English Martyrs Hollis St, Alvaston DE24 8QU St Ralph Sherwin Swarkestone Rd Chellaston DE73 5UA Ss Peter & Paul 27/28 June 2015 Responsorial Psalm: From all my terrors, the Lord set me free Sunday Masses Sat: Sun: Sun: 6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv) 9.00am Mass (Chell) 10.30am Mass (Alv) 12 noon Baptism of Thomas Luke Xidakis Chris & Dorothy Broad RIP Dr Mazhur Chowdhury RIP People of the Parish Mon: 7.00pm Mass A(lv) 7.30pm SVP Meeting Marta Jagolkova Tues: 10.00am Mass (Chell) Mary Rafter RIP Wed: 12 noon Mass (Alv) as soon as possible to Frances or Fr Brentnall. Wanda Kwiatek Int Thurs: 12 noon Mass (Alv) Fri: NO PARISH MASS - Ordination of Bishop Patrick McKinney at the Cathedral Sat: NO MORNING MASS Sunday of the Year - B Sat: 6.30pm Vigil Mass (Alv) Sun: 9.00am Mass (Chell) Sun: 10.30am Mass (Alv) 12 noon Baptism of Connor Ryan McKinney, who will be ordained tenth Bishop of Nottingham in St Barnabas’ Cathedral on Friday 3 July 2015; the Mass will be streamed on the diocesan website, www.nottingham-diocese.org.uk from 10.30 am. Sponsored Walk – Please can everyone pay their sponsor money 6.30-7.00pm Mission Prayers for Chell at St. Ralph Sherwin 14th We welcome to the Diocese of Nottingham Mgr Patrick Rita Walters RIP SVP Fundraising. Please help us to provide extra treats for the children by taking a free tube of Smarties, eating the contents then filling the tube with 20p pieces and returning it to the SVP at the church. For further information contact Rita Merrison on 572302. Confirmation Classes Our confirmation course is coming to its Colombo Malanga Int Chellaston Community People of the Parish Readers for next weekend 6.30 pm W Buchan/T Curley 9.00am F Copeland/H Nutman 10.30am F Connolly/C Wilson Money Matters: Parish Offertory Collection: Mosaic Fund: + £71.84 conclusion shortly; we have 24 young people who will receive the sacrament on Wednesday 8 July at 7.00pm. We are delighted that Father John Guest our Vicar-General will preside at this ceremony. Please pray for: Patrick, Kathleen, Felix, Garcie, Mia, Rowan, Adan, Ethan, Olivia, Cameron, Jerrald, Martin, Libby, Donal, Samuel, Liam, Blaine, Luke, Jan, Chloe, Tara, Abby and Clayton. 300 Club: The June draw will take place today Sunday 28 June. £852.21 £3,337.17 Payments to the parish by cheque should be made payable to: English Martyrs Derby RCP Lucky winners announced next week. If you currently pay by cash, please consider setting up a Standing Order through your bank instead. This is very simple to do and makes sure that you do not miss a payment. It also makes it much easier for us to administer the lottery. Please see your reps for details. APF/MISSO: We are holding a special collection for those whose Prayers for the Sick: Please always keep in your prayers the sick and housebound of this parish including Anne Smith, Frank Watkins, Linda Charles, Maria Fox, Father Peter Harvey, Jim Murray, Daleep Manuel, Gwyn Moran, Anne & Norman Annable, Mary Buckley, Manu and Mgr Paul Watson. Please pray for those who have died. SVP Summer Camp at Mablethorpe for children aged 9 to 14. Boy’s Camp 1-8 August; Girl’s Camp 8-15 August. Please see poster in church porch for details. Red Box may not have been opened for a while. Maybe it's lurking on top of the fridge, or behind some books!! If so please bring it to Mass over the coming weekends and we will empty it. If you have a box but no longer wish to keep it please bring it in and let me know. Many thanks to everyone who is a Red Box Member. If you have any queries please contact Ann Curley on 01332 792652 St John Fisher Summer Fair: Friday 3 July. Raffle tickets available this weekend at the back of church on the piety stall or at the fair on the day. Tickets £1 per book - 1st prize of £50- tickets for Derby County football match - tickets for West Midlands safari park and many more. Father M Brentnall [Parish Priest] Father Slawomir Hermanowicz [Assistant Priest] Contact on: 01332 574474 or 07773366120 or Email englishmartyrs@nrcdt.org.uk or www.englishmartyrsparish.org.uk Newsletter Administration: Anne Walsh on: annew505@gmail.com or Dawn Hallsworth on: dawn.hallsworth@gmail.com Catechesis, Youth, Evangelisation: Mr Thomas Vause via the parish email Saint Benedict CVA have their Summer Fayre on Saturday 11 July from 1 – 4 pm in the school grounds. A large variety of stalls and activities. Everyone welcome! SVP: There is a collection box at the back of church for old and foreign money, even obsolete ones. See poster on the notice board. Appeal for HP Print-headed cartridges and Canon Print-headed cartridges at English Martyrs. Specific codes are on a card on the box at the back of church to check which codes are required. Please check if you use these particular ones as they are worth recycling, thank you. Used Stamps box at the back of English Martyrs Church; these are collected to help the missions. “LIFE” Collection box for old mobile phones at the back of English Martyrs Church. No batteries, chargers or SIM cards required, just the phone. TOGS - a Children's Clothes Bank: Clothes, including school uniforms/shoes for 0-16 years of age. Please see poster on the notice board for contact details Piety Stall: A selection of gifts & cards for many occasions available. Missals available from £7.99, various prayer books, statues, candles, Mass cards, etc. A selection of cards and gifts for 1st Holy Communion now available. Anything specifically required please ask. CAFOD Thanksgiving Mass: Our CAFOD Diocesan managers, Marie Molly and Maria Lee will be leaving at the end of July after many years of devoted work, promoting justice and peace. On Fri 17 July at The Briars, Crich, DE4 5BW at 7pm, there will be a Mass of Thanksgiving followed by refreshments and a chance to chat - all welcome! Please come along and give thanks for and celebrate past and present support for CAFOD across the diocese. We look to the future with trust and confidence. If you do intend to come along, please contact the local office 01773 852950 ornottingham@cafod.org.uk HALL Access 2 Art: Sessions are every Monday & Tuesday 10.00am -3.00pm in the Parish Hall. There is a disabled toilet in the hall. Contact Claire on 07792686082. Slimming World: Monday sessions 5.30pm. From Mon 13 April there will be two sessions once again as we have a new consultant Mark Gadsby taking over. There will be a 5.30pm & 7.30pm session. For more details please contact Mark on 07530987378 Rainbows: Fun and games for 5-7 year old girls. Tuesday evenings during term time, in the Parish Hall, 5.00-6.00pm. Call Diane on 07505 949034 or Claire on 07929 425133 for more details. Brownies: For girls 7-10 years old. Tuesday evenings during term time in the Parish Hall, 6.15-7.30pm. Fun and games, craft, cooking, trips out to bowling, cinema etc., working for badges and annual ‘Pack Holiday’. If you’re interested girls, call Diane on 07505 949034. Line Dancing: Tuesday evening from 8.00pm till approximately 10.30pm in the Parish Hall. Beginners or anybody interested in learning are welcome to attend, as well as those who are experienced, please contact Lynn for more details on 07816312057. Hiring of the Parish Hall: For Parish Hall bookings please call the hall Manager (Frances Connolly) on 572286 between 10.00am & 2.00pm Monday to Friday. If not available please leave a message with a phone number and you will be contacted as soon as possible. Increases in charges for deposits and all parties, applicable from January 1st 2014. Hall Events Sun 28 June: Mon 29 June: Tues 30June: Regional Job Opportunities at CAFOD: Community Participation Co-ordinator posts – one full time permanent post, one part time post, two year fixed term - working with volunteers in parishes and schools. For more information see: http://www.cafod.org.uk/Work-with-us/UKJobs/CPC or contact CAFOD Nottingham. Closing date 10 July 2015 Sale Of Original Paintings For Sick And Retired Priests Fund: Paintings by amateur artist, Maureen Kelly (of St. Georges Parish) will be on sale in Swarkestone Nurseries, Lowes Lane, DE73 7GQ for 6 weeks -Mon 29 June-Sat 8 Aug on the walls of the Garden Restaurant/Cafe. Proceeds to Sick and Retired Priests Fund. If you wish to donate to the fund by buying a painting, prices range from £40 to around £150. Payments to be made at restaurant till. African Catholic Community, Derbyshire: African Mass, First Sunday of every Month 2pm Prompt. Africans across Derbyshire and beyond, and friends of Africa, are invited to: African Sung Mass at St. George's Church, 40 Village Street, Derby, DE23 8SZ. On: Sun, 5 July, 2 Aug, 6 Sept,. On Oct 4: St. Albans, 6 Dec: Our Lady of Lourdes. Contact us via: Sylvia Mchampda: 07833468893 or at St Georges, Fr. Jude Ebere Eze: 07429147165 Wed 1 July: Thurs 2 July: Fri 3 July : Sat 4 July : Sun 5 July: Sat 11 July: Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm Slimming World 5.30pm & 7.30pm Access to Art 10.00am-3.00pm Rainbows 5-6.00pm Brownies 6.15-7.30pm Line Dancing 8-10.30pm Confirmation Class 5-6.00pm St Benedict School Summer Fair 1-5.00pm RCIA Notice: “Are you interested in the Catholic faith, and/or becoming a member of the Church? Perhaps you know of someone who may be? A new RCIA programme is being launched in the deanery, operating from English Martyrs parish, Alvaston. If you are interested, a relaxed, informal enquiry session is being held on 16 September in the parish hall at 7:30pm. For more information, please contact englishmartyrs@nrcdt.org.uk or 01332574474.” The Governors of Holy Trinity Catholic Voluntary Academy, Newark are seeking to appoint a headteacher. Further details are available from the school email: office@holytrinity.notts.sch.uk Closing date 1 July 2015 In case of an emergency in the parish (that is: a person needing the last sacraments) firstly call the parish number 01332 574474/07773 366120; if the priest is unavailable please call one of the following: St George’s on 01332 767038, St Joseph’s on 01332 343777, St Alban’s on 01332 672914 or St Mary’s on 01332 346126. If the person is in hospital you should ask them to call the Duty RC Chaplain. Editor’s Note: If you have any items for the newsletter next week, please contact Anne Walsh 01332 753147 or email: annew505@gmail.com -