Be Cool and Calculating What some experienced Accounting teacher think you will need to concentrate on during your studies Attempt past exams and practice exam • Under exam conditions to get use to completing them in the time limit. • Every year the Examiners say student’s marks fall toward the end of the exam, because they have run out of time. • I have some that you will not get off the website so just ask. The Exam will be 2 hours long • The Exam will cover Unit 3 & 4. • You can do the Exam questions in what ever order you prefer but you must attempt every question. Know your Accounting Principles and Qualitative Characteristics • COM, REL, U Characteristics – Comparability – Relevance – Reliability – Understandability • The others are Accounting Principles! – C @ HER MCG Link the Accounting Principles and Qualitative Characteristics • To the various topics and be prepared to explain why these items exist. Understandability • The setting out of the reports so that people who are not accountant can understand. – Balance Sheet fully classified with headings – Income Statement with headings – Cash Flow with appropriate headings Entity • The Balance Sheet – the business assets & liabilities are separate from the owner’s. • Sales of a non-current asset – the residual value that we sell the NCA for now belongs to another business / entity. Reporting Period • Revenue & expense – earned or incurred in the current reporting period are matched to calculate profit. • Balance Day Adjustments – revenue & expense items are made more accurate and matched to calculate profit. Comparability • Using the same Depreciation method each year consistently means reports can be compared. • Using Control and Subsidiary accounts allows for comparing & checked Think about the theory behind the practical • Why do we use perpetual inventory? What is perpetual inventory? • Why do some businesses use Control accounts? Why do we have subsidiary accounts if we already have the general ledger? Journals • General Journal entries are always popular. GST • Is not recorded on stock cards or in Stock Control. • Check the GST at the start in the Balance Sheet from the previous year. Depreciation • If a Non Current Asset is bought part way through the year, then it will be depreciated for part of the year. • If a Non Current Asset is sold in the middle of the year, then it will be depreciated for part of the year. Disposal of a NCA • If the NCA is sold, then an amount received is recorded in the Cash Receipts Journal. • If the NCA is traded-in to the Sundry Creditor, then the value will be mentioned on the invoice for the purchase of the new NCA. • If the NCA is written off, there will be no value. Purchase of a new Non Current Asset • You may be presented with an invoice that will include a deposit (record in Cash Receipts Journal). • The remainder is owed to the Sundry Creditor. • There may be discount so watch for 2/7, n/30. • There will be GST on the purchase of a Non Current Asset. Accounting Reports • • • • Go to Template of Reports Be familiar with the format of each Be ready to reconstruct accounts Don’t forget Variance reports and what they show the owner. • How do BDA Adjustments affect Income Statement and Balance Sheet? Cash Versus Profit • Can a business make a profit and have little or no cash? • Can another business have plenty of cash but make a loss? • What about Net Cash from Operation being positive but the business has a overdraft? • How can these events happen? Performance analysis • The ratios will NOT be included in the exam. • Read the list of ratios from the photocopy I gave you or the wiki then memorise them. • If you read the list every day, you will have a good chance of remembering them. Performance analysis • Analyse the data • Interpret the results • Discuss them in relation to the needs of the business (how improve?) and the owner. • Why has Return on Assets decreased? • How could the owner improve collections from debtors? Performance Analysis • If you are asked to discuss a particular issue and you are making either positive or negative statements, make sure you provide supporting evidence to justify your statement. • Refer to the data presented in the question to strengthen your point of view. • IDL answers: – Identify – Define – Link Stock Cards will include: • • • • • • Sales returns Purchase returns Period costs Product costs FIFO Reversing FIFO • Make sure you are very familiar how these are recorded on the Stock cards. Product Costs • Those costs that – can be logically applied to the stock – assist in getting the stock into position and condition for sale Period costs • Cannot be – Logically applied even though they are required to be the stock into the position and condition for sale – This could include a item that links as a Product but is so small a value that it is left as a Period cost e.g. Freight $10 of 100 items so 10¢ each isn’t logical nor does it comply with Monetary – any amount under $1 is rounded up. Credit Sales Invoice No. 3654 Item TV DVD Stereo Freight Insurance Total Qty 10 20 20 50 Date 3.08.09 Unit Price GST Total $300 $30 $3300 Charged per unit $100 $10 $2200 Product Cost $50 $5 $1100 $2 .20¢ $110 $200 $20 $220 $6930 Insurance: a one-off fee that must be paid regardless of the number of units purchased so this is a Period cost Also, in the Answer Booklet • If students are asked to record this transaction in the Journals, the Answer Booklet will provide a Purchases Journal and a General Journal. • Both Journals must be used – the examiners wouldn’t provide both if they didn’t expect both to be used. Purchase of a Non-current assets on credit • Usually in combination with – the disposal / trade-in of a Non-current asset – and calculation of depreciation. When a purchase is made, check • If stock is being purchased for resale: – Credit Purchase of stock > Purchases Journal > Creditors Control account • If a non-current asset is being purchase to be used to earn revenue: – Credit Purchase of non-current asset > General Journal > Sundry Creditors account BDA • • • • • • • • Prepaid expenses Accrued expenses Prepaid revenue Accrued revenue Stock Write Down Bad Debts Stock Losses Stock Gains Prepaid Revenue • Students do badly in this area. • For 2007 & 2008 exams this was examined by looking at stock sold on credit. Prepaid Sales - where – Stock was ordered for delivery and payment at a later date, – Paid a deposit when the stock was ordered, – Received some of the stock ordered (and an Invoice has accompanied the stock), – Paid the balance owing on the Invoice. All of these transactions occur over two reporting periods. How to go about answering this: • A suggested approach is to work backwards. • Consider how the General Ledger would look if the whole sale occurred at one time. • Then work backwards to find the entries required. To do before the exam • • • • • Plenty past exams and trial exams Remember the basics Practise you exam techniques Revise carefully Read the Assessment Reports to find out where students made mistakes in previous exams. • Be prepared – the better prepared, the higher the result. The Exam Date •Monday, November 11.45am to 2.00pm th 11 • Difficult time of day – you will be hungry • Eat something healthy before the exam – Avoid the sugary snacks that make you jittery