E-Learning and the Future of Distance Education XII Congreso Internacional de Tecnología y Educación a Distancia 5 Noviembre 2004 San Jose, Costa Rica Mark Bullen University of British Columbia, Canada Distance Education Under Attack • DE threatened by new movement: e-learning • Ironically, focus on efficiency, effectiveness and quality has made DE vulnerable – Our focus on these issues has blinded us to the emergence of this new movement – More significantly, it is the prevailing organizational and management model of DE that is making it vulnerable to this new movement • Threat is to DE in conventional higher education but has implications for all of DE Distance Education Under Attack • What is the threat? • What is e-learning? • How are quality, management, sustainability and organizational issues related to this threat? • What can we do about it? Qualifications • Argument based on: – observations and experiences with DE in Canada & US – In conventional universities • Relevance to Latin American DE? • Relevance to single mode DE? What is e-learning? The Meaning of E-learning • E-learning means different things to different people • Massy & Zemsky suggest three categories of e-learning: – E- learning as distance education – E-learning as facilitated transaction software – E-learning as electronically-mediated learning The Meaning of E-learning The Meaning of E-Learning • E-learning has been appropriated by people whose main interest is in e-learning as technology-enhanced teaching, not distance education (ELTET) • This new movement has little interest in the distance learner or the historical mandate of DE to provide access The Meaning of E-Learning • Main priority is providing technologicallyenhanced teaching to on-campus learners What is the threat? The Threat to Distance Education • E-learning is emerging as a movement in conventional universities • Competing for same resources • Gaining attention of university administrators and academics • New movement is much closer to the core mission of traditional universities • Threatening to displace DE • Distance educators need to pay attention to this new force or else gains may be lost Social Mandate of Distance Education • DE has had a mandate to provide access to underserved populations, particularly in developing countries • DE has been extremely successful at providing quality education to disadvantaged groups • Existed on the “margins” of conventional universities for many years Social Mandate of Distance Education • Acceptance of DE grew as more and more conventional universities began using it • Most North American universities now have DE programs The Threat to Distance Education • Status and respectability of DE due in part to the acceptance it has achieved in conventional universities • Single mode institutions like UNED, UOC, UKOU have contributed greatly to the legitimacy of DE • But the legitimacy has been enhanced by growth in DE in conventional universities The Threat to Distance Education • Why is e-learning a threat? • E-learning has a different philosophical orientation • No social mandate • If resources are diverted from distance education to e-learning, the social goals of DE may be longer be addressed by higher education The Threat to Distance Education • Growth of e-learning will cause DE to lose its newly-gained status and recede to the margins of conventional universities • This will have an impact on the DE professional community and ultimately the status of DE • The future of distance education as a socially-progressive movement is in danger How are quality, sustainability and management of DE related to this threat? Organizational Issues • Modern DE has been obsessed with quality, efficiency and effectiveness • Organized very differently from traditional higher education • Creates an inherent conflict in traditional universities Organizational Issues • Two types of e-learning tend to be organized differently: • E-learning as distance education: – organized and funded centrally – managed approach with professional staff – courses developed by teams – attention to quality and sustainability The Project Development Process Organizational Issues • E-Learning as technology-enhanced teaching (ELTET): – Faculty/department-based – Driven by individual professor – Funded on a grant or project basis – Quality is variable – Sustainability not usually a consideration Sustainability, Quality & Management • Organizational culture is a key issue • Berquist (1992) - institutional cultures: – – – – Managerial Collegial Developmental Negotiated • Clash between two distinctly different organizational cultures: collegial & managerial • Sustainable, high quality distance e-learning requires a managed approach Sustainability, Quality & Management • Requires course development that is organized using a project management approach • Teams of experts: professor, instructional designer, web designer, multimedia developer • The distance e-learning course is a collective effort Sustainability, Quality & Management • Quality is ensured through the use of professionals, by building in external academic review and by building in formative and summative evaluation • Sustainability is ensured by paying attention to quality and cost which is intimately linked to managed approach that is used Sustainability, Quality & Management • Most faculty are more comfortable with the “collegial culture” • Course development is seen as in individual endeavor • The course “belongs” to the professor • Online course development tends to be experimental Sustainability, Quality & Management • Costs are not monitored • Quality is difficult to control because of approach used • No built in academic review or evaluation Organizational Issues • E-Learning as technology-enhanced teaching much closer to the core mission of the university • Given higher priority than distance education which serves “other” learners who are often not considered “real” university students • Organizational model more consistent with traditional university Organizational Issues • DE in conventional universities has borrowed its organizational model from single mode DE institutions • Garrison & Anderson (1999) distinguish between “big” and “little” distance education Big Distance Education • Industrialized form of higher education • Teachers are all-powerful • Students are passive receivers of information, in a "dominated and alienated" position within the distance teaching and learning. • Uses mass technologies like broadcast television, the large-scale production of correspondence materials, and computer assisted instruction Big Distance Education • Capital (technology of curriculum production) is substituted for labor (classroom teacher) • Flexibility for the student is provided at the cost of severely reducing interaction and increasing learner isolation Little Distance Education • Maximizes interaction • collaborative learning, pacing, learning communities • Focuses on meaningful learning outcomes • challenges the student to dig deeply into the subject content and explore the implications of this knowledge with regard to personal and societal constructs • Maximizes active learning • extensive use of active learning activities, including simulations, explorations and explanatory assessment • Flexible in design • course materials are created in hyper-linked, hypermedia format and stored such that they can be easily modified, augmented, annotated, or printed by both instructor and learners as needed Little Distance Education • Supports a systems view • effective little DE systems provide for learner support services, registration flexibility, credit transfer, accreditation, provision of learning and research resources through electronic delivery and virtual libraries • Compatible with research practice • creates learning environments focused on problem solving, collaborative projects, and exploration of complex environments • Cost-effective • substantially increases access as courses become available at any time of the day or night and anywhere that Internet access is available. Big vs. Little Distance Education • Most DE in conventional universities is not “big” but perceived as such • Seen as alien to the prevailing organizational culture Competition for Resources • Resources are being diverted from distance education to support e-learning as technology-enhanced teaching • Organizational restructuring around the needs of ELTET • One of the side effects of decisions made without a full understanding of DE and how it differs from ELTET UBC Example • Successful DE department with nearly 60 years of experience is being “decentralized” • Rationale: only way that university can increase its use of e-learning and integrate with ELTET UBC Example • Reorganization fails to recognize that DE learners have distinct needs • Supported more effectively and efficiently by centrally-organized department that specializes in DE than by having each Faculty deal with DE separately Concluding Remarks • Distance educators have been so focused on quality, cost, and sustainability that they have not recognized the significance of elearning • ELTET represents a new movement in higher education • Poses a threat to social mandate of distance education Concluding Remarks • ELTET has stronger connections to the core mandate of conventional universities • Distance educators need to cultivate support, build connections, seek allies • Need support at senior levels • Need to “appropriate” e-learning • Can no longer rely on “marginal champions” Canadian Association for Distance Education May 7-11, 2005 - Vancouver, Canada For Further Information • Mark Bullen – mark.bullen@ubc.ca – http://www2.cstudies.ubc.ca/~bullen/ • UBC Distance Education & Technology – http://det.ubc.ca • UBC Centre for Managing & Planning ELearning (MAPLE) – http://maple.ubc.ca