franck.sainton@aviation-civile.gouv.fr; bob.rieder@minienm.nl; brian.spurle@caa.co.uk; Johan.Brunnberg@transportstyrelsen.se; georg.Klose@austrocontrol.at; 'Franz Meier' fm.svfb@icloud.com; Roberts Simon Simon.Roberts@caa.co.uk; Page 4 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 B. Summary of NPA comments (Part-M and Part-145) More than 1300 comments were made to NPA 2013-01 and 192 comment to NPA 2013-19 (average: 2.71 per page, not that much compared to some other NPAs). 1. Rule structure: - - general support for the ARX/ORX approach, a few comments ask for the horizontal rule structure to be adopted now (confirmed through the comments made to NPA 2013-19) several commenters insist on the need to fully align with/strictly adhere to the text from the aircrew/air operations regulation (Subparts GEN to ARX/ORX) with no deviations 113 detailed comments received (Airbus) asking for a further streamlining of Part-M and Part145, including in many areas beyond those directly related to SMS duplication of content in each of the Parts (M/G, M/F, 145, and later on 147) not supported 2. Applicability of the new management system framework (SMS) - a series of comments requesting: o not to extend beyond Annex 19 SMS applicability no SMS in Part-147 organisations (‘no occurrences in a Part-147’) no SMS in Part-M Subpart F organisations o to mandate SMS only for organisations working with aircraft used in CAT or CMPA (both for Part-M and Part-145) a series of comments indicating the need for SMS implementation guidance & implementation support for: o small organisations o organisations that are not directly involved in aircraft operations o general aviation organisations comments from Industry (including from US industry / Boeing, P&W, AIA etc…) requesting not to change the existing management system: - - - - o ‘in maintenance all hazards are fully addressed by existing regulations‘ some comments indicate that the link between safety management and compliance monitoring needs clarification. 3. AMCs and alternatives means of compliance: - comments from Industry claiming that with the new requirements on alternative means of compliance processing de facto all AMCs are gaining the status of implementing rules comments from Industry and NAAs claiming that too many AMCs & GM are overly prescriptive in nature, not compatible with performance based approach (e.g. fixed audit cycle for the internal audit as defined in AMCs). 4. Management of changes / Indirect approval / changes not requiring prior Page 5 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 approval - many comments (industry and NAAs), partially contradicting, asking to review and clarify the provisions o do not change ‘indirect approval’ o provide approval privileges to organisations o better clarify responsibilities of the authority in regards to documentation provided for changes not requiring prior approval o create better linkage with the change management process under the management system (safety risk management) 5. HF and Fatigue risk management (FRM) in Part-145 - many comments on the reference made to the EU Working Time Directive & Fatigue Risk Management Scheme in Part-145 o need for fatigue risk management challenged in some comments, others would like to extend its scope o reference to the Directive not supported (workaround has been prepared together with EHFAG). 6. Occurrence reporting - comments requesting to clarify how the provisions will be aligned with the European Regulation (376/2014) comments requesting NAAs to make their database available to Industry comments stating that internal safety reporting systems should not be required in General Aviation organisations - SECTION B in general surprisingly low number of comments to Section B) 7. Management system for competent authorities: - only 2 NAAs repeat some of the comments made when ARX/ORXs were drafted (‘no management system requirements for competent authorities’) 8. Flexible oversight planning cycles and extension beyond 24 months: - generally supported, but: the problem is that EASA cannot regulate charging schemes, ‘so the effective use of extended oversight planning cycles will be close to zero’ several comments indicating the proposal needs to go further in relying on the organisational capability to manage risks (‘give more privileges to organisations to manage changes under their approval’) introduction of an ‘annual programme validation inspection’ is not supported (as it goes beyond what is defined in ARX). - - Page 6 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 - a few NAAs do not support possible consideration of certification in accordance with industry standards. 9. SMS related oversight: - several comments indicating the need for a common assessment tool for SMS effectiveness. What are the risk ? How are we mitigating ? Is it working ? C. Proposal for applicability and proportionality of SMS Some comments requested this shall not go beyond applicability of Annex 19, meaning that CAMOs not linked to an AOC holder should not be included. For consideration: - EASA promotes the Total System Approach: ‘All organisations exposed to or possibly contributing to aviation safety risks should have a management system to ensure effective compliance and address safety risks entailed by their activities and interactions with other organisations’. - Regulation 376/2014 on occurrence reporting applies to all CAMOs - an effective management system is essential to build up a reporting scheme and just culture. - Consider that the EASA Management System framework is different from the Annex 19 SMS framework – it is much more ‘objective based’ and builds upon the existing quality system. - Consider the overall approach to effective safety performance management: A Management system is a prerequisite for defining the authority ‘level of involvement’ based on risks and performance. Extract from the Explanatory Note (NPA 2013-01(A): - An efficient and effective management system requires the organisation to analyse and assess its system, processes, and their interrelations in order to identify strengths, nonconformities, weaknesses, and hazards in view of ensuring continued compliance and achieving continual improvement. This is not only most adequate in the EASA regulatory and institutional system that relies on organisation approvals, but also probably best adapted for the implementation of the ICAO SMS framework. The management system requirements combine safety management and compliance monitoring provisions into a single set of requirements. The proposed management system framework while addressing all elements of the ICAO SMS framework as per future ICAO Annex 19, promotes an integrated approach to the management of an organisation by including the additional safety management components into the existing organisation requirements, rather than adding them as a separate framework. This aims at encouraging organisations to embed safety management into all safety relevant activities, instead of (super)imposing another system onto their existing management systems. - Through the adoption of a common management system framework for all approved organisations in the area of airworthiness, air operations, and air crew, the implementation of safety management processes will be facilitated for those organisations holding more than one approval. This approach entails a wider applicability of the EASA management system framework compared to that of the existing ICAO SMS SARPS in Annexes 1 and 6 Page 7 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 which basically mandate an SMS only for those activities that are directly related to the operation of aircraft. By contrast, the Agency is of the opinion that all ‘components’ of the Air Transportation System, contributing with different degrees to the overall level of safety, need to be considered. From a systems safety perspective, this will not only support ‘interoperability’ of those components, but also encourage the adoption and promotion of common principles and semantics in the area of safety management. The below table provides an initial proposal to include management system requirements based on Part-ORX in Part-M for Subpart G organisations, for discussion. Type of Operations Aircraft type A. CMPA1 CAT - AOC & licenced air carrier (Reg. 1008) Other commercial operations cf. Reg. 216/2008 Essential Requirements for air operations § 8(g) Non-commercial & Private following NCC (CMPA) or NCO rules (nonCMPA) Currently: CAMO as part of AOC Independent CAMO consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II (e.g. commercial ATO) Independent CAMO consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II (NCC operators need to declare their activity and implement Sec.II management system) In the future: Contracted CAMO Note 1 B. Non-CMPA > ELA 2 C. Up to ELA 23 Scalability: different AMCs for complex and for non-complex organisations (as for Regulation 965/2012 and related AMCs/GM) Currently: Independent CAMO CAMO as part of AOC consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II (e.g. commercial ATO) No CAMO required In the future: Contracted CAMO Case of ATOs to be assessed – task MDM.047 introduced consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II the concept of ‘commercial Note 1 ATO’ 2 Neither 965/2012, nor Scalability: different AMCs for Scalability: different AMCs for 1178/2011 define what is to complex and for non-complex complex and for non-complex be considered a nonorganisations organisations Optional: Organisations qualifying commercial ATO. as non-complex may adopt ‘Organisational review’ (defined at AMC level) Currently: CAMO as part of AOC – consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II Note 1 In the future – Light Part-M (GA Task Force: Independent CAMO Independent CAMO consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II (e.g. commercial ATO) Define these as non-complex organisations by default for the purpose of Management System AMCs and GM and propose ‘Organisational review’ as a standard AMC No CAMO required Case of ATOs as above – one option would be to exempt all ELA 2 from the CAMO obligation regardless of type of operations, except for licenced air carriers (approved as part of the AOC) CAT CM CMPA Commercial Air Transport compliance monitoring (internal auditing) complex motor-powered aircraft 1 The term ‘other-than-complex motor-powered aircraft’ includes also non-motor-powered aircraft such as sailplanes and balloons. 2 The term ‘commercial ATO’ used in the point M.A.201 (as per pending amdt. MDM.047) refers to a training organisation approved pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 which, for commercial purposes, operates aircraft for providing Part-FCL training courses. This explanation was given at the EASA CMT in May 2014. 3 Those certified for max 4 occupants up to 1200 Kg MTOM, regardless of type of operation, meaning applicability of the future Part-M ‘Light’. Page 8 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 NCC NCO SRM SA OPS rules for non-commercial OPS with CMPA /Part-NCC = Annex VI to Reg. 965/2012 OPS rules for non-commercial OPS with other than CMPA/ Part-NCC = Annex VII to Reg. 965/2012 safety risk management safety assurance (in terms of checking the effectiveness of SRM) NOTE 1: full consistency with ORX.GEN. Sec. II The table is based on the following assumptions: (1) Article 1.3 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1321/2014 will remain unchanged. Therefore, all provisions related to CAT are solely applicable to licensed air carriers as defined by Community law (Regulation 1008), excluding in particular operators of balloons and sailplanes. CAT operations by other than licenced air carriers are part of ‘Other commercial operations’. (2) No difference should be made between CAMOs having the Subpart I privilege and those not having it. (3) Fair aircraft other than CMPA the determination of operations to be considered ‘commercial operations’ would be made on the basis of the Cover Regulation to (EU) 965/2012, meaning activities that are not subject to Part-NCO. The case of ATOs needs to be discussed as Regulation to (EU) 965/2012 does not allow determining when they operate commercially or not. (4) The principle to define two sets of AMCs to the new M.A.712 ‘Management system’ to reflect the ‘complexity’ of the organisation, as underlying the rules in the area of aircrew and air operations, would be transposed, with organisational complexity criteria defined in a dedicated AMC to M.A.712 (as in the NPA). The complexity criteria defined in AMC to M.A.712 as proposed with the NPA need to be refined. (5) The alleviation introduced with amending Regulation (EC) No 1056/2008, ref. M.A.712(f)) to allow organisations with no more than 5 full-time equivalents (FTEs) actively involved in continuing airworthiness management tasks to replace the quality system (in the future: compliance monitoring function) by an organisational review under certain conditions (not issuing ARCs for a/c > 2730 kg MTOM) is maintained and it is proposed to extend this possibility to cover all aircraft other than CMPA not used in CAT. The type of organisational review will need to be further explored, one possibility could be to include specific elements of the safety assurance function (monitoring effectiveness of safety risk management) into the scope of the organisational review. Page 9 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 D. List of items for group information & discussion (based on NPA comment analysis cf. FCG DOC 02) changes will be in the revised draft 1. Definitions - 2. Proposal (CAA UK) to create a GM to 1321/2014 centralising all definitions other than those included at IR level already in one place o Do not include definitions already included with 376/2014 Structure (limit duplicate content) 3. Extract all Management System related GM and include them only once ? Which GM could be left to safety promotion material ? Consistency between Part-M and ARO/ORO - - 4. Several comments insist on the need to fully align with/strictly adhere to the text from the aircrew/air operations regulation (Subparts GEN to ARX/ORX) with no deviations Need to coordinate with RMT.0516 (first review of ARO/ORO) – also, a number of changes proposed with NPA 2013-01(B) will be taken up for the ARO/ORO NPA. RMT.0516 will deliver an Opinion in 2016 – full alignment will be difficult due to differential schedules Do we need to add IR elements on control of contractors to create an equivalent to ORO.GEN.205? Many detailed proposals (Airbus) to review in particular AMC material and further align between Part-M and Part-145, including in many areas not directly related to SMS Alignment with Regulation 376/2014 ‘Occurrence Reporting’ - 5. Coordination with new RMT.0681 (initiation still to be confirmed) comments requesting NAAs to make their database available to Industry (SM.1 input) comments stating that internal safety reporting systems should not be required in General Aviation organisations (Reg. 376/2014 applies to all CAMOs) Proportionality Need to review AMC to M.A.712(b) with criteria for establishing organisational complexity - Additional complexity elements – shift work - subcontracting Proposed that some CAMOs are defined as ‘non-complex by default’ (those only managing ELA2 non-CAT) 6. SMS Implementation Support Existing SMS guidance, including the ICAO SMM, is too ‘Operator’ centric - Consider creating SMS guidance specific to the area of Design, Manufacture , Maintenance & Maintenance management To what extent can ESSI be used in this respect? Need for a new focus group under ECAST/EHEST/EGAST? Where to draw a line between elements to be included with the Decision (GM) and material that can be developed under safety promotion? Page 10 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 o 7. ESSI: specific guidance on how to perform SRM, risk register examples, GM on safety performance measurement, interface management, integration etc… AMCs, altMOC and related application/approval procedures Flexibility: - comments from Industry claiming that with the new requirements on alternative means of compliance de facto all AMCs are gaining the status of implementing rules - comments from Industry and NAAs claiming that too many AMCs & GM are too prescriptive in nature, not compatible with performance based approach (e.g. fixed audit cycle for the internal audit as defined in AMCs) Proportionality: - 8. altMOC approval procedures are seen as too burdensome – could an altMOC be approved during an authority audit? GA: would like to be able to reuse already approved altMOC without having to reapply for approval Persons applying for an altMOC o How to ensure oversight over such altMOC? CAME - 9. Some stakeholders would like to see a fully harmonised structure & layout of organisation manuals across domains (airworthiness, aircrew, air operations). Could Appendix V to AMC1 M.A.704 Joe BLOGGS PLC ‘Continuing airworthiness management exposition’ be left out all-together ? o to be reviewed as part as implementation support / Safety Promotion material SMS - 10. – Organisation and responsibilities Safety Manager (SM): not part of the nominated persons – no need to require a Form 4 for the Safety Manager Need to define more specific training and qualification requirements for the safety manager? Integration with the Management System of the AOC holder in terms of safety review board and safety action group? Relationship (& hierarchy) Compliance Monitoring Manager (CMM) and SM to be clarified SMS Conceptual – Compliance Monitoring 11. GM added to clarify that CM also needs to cover the CM function itself – this view is challenged by some stakeholders Need for GM on root-cause analysis of internal findings ? Need for GM on typical methods for effective root cause analysis ? SMS Conceptual – Management system integration - Clarify integration versus combination of MS Ensure common understanding on MS integration and integrated approach to managing safety Provide GM on MS integration (see proposal made by DGAC-F) – consider SMICG material being developed on integration Page 11 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 12. SMS Conceptual – Emergency Response Planning (ERP) - 13. What would be a CAMO emergency? Examples to be provided Do we need to maintain this provision (AMC level) ? SMS – Human Factors - 14. Some stakeholders challenge the inclusion of HF issues under SMS in general terms. Others see no need to strengthen HF in Part-M One stakeholder considers that the NPA does not go far enough (FRMS also for CAMOs) and suggests having common AMCs on FRMS for CAMOs and Part-145. Consideration of HF principles for the design of the MP – now part of this RMT – may need further GM Oversight – Oversight programme & methods - - - 15. NAA comments opposed to the differences to ARA/ARO introduced with the NPA (annual programme validation inspection) Flexible oversight planning cycles and extension beyond 24 months: o generally supported, but: ‘the problem is that EASA cannot regulate charging schemes, so the effective use of extended oversight planning cycles will be close to zero’ Credits in case of compliance with EN9110? o EN9110 is relevant to maintenance, but not to continuing airworthiness management o Some NAAs do not support possible consideration of certification in accordance with industry standards. Proposed to add IR with ‘Findings and enforcement measures – persons’ based on ARO.GEN.355 (independent CS and persons using altMOC) Need for an agreed methodology to assess SMS effectiveness (RAG group will deliver something in 2016) – reference to SMICG in the meantime? Oversight – Root cause analysis - - 16. Need for guidance on effective root cause analysis and how this should be overseen by the competent authority (checking process versus checking outcome) Could be addressed as part of methodology to assess SMS effectiveness (RAG group) Management of changes / Indirect approval / changes not requiring prior approval - Many comments (industry and NAAs), partially contradicting, asking to review and clarify the provisions : o do not change terminology ‘indirect approval’ o provide approval privileges to organisations o better clarify responsibilities of the authority in regards to documentation provided for changes not requiring prior approval o create better linkage with the organisation’s change management process under the management system (safety risk management) Page 12 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 Part-M specific issues (initial list) - Task M.014 ‘Contracting of CAMO’ – relevant elements should be incorporated as part of this Opinion o contractual aspects o CAMO – AOC holder interface etc… o Oversight of the contractual arrangement o Etc… - need for additional guidance on which type of CAM tasks can be outsourced by a CAMO? - AMC1 to M.A.706(g) refers to 2730 kg – is this threshold still relevant? - Check references to maintenance post-holder in M.A.706 and M.A.712 for consistency Page 13 of 14 Explanatory material for CRD to NPA 2013-01(B) status June 2015 E. Editorial and consistency changes (as proposed in the NPA) The term ‘approval’ has been replaced by ‘certificate’ when reference is made to the organisation’s approval certificate as opposed to the process of approving it. ‘Quality System’ has been replaced by ‘compliance monitoring function ’throughout the text. ‘Quality Manager’ has been replaced by ‘compliance monitoring manager’. ‘Surveyor’(competent authority) has been replaced by ‘inspector’ throughout Section B. ‘Sub-contract’ and its derivatives (subcontractor, subcontracted, etc.) have been replaced by ‘subcontract’, ‘subcontractor’, etc. throughout the text. References to Commission Regulation Commission Regulation (EU) 1321/2014. (EC) 2042/2003 have been updated to References to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1702/2003 have been updated to Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012. References to ‘Compliance with o o o applicable requirements this Annex this Part have been reviewed for consistency. Where necessary these have been replaced by a reference to ‘Regulation (EU) 216/2008 and its Implementing Rules, Regulation (EU) 376/2014 and its Implementing Rules’ The numbering and format of those AMC and GM that have been amended in the course of this rulemaking task has been aligned with the current EASA Rulemaking style guide, which results in: — adding an AMC/GM number to those amended AMC/GM (e.g. : AMC1 M.A.712 instead of AMC M.A.712), including when there is only one AMC/GM; — adding a subtitle to all new AMC and GM; and — aligning numbered lists in the AMC/GM with the number format of the Implementing Rile ((a),(b)(c) instead of 1., 2., 3.). This results in the coexistence of two different standards for the numbering of AMC/GM paragraphs and subparagraphs. For the final Agency Decisions to be issued following adoption of the relevant amendments at Implementing Rule level, a consolidated version of all AMC and GM to which uniform numbering styles will have been applied will be published. Additional items for group discussion - Reference to ‘organisation’ or to ‘Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation’? - Reference to ‘approval’ (process or specific approval item) versus ‘certificate’ (e.g. suspension of the certificate, validity of the certificate) Page 14 of 14