WELCOME TO AP English Literature 1 WHY AP LIT? Challenges students. . . and teachers Can result in college credit, which saves time and money link Builds students’ confidence and hones their close reading, writing, and analytical skills 2 WHAT IS AP LIT? Close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature, most written originally in English (16th-21st centuries) Writing focused on critical analysis of literature (expository, analytical, and argumentative essays) plus some creative writing 3 AP LITERATURE CLASSES TYPICALLY INCLUDE. . . a balance of rhetorical strategies and textual analysis a focus on style analysis close readings timed writings quick pacing extensive use of subject area vocabulary in analysis 4 What about the AP Lit exam in May? Multiple-choice questions = 45% of exam 4 or 5 passages: 2-3 poems and 2-3 prose excerpts ~55 questions; one hour to complete 5 And the AP Lit exam? Three essay questions = 55% of the exam Poetry analysis Prose analysis Open-ended question Two hours to complete; each essay scored on a 1-9 scale 6 SCORING THE ESSAYS The three free-response essays are scored by college professors and experienced AP teachers at June readings. College profs = 60% of readers AP teachers = 40% of readers link 7 ESSAY COMPOSITE SCORE (FROM EQUATION USING NET MULTIPLE-CHOICE SCORE AND THREE ESSAY SCORES) 5 – Extremely well qualified 4 – Well qualified 3 – Qualified 2 – Possibly qualified 1 – No recommendation 8 BUT ALWAYS REMEMBER . . . AP is a skills-based program, not just a test! 9 THE AP EFFECT ON STUDENTS Students who complete AP courses are better prepared academically more likely to choose challenging majors likely to complete more college-level work likely to perform significantly better than students who did not take AP courses more likely to exercise leadership more likely to graduate with a double major twice as likely to go into advanced study 10 BENEFITS OF THE AP PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS Possibility of college credit and/or advanced standing at over 2,900 colleges Keep an eye open for my SCHOLARSHIP/ GRANT BOX at the side of the room!! 11 WELCOME TO AP LIT! link This class is separated into 4 parts: 1. Theme: Short Story Bootcamp 2. Theme: Identity The Invisible Man, Frederick Douglass, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, WEB DuBois, etc. 12 3. Theme: What a novel idea! Novel share: (choices: Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, A Brave New World, Things Fall Apart, Pride and Prejudice, Civil Disobedience) End Unit 3: with Macbeth, The Color Purple 4. Research Paper/ Test Prep/ poetry focus 13 LOOKING AHEAD I am your facilitator. You are what makes this class work. Your discussions are what make this class interesting! I am here for you! 14 AP PASS WEBSITE Link Hank Green, the author of The Fault in Our Stars has something to say about “Why we read?” 15 AP STUDY NOTES WEBSITE Link 16 NEXT CLASS Bring your books. If they are located on technology you must understand the following: 1. Permission for this usage is only for the time the teacher specifies as start time and must be put away for the rest of the day when the teacher specifies stop time. 17 2. You are responsible for lost and stolen items. Chapel Hill High School, is not responsible for this. 3. I have the right to check what browser you are using. If you are found use a browser that is not approved, your assignment will result in a 0. 18 NEXT CLASS 4. This assignment will count as 25% of the Summer Reading Assignment. 5. You may not have pre-typed notes or outlines for this assignment. 6. Are there any questions at this time? 7. Have the following books next class: King Lear, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Billy Budd. 19