AO1 AO2 Outline one or more explanations…(4 marks) Social Learning Theory + Sensitisation Evaluate one or more explanations…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------METHODOLGICAL Issue? P E E L Outline one or more explanations…(4 marks) Social Learning Theory + Desentisation Evaluate one or more explanations…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------METHODOLGICAL Issue? P E E L AO1 AO2 VIDEO GAMES Outline one or more piece of research…(4 marks) NOTE: Be sure to refer to the POSITIVE EFFECTS Greitmeyer And Oswald, Lenhart or Kahne (choose 2) Evaluate one or more piece of research…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Methodological Issue? P E E L COMPUTERS Outline one or more piece of research…(4 marks) NOTE: Be sure to refer to the POSITIVE EFFECTS Meskin, Gonzales, Raacke and Raacke or Sheldon (choose 2) Evaluate one or more piece of research…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evaluate one or more piece of research…(6 marks) Methodological Issue? P E E L AO1 AO2 VIDEO GAMES Outline one or more piece of research…(4 marks) NOTE: Be sure to refer to the NEGATIVE EFFECTS Hopf, Konjin, Sheese, Evaluate one or more piece of research…(6 marks) NOTE: For this part of the course, the majority of AO2/3 credit comes from considering the strengths/limitations of the METHODOLOGY USED. P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L COMPUTERS Outline one or more piece of research…(4 marks) NOTE: Be sure to refer to the NEGATIVE EFFECTS Charles, Karpinski, Hacker Evaluate one or more piece of research…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L AO1 AO2 Outline the Hovland-Yale Model…(4 marks) Evaluate the Hovland-Yale Model…(6 marks) CONSIDER: contradictory evidence to suggest that attractive sources are not necessarily always the most influential; methodological problems with the Hovland-Yale approach to persuasion; supporting evidence for the message factor in that fear appeals do work in persuading; gender bias in persuasion research suggesting that women are more susceptible to persuasive communication than men P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L AO1 AO2 Outline the Elaboration-Likelihood Model…(4 marks) Evaluate the Elaboration Likelihood Model…(6 marks) CONSIDER: research into online shopping has contributed to a greater understanding of the effect of online reviews; research to support the fact that the peripheral route only has a temporary effect on persuasion and attitude change; the question over whether all people regardless of need for cognition levels take the peripheral route. P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Suggested Context A supermarket wants to increase the sale of organic produce. A university wants to increase its uptake onto Psychology Joint Degree Courses. A make-up company wants to increase its sales and scope to encompass working business women. A sports company wants to produce an advertising campaign for a new pair of running shoes. A mobile phone company wants to increase the number of contracts it supplies to business users. A school wants to produce a leaflet to encourage 6th formers to join there, rather than attend the local college. HY ELM AO1 AO2 Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g. Hard-Sell & Soft-Sell, Children & Pester-Power etc Evaluate one or more explanations…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g.The importance of Congruence, Sex, Violence & Persuasive arguments, Product Endorsement Evaluate one or more explanations…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L AO1 AO2 Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g. Parasocial Relationships Evaluate one or more explanation…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g.The Absorption-Addiction Model Evaluate one or more explanation…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L AO1 AO2 Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g. Attraction to Creative Individuals Evaluate one or more explanation…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g. Celebrity Gossip Evaluate one or more explanation…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L AO1 AO2 Outline one or more piece of research (4 marks) e.g. Celebrity Attitude Scale = McCutcheon et all (2002), How common is Celebrity Worship? = Maltby et al (2004) Evaluate one or more piece of research …(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Outline one or more piece of research…(4 marks) e.g. Developmental Problems = Cheung & Yue (2003), Psychological Wellbeing = Maltby (2001) Evaluate one or more piece of research…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L AO1 AO2 Outline one or more piece of research (4 marks) e.g. Meloy two types of stalker, Mullen typography of stalker, Attachment Styles NOTE: This must be related to CELEBRITY at all times! Evaluate one or more piece of research …(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Outline one or more explanation…(4 marks) e.g. Evolutionary Theory, Attachment Theory Evaluate one or more explanation…(6 marks) P E E L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P E E L Topic Methodological Problems Pro-/Anti-Social Behaviour THINK ABOUT: Most research on pro-social only focusses on TV and ignores other media, Demand Characteristics Effects of Video Games and Computers THINK ABOUT: methodologies used…longitudinal = subject attrition, meta-analysis = reliability. HY/ELM Models of Persuasion THINK ABOUT: Validity of persuasion Vs Intention Effectiveness of TV THINK ABOUT: Validity of persuasion Vs Intention, gender bias in advertising, cultural bias in advertising Attraction to Celebrity THINK ABOUT: Most research focusses on self-report, Comparative research in animals (Darwin – evolutionary explanation) (SLT – anti-social), Gender Bias towards male participants. Intense Fandom THINK ABOUT: Correlational research with Celebrity Worship Ethical Issues THINK ABOUT: Most research in this area involves children THINK ABOUT: Problems with studying violence directly in the lab THINK ABOUT: Sensitive Nature of attraction to celebrity, particularly link to eating disorders and attachment types. THINK ABOUT: Sensitive Nature of Celebrity Worship, particularly higher levels.