from the vicar's desk

The Apostles Post
26238 North Highway 59
Wauconda, Illinois
We are a welcoming, compassionate community seeking to grow in Christ and
express God’s love for all, through worship, fellowship, service and prayer.
We lived on Oak Street in Oneonta New York, so I
must have been in third or fourth grade. (Having
moved every year or two while growing up, this is
how I try to keep the timeline of my life intact in my
head.) In my room, I had a chalkboard easel and a
big box of multi-colored chalk. (I had a red-andyellow plastic record player too, on which I
endlessly played Puff, The Magic Dragon; but that
is fodder for another post.)
Anyway, one day I came home from school and
discovered – to my lasting shock and astonishment
– that my mother had drawn a fabulous scene of a
covered bridge surrounded by New England autumn
foliage. (No, that’s not it in the picture above. But
in my memory, it was very much like what’s
pictured, except the bridge was extended to the left.)
I was shocked and astonished for two reasons. First, it had never, ever, occurred to me that my mother could
draw. (I’m frankly not sure she ever drew anything again.) Second, it had never, ever, occurred to me that my
mother could sit long enough, distracted from her endless tasks and chores, to do something which could possibly
be described as a product of ‘leisure’ time.
But that’s kind of the way things go, isn’t it? Each and every one of us has some hidden gift or talent. Sometimes
even we don’t know it’s there, lying latent, waiting to be discovered. Sometimes we are very well aware of its
presence, or at least pretty sure we could do ‘that’ (whatever it is) if only we had the opportunity or the courage
to give ourselves a chance. And one way or the other, all too often we allow the cares and concerns of the world
– as artificial and contrived as they tend to be – to overwhelm us. We tell ourselves we are too busy to take that
pottery class or those singing lessons or that calligraphy workshop or even that visual-programming-language
coding course. Of course, there are times when we are too busy; but if we are honest with ourselves, these times
are rare. More typically, we are sucked in by the Siren song of a commercial culture which simultaneously
provides mediocrity and conformity while promoting competition and consumption.
That this happens to us does not make us bad people. Jesus himself told us there would be many false prophets
and misleading omens and efforts to lead ‘even the righteous’ astray. But it does make us less fulfilled people,
deprived of opportunities to wonder, delight, and flourish. And while playing Words With Friends or posting
clever memes to our Facebook pages can be fun, I’m not sure these occupations make the best possible use of our
God-given imagination and creative power.
We are on the cusp of a new year. This is as good a time as any to resolve to try something new, accept a selfdevelopment challenge, discover a new talent or liberate one that has been dormant way too long. So get into
vermiculture, or paper-making, or ornithology, or the trombone, or whatever it is that you’ve long harbored a
secret desire to try. You might surprise yourself by discovering you have a wonderful, previously unknown, gift.
You might even surprise us. About the only one who won’t be surprised is the God who gave it to you to find –
and use. Image: Accessed at
HERE AND THERE (M. C. Gillette)
In this on-going article, we pull things from our various Diocesan calendars and church websites so see what’s going on around us. For more
information about what's happening at the Diocesan Headquarters and the Cathedral of Saint James, you can always visit their websites: or
For a direct link to Diocesan and Cathedral events calendar, go to:
There Is Only Lamentation: Bishop Lee on Ferguson
November 26, 2014 (Written prior to news of Eric Garner, Joseph Weekly and other high-profile cases)
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
For many people there seems to be little justice and no peace in the decision of a St. Louis County grand jury not
to indict Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown. There is only lamentation.
We don’t do lament very well in our society, but I believe that is what is called for now. I can’t get the picture of
Michael Brown’s father at his son’s funeral out of my mind. The agony of a parent’s grief crosses all barriers of
race and class.
Bishop Wayne Smith of Missouri and others have reminded me that systems of privilege thrive on racism and
fear, and they can strip away our recognition of each other’s humanity. In Ferguson and too often everywhere
else, young black men are perceived only as threats, not as human beings made in the image of God.
But I believe Jesus came so that all of us would have our humanity, in all of its fullness and beauty, revealed and
In our baptismal covenant, we pledge to respect the dignity of every human being. Among other things, this means
that those with power must learn to share it and even give it away. We must work together to dismantle structures
and systems that favor white people over all others, that give automatic privileges to one class over any other,
that keep any group of people from realizing their full freedom and potential as children of God. Jesus loves all
of us, equally and without reserve. We are called to put that love into practice. We are called to be agents of
God’s justice, healing, and mercy.
Let us commit to pray, listen, learn, and act for a world surely more like the one God wants to see.
The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, Bishop of Chicago
Resources: Our diocese’s Anti-Racism Commission offers workshops on critical cultural competency and organizing for
anti-racism. Earlier this year, Janee Woods, a former attorney who works with communities on racial equity and community
engagement, wrote a blog post about how to be a white ally to black people in the wake of Michael Brown’s murder. I have
found it helpful. Dean Mike Kinman of Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis has been an active, faithful leader in Ferguson.
Read his blog for a first-hand perspective suffused with love.
Petition to Illinois Supreme Court Denied November 26, 2014
The Illinois Supreme Court today denied a petition by the Episcopal Church to review the ruling of a lower court
which had found that certain property of the former Episcopal Diocese of Quincy now belongs to a breakaway
group organized as the Anglican Diocese of Quincy.
“We are disappointed in this decision,” said the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, bishop of the Diocese of Chicago. The
former Episcopal Diocese of Quincy reunited with Lee’s diocese in 2013 and now constitutes its Peoria deanery.
“My first concern is to attend to the pastoral needs of the faithful Episcopalians in the Peoria deanery, who have
shown such grace and fortitude as the legal process has unfolded. We are aware of our legal options and will
consider them in due course.” The property at issue in the case is an endowment fund and a house adjacent to St.
Paul’s Episcopal Church in Peoria.
Fierce Conversations Training 21-22 January 2015, Saint James Commons
Susan Scott is an internationally recognized leader in executive education. This training is based on her bestselling book, and is intended to ‘help you gain the insight and skills to make every conversation count.’ The
author's desire is to change the world--one conversation at a time.
From David Mays’ Book Notes on ‘Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work & in Life, One
Conversation at a Time by Susan Scott
Our lives succeed or fail one conversation at a time. (Foreword)
Introduction: The Idea of Fierce
We must discard the idea that our home and office conversations are quite different. "When you squeeze an
orange, what comes out of it? Orange juice. Why? Because that's what's inside it." "When we get squeezed-when things aren't going well for us--what comes out of us? Whatever's inside us." "So if your conversations at
work are yielding disappointing results, I'd be willing to bet you're getting similar results at home." (5)
"The conversation is the relationship. If the conversation stops, all of the possibilities for the relationship
become smaller and all of the possibilities for the individuals in the relationship become smaller…" "…if we
compromise at work or at home; if we lower the standards about how often we talk, what we talk about, and, most
important, what degree of authenticity we bring to our conversations--it's a slow and deadly slide." (6)
"Each conversation we have with our coworkers, customers, significant others, and children either enhances
those relationships, flat-lines them, or takes them down." (7)
"A fierce conversation is one in which we come out from behind ourselves into the conversation and make it
real." (7)
"Whoever said talk is cheap was mistaken. Unreal conversations are incredibly expensive for organizations
and for individuals." (7)
"Fierce conversations are about moral courage, clear requests, and taking action. Fierce is an attitude. A way
of conducting business. A way of leading. A way of life." (10)
Principle 1. Master the Courage to Interrogate Reality
"No plan survives its collision with reality. The problem is, reality has an irritating habit of shifting…. Things
change." (13) "The world will not be managed." (15)
"You will find yourself continually thwarted in your best efforts…unless reality is regularly and thoroughly
examined." (15)
The Corporate Nod. People don't say what they are really thinking. "Companies and marriages derail because
people don't say what they are really thinking." (19) "One of the goals in a fierce conversation is to get everyone's
reality out on the table, so it can be interrogated. Everyone's!" (23)
Three stages of interrogating reality: 1. Identify the issue on the table and your proposed solution. 2. Check
to see that everyone understands. 3. Check for agreement. Be sure you get everyone's input and resist the
temptation to defend your idea. "Real thinking occurs only when everyone is engaged in exploring differing
viewpoints." (27)
"If you're drilling for water, it's better to drill one hundred-foot well than one hundred one-foot wells." A
conversation of this nature interrogates reality by mining for increased clarity, improved understanding, and
impetus for change." The author calls these Mineral Rights conversations. Drill down deep on a topic by asking
a series of questions to accomplish four purposes:
1. Interrogate reality
2. Provoke learning
3. Tackle tough challenges
4. Enrich relationships (39)
Ground truth is a military term that refers to what is actually happening on the ground as opposed to the official
battle tactics. In any organization it is worth getting to ground truth. The official truth is officially circulated but
the ground truth is expressed around the water cooler and the parking lot. (47)
We must determine whether our assumptions match current reality. (51)
"I have not yet witnessed a spontaneous recovery from incompetence." Every organization must ask whether
we have the talented people we need to successfully deliver our product or service. "As a leader, you get what
you tolerate. People do not repeat behavior unless it is rewarded." "Have you communicated clearly not only the
results but also the behavior that you wanted? What about attitude?" (60) "Hire attitude. Train skill." (61)
"The quality of our lives is largely determined by the quality of the questions we ask--and the quality of our
answers." (64)
Principle 2. Come Out from Behind Yourself into the Conversation and Make It Real
"What are you pretending not to know?" (70)
"While the desire to please is not a flaw, at crucial crossroads we sometimes go too far. Way too far. When
faced with a so-called moment of truth, we find ourselves chucking the truth over the fence or tucking it behind
the drapes in exchange for a trinket of approval." (710
"Annie Dillard wrote, 'How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.' How are you spending your days,
your life?" (81)
List the fierce conversations you need to have with others. Write down the name of the person and a sentence
or two about the topic. (84)
Drill down through a series of questions: (87 ff)
1. Identify your most pressing issue.
2. Clarify the issue. What's going on? How long? How bad is it?
3. Determine the current impact. How is this impacting me? What is being produced?
How is it impacting others?
4. Determine the future implications.
5. Examine your personal contribution to this issue.
6. Describe the ideal outcome.
7. Commit to action. What is the most potent first step for me? What will get in the way and how will I
get around it. When do I start?
Principle 3. Be Here, Prepared to Be Nowhere Else
"Humans share a universal longing to be known and, being known, to be loved." (91) "Only when we genuinely
see the people who are important to us can we hope to succeed as agents for positive change." "We must transform
the way we speak, the way we ask, the way we listen….by really asking and really listening." (92)
"While someone is talking, where are your thoughts?" "While you're talking with someone on the telephone,
do you scan your e-mail? And can you tell when someone else is scanning his?" (94) "For [personal] relationships
to move forward and upward, you must have fierce affection for the other person. You must have genuine
curiosity about what is going on with that person at any given time. You must have an insatiable appetite for
learning more every day about who he or she is…." (96) "One conversation at a time, you are building,
destroying, or flatlining your relationships." (97)
"What if you're so unengaged or unengaging that nobody hears you, nobody really listens to you, nobody really
responds to you? Perhaps you're too polite. Or too self-conscious. Or two self-absorbed. Or too politically
correct. Or too cautious. The net result? Unconsciously, we end our conversations as soon as we initiate them,
too afraid of what we might say or hear." (98)
One of the fiercest conversations is to tell someone how important he or she is in our lives, how much we value
and love that person.
"There is so much more to listen to than words. Listen to the whole person." (103)
Once a month ask each of your key people to explore his or her most important issues with you. (108)
Ask about their emotions. Emotions propel us to action.
Common mistakes in one-to-one conversations: (109-110)
1. Doing most of the talking
2. Taking the problem away from someone
3. Not inquiring about feelings
4. Delivering unclear messages, coaching, instructions
5. Canceling the meeting
6. Allowing interruptions
7. Running out of time
8. Assuming your meetings are effective
An outline of a conversation meant to dig deep (a "mineral rights" conversation):
1. What is the most important thing for us to talk about?
2. What's going on relative to this issue?
3. How is it impacting you? Who else is affected?
4. If nothing changes, what are the implications?
5. How have you contributed to this situation?
6. What is the ideal outcome?
7. What is the most potent step you can take to begin resolution?
Debrief this conversation by asking yourself: (113)
1. Was I genuinely curious about this person and their reality?
2. Did I work to understand reality from where he/she stands?
3. Did feelings get expressed?
4. What parts of me failed to show up? 5. Who did most of the talking?
Good Questions to Ask (a few from a longer list):
 What has become clear since we last met?
 What are you trying to make happen in the next three months?
 What's the most important decision you're facing?
 What topic are you hoping I won't bring up?
 What part of your responsibilities are you avoiding right now?
 What do you wish you had more time to do?
 If you were hired to consult with our company, what would you advise?
In these digging-out-reality (mineral rights) conversations, my secret rule is to only ask questions until I have dug
out all I can. The practice of taking the conversation away from other people and making it about ourselves is a
huge relationship killer and waste of time. (117)
Principle 4. Tackle Your Toughest Challenge Today
Ongoing problems in an organization often stem from root issues. Moles are a nuisance and they proliferate
because they eat the grubs in the ground. Go for the root cause. "Make it your job as a leader to give up mole
whacking and take up grub hunting." (127)
Follow a format for discussing issues.
 The issue is: (Be concise and get to the heart of the problem, challenge, or opportunity. Where does the
problem originate? How does the system reward it? What is the root cause? )
 It is significant because: (What's at stake?)
 My ideal outcome is: (What specific results do you want?)
 Relevant background information: (Summarize with bullet points)
 What I have done up to this point: (Summarize)
 The help I want from the group is:
Five common errors in confronting behavior: (142-147)
1. Begin by asking how's it going
2. Using praise as a lead-in
3. Softening the message to avoid hurting feelings. Replace pillows with clear requests.
4. Assuming we know what the other person will say. Consequently we may not really hear them.
5. Blasting with machine gun talk. Go straight to the issue; say it in 60 seconds, and then invite your
partner to talk.
In 60 seconds make your opening statement about a behavior issue: (149)
 Name the issue.
 Describe a specific example.
 Describe your emotions about the issue.
 Clarify what is at stake.
 Identify your contribution to this problem.
 Indicate your wish to resolve the issue.
 Invite your partner to respond.
"Fierce conversations cannot be dependent on how others respond." "If you know something must change,
then know that it is you who must change it. Your job is to extend the invitation." "My experience is that when
the invitation is extended with grace and skill, it will be accepted, even by those you have almost given up on."
(154) "When we confront behavior with courage and skill, we are offering a gift." (161) "Healthy relationships
require appreciation and confrontation." (163)
Principle 5. Obey Your Instincts
Principle 6. Take Responsibility for Your Emotional Wake
"There are people who take the heart out of you and there are people who put it back." (187, quoting Elizabeth
"For a leader, there is no trivial comment. Something you might not even remember saying may have had a
devastating impact on someone looking to you for guidance and approval. By the same token, something you
said years ago may have encouraged and inspired someone who is grateful to you to this day. Everything each of
us says leaves an emotional wake. Positive or negative. Our individual wakes are larger than we know. An
emotional wake is what you remember after I'm gone. What you feel. The aftermath, aftertaste, or afterglow."
"What do I want them to remember when I'm gone? I need to say that, and only that…clearly!" (191)
"A negative emotional wake is…created at times by a lack of appreciative comments." (192)
"If there is any possibility that people don't know how much you value them, there's a conversation that needs
to occur." Appreciation is a truly value-creating activity. Be specific about what you like, love, or appreciate
about them. (194-95)
Principle 7. Let Silence Do the Heavy Lifting
"An American characteristic is general discomfort with silence in conversations, homes, working places."
The more emotionally loaded the subject, the more silence is required. (223) Begin to wean yourself from noise.
"Never mistake talking for conversation." (228) "Silence is the best-kept secret for generating family
dialogue." (234)
Challenge: "I will allow spaciousness in my conversations, so that before I speak, I can reflect on what others
have said. I will invite my partners to do the same. In doing so, I hope to get closer to what is authentic and
valuable." (238)
04 January
8:00 a.m. and
10:30 a.m.
Presider: Gillette
Preacher: Gillette
Second Sunday after
Jeremiah 31:7-14
11 January
8:00 a.m. and
10:30 a.m.
Presider: Gillette
Preacher: Gillette
First Sunday after the
Genesis 1:1-5
18 January
8:00 a.m. and
10:30 a.m.
Presider: Gillette
Preacher: Gillette
Second Sunday after the
1 Samuel 3:1-20
25 January
8:00 a.m. and
10:30 a.m.
Presider: Gillette
Preacher: Gillette
Third Sunday after the
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 84
Psalm 29
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Psalm 62:6-14
Ephesians 1:3-6, 15-19a
Acts 19:1-7
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23
Mark 1:4-11
John 1:43-51
Mark 1:14-20
In this monthly article, we look at terms and definitions of things you might see or hear around church. Nothing fancy here
– these entries are out of the Armentrout/Slocum An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, sometimes supplemented by me,
and sometimes simply copied directly. If something in particular piques your interest, let me know, and we’ll deal with it
in more depth.
of Christian socialism in the Church of
England (and therefore, by association, in the
Episcopal Church) are associated with the
work of J. M. Ludlow, Charles Kingsley, and
F. D. Maurice. Maurice was its prophet and
theologian whose influence continues today.
But he was no Marxist, and as with most
Englishmen he was unsympathetic to
But these leaders did see
constructive forces at work in the
revolutionary impulses. In assuming the name
Christian socialism, they did not propose an
economic doctrine nor a program of reform,
but the ‘science of partnership.’ They held
that Christianity looked to a society in which
people would work cooperatively together.
Competition was held to be a denial of what
the church believed. Maurice proposed cooperative workers’ unions and educational institutes. Maurice died in
1872, but his ideas continued to be influential. In June 1889, the Christian Social Union was formed to urge
fundamental Christian social principles. Bishop B. F. Westcott was its first president, and its leaders included
Henry Scott Holland and Bishop Charles Gore. In the twentieth century several successive Christian socialist
groups were formed in the Church of England. In 1921 The Return of Christendom appeared, in which industrial
capitalism was criticized in the light of catholic doctrine. In the United States, the American Church Socialist
League and its successor, the Church League for Industrial Democracy, sought to further the Christian socialist
agenda. The great figure of the twentieth century was William Temple (1881-1944), Archbishop of Canterbury,
who urged that the church must choose between socialism and heresy. His Christianity and Social Order is a
basic text for twentieth-century Christian socialism. The emphasis on theology and the gospel in Christian
socialism rescues any effort to change social structures from simple expediency and avoids the separation of
prayer and action.
CHRISTMAS. Well, this seems like it’s a day late and a dollar
short, coming on the heels of our latest Christmas celebration. But
let’s see how what the authors of our Dictionary have to say about
Christmas compares to our own experience…. Christmas, they say
(in old English, Cristes maesse) is a festival celebrated on 25
December, commemorating the Incarnation of the Word of God in
the birth of Jesus Christ. In the Book of Common Prayer it is also
called The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the United States
it is also a popular secular holiday. (In case you hadn’t noticed.)
According to the Philocalian calendar (my edit, as
Armentrout/Slocum seem to assume you know this, is that the
Philocalian Calendar – also known as the Chronographer of 354
– was an ancient Roman almanac which provides the oldest extant notice of a feast of Christ’s Nativity), the
festival was observed by the church in Rome by the year 336. Christmas gradually spread to the churches of the
east, which already had a festival on 06 January commemorating the manifestation of God in both the birth and
baptism of Jesus. The date, 25 December, rests on no historical foundation. It was probably chosen to oppose
the feast Natalis Solis Invicti, the birthday of the ‘Unconquerable Sun God’ (Saturn), which took place at the
winter solstice to celebrate the birth of ‘the Sun of Righteousness.’ The customs associated with Christmas have
developed from many sources. From early days the popular observance of Christmas was marked by the joy and
celebration characteristic of the Roman Saturnalia and the pagan festivals which it replaced. It came to include
the decoration of houses with greenery and the giving of gifts to children and the poor. In Britain other
observances were added including the Yule log and Yule cakes, fir trees, gifts, and greetings. Fires and lights
(symbols of warmth and lasting life) and evergreens (symbols of survival) were traditionally associated with both
pagan and Christian festivals. Their use developed considerably in England with the importation of German
customs and through the influence of the writings of Charles Dickens. In the Book of Common Prayer, Christmas
Day is one of seven principal feasts. The Christmas season lasts twelve days, from Christmas Day until 05
January, the day before the Epiphany. The season includes Christmas Day, the First Sunday after Christmas Day,
the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and may include the Second Sunday after Christmas Day. In many
parishes, the main liturgical celebrations of Christmas take place on Christmas Eve. The Book of Occasional
Services includes a variety of resources for use during Christmas, including a form for a Station at a Christmas
Crèche, a form for a Christmas Festival of Lessons and Music, and a seasonal blessings for use during the
Christmas season.
Book of Occasional Services provides a form for this festival,
including contemporary and traditional language versions of a
bidding prayer and various scriptural options for use as the lessons.
Nine readings are customarily used at this festival, but fewer may be
used. The lessons are interspersed with carols, hymns, canticles, and
anthems. If the festival is celebrated in the evening, it may be
introduced by the Service of Light (page 109 in the Book of Common
Prayer). The service may conclude with an appropriate collect and a
seasonal blessing for Christmas.
JANUARY 2015 (See page 7 for Service Schedule.)
Food Pantry:
Food Pantry
Food Pantry
20 Shawl Ministry 21
Bishop’s Comm.
Meeting 7:00 PM
Book Discussion
Food Pantry
8:00 am service
10:30 am service
8:00 am service Shawl
10:30 am service Ministry
7:00 pm
8:00 am service
10:30 am service
8:00 am service
10:30 am service
Wauconda Care
Center Service
January Birthdays
Jan 03 Michelle Permenter
Jan 07 Lynn Chmiel
Jan 08 Betty Jo Hoebbel
Jan 09 Rick Taylor
Jan 10 Diane Cooper
Jan 25 Patti Glade
January Anniversaries
Jan 18 The Rev. Don and Jody Moon
Dear Holy Apostles family,
I cannot possibly find the right words to thank you for all the love you showered upon Keith, Eric and me during
our darkest hour. Thank you for being there to support us and for all your prayers and kindness.
Thank you to those of you who worked in the kitchen, prepared food, helped moved furniture from the library and
back, set up and took down tables and chairs at St. Michaels. Thank you to all who shared stories of how Jim
touched your lives during his ministry at Holy Apostles. He told me many times and shared with others that the
8 years he was at Church of the Holy Apostles were absolutely the best years of his life. He loved his God, he
loved Holy Apostles, he loved all of God's people and I believe he is at peace with his heavenly Father. I miss
him so very much but I am grateful for the outpouring of love you have shown me during this most difficult time.
Thank you so very much dear friends,
Sharon, Keith and Eric Bullion
WAUCONDA/ISLAND LAKE FOOD PANTRY: The milk jug count for November was $90.26. In
November the food pantry served 260 families which totaled 683 individuals. Nine families were new to the
pantry. Please keep them in your prayers. There is a sign-up sheet in Lincoln Hall if you are interested in
volunteering on Saturdays between 10 AM and 12 noon. If you have any questions please contact Rick or Marsha
Fedor or email
SHAWL MINISTRY : The Shawl Ministry will meet on Monday, January 12 at 7:00pm, and
Tuesday, January 20 at 1:00pm in Lincoln Hall. All are welcome to join us- no experience is required!
BISHOP’S COMMITTEE POSITIONS FOR 2015: If you are interested in serving as a member of the
Bishop’s Committee, please make your wishes known to the Parish Administrator. If you would like more
information about the role of a Bishop’s Committee member and what it entails, feel free to contact any of the
present members, they would be happy to share their experiences with you!
BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: The book discussion group generally meets the fourth Tuesday of
the month at 7:30pm (exceptions will be noted). New members or one-time visitors are always
January 27 - Divergent by Veronica Roth, at the home of Stacey Pyne
February 24 - Carry the One by Carol Anshaw at the home of Lisa Earley
March 24 - Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante at the home of Julie Zuidema
April 28 - Apollo 13 (aka Lost Moon) by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger at the home of Scott Stoltz & Sandy
May 26 - The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson at the
home of Barb Barrie
June 23 - Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin location TBA
July 28 - Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth location TBA
August 25 - Abundance: The Future is Better than You Think by Peter Diamandis at the home of Stacey Pyne
September 22 - Lila by Marilynne Robinson at the home of Judi Dura
October 27 - The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt location TBA
November 24 - The Painted Drum by Louise Erdrich location TBA
December 29 - The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace by Jeff Hobbs at the home of Lisa Earley
WHITE CANDLES: If you are out and about, please consider picking up some white candles for
use at the altar. All sizes and styles are welcomed!
RECYCLE YOUR SHOES! We will be collecting shoes to be reused or recycled. Any and all
shoes will be accepted-shoes in good condition will be given to others, and shoes that have seen
better days will be ground up and reborn as playground material! You may deposit your old shoes
in the collection box located in the Narthex near the Food Pantry milk jug. Please contact Marsha
Fedor with any questions.
I (We) choose to support the mission and ministry of Church of the Holy Apostles
this year for several reasons, in particular because:
After prayerful consideration, I (we) pledge to offer to God and the work of
God’s church the following portion of what I (we) have:
$ ______________________ per _____________________ (week, month, year);
and/or these services, supplies, or other gifts of time or talent:
Please provide your current contact information, even if you choose not to/are
unable to pledge this year.
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________
I prefer to pay my pledge by credit card. My card information is:
Number: ______________________________ Expiration Date: ______________
FROM: Church of the Holy Apostles
26238 North Highway 59
Wauconda, Illinois 60084