Chapter Nine Goods & Services: The Basics Objectives Define product Learn to classify products Understand differences between product lines & product mixes Review brand-related terminology What is a Product? Primary characteristics Auxiliary dimensions The total product Core & Augmented Product Augmented product Core product Primary Characteristics AUXILIARY CHARACTERISTICS Product Strategy & Product Concept Selection and blending of a product’s primary and auxiliary dimensions into a unified mix emphasizing a particular set of consumer benefits Consumer Benefits Product Differentiation Product elements (tangible or intangible) separating your product from others Colored paperclips that don’t rust Classifying Consumer Products Durable goods Nondurable goods Services Classifying Consumer Products Convenience Products Shopping Products Effort expended Specialty Products Goods-Services Continuum Trowel Good Restaurant’s offering Good/service Employment agency service Service Classifying Organizational Products Capital products Production products Operating products Installation Accessory equipment Raw & process material Manufactured/ component parts Supplies Services Software Information Product Lines & Product Mixes Product item Product line Product class Market growth rate The Product Portfolio High PROBLEM CHILD DOG ? STAR CASH COW Low Low High Market share Branding Brand/Logo Brand Names Brand Marks Trademarks & Service Marks Trademarks: legally protected brand names or brand marks Registered domestically and internationally ® ® Service marks “Fly the Friendly Skies of United” ® ® Generic Names Used to describe a product class These were all originally brand names. •Nylon •Kerosene •Escalator •Formica •Cellophane Good Brand Names: Easy to remember and pronounce mnemonic quality Invokes positive association Suggests a positive image Reinforces product concept Communicates product benefits Says something about the user Avoids linguistic traps •Outward Bound •Palm computers •L’Eggs •Moist & Easy •Citgo •Toast Em Pop-Ups •Amazon Generic Brands Carries neither a manufacturer nor a distributor brand Plain packaging Stark lettering Packaging An auxiliary product dimension including: Labels Inserts Instructions Graphic design Shipping cartons Sizes and types of containers Package: Extension of Product Attention Identifiable image Protection Promotion Ecological function Information & inserts Encourage multiple unit purchases Review Define product Learn to classify products Understand differences between product lines & product mixes Review brand-related terminology