Extra Credit Essay Assignment

Academic Vocabulary:
Extra Credit Essay
This essay assignment will allow you to explore one of the chapters we’ve discussed this
semester in more detail. I’ve provided questions pertaining to each chapter below. You
should pick one question/bulleted point to guide you as you write your essay. You can
use the reading from whichever chapter you chose as a starting point, but feel free to
take your essay in any direction you want. There is no length requirement, but try to fully
explore your question/topic. To develop your vocabulary skills, you should incorporate
up to 10 vocabulary words. These words should be used correctly and in context.
Extra Points
You can earn up to 10 extra points for this assignment, but do not feel like you need to
earn all 10. If you only want to earn a few points, you can write a short essay with a few
words. If you want the maximum number of points, you should develop a more in-depth
essay on your topic that uses up to 10 words. It’s up to you how far you want to take this
assignment. Points will be awarded based on two factors: the content of your essay
and the correct use and integration of the vocabulary words.
You may go to SkillZone for additional help on this assignment. Make sure you take this
sheet and your textbook with you so the tutors can better assist you. However, the tutors
are only there to help you develop ideas and should not be writing anything for you. If
any part of your essay is not your own, you will not receive credit.
Chapter 7: How We See Ourselves
 Do you have a hero or a role model? What are the qualities in that person that
you admire?
 Given an example of how self-concept might influence someone’s self-esteem.
How might advertising influence someone’s self-concept?
 What are your different social roles? Do you require different products to play
those roles? Give some examples.
Chapter 13: Water for Sale
 How carefully do you read the labels on the foods or beverages you buy? What
kind of information are you looking for on the labels?
 Why is bottled water so popular today? What are some key differences between
varieties of bottled water?
 What does bottled water say about consumer culture? Is convenience more
important than environmental sustainability? Is bottled water even necessary?
Chapter 3: The Changing Nature of the Family
 What is the average family size in your country? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of larger and smaller families?
In what ways do economic factors, such as income level and employment,
affect family structure?
What new trends in family structure have you observed in the twenty-first
century? How is the family changing?
Chapter 6: Who Buys What? The Family’s Influence
 How do parents use consumer goods to influence their children’s behavior?
Describe examples from your childhood.
 What is intergenerational socialization? Are there any brands from your
childhood that you still buy? If so, describe them and your reason for still buying
Chapter 17: Food Roots and Foodways
 What foods do you associate with your cultural or regional background? Are
these foods served in other parts of the world, for example, in ethnic restaurants
representing a particular culture or place? If so, why? If not, why not?
 How is food linked to important cultural events in your country or region? How is it
linked to more common cultural practices?
 What was the strangest food you’ve ever eaten? What was exotic about it?
Chapter 21: Music as Social Conscience
 Have singers and songwriters of socially conscious songs caused you to think
more deeply about any of the issues they highlight? Explain how.
 Why is music able to inspire people to action, for example, to go to war or to
protest against war? Describe some songs about war and peace from your
country or culture. What message does each song transmit to you?