WCCS Safety and Health Plan - Westminster Community Charter

Westminster Community Charter School Safety Plan
Westminster Community
Charter School
BEDS CODE 140600860874
Safety Plan
Emergency Response Procedures
Updated July 2015
able of Contents
Approval of Plan ....................................................................................... 1
General Considerations and Plan Guidelines ...................................... 1-1
Purpose of the Plan ........................................................................................... 1-1
Identification of School Teams ......................................................................... 1-1
Plan Elements.................................................................................................... 1-2
General School Information .............................................................................. 1-3
Concept of Operations ...................................................................................... 1-3
Site Coordinator ................................................................................................ 1-4
Site Safety Team ............................................................................................... 1-4
Plan Revision .................................................................................................... 1-6
Plan Adoption and Distribution ........................................................................ 1-6
2-Prevention and Intervention .............................................................. 2-8
Prevention and Intervention .............................................................................. 2-8
2.1.1 Core Values ............................................................................................. 2-8
2.1.2 PBIS ........................................................................................................ 2-8
2.1.3 Mentor Program ...................................................................................... 2-8
2.1.4 After School Program.............................................................................. 2-8
2.1.5 Summer Program..................................................................................... 2-9
2.1.6 Uniform Policy ........................................................................................ 2-9
2.1.7 Wellness Program ................................................................................... 2-9
2.1.8 Buffalo Police Department Programs ..................................................... 2-9
2.1.9 Bullying Awareness ................................................................................ 2-9
2.1.10 Counseling Services .............................................................................. 2-9
2.2 Security Plan (for day-to-day safety) ................................................................. 2-10
2.2.1 Security Directives (including Fingerprint Clearance) ......................... 2-10
2.2.2 School Security Personnel ..................................................................... 2-10
2.3 Identification of Potential Hazards ................................................................. 2-11
2.4 Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors ............................................. 2-12
3-Preparedness .................................................................................... 2-14
Assignment of Emergency Management Roles .............................................. 2-14
Continuity of Command ................................................................................. 2-14
Training, Drills and Exercises......................................................................... 2-14
3.3.1 Training ................................................................................................. 2-14
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised 7/2015
Table of Contents (cont.)
3.3.2 Drills and Exercises ............................................................................... 2-15
Designated Operational Areas ........................................................................ 2-15
3.4.1 Incident Command Post ..................................................................... 2-15
3.5 Communication ............................................................................................... 2-16
3.5.1 Internal Communications ................................................................... 2-16
3.5.2 External Communication Systems ..................................................... 2-16
3.5.3 External Warning Systems ................................................................. 2-16
3.5.4 External Notice for Treatment of Injury ............................................ 2-17
3.5.5 Media and Public Information............................................................ 2-17
3.6 Emergency Protective Actions ........................................................................ 2-18
3.6.1 Evacuation Procedures ....................................................................... 2-18
3.6.2 Shelter in Place Procedures ................................................................ 2-19
3.6.3 Lockdown Procedure.......................................................................... 2-20
3.6.4 Lockout Procedures ............................................................................ 2-20
3.6.5 Early Dismissal Procedures ................................................................ 2-21
3.6.6 School Cancellation Procedures ......................................................... 2-21
3.6.7 Coordinating with Outside Assistance ............................................... 2-21
3.7 Portable Emergency Kit .................................................................................. 2-22
3.8 Emergency Resources ..................................................................................... 2-23
3.8.1 Procedures to coordinate use of resources .......................................... 2-23
3.9 Preserving Crime Scene Security.................................................................... 2-24
3.10 Public Input .................................................................................................... 2-24
4-Situational Responses ..................................................................... 2-25
Anthrax Threat ................................................................................................ 2-25
Bomb Threats .................................................................................................. 2-26
4.2.1 Bomb Threat-Responding to a telephone bomb threat.......................... 2-26
4.2.2 Bomb Threat-Responding to written threats and suspicious
packages ............................................................................................. 2-28
4.3 Civil Disturbance ............................................................................................. 2-30
4.4 Control of Contagious Diseases ....................................................................... 2-30
4.5 Earthquake ....................................................................................................... 2-30
4.6 Explosion ......................................................................................................... 2-31
4.7 Fire ................................................................................................................... 2-32
4.8 Gun- Person with a gun.................................................................................... 2-32
4.9 Hazardous Chemical/Substance Spill ............................................................. 2-33
4.9.1 Spill Outside the Building ..................................................................... 2-33
4.9.2 Spill Inside the Building ........................................................................ 2-33
4.10 Hostage Situation ........................................................................................... 2-33
4.11 Kidnapping ..................................................................................................... 2-34
4.12 Medical Emergency ....................................................................................... 2-35
4.13 Unauthorized Person on School Grounds ...................................................... 2-36
4.14 Violence-Actual Acts and Threats ................................................................. 2-36
4.14.1 Assault or Rape ................................................................................... 2-37
4.14.2 Child Abuse ......................................................................................... 2-38
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised 6/2012
Table of Contents (cont.)
5-Emergency Recovery & Appendices ............................................... 2-42
5.1 Post-incident Response Team and Plan .......................................................... 2-42
5.2 Restoration and Review .................................................................................. 2-42
5.3 Mental Health Services ................................................................................... 2-43
Appendix 1- Chain of Command ............................................................................. 2-44
Appendix 2- WCCS Safety Team & Supplemental Support ................................... 2-45
Appendix 3: First Floor Evacuation Routes............................................................ 2-47
Appendix 4- Second Floor Evacuation Routes ........................................................ 2-48
Appendix 5-Third Floor Evacuation Routes ............................................................ 2-49
Appendix 7-Second Floor Shelter-in-Place ............................................................. 2-51
Appendix 8-Exterior Evacuation Routes ................................................................. 2-52
Appendix 10-Pre-Scripted Message Template for Emergency Notification ........... 2-54
Appendix 11-Sample letter to parents about violence ............................................. 2-55
Appendix 12-Letter to Parents-Emergency Procedures ........................................... 2-56
Appendix 13-Staff Skills Survey ............................................................................. 2-58
Appendix 14-1st Floor Fire Extinguishers................................................................ 2-59
Appendix 14-A New Addition Fire Extinguisher .................................................... 2-60
Appendix 15-2nd Floor Fire Extinguishers ............................................................. 2-61
Appendix 16-3rd Floor Fire Extinguishers .............................................................. 2-62
Appendix 17-4th Floor Fire Extinguishers .............................................................. 2-63
Appendix 18- Library Fire Extinguisher.................................................................. 2-64
Appendix 19- Child Abuse in an Educational Setting Report ................................. 2-65
Appendix 20-Parental Rights Notice-Child Abuse .................................................. 2-66
Appendix 21- Report of Suspected Child Abuse (LDSS2221-A) ........................... 2-71
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised 6/2012
Approval of Plan
2007 – 012
That the 2006-07 Safety Plan and Emergency Response Procedures for the Westminster Community Charter School be approved.
2008 – 036
That the Westminster Community Charter School 2007-08 and 2008-09 Safety Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
2009 – 024
PROCEDURES. Resolved: That the Westminster Community Charter School 2009-10 Safety
Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
2010 – 031
PROCEDURES. Resolved: That the Westminster Community Charter School 2010-11 Safety
Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
2011 – 031
PROCEDURES. Resolved: That the Westminster Community Charter School 2011-12 Safety
Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
2012 – 030
PROCEDURES. Resolved: That the Westminster Community Charter School 2012-13 Safety
Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
2013 – 041
PROCEDURES. Resolved: That the Westminster Community Charter School 2013-14 Safety
Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
2014 – 040
PROCEDURES. Resolved: That the Westminster Community Charter School 2014-15 Safety
Plan and Emergency Response Procedures be approved.
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/2012
Summary of Plan Review and Update
The Westminster Community Charter School Building-level Emergency Response Plan is reviewed annually by the Site Coordinator in cooperation with the Safety Team. As part of this
review, the Site Coordinator seeks input and recommendations from school staff, faculty and
administrators as well as parents, neighbors, community groups, local first responder agencies,
local law enforcement agencies and local businesses. A record of this review and any changes to
the Plan that have been adopted is found below.
Date of
Date of
Brief Description of Change or Amendment
Section &
Page No.
Please refer to the Review/Response Matrix. The
Compliance Status and Comments from the
Review Checklist with reference to the Technical
Assistance Chart are listed for each component.
Then, the corrections and/or additions are listed
with the associated section within the plan.
refer to the
July 1, 2008
Updated Site Safety Team
July 1, 2009
Updated Distribution List
Inserted New Appendices for New Addition
safety items
3A, 6A, 14A July 1, 2009
Replaced Appendix to include New Addition for
Exterior Evacuation Routes
July 1, 2009
Updated Appendices to reflect staff changes
1, 2
July 1, 2009
Updated Site Safety Team
July 1, 2010
Updated Appendices to reflect staff changes
1, 2
Updated Site Safety Team
1 -5,
July 1, 2011
Primary evacuation site
July 1, 2012
Updated Appendices to reflect staff changes
and new dining hall addition evacuation route
Appendix 2
Updated Site Safety Team
Updated Site Safety Team
Updated visitor sign-in procedure
Remove name, replace with “The Principal”
Update “Evacuation” section to include “On-Site
Evacuation” and “Off-Site Evacuation”
Update “Sheltering Procedures” to reflect
“Shelter in Place” language.
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/2012
July 1, 2013
Update “Lockdown Procedures”
Update “Emergency Resources”
Update number of staff & students
Update member of Site Safety Team
1.7 & Ap.2
Revise language of Bullying Prevention to reflect
PBIS curriculum
Update number of staff & students
Update member of Site Safety Team
1.7 & Ap.2
Updated Contact Information for Emergency
Evacuation Sights
Update member of Site Safety Team
1.7 & Ap.2
Update Board Resolutions
Updated Site Safety Team
1.7 & Ap.2
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/2012
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
General Considerations and Plan
1.1 Purpose of the Plan
Emergencies and violent incidents in schools must be addressed in an expeditious
and effective manner. Schools are at risk of acts of violence, natural, and manmade disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the
Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) law. Project SAVE is a
comprehensive planning effort that addresses prevention, response, and recovery
with respect to a variety of emergencies in schools.
1.2 Identification of School Teams
The Principal of Westminster Community Charter School (WCCS) is designated
as the Site Coordinator or person in charge in the event of an emergency or violent incident. If the Principal is unavailable, the next person on the list of the
Chain of Command would be the designated person in charge. If that person is
unavailable, the responsibility passes to the next person on the list and so on. The
Chain of Command is outlined in Appendix 1. Every adult in WCCS is trained in
general procedures for an emergency situation, but a WCCS Safety Team consisting of staff and community members with specific responsibilities has been identified in Appendix 2.
The emergency management roles for various school personnel are described
within this Plan and are assigned based on the capabilities of those personnel and
the resources available to the school for emergency prevention, response and recovery activities. In the event that school resources and personnel are overwhelmed or lacking during the emergency, the Principal or designee will obtain
outside assistance with the procedures set out in this plan.
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
Plan Elements
This Plan is organized around the phases of crisis management.
■ Prevention and Intervention – Actions the school can undertake to improve
communication, increase awareness, establish strategies and /or programs to
maintain a safe environment and identify potential hazards within the school
and the surrounding area.
■ Preparedness – Actions the school may take in advance of an emergency to
ensure its readiness to respond and recover from an emergency.
■ Situational Responses – The school’s protocol for responding to specific
school emergencies.
■ Emergency Recovery – The school’s concept of operations for recovery and
return to the business of learning after an emergency.
The Plan is designed to be a quick reference, emergency resource tool. This plan
will also serve as a guide for assessing the school’s emergency preparedness
throughout the year.
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
General School Information
The information contained in the table below provides a profile of Westminster
Community Charter School for the upcoming academic year.
24 Westminster Ave. Buffalo, NY 14215
The nearest cross street to the
school is:
Bailey Avenue
Telephone Numbers:
(716) 816-3450
Fax Number:
(716) 838-7458
Email Address:
Name of Principal:
Robert Ross
Name(s) of Assistant Principal:
LaMonica Harris
Name of Project Administrator:
Sarah Infante
Name of Site Coordinator:
Robert Ross
Grade Levels Served:
Number of Students:
Number of Faculty and Staff:
Number of Students with Special
Languages Spoken in School:
English, German, Bengali
School Hours (Sept-June):
7:55 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Extra-curricular Activities at
After-School Program, Interscholastic
Sports, Drama, Clubs
Summer School Hrs. (July-Aug)
8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
1.5 Concept of Operations
 The initial response to all emergencies at WCCS will be by the WCCS
Safety Team. The Principal is designated as the person-in-charge and will
remain at the determined command site, normally the school’s main office
at 24 Westminster Avenue, Buffalo, NY. All communication will be coordinated through the Principal’s office through the school’s main office
number (716) 816-3450.
 Team member responsibilities are identified in Appendix 2.
 When appropriate, efforts will be supplemented by local, county and state
resources as well as Fire and Emergency Medical services through existWCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
ing protocols. (See Appendix 2 for Supplemental Support and Auxiliary
 However, since immediate outside assistance may not be available during
an emergency, the School has planned for and is able to respond to the initial stages of the emergency. Furthermore, the school is prepared to coordinate the resources with the larger community in the event of a widespread emergency.
1.6 Site Coordinator
The Principal is the Site Coordinator and is responsible for the planning and implementation of the Building –level Emergency Response Plan. An Alternate Site
Coordinator has been designated in the event the Site Coordinator is unavailable
or incapable of performing his/her duties. The alternate Site Coordinator is the
Assistant Principal. See Appendix 1-Chain of Command
The Site Coordinator is responsible for:
 Activating the WCCS Building-level Emergency Response Plan
 Advising the WCCS Staff and COO on matters of school safety
 Chairing the WCCS Safety Team
 Inventorying emergency response skills of faculty and staff
 Identifying members and assigning roles to the WCCS Emergency Response Team
 Performing an annual safety inspection and hazards identification
 Maintaining an Inventory of emergency resources and equipment
Appendix 1 contains contact information for all key emergency management personnel including the Site Coordinator, alternate Site Coordinator and the Chain of
Command at the school and the remote Administration Office.
1.7 Site Safety Team
The WCCS Site Safety Team is responsible for:
 Developing WCCS-specific policies and procedures for emergencies having a high probability of occurring at the school;
 Developing programs for educating faculty, staff, students and parents in
the WCCS Emergency Response Plan;
 Annually reviewing and updating the WCCS Emergency Response Plan;
 Preparing a WCCS Emergency Response Plan summary for public review;
 Presenting the WCCS Emergency Response Plan to the Board of Trustees
for adoption.
A roster of the WCCS Safety Team members for the upcoming academic year is
contained in the table below. Contact information for all key emergency management personnel including the WCCS Safety Team members is found in Appendix 2.
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
Site Safety Team Roster for 2015-16
Robert Ross
LaMonica Harris
Anneliese Eason
Jan Robinson
Courtney Chamberlain
Sarah Infante
Bill Lynch
Amie Caster
Adam Hamilton
Brian Macey
Luis Rodriguez
Captain Young
Incident Commander/
Site Commander
Alt. Site Coordinator
Manage Office/Fax
Administer First Aid
Safety Officer-1st FL
Safety Officer-Gym
Safety Officer- 2nd FL
Safety Officer-4th FL
Safety Officer-3rd FL
Facilities Management
Emergency Response
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
(i.e., school administration,
teachers, parent organization,
law enforcement)
Date Assigned
School Administration
School Administration
School Office Clerk
Health Clinic
Guidance Counselor
School Administration
Special Education Coord.
Buffalo Police Department
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
1.8 Plan Revision
The WCCS Safety Team will update the Plan by July 1st of each succeeding year
in accordance with Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 155.17.
In addition, the Plan will be reviewed and, if appropriate, revised by the WCCS
Safety Team after each emergency experienced during the year. The WCCS
Safety Team documents Plan reviews, adoption, and revisions. A Plan Revision
Summary Sheet is used for the purpose of documenting plan revisions. (See page
Plan Element Review Schedule
or Known
Review plan
WCCS holds a public hearing regarding plan review
Potential hazards are identified and assessed in safety inspection
WCCS response capabilities are assessed
Update floor plans
Update contact information
Update list of students and staff with special needs
Inventory employee emergency skills or experience
Amendments to plan are submitted to Buffalo Police, and New York State
Roles of the WCCS Safety Team are defined and members are identified
Roles of the WCCS Building-level Emergency Response Team are defined
and members are identified
Roles of the WCCS Post-incident Response Team are defined and members
are identified
1.9 Plan Adoption and Distribution
The WCCS Emergency Response Plan is formally approved and adopted by the
Westminster Community Charter School Board of Trustees pursuant to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 155.17 (e) (3). This Buildinglevel Emergency Response Plan is confidential and is not subject to public disclosure. A summary of this Plan is made available for public comment 30-days prior
to its adoption. At least one public hearing is held before its adoption in order to
gain the insight and participation of school personnel, parents, students, and other
interested parties. A copy of the resolution adopting this Plan is included on Page
1. Following the Plan adoption, complete copies of the Plan are provided to the
WCCS Chief Operating Officer, the Buffalo Police Department, New York State
Police as listed below.
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
1. General Considerations and Plan Guidelines
Plan Distribution List
Ms. Carol Steck, COO
Westminster Community Charter School Support
P.O. Box 3352
Buffalo, NY 14240-3352
Phone: 842-5342
Buffalo Police E District
2767 Bailey Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215
Attention: Captain Young
Phone: 851-4416
New York State Police
Troop A Headquarters
4525 West Saile Drive
Batavia, New York 14020-1095
Attention: Trooper Robert Sawicki
Phone : 585-344-6200
The WCCS Site Coordinator is responsible for distributing the Plan to the parties
listed in the table above. In addition, copies of the Plan are kept for use or reference before, during or after an emergency at the following locations at or near the
Locations of the Building-level Emergency Response Plan
Westminster Community Charter School Main Office
WCCS Administration Office at M&T Bank
Parents are notified about the Emergency Procedures by means of a letter
from the Principal that is distributed at the beginning of each school year.
(See Appendix 12)
WCCS Building Level Plan revised 6/30/2015
2. Prevention and Intervention
2-Prevention and Intervention
2.1 Prevention and Intervention
Violence prevention and safe environment strategies require community-wide collaborative efforts that include students, families, teachers, administrators, staff,
social and mental health professionals, law enforcement, emergency response personnel, security professionals, parents and the business community. WCCS
brought together all of the above to develop appropriate strategies and programs
for a safe school environment for the students, staff, parents and all that come to
WCCS has established a climate that encourages and enables students, teachers,
and parents/guardians to report threats and acts of violence. Teachers establish
the first line of school safety because they have the most direct contact with students. They also have great insight into the potential problems and realistic solutions applicable to Westminster.
Some of these prevention and intervention strategies are:
2.1.1 Core Values
Core Values are taught to students through the school pledge and school
song. The core values are reinforced daily by all WCCS staff members
through character-building topics taught in the classroom curriculum,
school clubs, sports teams, field trips and special events.
2.1.2 PBIS
Currently, PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) is available
and implemented for students in grades K-4. Students are encouraged and
rewarded for clearly identified positive behaviors through incentives
(“ROAR”). There are clearly established expectations and rewards/incentives for individual classrooms and the school as a whole.
2.1.3 Mentor Program
The WCCS Mentor Program is part of the WCCS community and a key
element in character building and the development of self-esteem and respect. Students and employees of M&T Bank are paired in this “big
brother/big sister” program in order to foster a role model relationship that
supports a genuine concern for the student’s well-being and education.
The Principal and Guidance Counselors provide training to the M&T employees that include the stages of a mentoring relationship and discussions
on cultural diversity and developing self-esteem in young people.
2.1.4 After School Program
The After School Program is an extended day program operating after the
school day Monday through Friday. During this time, additional academic
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2. Prevention and Intervention
instruction is provided in addition to other extra-curricular activities such
as clubs, Drama, Band, Chorus, Sports, etc. Information and applications
for this program are mailed to all parents.
2.1.5 Summer Program
A Summer Program is conducted for five to six weeks in July and August.
Typically, the morning is devoted to academic topics and the afternoon is
recreational, including arts, crafts, sports and swimming. This provides not
only academic enrichment, but also supports the effort to give students life
lessons in respect, communication, competition and dealing with peer relationships and conflict. Information on the program and applications are
mailed to all parents of current students and those that are new applicants
for the coming school year. This gives the new students the opportunity to
acclimate to the new school environment and build social relationships prior to the start of the school year.
2.1.6 Uniform Policy
WCCS has a mandatory uniform policy that eliminates competition with
respect to clothing and fosters pride inside and outside of the school.
2.1.7 Wellness Program
WCCS has established a Wellness Committee and Program that addresses
issues such as healthy breakfast and lunch menus, increased physical activity and healthy habits. This initiative supports a positive self-image and
respect for others.
2.1.8 Buffalo Police Department Programs
The Buffalo Police Department, if funded, provides D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse
Resistance Education) and G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and
2.1.9 Bullying Awareness
Bullying is addressed in the day-to-day interactions between students and
through the classroom activities, particularly in the “Advisory” period in
the schedule. The School Counselors provides personal counseling to students and their parents. Teachers receive information through in-service
training conducted by the School Counselors and referring to related links
on the WCCS website.
2.1.10 Counseling Services
The School Counselors and the Social Worker provide direct student counseling services, violence prevention, conflict resolution, and student safety
advocacy and parent education programs. When necessary, outside counseling agencies are contacted to provide additional counseling services.
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2. Prevention and Intervention
2.2 Security Plan (for day-to-day safety)
2.2.1 Security Directives (including Fingerprint Clearance)
 All outside doors must remain locked (from the outside only) at all times.
 Any general entry to the building and the library will be through the main
parking lot door.
 Office staff grant entry to the building via a door buzzing system.
 Doors should not be propped open for any reason.
 All visitors must sign in at the main office using LobbyGuard
 Staff members must notify the office of the following:
1. When leaving the building
2. When changing the regular class schedule
3. When taking a class outside for any reason (sign out and in at
the office)
 Staff members are asked to keep their cell phones fully charged and available
for use.
 Battery radios are available and should be turned to 930 AM during the emergency. Specific staff members (listed on Appendix 2) are assigned to monitor
these radios.
 Students are released only to authorized persons (parent, guardian, sibling or
other person listed on emergency release form). This includes dismissal and
early release for an appointment.
 In the event of an unexpected early dismissal, specified staff (listed on Appendix 2) will make the calls to students’ homes. Each will be given a set of
class lists with telephone numbers and a prepared message to read to parents/guardians. Additionally, a general all call will be sent out to all parents.
 Mandatory fingerprint clearance and criminal background checks are secured
for all staff hired to work in the building in accordance with NYS Education
Law and the Commissioner’s regulations. Anyone with an Emergency Conditional Clearance is informed that they cannot be left alone with students,
that they will be teamed with a person that has full clearance and prior experience, that unannounced classroom visits will be made by an Administrator and
that hallways and bathrooms are monitored by designated staff.
2.2.2 School Security Personnel
Teachers and Teacher Assistants are assigned to serve in the capacity of security
officers. (See Appendix 2) These officers walk around the outside lots and sidewalks to monitor the activities of students and ensure the safety of those students
arriving at Westminster either by walking or drop-off by car. Additional officers
are stationed at each of the entrance doors and in the halls to monitor students as
they enter the school building. The same security patrol is in place at dismissal
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2. Prevention and Intervention
All staff is instructed in the security regulations at the Opening Day (day before
school begins in September). Each teacher, teacher assistant, office support,
health services, food service and maintenance staff member engage in the monitoring of student, parent and visitor behavior to ensure the safety of all at WCCS.
All employees are potential emergency response workers and may be subject to
assignment to emergency service activities.
Identification of Potential Hazards
Potential Internal and External Hazards (in general) include:
1. WCCS-all hazardous cleaning materials are secured in locked closet
2. WCCS-all science equipment and chemicals are locked in Science Lab
(in a specially designed chemical resistant, lockable case)
3. WCCC- all cafeteria equipment is secured
4. WCCS is located near Kensington-Bailey commercial district (e.g.
could result in a fleeing criminal)
5. Routes 33, 198 and Interstate 190 & 90
6. Proximity to Downtown Buffalo (possible terrorist target, other type of
7. Drug Houses or site of criminal activity Identification of Potential
Potential Internal and External Hazards (specific) include but are not limited to:
1. Natural Disasters- Being located in Western New York, the most common
weather-related/natural disasters have been severe snowstorms and occasional rainstorms accompanied by high winds that may cause flooding,
falling trees and power outages. This may result in Cancellation of School
or Emergency Early Dismissal of Students. While the school may not be
damaged by such disasters, the building may be used as a community shelter if local authorities dictate the need. Earthquakes are another possible
natural hazard, but uncommon.
2. Man-made Disasters- There are some building specific manmade disasters
that are possible. These may include, but not limited to car, bus, plane
crashes, toxic substance spills/releases from highway accidents and chemical/hazardous material spills.
3. School Disasters- Acts of violence (intruder, kidnapping, hostage, personal threat), terrorism, fire, explosion (gas, electrical, chemical), water line
breaks, toxic substance (e.g. anthrax) release, contagious disease, or bomb
threat (actual or implied), could occur at WCCS.
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2. Prevention and Intervention
2.4 Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors
All staff, students, parents and members of the community are part of creating a
safe environment at Westminster. Everyone assumes a sense of personal responsibility for reducing the risk of violence and has an understanding of the early
warning signs that help identify potentially violent behavior.
Teachers, administrators and other school support staff are on the frontline when
it comes to observing troublesome behavior and making referrals to appropriate
professionals, such as the school guidance counselors, social worker or nurse.
They also play a significant role in responding to diagnostic information provided
by specialists.
It is not always possible to predict behavior that will lead to violence; however,
teachers, administrators, counselors, other school staff, parents/guardians and students can recognize certain warning signs. These signs are used for identification
and referral purposes. Only trained professionals make a diagnosis in consultation with the student’s parents or guardian.
Some early warning signs of potentially violent behavior include:
 Social Withdrawal
 Excessive feelings of isolation and being alone
 Excessive feelings of rejection
 Being a victim of violence
 Feelings of being picked on/bullied
 Low school interest and poor academic performance
 Expression of violence in writings and drawings
 Uncontrolled anger
 Patterns of impulsive and chronic hitting, intimidating, bullying behaviors
 History of discipline problems
 Past history of violent and aggressive behavior
 Intolerance for differences and prejudicial attitudes
 Drug use and alcohol use
 Affiliation with gangs
 Inappropriate access to, possession of and use of firearms
 Serious threats of violence
The WCCS community understands that unlike early warning signs, imminent
warning signs indicate that a student is very close to behaving in a way that is potentially dangerous to self and/or to others. These signs require immediate response from school staff.
Imminent warning signs include:
 Serious fighting with peers or family members
 Severe destruction of property
 Severe rage for seemingly minor reasons
 Detailed threats of lethal violence
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2. Prevention and Intervention
 Possession and/or use of firearms and other weapons
 Other self-injurious behaviors or threats of suicide
WCCS trains all staff to develop awareness of early detection of potentially violent behaviors. Training is provided as in-service staff development. Materials
are provided and supplemented by related topic links listed on the WCCS website.
These warning signs are included in the Staff Handbook.
Parents are provided with information on early detection of potentially violent
behaviors by means of Parent Meetings, the Principal’s bulletins mailed each
month and community groups that meet at the school. They too have access to
related links listed on the WCCS website.
UPDATED 3/22/2016
3. Preparedness
Preparedness activities are the steps taken prior to an emergency to increase the
school’s capability to effectively react to an emergency situation and minimize
the impact of an emergency on the school and the school’s population. WCCS
preparedness activities include the assignment of emergency management roles,
training, drills and exercises, and initiation of public awareness activities.
Assignment of Emergency Management Roles
The Principal will act as the Incident Commander/Site Coordinator during most
emergencies until such time as the emergency management activities are taken
over by an outside agency such as a local emergency response agency.
WCCS has a Building-level Safety (Emergency Response) Team. This team is
under the direction of the Site Coordinator, the Principal. The purpose of this
team is to assist the school community in responding to any emergency impacting
the school or school grounds. The names, responsibility and contact information
for the members of the Safety Team are included in Appendix 2.
Continuity of Command
In the event of an emergency, the Principal or a designee will serve as Incident
Commander. As needed, the Incident Commander may be replaced by a member of a local emergency response agency.
• After relinquishing command, the Building Principal or designee may be asked
to serve in a support role as part of a Unified Incident Command, if established,
by the local emergency response agency.
• WCCS has established a chain of command to ensure continuity of operations.
(See Appendix 1)
3.3 Training, Drills and Exercises
3.3.1 Training
WCCS is responsible for arranging and providing training programs for all personnel who are expected to participate in the emergency response and recovery
process. It is the responsibility of the Principal to organize, schedule, and document the training programs that are provided to school personnel. The main training takes place each Opening Day/Conference Day, that is, the day before classes
begin in September. Additional training is provided throughout the year as necessary. Parents are notified about the Emergency Procedures by means of a letter
from the Principal that is distributed at the beginning of each school year. Parents
are also provided with information on specific prevention and awareness topics
3. Preparedness
such as Bullying, Identifying the early signs of potential violence, Drug & Alcohol Awareness, etc. in the Principal’s monthly bulletin, parent meetings and the
school’s internet website. The topics covered in the training programs provide:
■ Information on the characteristics of hazards and their consequences and the
implementation of emergency response actions, including protective
measures, notification procedures, and available resources;
■ Emergency Response training, focusing on individual roles;
■ Emergency personnel with the variety of skills necessary to help reduce or
eliminate hazards and to increase their effectiveness in responding to and recovering from emergencies of all types;
■ Additional specialized training (AED, CPR, etc.) and refresher training in responding to crisis situations; and
■ School-specific training based upon special needs populations within WCCS
(e.g. dealing with bullying, gangs, students with disabilities).
3.3.2 Drills and Exercises
The WCCS Safety Team conducts building wide drills annually, including fire,
general evacuation, early dismissal and lockdown. Following the drills, there are
debriefing sessions with the Safety team, staff, the local law enforcement agents
and local emergency response agents to assess and where needed, improve response methods and directives. In accordance with regulations, fire drills are conducted 12 times each school year (eight of them between September 1 and December 1 and four between May 1 and June 28). In addition, 2 are conducted during Summer School.
WCCS periodically conducts a drill for Lock Down, Lock Out, and Shelter in
Place. Staff, parents and students receive information prior to and after the drill to
increase an understanding for the safety test and decrease anxiety.
3.4 Designated Operational Areas
3.4.1 Incident Command Post
The Principal is designated as the person-in-charge and will remain at the determined command site, normally the school’s main office at 24 Westminster Avenue, Buffalo, NY. All communication will be coordinated through the Principal’s
office through the school’s main number 716-816-3450.
3. Preparedness
3.5 Communication
3.5.1 Internal Communications
At the onset of an emergency, the Principal or designee activates the plan and notifies the Safety Team as described in the plan. Methods of communication within WCCS include, but are not limited to: personal contact, public address system,
telephone, 2-way Walkie-Talkie radios, email, and cell phone.
3.5.2 External Communication Systems
Specific mechanisms for rapid and efficient communications with outside emergency responders, parents and other critical contacts have been established. The
established mechanisms will be used to liaison with municipal, private, County,
State and Federal communication systems as necessary before, during and after an
emergency. Systems currently in place include:
 Law enforcement, fire and emergency medical officials will be notified
via 911 by the Principal or any member of the Safety Team when deemed
necessary. The fire alarm will be pulled in the case of fire or the need for
immediate evacuation.
 Methods of external communication to parents and the general public may
include Emergency Alert System (EAS), telephone, emergency weather
radio and local media via radio and television stations.
 Notifications to other agencies (Poison Control, Social Services, etc.) will
be made by School Office Clerk or other designated staff member. (see
Appendix 2)
 Messages regarding early dismissal, shelter in place or evacuation will be
sent to the broadcast media by the Principal or through the Administration
Office. The media will be notified by telephone and/or any other available
3.5.3 External Warning Systems
WCCS has established procedures for the dissemination of warnings to parents
and other critical parties at the onset of an emergency so that appropriate protective or emergency response actions can be taken. In the event of an unexpected
early dismissal or emergency situation, designated staff will make phone calls to
the parents or guardians. Each will be given a set of class lists with the home
phone number, emergency contact phone number and a prepared message to read
to the parents. See Appendix 2 for the current assignments.
Contact information for all parents is maintained in the Main Office and managed
by the School Clerk and the Typist. In addition, the offsite Administration Office
also has access to parents’ phone numbers. The school connects program will also be used to communicate to families.
3. Preparedness
3.5.4 External Notice for Treatment of Injury
The school nurse has the responsibility to notify the parent or guardian of any
medical treatment or serious injury. In the case of multiple injuries, where the
nurse’s first priority is assistance to the students, the Principal shall notify or delegate the notification responsibility to another staff.
3.5.5 Media and Public Information
WCCS has developed a protocol to disseminate information to the media/public
during an emergency to:
■ Protect the privacy of students and staff;
■ Provide only factual information to the media;
■ Reassure parents;
■ Provide information on additional crisis services;
■ Prevent media access to students and to prevent the disruption of classes; and
■ Inform students and staff that they should refer all media inquiries to the Principal at 816-3450 or Chief Operating Officer, at 842-5342.
The Principal or designee (with the coordination/assistance of the Administration
Office) will issue all internal and external communications, prepare news releases
and brief the media as appropriate. No staff personnel should provide information
to the media during or after an emergency unless officially authorized.
3. Preparedness
3.6 Emergency Protective Actions
3.6.1 Evacuation Procedures
It is necessary to evacuate the building in the event of a fire, explosion, some toxic chemical releases, earthquakes, some violent acts or when ordered by law enforcement officers because of dangerous activity in the area. Evacuation procedures that provide for the safe evacuation of students, teachers, school personnel,
and visitors to a safe location on school grounds, “On-Site Evacuation”, or to an
off-site location, “Off-Site Evacuation”, have been developed and will be implemented in the event that the Principal determines that it is unsafe to remain in
the building or a portion of the building. The decision to evacuate to a location
off of school grounds, “Off-Site Evacuation”, will be made whenever it is determined by the Principal to be unsafe to remain on the school grounds. When evacuations are required, all persons will evacuate using the routes identified in Appendix 8 & 9.
When an “On-Site Evacuation” is required, building occupants will be notified :
 The “On-Site Evacuation” is best accomplished by using the Fire Drill
procedure (alarm is disconnected from Fire Department prior to activation) if there is no need for immediate response from the Fire Department.
Another option is to announce an “On-Site Evacuation is taking place.” on
the Public Address system. This is designated as the signal to exit the
 In cases of fire, explosion, chemical leak, gas line break or any other event
that requires immediate assistance from the Fire Department, the Fire
Alarm will be pulled so that the signal will transmit to the Fire Department.
 If an “On-Site Evacuation” is ordered, everyone will exit the building using the normal fire drill routine unless instructed otherwise. If deemed
necessary to evacuate to another site, the designated sites are found in Appendix 2.
 Teachers will confirm the classroom headcount at the assembly site at
least 75 feet away from the building.
 No one is allowed to reenter the building until the appropriate authority
gives an all-clear signal.
 The school nurse is responsible to provide assistance to or solicit assistance from another staff member to evacuate any student or staff with disabilities.
On-Site Evacuation routes are posted in all classrooms, multi-purpose
rooms, and the school’s main office.
In some situations building occupants will be required to evacuate to a location
off school grounds in order to ensure their safety, an “Off-Site Evacuation”. The
off-site evacuation plan has pre-designated off site shelter locations:
When an “Off-Site Evacuation” is required, building occupants will be notified
3. Preparedness
 The “Off-Site Evacuation” is best accomplished by making an announcement of an “Off-Site Evacuation is taking place.” on the Public Address
system. This is designated as the signal to exit the building.
 The Primary Shelter site is: Nativity Miguel Middle School of Buffalo
21 Davidson Street, Buffalo, NY 14215 (716)836-5188 (Nancy Langer
President, Father Durkin, Principal)
 The Alternate Shelter site is: Buffalo Public School # 80, Highgate
Heights Elementary, 600 Highgate Avenue (816-4050)
Contact information for the off-site shelter locations is included in Appendix 2.
The floor plans included in Appendix 3-9 and 14-18 are not only a tool for illustrating evacuation routes but also for the layout of the school building and
grounds and location of fire extinguishers. These plans indicate important information about the schools environment including:
■ Identifies room numbers and exits
■ School site plans with Fire Extinguishers
■ Primary and secondary evacuation routes
■ Assembly areas for students and staff with special needs
■ Number of floors
■ Other emergency locations.
Additional copies of floor plans are maintained in the Main Office, the Engineer’s
Office and offsite at the Administration Office at M&T Bank and are maintained
and updated annually by the Building Engineer. Copies of the floor plans are also
distributed to emergency responders and law enforcement agencies that are provided copies of the WCCS Safety Plan.
3.6.2 Shelter in Place Procedures
WCCS has developed procedures for use during incidents that require the entire
school population to evacuate to a safe location or locations within the school, for
example, weather-related or non-specific bomb-threats. Certain emergencies in
the community may make it advisable for students and staff to remain in school
beyond the end of the normal school day or after school program.
 The Principal or designee will provide all necessary instructions.
 Announce “Shelter in Place” on the Public Address system.
 Instruct everyone to remain where they are and scan their respective areas
for anything out of the ordinary.
 If no device or threat is found, Principal will decide to continue school or
3. Preparedness
 If device or threat is found, Principal and/or Emergency Response Team
will find an internal location to move the school population or those in the
affected area, including hallways, gymnasium, auditorium, or library.
 Teachers must take their class list with them when moving students to another location in the building and will remain with them until they are
formally relieved of their duties by the Principal or designee.
 See Floor Plans Appendix 6 & 7
3.6.3 Lockdown Procedure
Lockdown is a procedure used when there is an immediate internal threat to the
school building population (i.e. intruder). School staff and students are secured in
the rooms they are currently in and no one is allowed to leave until the situation
has been resolved. This allows the school to secure the students and staff in place
and remove any innocent bystanders from immediate danger. Procedures for
Lockdown are:
 The Main Office will be notified of an emergency or stranger in the building. The Principal or designee will investigate the situation and determine
the extent of the threat.
 If deemed appropriate, the administrator in charge will signal the staff
through the Public Address system by announcing a “Lockdown”.
 Hallways and bathrooms are to be cleared of students who should be
brought into a lockable room.
 Students in the cafeteria, gymnasium, auditorium, library or other nonclassroom areas or outside should remain there with the adult in charge
and doors locked, stay away from windows, close shades as directed or as
appropriate and remain quiet.
 Students and staff must remain in classroom with doors locked, stay away
from windows, leave shades open and lights on, and remain quiet.
 The Main Office is responsible to call 911 for assistance, providing description of persons, locations, if weapons are being used and if injures
have occurred.
 Do not answer classroom telephones, respond to fire alarms (unless fire is
raging), or PA announcements.
 Lockdowns will ONLY end when a first responder or other designated
person has come door-to-door to signal the threat has been cleared.
3.6.4 Lockout Procedures
WCCS has developed lockout procedures, for an external threat, that are designed
to prevent any unauthorized visitors from entering the building and/or preventing
students/staff from exiting the building when a threat has been identified outside
the school. This procedure allows the school to continue with the normal school
operations activity. Visitors must ring a bell and authorized persons are buzzed in
by the Main Office staff to enter the building.
 Announce “Lockout” on PA. Do not use codes.
 If the school is initiating a lockout, the school should notify the police
immediately. Provide as many details as possible regarding the event.
 Return all students who may be outside of the building.
3. Preparedness
Lock all exterior doors and windows.
Limit entry to the building once lockout is initiated.
Classes continue as scheduled.
Notification of the cessation of a lockout will be given when the threat is
3.6.5 Early Dismissal Procedures
In the case of an emergency early dismissal, staff will be notified. All students
are to remain in the classroom until notified to dismiss. Parents will be notified
by designated staff or member of the Safety Team to pick up their child immediately. If parents/guardians are not available, emergency contacts will be made.
Designated staff will be given a set of class lists with telephone numbers and a
prepared message to read to the parents/guardians. The current assignments are
found in Appendix 2.
Once parents have been notified, if students have been given permission to walk,
the classroom teacher will be notified. Student should then be sent to the office to
be dismissed. When parents arrive to pick up their children, teachers will be notified by the main office to send those students to the office. No staff will leave the
school until dismissed by the Principal.
3.6.6 School Cancellation Procedures
Emergency School Closing- School is closed or delayed in opening only when the
weather or another emergency makes it impossible or unsafe to hold classes.
WCCS generally follows the Buffalo School District’s directions on school closings although WCCS can act autonomously. The Principal or her/his designee
contacts the news media and announcements are made on the local radio
(930AM) and local television stations (Channels 2, 4 and 7). When the school is
closed, all related activities, including athletic events and after school program are
cancelled. (In the September Principal‘s Bulletin, Parents are notified which media to monitor for possible school closing announcements.)
3.6.7 Coordinating with Outside Assistance
Emergencies can require more specialized resources than an individual school
may have available.
The Response Protocol
 The Chain of Command (Appendix 1) will be used in response to all
 The Principal or designee will ultimately make decisions based on input
from the Safety Team and the Administration Office.
 The Principal or designee and the COO will determine how best to disseminate information via the WCCS website, telephone, radio, mail and
local television.
The WCCS procedure for obtaining emergency assistance from local government
 In emergency situations, 911 will be called 24/7 to dispatch local police
and/or fire assistance. The Principal or designee has this primary respon2-21
3. Preparedness
sibility to call and provide specific information regarding the type of
emergency, location, number of people affected, directions, etc.)
Any adult in the building can call 911 in the event that a person needs
immediate medical attention and their condition may be life threatening.
Police and Fire Departments and Medical/Ambulance will respond first.
These local agencies will contact county, state and federal agencies if necessary, or if a disaster is declared will invoke Article 2-B.
Depending on the need and scope of the emergency, additional help may
be sought during the emergency or post-incident response from local
churches, local community centers, the Buffalo Police Department, the
Buffalo Fire Department, Child Abuse and Maltreatment Center, Crisis
and Suicide Counseling Center, Child and Family Services, the Erie County Sheriff Department, and the New York State Police. (see Appendix 2).
The Principal, Guidance Counselor and Social Worker will coordinate the
post-incident response.
3.7 Portable Emergency Kit
The WCCS portable emergency kit contains critical tools that will be used by the
Principal or other decision makers during an incident to complete basic emergency management tasks. The kit is stocked with items and information that will be
needed if school personnel cannot safely access the school office during an emergency. The School Clerk is responsible for maintaining the Portable Emergency
Kit. The kit is located in the Main Office. A second emergency kit is also maintained under security, offsite, at a designated remote administrative office.
The School Clerk is responsible for removing the kit from the school whenever
the building is evacuated. The School Typist is the alternate party responsible for
removing the kit from the school whenever the building is evacuated. The kit
 Copy of the School Safety Plan/ Emergency Response Procedures
 WCCS Floor Plans
 Student Emergency Contact Phone Numbers
 Emergency Release Forms
 Notepad, name tags and pens
 List of teacher’s w/cell phones and/or home numbers
 Schedule of students, teachers & staff
 Current yearbook
 City of Buffalo Phone Directory
 List of students and staff with special needs (including those with life threatening illnesses, who need medications, the name of the medication and the
times of required administration) or those who may need evacuation assistance
The School Nurse maintains an updated list of those students requiring medications, the name of the medication, the dosage and schedule of medication administration. It is the responsibility of the School Nurse to manage this operation ei2-22
3. Preparedness
ther from the Health Office or from a remote site depending on the emergency
Emergency Resources
Emergency equipment:
 First Aid Supplies-Health Clinic
 Automated External Defibrillators (2 units):
1- Health Clinic and 1-Physical Education Office (Across
The school nurse, the physical education teachers and several other staff are
trained to operate the units. See Appendix 2 for the current operators. The batteries are replaced annually during the fire/safety inspection by the Buffalo Board of
Education Code Enforcement Officer.
 Fire Extinguishers (18)
 Cell phones
 Battery-operated radios
 Walkie-Talkies (2-way radios)
 Fax Machines (3): Main Office, Principal’s Office, Health Clinic
 Classroom Intercom
 Computers/email system
 Food
 Water
 Maintenance Supplies
 Tools
 Flashlights
 Cars of staff
Emergency Personnel: (See Appendix 2 for current list)
 School Nurse
 Staff trained to use AED
 Staff trained in CPR/First Aid
Community Resources:
 Local ambulance
 Local fire trucks/equipment
3.8.1 Procedures to coordinate use of resources
The Chain of Command (Appendix 1) lists the WCCS staff with their title
and phone number. Appendix 2 lists the WCCS Safety Team and their assigned responsibility, along with staff who have special skills such as
CPR, triage, first aid, shelter management, search and rescue, etc. The
Person in charge, the Principal, authorizes the use of emergency resources.
The Principal surveys the staff at the beginning of each school year to determine who has skills or training to play a vital role in an emergency.
(See Appendix 13)
3. Preparedness
Preserving Crime Scene Security
Any incident or event that appears to have criminal involvement must be handled
in an extremely careful manner. Procedures have been established to secure and
restrict access to the crime scene in order to preserve evidence from being disturbed or destroyed.
 The Principal or designee is responsible for crime scene security until relieved by law enforcement officials.
 No items shall be moved, cleaned, or altered without prior approval from
the appropriate law enforcement agency.
 Immediate medical attention will be given to any person injured as a result
of a criminal act. Care will be taken to preserve evidence without disruption of required medical aid.
3.10 Public Input
The interaction between the school and the community is an important aspect of
emergency preparedness planning. It allows ideas and concerns to be openly
shared between individuals and organizations. Informed and motivated groups
such as parents’ organizations aid in enhancing the safety at schools and are often
in tune with what potential hazards exist. It is possible to draw from the numerous backgrounds, experiences and professions of parents when looking toward
parent organizations for aid in increasing the safety at schools. Increased safety at
schools benefits the community and the school will benefit from public awareness
and involvement. Accordingly, WCCS has included the involvement of parents,
neighbors, community groups and local businesses in its emergency planning process. Each year a summary of the draft Plan is distributed and comments are solicited from the public.
4. Situational Responses
4-Situational Responses
Anthrax Threat
It is very important that school staff who are involved in opening packages or
mail be extra vigilant for any suspicious looking material such as:
 If they have no return address or the return address may be fictitious or unreadable
 If they display distorted handwriting, or the name and address may be prepared with some homemade labels or cut-and-paste lettering
 If they have protruding wires, aluminum foil, oil or grease stains on the
wrapping, or emit a peculiar odor
 If the cancellation or postmark indicates a different location that the return
 If they are mailed from a foreign country
 If they have excessive amounts of postage
 If they have excessive wrapping, binding, taping and tying material
 If they are labeled “Fragile-Handle with Care” or “Rush-DO NOT
If you receive a letter claiming to be infected with Anthrax or a phone call saying
there is an Anthrax presence at Westminster, the first response has to be containment. The key to controlling the situation is to remain calm and limit the area and
persons exposed to the threat.
If powder spills out of an envelope or an envelope contains powder:
 Do not try to clean up the powder. Cover the spilled contents immediately
with something such as clothing, paper or a trash can and do not remove
this cover.
 Leave the room and close the door or cordon off the area to prevent others
from entering.
 Wash your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any powder to
your face.
 Report the incident to the Principal or designee who will call 911 and the
 Remove any contaminated clothing as soon as possible and place in a plastic bag or some other container that can be sealed. This clothing bag
should be given to the emergency responders for proper handling.
 Shower with soap and water as soon as possible. Do not use bleach or
other disinfectant on your skin.
 List all people who were in the room or area, especially those who had actual contact with the powder. Give this list to both the local public-health
authorities so that proper instructions can be given for medical follow-up
and to law enforcement officials for further investigation.
Immediately after identifying the threat, the Principal or designee will make an
announcement that all staff and students are to remain in the rooms that they are
in. If applicable, do not allow anyone in or out of the room where the letter was
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
opened. Do not call in any additional personnel for help, as you will only increase the number of people with possible exposure.
Next, the Principal or designee will contact the Chief Engineer and advise him to
turn off the air handling equipment.
If applicable, note the type of package, how it was delivered, and anything that
will help in the subsequent investigation. Limit your exposure by leaving the item
alone, closing the package or envelope with the material inside. Keep your hands
away from your face so that you do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Bomb Threats
4.2.1 Bomb Threat-responding to a telephone bomb threat
The Principal is responsible to instruct all personnel, especially the Main Office
staff, on what to do if a bomb threat call is received.
A calm response to the bomb threat caller could result in obtaining additional information. If told that the building is occupied or cannot be evacuated in time, the
call may be willing to give more specific information on the bomb’s location,
components, or method of initiation. Use this checklist, stay calm, keep the caller
talking and complete as many of the following items as you can:
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
EXACT TIME OF CALL__________________
Ask the following questions:
1. When is the bomb going to explode?________________
2. Where is the bomb?______________________________
3. What does it look like?______________________________
4. What kind of bomb is it?_____________________________
5. What will cause it to explode?__________________________
6. Did you place the bomb?__________
7. Why?______________________________________________
8. Where are you calling from?____________________________
9. What is your name?___________________________________
10. Where do you live?___________________________________
Provide this information to the best of your ability:
Sex of caller______Race:________________Age:_____Length of call_______
Caller’s Voice: (please check)
If voice is familiar, who did it sound like?_____________________________
Background sounds (any recognizable noises like animals, planes, music)
Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask him/her to repeat the message. Record every word spoken by the person. Inform the caller that the building is occupied and the detonation of a bomb could result in death or serious injury to many innocent people.
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
Immediately after you receive the call, notify the Principal or designee who will
then call the COO.
 The Principal or designee notifies the Chain of Command, including calling 911. The Principal will remain in the office to receive further directions. See Appendix 1.
 The Principal will have the Building Floor Plan with a full set of keys.
 The Assistant Principal and the Chief Engineer will initiate a visual of the
hallways and building for any unusual object. NOTHING should be
touched. If something out of the ordinary is found, the staff member will
directly report it to the Principal who will relay the information to the Police.
 According to police authorities, immediate evacuation is not normally
 If evacuation is ordered, a Public Address announcement of “Off-Site
Evacuation” is made indicating that an evacuation and fire drill procedures
would be followed.
 Once Police arrive, the Chief Engineer (and designated Custodial Staff)
would assist the police in a room-by-room search. The Principal would
remain in the Office to receive information.
 After the Police have given the “all clear”, the Principal will signal students and staff to re-enter the building.
 Public communication about the bomb threat will come from the Principal
or designee (with the assistance of the Administration Office) as soon as
possible after the conclusion of the incident.
 A letter will be sent home with the students to explain the event.
 All inquiries by the media will be addressed by the Principal or designee
along with the assistance of the Administration Office.
The Buffalo School Superintendent and the State Education Department will be
notified of the bomb threat.
4.2.2 Bomb Threat-responding to written threats and suspicious
If a written bomb threat is received, keep the handling of it to an absolute minimum, as it is important evidence. Mail bombs have been contained in letters,
books, and parcels of any shape. Some suspicious characteristics to look for:
 Letter bombs feel rigid, appear uneven or lopsided, or are bulkier than
 The container is irregularly shaped, asymmetrical and has soft spots and
 There may be oil stains on the wrapper.
 The wrapper may omit a peculiar odor.
 The package may be unprofessionally wrapped.
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
 The package may be labeled as “Fragile”, “Handle with care”, “Rush” or
“Prize Enclosed”.
 There may be cut-and-paste lettering on the address label.
 The package may have no postage or non-cancelled postage.
 The package may exhibit wires, foil, and string or tape sticking out.
 The package may emit a buzzing or ticking noise.
A suspicious letter or package may arrive before or after a telephone call from an
unknown person asking if the item was received.
If you suspect a letter or package of being a bomb:
 Do not open or squeeze the letter or package.
 Do not pull or release the wire, string or hook.
 Do not turn or shake the letter or package.
 Do not put the letter or package in water or near heat.
 Do not touch the letter or package to preserve any possible fingerprint evidence.
 Move people away from the suspicious letter or package.
Notify the Principal or designee who will call the COO.
 The Principal or designee notifies the Chain of Command, including calling 911. The Principal will remain in the office to receive further directions. See Appendix 1.
 The Principal will have the Building Floor Plan with a full set of keys.
 The Assistant Principal and the Chief Engineer will initiate a visual of the
hallways and building for any unusual object. NOTHING should be
touched. If something out of the ordinary is found, the staff member will
directly report it to the Principal who will relay the information to the Police.
 According to police authorities, immediate evacuation is not normally
 If evacuation is ordered, a Public Address announcement of “Off-Site
Evacuation” is made indicating that an evacuation and fire drill procedures
would be followed.
 Once Police arrive, the Chief Engineer (and designated Custodial Staff)
would assist the police in a room-by-room search. The Principal would
remain in the Office to receive information.
 After the Police have given the “all clear”, the Principal will signal students and staff to re-enter the building.
 Public communication about the bomb threat will come from the Principal
or designee (with the assistance of the Administration Office) as soon as
possible after the conclusion of the incident.
 A letter will be sent home with the students to explain the event.
 All inquiries by the media will be addressed by the Principal or designee
along with the assistance of the Administration Office.
 The Buffalo School Superintendent and the State Education Department
will be notified of the bomb threat.
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
4.3 Civil Disturbance
A civil disturbance is any situation where a person or group of persons disrupts
operations or threatens the safety of individuals. Precautionary protective
measures must be taken. If participants enter school property, remain calm and
do not provoke aggression.
Any staff member that encounters this situation shall notify the Principal or designee who will then call the Police (911) and the COO.
 Do not argue with the participants.
 Have all students and employees leave the immediate area of the disturbance.
 Those in classrooms should lock doors and stay away from windows and
exterior doors. Pull shades down.
 Remain in the building unless instructed otherwise by Police.
4.4 Control of Contagious Diseases
Whenever a student shows symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease,
he/she should be sent to the school health clinic and sent home immediately.
Any pupil returning to school after an absence due to a contagious disease must
present a certificate from a licensed physician stating that he/she is free from the
Teachers should not attempt to diagnose any illness of a pupil, but should refer
suspected cases to the school nurse or designee. The nurse will assess the situation, call the student’s parent/guardian and request immediate pick up of the student.
The nurse will report all cases of a communicable disease to the Erie County Department of Health.
4.5 Earthquake
Earthquakes strike without warning and the major shock is usually followed by
numerous aftershocks, which will vary. The shaking may activate fire alarm and
sprinkler systems. Elevators and stairways will need to be inspected for damage
before they can be used.
The major threat of injury during an earthquake is from falling objects and debris,
and many injuries are sustained while entering or leaving buildings. Therefore, it
is important to remain inside the building and quickly move away from windows,
glass and freestanding partitions and shelves. Take cover under a sturdy desk or
table, in a doorway, or against an inside wall until the shaking stops.
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4. Situational Responses
The Principal or designee will:
 Direct the members of the Safety Team to conduct a preliminary damage
 Call 911 and the COO
The teachers and other staff with students:
 Give the “drop and cover” command (see below).
 After shaking stops, check for injuries, and render first aid.
 If ordered by the Principal, evacuate.
 Do not return to the building.
 Keep a safe distance from any downed power lines.
 Check attendance whether or not evacuation takes place. Report any missing students to the Principal.
 Stay alert for aftershocks.
Inside the Building
 Get under the desk or table or other sturdy furniture with your back to
 If not near any furniture, sit in a corner or with your back against a wall.
 Drop to your knees, clasp both hands behind neck, bury face in arms,
make body as small as possible, close eyes, and cover ears with forearms.
 If notebooks or jackets are handy, hold over head for added protection.
 Maintain position until shaking stops.
Outside the Building
 Assume drop and cover position in an open space.
 Maintain position until shaking stops.
 Move away from buildings, trees, overhead wires and poles.
 Do not enter the building until it is determined to be safe.
4.6 Explosion
Teacher or staff with students:
 Give the “drop and cover” command.
 Sound the fire alarm. This will automatically implement action to leave
the building.
 The Principal or designee will call 911 and the COO.
 Check attendance. Remain with students.
 Render first aid as necessary.
 Keep students and staff at a safe distance from the building(s) and firefighting equipment.
The Police and Fire Department will determine when the building is safe for reentry.
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4. Situational Responses
4.7 Fire
WCCS has fire drill procedures posted in every room. In case of an actual fire,
the alarm would be pulled (thereby notifying the Buffalo Fire Department directly) by the first person to see the fire and everyone exits the building in the same
manner as in a drill unless instructed otherwise. Do not re-enter the building for
belongings. All doors leading to the fire should be closed.
The alarm should be pulled for any fires larger in size than a small wastebasket.
Attempt to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher if it is a small fire.
Then, the Principal will call the COO.
If area is full of smoke, students and staff should be instructed to crawl along the
floor, close to the walls, thus making breathing easier and providing direction.
Before opening any door, place a hand near the top of the door to see if it is hot.
Be prepared to close the door quickly at the first sign of fire.
Additional attention must be given to those students or staff with special needs to
make sure that they can exit safely.
Render first aid as necessary.
Check attendance. Remain with students.
Clear access routes for emergency vehicles.
Fire Department officials will determine when the building is safe for re-entry.
4.8 Gun- Person with a gun
For the purpose of this plan, a gun is any pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, or object
that looks like a gun.
An incident involving a firearm is potentially capable of causing injury to a large
number of students and/or staff. No one should attempt to be a “hero” in this situation.
 Immediately notify the Principal who will call 911 and the COO
 Contain the situation and if possible, remove all innocent persons from the
 If possible, isolate the person with the gun.
 Control your own actions. Do not raise the emotional level of the person
possessing the firearm by your actions.
 Do not confront the armed person. If it is practical and possible, wait for
the police to arrive to negotiate a settlement.
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4. Situational Responses
Hazardous Chemical/Substance Spill
Hazardous material spills may occur inside a building, such as a spill in the chemistry lab or boiler room. It is most likely that incidents of emergency magnitude
will occur outside, such as a tank truck accident involving large quantities of a
toxic material.
4.9.1 Spill Outside the Building
The Principal or designee should:
 Notify the Safety Team
 Make the announcement to close all windows and doors; request the Chief
Engineer shut off mechanical ventilating systems.
 Call 911 and the COO
 Keep students, visitors and staff inside the building unless ordered to
evacuate by the Fire Department. The Fire Department will advise of further actions to be taken.
 Do not allow students, staff or visitors to eat or drink anything.
 If there appears to be imminent internal danger, a fire drill may be called.
 To limit threat to outside the building, a “lockout” may be called, as decided by Principal.
4.9.2 Spill Inside the Building
The person who discovers the spill should:
 Alert others in the immediate area to leave the area.
 Close doors and restrict access to the affected area.
The Principal or designee should:
 Call 911 and the COO
 Do not allow students, visitors or staff to eat or drink anything.
 If there appears to be imminent danger, a fire drill may be called.
4.10 Hostage Situation
Definition: A person taken and held, against their will, by means of physical
force or threat of harm and held by an individual until certain conditions are met.
A hostage situation must be carefully surveyed and evaluated. The safety of the
hostage(s) is the most important consideration in any hostage situation. Trained
negotiators know that the more time that is gained, the more likely it is the situation will be concluded without violence.
 The Principal or designee contacts 911 and the COO
 Avoid at all costs, any reckless and imprudent action.
 Don’t force the issue physically or mentally.
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4. Situational Responses
Keep a distance.
Don’t make any quick moves.
Use time as a tool to de-escalate this very tense situation.
Get down if you hear a loud noise.
How to respond in a hostage situation if you are held hostage:
 Don’t force the issue physically or mentally.
 Keep a distance.
 Don’t make any sudden movement. They might be interpreted as offensive.
 Change your mind set from one of authority to “hostage”.
 Keep your cool.
 Do not become a spokesperson for the system.
 Don’t defend the system/school.
 Do not negotiate, dictate, confront, antagonize, defend or plead.
 Evaluate potential hiding places or areas that would keep you out of harm.
 Be alert for police actions.
4.11 Kidnapping
Definition: When a child is taken forcibly from school (Weapons may or may not
be involved)
Person or persons who witnessed the student’s removal should immediately document any pertinent information including a description of the individual, a car
license number, description of the car and any other specific details. Then, immediately notify the Principal or designee.
The Principal will call 911 and the COO and the parent/guardian of the kidnapped
Teachers and staff will be notified of the situation by means other than the public
address system. The Main office staff, with the assistance of the Assistant Principal and Guidance Counselor will deliver the incident news and that a staff meeting will be scheduled for the close of the school day to discuss the event and procedures for the following day. A fact sheet will be distributed to staff at this time.
Students will be advised of “need to know information” by the Principal during
opening announcements the following day.
Staff will be instructed to be extra cautious during the two weeks following the
incident. They should continue to note any unfamiliar persons in the school
building or on the school grounds. They should immediately report any unidentified person in the building to the Main Office and request ID if possible.
The Principal and Guidance Counselor will provide follow-up assistance if needed for the entire school community.
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4. Situational Responses
4.12 Medical Emergency
Medical emergencies and accidents can occur at any time. Some emergencies
may only require first aid care, while others may require immediate medical attention. When in doubt, it is better to err on the side of caution and call 911. Medical emergencies involving any student or employee must be reported to the Principal or designee.
Staff Response:
 Quickly assess the situation. Make sure the situation is safe for you to approach. (i.e. gas leak, live electrical wires, building damage).
 Immediately notify the Principal or designee.
 Assess the seriousness of the injury or illness.
 Call 911 when appropriate.
 Protect yourself against contact with body fluids (blood borne pathogens)
and use protective gloves and goggles when necessary.
 Administer appropriate first aid to the best of your ability until help arrives.
 Comfort and reassure the victim. Do not move unless the scene is unsafe.
 If the victim is not breathing or there is no pulse, ask someone to retrieve
the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and notify one of the trained
staff to report to the scene to operate the machine.
 Staff trained in the use of the AED will respond to the scene and apply the
device if necessary.
 If an AED is used, the person using it will complete the AED Incident Report, 4:170-E7.
The Principal or designee will Call 911 and:
 Provide the following information:
-School address including nearest cross streets (Bailey and Kensington)
-Exact location in the building
-Your name and phone number
-Nature of the emergency
 Send school nurse or staff with first aid/AED training to the scene.
 Contact the COO.
 Dispatch the nurse or first aid/CPR-trained employee to the victim if
 Assign a staff member to remain with the victim if they are transported to
the hospital.
 Notify parent/guardian of the situation, include type of injury or illness,
medical care given and location where the victim has been transported.
 Develop and maintain written documentation of the incident and report
each use of an AED to the local EMS System Resource Hospital.
 Follow-up with Parent/Guardian.
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4. Situational Responses
4.13 Unauthorized Person on School Grounds
Definition: Any person entering the school that is not school personnel or an enrolled student. Staff and faculty should automatically recognize and question the
presence of unauthorized persons in the school.
 In accordance with the day-to-day Security Plan, all visitors must sign in
at the Main Office and wear a visitors’ badge.
 If a person is suspected of posing a threat, notify the Principal immediately.
 Do not engage in a violent confrontation. Take every step to ensure your
safety and that of the students.
 Instruct students, faculty and staff to report any armed persons immediately.
The Principal:
 Approach the intruder(s) and determine nature or purpose of their presence.
 Ask for identification.
 If they have no acceptable purpose, ask them to leave.
 If they refuse to leave:
o Advise them they are in violation of the law.
o Alert them that the police will be called.
o If they continue to refuse to leave, call 911.
If the situation is very severe, the Principal may activate a Lockdown by announcing “Lockdown”:
 Hallways and bathrooms are to be cleared of students.
 Students in the cafeteria, gymnasium, auditorium, library or other nonclassroom areas or outside should remain there with the adult in charge
and doors locked, stay away from windows, close shades and remain quiet.
 Students and staff must remain in classroom with doors locked, stay away
from windows, close shades and remain quiet.
4.14 Violence-Actual Acts and Threats
WCCS is committed to the prevention of violence against any individual or
school property or at school activities whether such acts and/or threats of violence
are made by students, staff or others. Threats of violence against students, school
personnel and/or school property will not be tolerated whether such threats occur
on school grounds or during the school day. WCCS refuses to condone acts
and/or threats of violence that threaten the safety and wellbeing of staff, students
and the school environment. (Zero Tolerance)
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4. Situational Responses
Any acts and/or threats of violence, including bomb threats, whether made orally,
in writing, or by e-mail, are subject to appropriate discipline in accordance with
applicable law, the WCCS Student Discipline Policy and collective bargaining
agreements, as may be necessary.
Some acts of violence are listed as individual situational responses such as Bomb
Threats, Kidnapping, Hostage, etc. Refer to those sections for specific responses.
Any staff who are made aware of physical acts and /or threats of violence directed
to students, staff or school property, are to report such incidents immediately to
the Principal or designee who shall report such occurrences to the COO.
Additionally, the Principal or designee will also report all acts of violence or
threats of violence, possession of weapons and possession of drugs to the Buffalo
Police Department.
Students are instructed and encouraged to report all acts and/or threats of violence
of which they are aware by reporting such incidents to the Principal or any teacher.
Response of the Principal or designee:
 Remedy immediate safety concerns.
 Inform all staff members of the basic details of the incident, and continue
to keep them informed. Encourage all staff to give feedback throughout
the entire process with “Whistle blower protection” assured.
 Inform students of the basic information known, in as personal and calm
fashion as possible.
 Inform parents/guardians. Send a letter and/or call home with all students
for any violent incidents that potentially impact a significant number of
students that includes general information about the incident. (SampleAppendix 11)
 In violent incidents necessitating an early dismissal, parents will be notified by phone. (See Early Dismissal 3.6.5)
 If only a small number of certain students are involved and/or impacted by
a violent act or threat, contact each of the student’s parents and invite them
to meet with you.
4.14.1 Assault or Rape
Hotline 1-800-656-4673
Immediate Reactions:
 Call for administrative assistance.
 The Principal or designee will determine if law enforcement or other
agencies should be contacted. In case of serious physical injury/sexual assault/rape, the police must be called. Call 911.
 The Principal or designee will notify the COO
 The school nurse will be notified.
 Enlist help to control onlookers. If possible, isolate the action.
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4. Situational Responses
 Clear the area of students.
 Remain in visual contact of altercation encouraging those involved to
cease. Secure the area as a possible crime scene. (See Security of Crime
Scene 3.9)
 Remove objects that might increase danger to participants
 Await assistance from administrative staff and law enforcement.
 Obtain names of those involved.
 Treat life-threatening injuries only. Do not move the victim or alter surroundings to protect evidence.
 Call the parent/guardian of the student, or the spouse or emergency contact
person for a staff member, after consultation with law enforcement.
 School nurse or other member of the Safety Team may accompany the
victim to the hospital, if the parent is not immediately available.
4.14.2 Child Abuse
WCCS is committed to the protection of students in educational settings from
abuse and maltreatment by employees or volunteers as enumerated by law.
“Child Abuse” means any of the following acts committed in an educational setting by an employee or volunteer against a child:
a.) Intentionally or recklessly inflicting physical injury, serious physical injury or death; or
b.) Intentionally or reckless engaging in conduct which creates a substantial risk of such physical injury, serious
physical injury or death; or
c.) Any child sexual abuse, defined as conduct prohibited by
Article 130 or 263 of the Penal Law.
“Educational Setting” means the building and grounds of Westminster Community Charter School, field trips, extracurricular activities both on and off school
grounds, and any other location where direct contact between an employee or
volunteer and a child has allegedly occurred.
Response to Child Abuse in an Educational Setting (Education
In any case where an oral or written allegation is made to a teacher, school nurse,
school guidance counselor, school social worker, school administrator, school
board member, or other school personnel that a child has been subjected to child
abuse by an employee or volunteer in an educational setting, that person shall upon receipt of such allegation:
a. Promptly complete a written report of such allegation including the full name of
the child alleged to be abused; the name of the child’s parent/guardian; the identity of the person making the allegation and their relationship to the alleged child
victim; the name of the employee or volunteer against whom the allegation was
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
made; and a listing of the specific allegations of child abuse in an educational setting. Such written report shall be completed on a form as prescribed by the
Commissioner of Education. (See Appendix 19)
b. Except where the Principal is the person receiving such an oral or written allegation, the employee completing the written report must promptly personally deliver a copy of that written report to the Principal.
The report of allegations shall be promptly forwarded to the COO.
Child makes the Allegation
a. Promptly notify the parent of the child that an allegation of child
abuse in an educational setting has been made.
b. Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting
forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in
accordance with the Commissioner’s Regulations NYCRR 11.2
(hh). (See Appendix 20)
c. Promptly forward a copy of the completed form to the law enforcement authority.
Parent makes the Allegation
a. Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the
Commissioner’s regulations NYCRR 100.2 (hh).
b. Promptly forward a copy of the completed form to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Person other than the Parent or the Child makes the Allegation
a. Promptly notify the parent of the child that an allegation of child abuse in
an educational setting has been made.
b. Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the
Commissioner’s regulations [NYCRR 100.2 (hh)].
c. Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities.
Immunity Provisions
Any employee or volunteer who reasonably and in good faith makes a report of
allegations of child abuse in an educational setting in accordance with the reporting requirements of the law shall have immunity from civil liability which might
otherwise result by reason of such actions.
Confidentiality of Records
In general, the only persons authorized to receive the written report form and any
related materials are the school principal and the superintendent/COO. The law
requires that all reports, records, photographs and other material submitted remain
confidential and may not be disclosed except to law enforcement authorities in2-39
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
volved in the criminal investigation of child abuse in an educational setting or as
expressly authorized by law or pursuant to a court-ordered subpoena.
Response to Child Abuse outside an Educational Setting (Social
Services Law):
Hotline (General Public) 1-800-342-3720
Hotline (Mandated Reporters) 1-800-635-1522
NYS Dept. of Social Services (General Info) 1-800-342-3715
Abused and neglected children may be found in any classroom in any school in
any community. School personnel are in the unique position to observe children
daily over periods of time and may be aware that something is not right with a
child long before anyone else notices. They have a reasonable cause to suspect a
child is the victim of abuse or maltreatment by someone in parental relation to the
child. This is covered under Social Services Law.
NYS Social Services Law (412) defines an abused child less than 18 years of age
whose parent or other person legally responsible for his/her care:
 Inflicts or allows to be inflicted upon such child physical injury by other
than accidental means which causes or creates a substantial risk of death,
or serious disfigurement, or protracted impairment of physical or emotional health or protracted loss or impairment of a function of any bodily organ; or
 Creates or allows to be created a substantial risk of physical injury to such
child by other than accidental means which would be likely to cause death
or serious or protracted disfigurement, or protracted impairment of physical or emotional health or protracted loss or impairment of the function of
any bodily organ; or
 Commits or allows to be committed a sex offense (as defined in the Penal
Law) against such child; or
 Allows, permits or encourages such child to participate in prostitution; or
 Commits an act of incest with the child; or
 Involves a child in sexual performances.
Some indicators of Abuse can include:
 Injuries to the eyes or both sides of the head or body (accidental injuries
typically only affect one side of the body);
 Frequent injuries of any kind (bruises, cuts, and/or burns);
 Destructive, aggressive, or disruptive behavior;
 Passive, withdrawn, or emotionless behavior, and
 Fear of going home or fear of parent(s).
Some indicators of Maltreatment can include:
 Obvious malnourishment, listlessness, or fatigue;
 Stealing or begging for food;
 Untreated need for glasses, dental care or other medical attention;
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4. Situational Responses
Child inappropriately left unattended or without supervision;
Frequent absence from or tardiness to school.
“Reasonable cause” is not defined in the law. Reporters should use their observations, common sense, professional training and experience to make their judgments. As soon as the school employee-reporter has reasonable cause to suspect
abuse or maltreatment, he/she must report their concerns immediately by telephone to the NYS Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment. Oral reports to the hotline must be followed within 48 hours by a written report on Form
LDSS-2221A (See Appendix 21) to the local Child Protective Service (CPS).
After making the report, the reporter will immediately notify the Principal or designee that the report was made. The Principal or designee is responsible for all
subsequent follow-up administration necessitated by the report.
Immunity Provisions
Any mandated reporter that makes a report in good faith, is protected from any
criminal or civil liability that might otherwise result by reason of such actions.
Confidentiality of Records
All reports are confidential though written reports can be demanded by law enforcement agencies and courts. The law prohibits “any release, disclosure or
identification of the names or identifying descriptions of persons who have reported suspected child abuse or maltreatment to the statewide central register or
the agency, institution, organization, program or other entity where such persons
are employed…without such persons’ written permission except” to law enforcement agencies and courts.
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4. Situational Responses
5-Emergency Recovery &
Threats or actual violent incidents or other emergencies can have a major effect
on the well-being of students, staff and the community at large.
Post-incident Response Team and Plan
After any emergency that has resulted in the serious injury, death or emotional
trauma of a student or staff member, the entire staff will be involved in the post
trauma counseling. The Principal, guidance counselor, social worker and nurse
will coordinate the efforts.
The day after the emergency incident, a morning faculty meeting will be held by
the Principal or her designee to include:
 Review statement to be read in class as well as the type of information to
be shared with students.
 Review support available for students and staff (Counselors, Social Worker, Nurse)
 Set time for afternoon faculty meeting
 Provide support for those teachers who feel they may need assistance
reading the prepared statement and leading group/class discussions
 The school day may be modified to allow for the reading of the statement
and subsequent discussion.
The afternoon faculty meeting will:
 Provide the opportunity to discuss the tragedy.
 Share experiences in the classrooms.
 Plan for day two.
Restoration and Review
Restoration of the facility would be coordinated with the Administration Office
and the Principal or designee.
Review of the Building Security would be the responsibility of the Building Engineer with assistance from the Administration Office.
The Principal and the Safety Team will complete all necessary reports to local and
state officials.
Needed and appropriate alterations in the Safety Plan and Emergency Response
Protocol(s) will be made based on the debriefing sessions.
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4. Situational Responses
Mental Health Services
For critical situations that require the utilization of community mental health resources, the Principal or designee is responsible for contacting the appropriate
county mental health agency for assistance, guidance and trained personnel as
Other agencies that may be contacted include but are not limited to:
American Red Cross……………………….…….1-800-634-9069
United Way of Buffalo and Erie County………………..887-2626
Catholic Charities of Buffalo………….…….…………. 218-1400
New York State Dept. of Social Services.………..1-800-342-3715
Erie County Dept. of Social Services……………………858-6478
National Center for Victims of Crime…….……...1-800-394-2255
City of Buffalo Substance Abuse Counseling Clinic...….886-2137
City of Buffalo Youth Services………………………….851-5177
Erie County Family Health Services………………….…891-2006
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 1- Chains of Command
Chain of Command at WCCS
Robert Ross
716-816-3450 or 3454
LaMonica Harris
Assistant Principal
716-816-3450 or 3592
Sarah Infante
Project Administrator
716-816-3450 or 1127
Chain of Command at remote Administration Office
Carol Steck
(716) 842-5342
Olga Tschernenko
Fiscal Officer
(716) 842-5983
Amy Mesi
Administrative Asst.
(716) 842-5090
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
Appendix 2- WCCS Safety Team & Supplemental Support
Site Safety Team Roster for 2015-16
Robert Ross
LaMonica Harris
Anneliese Eason
Jan Robinson
Courtney Chamberlain
Sarah Infante
Bill Lynch
Amie Caster
Adam Hamilton
Brian Macey
Luis Rodriguez
Captain Young
Incident Commander/
Site Commander
Alt. Site Coordinator
Manage Office/Fax
Administer First Aid
Safety Officer-1st FL
Safety Officer-Gym
Safety Officer- 2nd FL
Safety Officer-4th FL
Safety Officer-3rd FL
Facilities Management
Emergency Response
(i.e., school administration,
teachers, parent organization,
law enforcement)
Date Assigned
School Administration
School Administration
School Office Clerk
Health Clinic
Guidance Counselor
School Administration
Special Education Coord.
Buffalo Police Department
Order of Notification to Remote Administration Office:
Carol Steck , COO
(716) 842- 5342
Supplemental Support for Specific Tasks and Auxiliary Assistance
Main Office Staff:
Anneliese Eason, Clerk
Nakisha Grant, Typist
Notify Parents using phone in:
Ms. Chamberlain- Guidance Office
Mr. Hamilton- Main Office
Monitor Battery Operated Radios
Ms. Eason
Mr. Rodriguez
Ms. Harris
Mr. Ross
Mrs. Harris- Asst. Principal’s Office
Mrs. Caster
Mrs. Infante
Receive Incoming Calls to deliver Scripted Message regarding an Emergency
Ms. Eason
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Operators
Kaleida Health Clinic Staff
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
WCCS Building Level Plan Revised-3/22/2016
4. Situational Responses
Custodial Staff
Luis Rodriguez, Building Engineer
Cafeteria Staff
MaryRuth Rera, Cafeteria Manager
Auxiliary Assistance:
Buffalo Police/Fire Department – 911
New York State Police Department- 836-0240
Erie County Sheriff’s Department- 858- 7608
John Fahey, Buffalo Public Schools Emergency Coordinator- 828-4866
M&T Bank Security Department- 842-5784
Community Support:
Local Churches:
1. Church of God of Prophecy, 104 Doris Ave.
2. Trinity Baptist Church, 2930 Bailey Avenue
Local Community Centers:
1. Salvation Army Kensington Community Center, 21 Westminster Ave.
Evacuation Sites:
Primary: Nativity Miguel School, 21 Davidson Ave. 836-5188
Alternate: Buffalo Public School #80, Highgate Heights Elementary, 600
Highgate Ave. 816-4050
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 3: First Floor Evacuation Routes
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 4- Second Floor Evacuation Routes
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 5-Third Floor Evacuation Routes
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Appendix 6-First Floor Shelter-in- Place
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Appendix 7-Second Floor Shelter-in-Place
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Appendix 8-Exterior Evacuation Routes
Appendix 9-Library Evacuation Routes
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Appendix 10-Pre-Scripted Message Template for
Emergency Notification
Westminster Community Charter School
Pre-Scripted Message Template for Emergency Notification
By Phone to Parents/Guardians/Emergency Contacts
This is _____________calling from Westminster Community Charter School regarding an emergency situation.
Facts about the specific emergency: ___________________________________
Action to be taken:
No action is needed at this time. This call is informational only.
Please pick up your child immediately from school
Please pick up your child from designated site:_______________________
Please be assured that the principal and the staff have the situation under control in order to insure
the safety of all students and staff. Please do not call the school at this time. We need to keep the
lines open.
By Phone to Outside Agencies and Media
This is _____________calling from Westminster Community Charter School regarding an emergency situation.
Facts about the specific emergency: ___________________________________
Other comments:___________________________________________________
Please be assured that the principal and the staff have the situation under control in order to insure
the safety of all students and staff.
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Appendix 11-Sample letter to parents about violence
Tel: (716) 816-3450
Fax: (716-838-7458
Robert Ross, Principal
LaMonica Harris, Assistant Principal
24 Westminster Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Unfortunately, a threat was found in one of the (_________) of our school this
morning. I would like you to know about the actual incident.
The words written on the wall, while somewhat unclear, expressed a threat to others. The Buffalo Police Department and the Chief Executive Officer of Westminster and all staff members were notified of the incident. With the help of staff and
the Buffalo Police, a plan has been put in place to provide the children and staff
with a safe and healthy environment while in school.
Although we do not know who made the threat, our first and foremost concern is
the safety of your child. We will continue to investigate the situation with the
hopes of catching the guilty person.
Threats of this type will not be tolerated by Westminster Community Charter
School or by any law enforcement agency. Please discuss with your child the seriousness of these types of threats and the importance of talking to an adult immediately if they know of any threat(s). Thank You.
Robert Ross
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Appendix 12-Letter to Parents-Emergency Procedures
Tel: (716) 816-3450
Fax: (716-838-7458
24 Westminster Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215
Robert Ross, Principal
LaMonica Harris, Assistant Principal
Dear Parents:
Should an emergency or disaster situation ever arise in our area while school is in
session, we want you to be aware that we have made preparations to respond effectively to such situations.
Should we have a major disaster during school hours, your student(s) will be
cared for at school. We have a detailed disaster plan which has been formulated
to respond to a major emergency.
Your cooperation is necessary in any emergency.
1. Turn your radio to 930 AM and TV Channels 2, 4 and 7 for emergency announcements. If students are to be kept at school, these stations will be notified.
2. In the event of a serious emergency, students will be kept at Westminster until
they are picked up by an identified, responsible adult who has been listed as
such on the WCCS Emergency Information form that is required to be filled
out by parents at the beginning of every school year. Please be sure you consider the following criteria when you authorize another person to pick up your
child at school:
He/she is 18 years of age or older.
He/she is usually home during the day.
He/she could walk to school, if necessary.
He/she is known to your child.
He/she is both aware and able to assume this responsibility.
3. Please understand that if you telephone the school, the lines may be busy for
an extended period of time. Important announcements will be made on the local television and radio stations.
4. Impress upon your children the need for them to follow the directions of any
school personnel in times of an emergency.
If an Early Dismissal is necessary, students will be released only to parents and
persons identified on the WCCS Emergency Information form. During an ex2-56
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4. Situational Responses
treme emergency, students will be released at designated doors. Parents should
become familiar with the School Emergency Response Plan and be patient and
understanding with the student release process. Please instruct your student to
remain at school until you or a designee arrives.
In case of a hazardous release event (chemical spill) near the school area, Shelterin-Place procedures will be implemented to provide in-place protection. All students and staff will report to their rooms, and all efforts will be made to prevent
outside air from entering classrooms during the emergency. When the dangerous
incident has subsided, an all-clear signal will be given.
Please discuss these matters with your immediate family. Planning ahead will
help alleviate concern during emergencies.
Robert Ross
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 13-Staff Skills Survey
Staff Skills Survey & Inventory
Name _____________________________________________ Room ________
During any disaster situation, it is important to be able to draw from all available resources. The
special skills, training and capabilities of the staff will play a vital role in coping with the effects
of any disaster incident, and they will be of paramount importance during and after a major or
catastrophic disaster. The purpose of this survey/inventory is to pinpoint those staff members with
equipment and the special skills that might be needed. Please indicate the areas that apply to you
and return this survey to the Main Office.
_____ First Aid (current card
_____ CPR (current yes/no) _____ Triage
_____ Firefighting
____ Construction (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc.)
____ Running/Jogging
_____ Emergency Planning
_____ Emergency Management
_____ Search & Rescue
______ Law Enforcement
Bi/Multi-lingual (what language (s)) ______________________
_____ Mechanical Ability
_____ Structural Engineering
_____ Shelter Management
_____ Survival Training & Techniques
_____ Food Preparation
_____ Military Experience
_____ CB Radio/Ham Radio Operator
_____ Camping
_____ Waste Disposal
_____ Bus/Truck Driver
(Class 1 or 2 license yes/no)
_____ Recreational Leader
DO YOU KEEP A PERSONAL EMERGENCY KIT? In your car? ____ In your room? ____
(i.e., athletic bibs, traffic cones, carpet squares) _________ Yes
_________ No
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Appendix 14-1st Floor Fire Extinguishers
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Appendix 14-A
New Addition Fire Extinguisher
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Appendix 15-2nd Floor Fire Extinguishers
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Appendix 16-3rd Floor Fire Extinguishers
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Appendix 17-4th Floor Fire Extinguishers
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 18- Library Fire Extinguisher
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 19- Child Abuse in an Educational Setting Report
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Appendix 20-Parental Rights Notice-Child Abuse
Parental Rights, Responsibilities and Procedures when their Child is the
Subject of an Allegation of Child Abuse in an Educational Setting
The Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Subdivision (hh) of Section
100.2 and Education Law Article 23-B
Duties of Employees upon Receipt of an Allegation of Child Abuse in an Educational Setting
The law imposes reporting requirements on teachers, administrators, school nurses, school guidance counselors, school psychologists, school social workers,
school board members and all other school personnel required to hold a teaching
or administrative license or certificate. When these employees receive an allegation of child abuse by an employee or volunteer in an educational setting, they
must take the following steps:
Upon receipt of an oral or written allegation of child abuse in an educational setting, the employee must promptly complete the “Child Abuse in an Educational Setting” report form.
Upon completion of the report form, the employee must personally deliver
it to the school building administrator of the school in which the child abuse allegedly occurred.
If the allegation(s) involves a child who was allegedly abused by an employee or a volunteer of a school in another school district, the employee must
promptly forward the report form to the superintendent of schools of the school
district of attendance and the school district where the abuse allegedly occurred.
Duties of School Building Administrators
In all cases, upon receipt of a report form, the school building administrator must
review the form and determine if there is reasonable suspicion to believe that an
act of child abuse, as defined by law, has occurred. If he or she finds reasonable
suspicion to believe that an act of child abuse has occurred, additional steps must
be taken which differ depending upon the individual who has made the allegation.
Child makes the Allegation
Promptly notify the parent of the child that an allegation of child abuse in
an educational setting has been made.
Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations (8 NYCRR §100.2(hh)).
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Promptly provide a copy of the completed report form to the superintendent/COO.
Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities. The report to law enforcement may not be delayed
by reason of inability to contact the superintendent/COO.
Parent Makes the Allegation
Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the
Commissioner’s regulations (8 NYCRR §100.2(hh)).
Promptly provide a copy of the completed report form to the superintendent/COO.
Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities. The report to law enforcement may not be delayed
by reason of inability to contact the superintendent/COO.
Person other than the Parent or the Child Makes the Allegation
Promptly notify the parent of the child that an allegation of child abuse in
an educational setting has been made.
Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations (8 NYCRR §100.2(hh)).
Ascertain from the reporting employee the source and basis for the allegation and complete that portion of the report form.
Promptly provide a copy of the completed report form to the superintendent/COO.
Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to appropriate law
enforcement authorities. The report to law enforcement may not be delayed by
reason of inability to contact the superintendent/COO.
Duties of Superintendents/COO
In most cases, the school building administrator will receive the completed report
form from an employee and make the reasonable suspicion determination. However, there are situations in which the superintendent/COO will receive the report
form directly and he or she will be responsible for making the reasonable suspicion determination such as:
Where the school building administrator receives the oral or written allegation and is required to complete the report form;
Where it is alleged that a child was abused by an employee or volunteer of
a school other than a school within the school district where the child attends.
In addition, a superintendent/COO may receive an oral or written allegation of
child abuse in an educational setting from local law enforcement officials or from
child protective services. In these cases, the superintendent/COO would be responsible for completing the report form and, subsequently, making the reasonable suspicion determination.
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4. Situational Responses
If the superintendent/COO finds reasonable suspicion to believe that an act of
child abuse has occurred, as defined by law, additional steps must be taken which
differ depending on the individual who has made the allegation.
Child makes the Allegation
Promptly notify the parent of the child that an allegation of child abuse in
an educational setting has been made.
Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations (8 NYCRR §100.2(hh)).
Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities.
Parent Makes the Allegation
Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations (8 NYCRR §100.2(hh)).
Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities.
Person other than the Parent or the Child Makes the Allegation
Promptly notify the parent of the child that an allegation of child abuse in
an educational setting has been made.
Promptly provide the parent with the written statement setting forth parental rights, responsibilities and procedures prepared in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations (8NYCRR §100.2(hh)).
Ascertain from the reporting employee the source and basis for the allegation and complete that portion of the form.
Promptly forward a copy of the completed report form to the appropriate
law enforcement authorities.
In all cases where a completed report is forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and the employee or volunteer alleged to have committed an
act of child abuse holds a certification or license issued by the Department, the
superintendent/COO must also refer such report to the Commissioner of Education.
A report that does not, after investigation, result in a criminal conviction shall be
expunged from any record which may be kept by a school or school district with
respect to the subject of such a report after a period of five years from the date of
the making of such report or at such earlier time as such school or school district
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4. Situational Responses
Penalty Provisions
The requirements set forth within the law are mandatory. Willful failure of an
employee to prepare and submit a report form as required by the law is a Class A
misdemeanor. The law also provides that a willful failure of a school building
administrator or superintendent/COO to forward a copy of the report form to the
appropriate law enforcement authority is a Class A misdemeanor.
In addition, the Commissioner of Education can also fine a school building administrator or a superintendent/COO up to $5,000 for failure to forward a copy of
the completed report form to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Immunity Provisions
The law provides immunity from civil liability for employees, volunteers, school
administrators and superintendents who reasonably and in good faith make a report of child abuse in an educational setting in the manner described in the law.
The law also provides immunity from civil liability to school building administrators and superintendents/COO who reasonably and in good faith forward a copy
of the report form to a person or agency as required by law and in the manner described in the law.
Confidentiality of Records
In general, the only persons authorized to receive the written report form and any
related materials are the school building administrator and the superintendent/COO. The law requires that all reports, records, photographs and other material submitted remain confidential and may not be disclosed except to law enforcement authorities involved in the criminal investigation of child abuse in an
educational setting or as expressly authorized by law or pursuant to a court–
ordered subpoena. Willful disclosure of a written record required to be confidential, to a person not authorized to receive or review such record is a class A misdemeanor. The law requires that school building administrators and superintendents/COO exercise reasonable care to prevent unauthorized disclosure.
Duties of District Attorneys
Where a criminal investigation is undertaken in response to a report forwarded to
the appropriate law enforcement authorities, the district attorney must notify the
superintendent/COO of the school district where the acts of child abuse occurred
and the superintendent/COO of the school district where the child attends, if different, of the following:
an indictment;
the filing of an accusatory instrument;
the disposition of the criminal case; or,
the suspension or termination of the investigation.
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Where a criminal conviction is obtained for a crime involving child abuse in an
educational setting by a licensed or certified school employee, the district attorney
is required to notify the Commissioner of Education, as well as the superintendent/COO of the school district in which the acts of child abuse occurred and the
superintendent/COO of the school district where the child attends, if different.
Duties of the Commissioner of Education
Upon receiving notification of conviction from a district attorney, the Commissioner of Education must begin proceedings against the convicted individual pursuant to Part 83 of the Commissioner’s regulations to determine whether the individual possesses good moral character.
The determination may result in additional action taken against the individual related to his or her license or certification.
The Commissioner has also issued the form that must be used for the recording
and transmission of allegations of child abuse in educational settings.
The Commissioner and the Board of Regents also promulgated §100.2(hh)(2),
which sets forth the training requirements relating to child abuse in an educational
Unreported Resignations or Voluntary Suspensions
The law prohibits school building administrators or superintendents/COO from
agreeing to withhold from the appropriate law enforcement authorities, a superintendent/COO or the Commissioner of Education, where appropriate, an allegation
of child abuse in an educational setting on the part of any employee or volunteer
as required by law, in return for the resignation or voluntary suspension of the alleged perpetrator. Violation of this prohibition can result in a class E felony
charge and a civil penalty of up to $20,000.
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4. Situational Responses
Appendix 21- Report of Suspected Child Abuse (LDSS2221-A)
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