Chapter 4
and Ethics
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Learning Outcomes
 Explain the ABC model of an attitude
 Describe how attitudes are formed
 Identify sources of job satisfaction and commitment
 Distinguish between organizational citizenship and
workplace deviance behaviors
 Identify the characteristics of the source, target, and
message that affect persuasion
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Learning Outcomes
 Discuss the definition and importance of emotions
at work
 Contrast the effects of individual and organizational
influences on ethical behavior
 Identify the factors that affect ethical behavior
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Learning Outcome
Explain the ABC model of an attitude
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 Psychological tendency expressed by evaluating
something with a degree of favor or disfavor
 Affect: Emotional component of an attitude
 Cognitive dissonance: State of tension produced
when an individual experiences conflict between
attitudes and behavior
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Beyond the Book:
Bad Attitude
 Larry Johnson was a highly accomplished football player for
the Kansas City Chiefs – a former number one pick, a twotime Pro Bowl participant, and one of the most productive
running backs in 2005 and 2006.
 In 2007 and 2008, Johnson had two relatively unproductive,
injury-marred seasons. And yet, it was his attitude, not his
productivity, that led to his release from the Chiefs.
Constant complaints about salary, personal attacks on the
coach, slurs against homosexuals, mocking of fans, charges
of abusing women—all of these actions ensured that
Johnson would no longer be welcome with the Kansas City
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Table 4.1 - The ABC Model of an
Adapted from M. J. Rosenberg and C. I. Hovland, “Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Components of Attitude,” in M. J. Rosenberg, C. I. Hovland,
W. J. McGuire, R. P. Abelson, and J. H. Brehm, eds., Attitude Organization and Change (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1960). Copyright
1960 Yale University Press. Used with permission.
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Learning Outcome
Describe how attitudes are formed
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Two Influences on Attitude
 Direct experience - Results in attitudes that are:
 Stronger, held more confidently, and more resistant
to change
 Active in one’s cognitive processes
 Social learning: Deriving attitudes from family, peer
groups, religious organizations, and culture
 Modeling - Individuals acquire attitudes by observing
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Learning by
Observing a Model
 The learner must:
 Focus on the model
 Retain what was observed
 Reproduce the behavior through practice
 Be motivate
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Attitude–Behavior Correspondence
Attitude specificity
• The more specific the attitude, the stronger is its link to behavior
Attitude relevance
• Attitudes that address an issue of self-interest prompt behavior
consistent with the expressed attitude
Timing of measurement
• The shorter the time between the attitude measurement and observed
behavior, the stronger the relationship
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Attitude–Behavior Correspondence
Personality factors
• Self-monitoring affects the consistency between attitudes and behavior
Social constraints
• Social context provides information about acceptable attitudes and
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Learning Outcomes
Identify sources of job satisfaction and
Distinguish between organizational
citizenship and workplace deviance behaviors
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Job (Dis) Satisfaction
 Job satisfaction: Pleasurable or positive emotional
state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job
 Affected by the job characteristics
 Contributing factors
 Challenging work, valued rewards, and opportunities
for advancement
 Competent supervision and supportive coworkers
 Job Descriptive Index (JDI)
 Measures the specific facets of satisfaction
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Work Attitudes
Organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB)
Workplace deviance
behavior (WDB)
• Behavior that is above and
beyond the call of duty
• Satisfied workers are more
likely to engage in OCBs
• Leads to lower turnover
and higher productivity at
the organizational level
• Any voluntary
behavior that violates
organizational norms and
adversely affects
organizational functioning
• Negative events that occur
in an organization trigger
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Organizational Commitment
and Job Satisfaction
Organizational commitment
• Strength of an individual’s identification with an organization
Affective commitment
• Based on an individual’s desire to remain in an organization
Continuance commitment
• Based on the fact that an individual cannot afford to leave
Normative commitment
• Based on an individual’s perceived obligation to remain with an
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Learning Outcomes
Identify the characteristics of the source,
target, and message that affect persuasion
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Process of Persuasion
New Attitude
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• Expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness
• Level of self-esteem, mood
• Approach used and emotional tone of the message
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Figure 4.2 - The Elaboration
Likelihood Model of Persuasion
SOURCE: Adapted from R. E. Petty and J. T. Cacioppo, “The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion,” in L. Berkowitz, ed., Advances in Experimental Social
Psychology, vol. 19 (New York: Academic Press, 1986), 123–205.
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Learning Outcomes
Discuss the definition and importance of
emotions at work
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Emotions and Moods
• Mental states that include
• Classified as positive or
feelings, physiological
negative and made up of
changes, and the inclination
various emotions
to act
• Short-lived, intense reactions
• Last longer than emotions
• Do not have a specific cause
to an event
• Have a specific, known cause
• Impact both work attitudes
and work behaviors
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Emotional Contagion, Emotional
Intelligence, and Emotional Labor
Emotional contagion
• Emotions of one person are transferred to another,
consciously or unconsciously, through nonverbal channels
Emotional intelligence (EI)
• Ability to recognize and manage emotion in oneself and in
Emotional labor
• Work that employees do to control their feelings and
expression of emotions in the workplace and is a type of
emotion regulation
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Learning Outcomes
Contrast the effects of individual and
organizational influences on ethical behavior
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Ethical Behavior
 Acting in ways consistent with one’s personal values
and the commonly held values of the organization
and society
 Effects
 Firms with good reputations attract more job
 Firms can experience lower returns and slow sales
growth for up to five years as a result of illegal
corporate behavior
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Beyond the Book:
No Consequences?
 On October 1, 2009 David Letterman announced
that he had been having sexual affairs with junior
members of his staff.
 There appears, however, to be little fallout from the
 There has been no sanction or warning from CBS,
and Letterman’s ratings are higher than ever.
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Learning Outcomes
Identify the factors that affect ethical
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Ethics and the Individual
 Ethical decision making requires following qualities
 Competence to identify ethical issues and evaluate
the consequences of alternate actions
 Self-confidence to seek out different opinions and
decide what is right
 Willingness to make decisions when there is no
unambiguous solution
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Figure 4.3 - Individual/Organizational
Model of Ethical Behavior
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 Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct is
personally or socially preferable to an opposite
mode of conduct
 Instrumental values: Shape acceptable behaviors
that can be used to achieve some goal or end state
 Terminal values: Influence the goals to be achieved
or the end states of existence
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Work Values
 Influence individual’s perceptions of right and
wrong on the job
 Achievement
 Concern for others
 Honesty
 Fairness
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Cultural Differences in Values
Collectivist cultures
• Value a person’s contributions to relationships in
the work team
Individualist cultures
• Value a person’s contribution to task
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Locus of Control
 Internal
 Belief in personal control and personal responsibility
 Resistant to social pressure
 External - Belief in control by outside forces
 Fate, chance, other people
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 Personality characteristic involving one’s willingness
to do whatever it takes to get one’s own way
• Deceitful and have a cynical
view of human nature
• Do not care for
conventional notions of
right and wrong
• Skilled manipulators
• Value loyalty and
• Less willing to manipulate
others for personal gain
• Are concerned with others’
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Cognitive Moral Development
 Process of moving through stages of maturity with
regard to making ethical decisions
 With each successive stage, individuals become:
 Less dependent on other people’s opinions of right
and wrong
 Less self-centered
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Figure 4.4 - Kohlberg’s Stages of
Cognitive Moral Development
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Beyond the Book:
Where Does Kiva Money Go?
 Kiva is an organization that promises individuals
that they will be able to make micro-loans directly
to entrepreneurs in emerging economies.
 As discovered by David Roodman, a fellow at the
Center for Global Development, people in fact
cannot make direct loans through Kiva; there is no
person-to-person connection.
 Money “lent” through Kiva’s website goes to
microlending organizations, and not individual
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The Emperor’s Club
 Does William Hundert describe a specific type of life
that one should lead? If so, what are its elements?
 Does Sedgewick Bell lead that type of life? At what
level of cognitive moral development do you
perceive Sedgewick Bell?
 What consequences or effects do you predict for
Sedgewick Bell because of the way he chooses to
live his life?
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Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
 Which component of attitudes does HR executive
Dan Gauthreaux express when he says, “I think you
can learn from any job you do and try to make the
best of it”?
 How did Kim Clay’s organizational citizenship
behavior lead to the creation of a new computer
help desk at MG+BW?
 What role did management play in fostering Kim
Clay’s organizational commitment? In what ways
does this commitment benefit the organization?
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