Unit 4 Lesson 1 •1. Analyze manufacturing processes, including designing, developing, producing, and servicing. •2. Describe mechanical processes that change the form of materials. •3. Identify the major areas of manufacturing and leading enterprises from each segment. •4. Compare and contrast manufacturing and construction in terms of outputs. •5. Describe natural material resources. •6. Identify and provide examples of types of primary processing. •7. Describe the major manufacturing processes. •8. Describe how manufacturing systems capture, develop, produce, and market creative ideas. •9. Research, design, and fabricate a display depicting a primary manufacturing process. •10. Make an oral presentation to the class and other audiences. • Modern manufacturing technologies produce quality goods at low prices, enhancing the quality of life for many people. • To familiarize students with the functioning and organization of manufacturing enterprises. Answer the following questions: a. What was the “real time” duration of the process shown? b. What are some things that manufacturers have to do before a product is assembled? c. What resources were used to assemble the product? d. Who controlled the processes we saw? Speculate on the impacts of manufacturing on individuals, society, economics, politics, and the environment. Manufacturing remains the world’s economic power source. (Industry Week, http://www.industryweek.com/research/iw1000/2010/iw1000revenues.asp) The annual global ranking of the largest manufacturing firms proves that publicly held companies continue to be the power generators of the world’s wealth. Match the names of leading Global manufacturers with their products. PRODUCT MANUFACTURER 1. Petroleum & coal products A. Caterpillar, Inc. 2. Motor vehicles B. Exxon Mobil 3. Electrical equip. & appliances C. General Electric (GE) 4. Food D. Boeing Co. 5. Chemicals E. Samsung 6. Computer & other electronic products F. Johnson & Johnson 7. Primary metals G. Nestlé SA 8. Pharmaceuticals H. Procter & Gamble 9. Machinery I. Arcelor Mittal 10. Communications J. France Telecom 11. Aerospace & Defense K. Toyota Petroleum & coal products –the industry’s revenue giant in petroleum & coal products is Exxon Mobil $303 Billion-TOP Revenue of ALL manufacturing Companies! #2 Royal Dutch Shell Motor vehicles – Japanese automaker Toyota posted a $222 Billion revenue but their revenue has decreased by 22% from 2008-09 revenues. Electrical equipment & appliances – among the 28companies on the list in the electrical equipment & appliances industry, GE had the highest revenues—$156 billion. (4 times higher than Mitsubishi 2nd place.) Food–Switzerland’s Nestlé SA produced the highest revenues, $104 billion. Leading Chemical Company – Procter and Gamble earns $79 billion in revenue Computer & other electronic products + $120 Billion in revenues (Japanese Company) Primary metals – Arcelor Mittal (France) earned almost $65 billion, the highest revenues among the all the companies in the metals industry. Pharmaceuticals - Johnson & Johnson took in $62 Billion in 2009, the highest revenue figure among the pharmaceutical manufacturers on the IW 1000 Machinery - Among the machinery producers on the IW 1000, Caterpillar Inc. generated the most revenues—$32 billion. • French Company France Telecom earns $67 Billion in revenue and is closely followed by Nokia Corp. (Finland) Production activities either result in a product or a structure. Production activities that result in products is called manufacturing. Production activities that result in structures is called construction. Manufacturing processes have been changed by improved tools and techniques based on more thorough scientific understanding, increases in the forces that can be applied and the temperatures that can be reached, and the availability of electronic controls that make operations occur more rapidly and consistently. Non-durable goods are designed to operate for a short period of time. Durable goods are designed to operate for a long period of time Manufacturing systems may be classified into types, such as: Customized production Continuous production Batch production Marketing involves establishing a product’s identity, conducting research on its potential, advertising it, distributing it, and selling it. Biotechnology has applications in such areas as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, medicine, energy, the environment, and genetic engineering. Medical technologies include prevention and rehabilitation, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, medical and surgical procedures, genetic engineering, and the systems in which health is protected and maintained. Transportation plays a vital role in the operation of other technologies, such as manufacturing, construction, communication, health and safety, and agriculture. Intermodalism is the use of different modes of transportation, such as highways, railways, and waterways as part of an interconnected system that can move people and goods easily from one mode to another. Resources processing (primary manufacturing) Product manufacturing (secondary manufacturing) Minerals Genetic materials Fossil fuel materials Mechanical processes (producing lumber and plywood) Thermal processes (producing steel, glass, refining petroleum) Chemical and electrochemical processes (producing aluminum) Casting and molding Separating Conditioning Assembling Forming Finishing Casting & Molding • Introducing a liquid material into a prepared cavity and causing the material to solidify Basic Steps in process • Prepare the mold • Prepare the material • Introduce the material into the mold • Cause the material to solidify • Extract the Product Forming • Applying force through a shaping device to cause a material to change its shape permanently Basic Steps in process • Develop the shaping device • Establish material temperature • Create the forming forces Separating • Using a cutting element to remove excess material to create a desired size and shape Basic Steps in process • Select the cutting device or element • Support the work and/or the Cutting Device • Create the cutting and fee motions Conditioning • Using heat, chemical action, or mechanical force to change the internal properties of a material Basic Steps in process • Determine the desired Material property • Determine the material structure needed to produce the property • Select the process to develop the property Use Chemical, Thermal, or mechanical means to condition the material Assembly • Temporarily, semipermanently, or permanently attaching parts to make assemblies or products Basic Steps in process • Determine the Type of Assembly needed • Determine the technique that will develop the assembly • Select the appropriate joint for the assembly • Install the fastener or bond the material Finishing • Coating or converting the surface of a material to protect and/or beautify it Basic Steps in process • Select a finishing material or technique • Prepare the product for finishing • Apply the finish Manufacturing is part of a larger system that captures, develops, produces, and markets creative ideas and includes: a. Research and development b. Production c. Marketing d. Industrial relations e. Financial management EXIT Ticket • Big Idea EXIT Ticket Big Idea Unit 4 “Research” • Manufacturing process Activity Description