I-SHOU UNIVERSITY Admission Guidelines for International Students: 2015-2016 (Fall 2015 & Spring 2016) Address: No.1, Sec. 1, Syuecheng Rd., Dashu District, Kaohsiung City 84001, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Website: http://www.isu.edu.tw/admissions TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 2132~2136 FAX: +886-7-6577477 e-mail: dradm@isu.edu.tw 1 I-SHOU UNIVERSITY Admission Guidelines for International Students (Fall 2015 & Spring 2016) Admissions Timetable Fall 2015 (Enrollment: September 2015) Item Date Application Deadline August 10, 2015 June 30, 2015 especially for School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate. Airport Pick-up and New Int’l Student Orientation Mid-September 2015 Semester Start Date Mid-September 2015 Spring 2016 (Enrollment: February 2016) The spring semester will attend classes with peers of the same year level. No extra course is offered. Item Date Application Deadline January 16, 2016 Airport Pick-up and New Int’l Student Orientation Late February 2016 Semester Start Date Late February, 2016 Application Procedure Determine which semester and department you intend to enroll in Please refer to p.1 for semesters and departments available at ISU. For more information on curricula and faculty members, please visit the website of each department. Prepare all required documents Please prepare photocopies of the passport/proof of nationality, the diploma/academic credential, the financial statement, official transcripts, and documents required by the department you intend to enroll in. Apply online Please complete an application form International Student Application System: http://enroll.isu.edu.tw/enroll/di/ on the Send a complete application package to ISU by: 1. e-mail 2. fax 3. postal mail Please download and print the completed application form and submit it along with all required documents to ISU. You may submit by e-mail, fax or postal mail. You can check if your application package has been received on the above-mentioned system. Application review You may be notified to send supplementary documents or take examinations in professional subjects or language proficiency as occasion requires. Send review results ISU sends a notification of review results to you via both e-mail and postal mail. Table of Contents I. Departments......................................................................................................... 1 II. Semesters to Enroll in & Prescribed Years of Study........................................... 3 III. Qualifications for Application ............................................................................. 4 IV. How & When to Apply ....................................................................................... 7 V. Admission Criteria .............................................................................................. 9 VI. Admissions Procedure....................................................................................... 26 VII. Notification of Review Results ......................................................................... 26 VIII. Enrollment ......................................................................................................... 26 IX. Tuition & Other Required Fees, Accommodation Fees and Living Expenses . 27 X. Scholarships ...................................................................................................... 30 Checklist for Application Package for International Student Admissions .................. 31 Application Form for International Student Admissions ............................................ 32 Affidavit for International Student Admission Application ........................................ 35 Application Form for Scholarship for International Students ..................................... 37 Financial Guarantee for International Applicants ....................................................... 38 Contact Info ISU Admissions Admissions Section, Office of Academic Affairs TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 2133 FAX: +886-7-6577477 and Applications e-mail: dradm@isu.edu.tw Website: www.isu.edu.tw/admissions Visa Application Office of International Affairs TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 2093~2098 FAX: +886-7-6577472 e-mail:oia@isu.edu.tw Website: www.isu.edu.tw/oia For coordination of international education-related issues: Department of International and Cross-strait Education, Ministry of Education, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-23565581 Website: english.moe.gov.tw Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-23432885 or +886-2-23432850 Website: www.boca.gov.tw/ National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-23899983; +886-800-024-111 Website: www.immigration.gov.tw/ I. Departments Please note: “” indicates that the semester is available to enroll in; “” indicates that the academic program is available; “--” indicates that the item is not available. 1. Programs taught in English: Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the English language. Enrollment Department Degree Fall Semester Spring Semester Bachelor Master Doctoral *Dept. of Applied English -- -- Dept. of Entertainment Management -- -- Dept. of International Business Administration -- -- Dept. of International Finance -- -- Dept. of International Tourism and -- Hospitality International MBA Program of - - College of Management *Note: Courses related to translation and interpretation will be taught in both English and Chinese. 2. Programs taught in Japanese:Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language. Enrollment Department Dept. of Applied Japanese Degree Fall Semester Spring Semester Bachelor Master Doctoral -- 3. Programs taught in Chinese: Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language. Enrollment Department Degree Fall Semester Spring Semester Bachelor Master Doctoral Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electronic Engineering Dept. of Information Engineering -- Dept. of Communication Engineering -- -- 1 Enrollment Department Degree Fall Semester Spring Semester Bachelor Master Doctoral Dept. of Information Management -- Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering -- -- Dept. of Chemical Engineering -- -- Institute of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering -- Dept. of Civil and Ecological Engineering -- Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering -- -- -- Dept. of Industrial Management Dept. of Business Administration -- Dept. of Finance (for the master’s program only) -- Dept. of Accounting -- -- Dept. of International Business -- -- Dept. of Public Policy and Management -- Postgraduate Programs in Management -- Dept. of Mass Communication -- -- Dept. of Digital Media Design -- -- Dept. of Design -- -- -- -- -- Dept. of Tourism -- -- Dept. of Leisure Management -- -- Dept. of Hospitality Management -- -- Dept. of Financial and Computational Mathematics Creative Product Dept. of Film and Television 2 Enrollment Department Degree Fall Semester Spring Semester Bachelor Master Doctoral Dept. of Culinary Arts Management -- -- * Dept. of Biological Science and Technology -- * Dept. of Health Management -- -- * Dept. of Nutrition -- -- -- *Dept. of Healthcare Administration -- * Dept. of Nursing -- -- * Dept. of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences -- -- * Dept. of Physical Therapy -- -- * Dept. of Occupational Therapy -- -- * Dept. of Biomedical Engineering * School of Chinese Medicine --- for Post Baccalaureate * Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that the department is at the Medical Campus. The spring semester will attend classes with peers of the same year level. No extra course is offered. II. Semesters to Enroll in & Prescribed Years of Study 1. Enrollment: September for the fall semester and February for the spring semester. An academic year is composed of two semesters. 2. Prescribed Years of Study: 4-6 years for undergraduate programs; 2-4 years for master’s programs; and 2-7 years for doctoral programs. Especially, the prescribed years of study for students enrolled in the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate is 5 years (including clerkship of clinical medicine and practicum course of Chinese medicine), but students may extend their study for two more years at most. 3. For undergraduate programs, international students who graduated from foreign high schools (e.g. students graduated from a five-year high school under the British education system) but did not complete the same prescribed years of study as high school graduates in Taiwan are required to earn at least twelve additional credits within the prescribed years of study after being admitted to ISU in order to be eligible for graduation. 4. ISU will scrutinize the qualifications of applicants with a junior college diploma or degree equivalent to a college diploma, and applicants may apply for credit transfer after enrolling 3 in as freshmen or transfer students. Affairs related to credit transfer, promotion to a higher grade and academic studies shall be governed by the Regulations for Credit Transfer at I-Shou University and the Academic Rules of I-Shou University. Students shall apply for credit transfer pursuant to the amendments to the Regulations for Credit Transfer at I-Shou University if the regulations are amended after they are admitted to ISU. III. Qualifications for Application 1. People who have a foreign nationality and have never held R.O.C. nationality (*1) and do not possess the status as an overseas compatriot student at the time of application may apply for admission. 2. People who have a foreign nationality, have resided overseas (*2) for an uninterrupted period of six years (*3) and satisfy the following requirements may apply for admission. But those who intend to apply for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have resided overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years. (1) Possessing R.O.C. nationality at the time of application, but having never held household registration in Taiwan since birth; (2) Having had possessed R.O.C. nationality prior to application, but having ceased to possess the nationality for at least 8 years since the date on which a nationality revocation was issued by the Ministry of the Interior; (3) In either of the aforesaid cases, those who have studied in Taiwan as overseas compatriot students and have been admitted via admission placement by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Student shall be excluded; (4) People who graduated from domestic schools for foreign residents, bilingual departments/programs in domestic high schools, or foreign curriculum departments/classes in private senior high schools and below may apply for admission to undergraduate programs at ISU. Applicants who satisfy Subparagraphs 1 or 2 shall not apply. 3. People who have a foreign nationality, have the right to permanent residency in Hong Kong or Macao, have never held household registration in Taiwan since birth, and have resided in Hong Kong, Macao or other foreign countries for an uninterrupted period of six years (*2) at the time of application may apply for admission. Those who intent to apply for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have resided overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years. 4. People who were citizens of mainland China, have a foreign nationality, have never held household registration in Taiwan since birth, and have resided overseas for an uninterrupted period of six years (*2) at the time of application may apply for admission. Those who intent to apply for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have resided overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years. 5. Foreign nationals who have been selected by foreign governments, organizations or schools according to the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement and have never held household registration in Taiwan since birth may apply for admission with prior consent of the Ministry of Education. 6. People who have had possessed both a foreign nationality and R.O.C. nationality, have applied to renounce R.O.C. nationality before February 1st, 2011, and have ceased to 4 possess the nationality for at least 8 years since the date on which a nationality revocation was issued by the Ministry of the Interior may apply for admission. Such applicants are not subject to the restriction referred to Item 2. 7. International students who have already been enrolled in any school in Taiwan by following any of the preceding rules are not allowed to apply for admission to ISU as a new student to Taiwan. 8. According to the Ministry of Education’s Letter No. Tai-Wen-Tzu 1010174503, Vietnamese applicants shall provide a certificate of basic proficiency in foreign languages (Chinese or English) when applying for admission. For admission to Chinese-taught programs, applicants shall provide a TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) certificate for Level 2 or above, or a certificate of completion of a Chinese program at Level 2 issued by the Taiwan Education Center. For admission to English-taught programs, applicants shall provide a TOEFL iBT report (at least 26), a TOEIC report (at least 375) or an IELTS report with an overall band score of 3.0 or above. 9. International students with a foreign high school diploma or equivalent qualification to that of the R.O.C. academic degree system can apply for admission to undergraduate programs of ISU; bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification for master’s programs; and master’s degree or equivalent qualification for doctoral programs. 10. The recognition of academic credentials for international applicants shall be conducted pursuant to the following regulations as well as the MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan: (1) Applicants with a diploma received in mainland China: The recognition shall be conducted pursuant to the Regulations on the Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Mainland China. (2) Applicants with a diploma received in Hong Kong or Macao: The recognition shall be conducted pursuant to the Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Hong Kong and Macao. (3) Applicants with a diploma received from other regions/countries: A. Diplomas awarded by overseas Taiwan schools or Taiwanese children’s schools in mainland China shall be recognized pursuant to the law applicable to the diplomas received from schools at equivalent level in Taiwan. B. Academic credentials received from regions/countries other than those mentioned in the preceding two subparagraphs shall be recognized pursuant to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education. Diplomas awarded by schools or branches in mainland China as established by foreign schools shall be notarized by a Notary Public in mainland China and verified by a Notary Public established, assigned or commissioned by the Executive Yuan. (4) Credentials hold by applicants shall be subject to the Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Level As Qualified for Entering University. 11. Foreign academic credentials conferred by foreign high schools or universities shall be subject to relevant MOE regulations for recognition. Please refer to the MOE 5 website (http://www.edu.tw/pages/list1.aspx?Node=2199&Type=1&Code=0&Index=3&WI D=409cab38-69fe-4a61-ad3a-5d32a88deb5d) or the MOE system (http://www.fsedu.moe.gov.tw/index.php) for the list of foreign universities. 12. People are not allowed to apply for admission if they have been expelled from any university or institute in Taiwan due to poor moral conduct or poor academic performance, or crime commitment. 13. International applicants who intend to apply for transfer admission to any of the undergraduate programs at ISU shall have already been enrolled in and studied at a university or institute in Taiwan, and they shall be subject to the criteria applicable to domestic transfer applicants. Those who meet the criteria will be admitted to a sophomore or junior class at any of the undergraduate programs based on the qualifications review results. (No transfer application is considered by the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate.) Applicants who are found to have violated any of the aforesaid rules shall be disqualified from or deprived of enrollment status, or the diploma issued be revoked. ISU reserves the right not to issue any certificate to such students. *1: According to Article 2 of the Nationality Act, a person shall have the nationality of the Republic of China under any of the conditions provided by the following subparagraphs: (1) His/her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China when he/she was born. (2) He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China at the time of death. (3) He/she was born in the territory of the Republic of China, and his/her parents can’t be ascertained or both were stateless persons. (4) He/she has undergone the nationalization process. *2: The term “overseas” refers to regions or countries other than Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao. The term “an uninterrupted period of residency” is defined that an international student shall stays in Taiwan for less than 120 days per calendar year. *3: The period of years is counted until the beginning date of the admission semester (February 1st or August 1st). 6 IV. How & When to Apply 1. 2. 3. 4. Application Deadlines: (1) Fall Semester (enrollment in September 2015): August 10, 2015 (2) Fall Program for School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate (enrollment in September 2015): June 30, 2015 (Applicants shall take into consideration the estimated mail delivery time.) (3) Spring Semester (enrollment in February 2016): January 6, 2016 ※ International students admitted to the spring semester will attend classes with peers of the same year level. No extra course is offered. How to Apply (1) Online Application: STEP 1: Go to the International Student Application System at http://enroll.isu.edu.tw/enroll/di/. STEP 2: Complete an application form online. STEP 3: Make sure that all information provided is true and correct, save it, and then print and sign the completed application form. STEP 4: Submit the signed application form along with all required documents to ISU. (2) Application Submission Please download and print the completed application from and submit it along with all required documents to ISU by any of the following methods: (Please check if your application package has been received on the International Student Application System. Late applications will NOT be accepted.) A. by e-mail: dradm@isu.edu.tw B. by fax: +886-7-6577477 or +886-7-6577478 C. by postal mail: Please download the envelope cover page from the above-mentioned system. (3) For admission information, please contact: TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 2133 FAX: +886-7-6577477 or +886-7-6577478 e-mail: dradm@isu.edu.tw Application Fee: None Documents required for application: (1) an Application Form for International Student Admissions (including the Affidavit for International Student Admission Application) (2) an Application Form for Scholarship for International Students (3) one photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality (4) academic credential(s): a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level A. Applicants who are fresh graduates may submit an original certificate of enrollment for the current semester upon application, and the original diploma shall be submitted no later than the date of registration at ISU after being accepted. B. Applicants who have already graduated shall submit a photocopy of the diploma. C. Applicants who apply for admission with certificates at an equivalent education level shall submit a certificate of study. Note 1: An original copy of an academic credential or diploma shall be notarized by a local R.O.C. embassy, overseas office or representative office for ISU to review. (A Chinese or English translation notarized by a local R.O.C. 7 embassy, overseas office, representative office or a registered translation agency shall be provided if the certificate or diploma is written in languages other than English.) An applicant shall be considered unqualified if he or she fails to meet the aforesaid requirement. In such a case, those who have been admitted shall be denied enrollment. Note 2: If an applicant’s original diploma is in languages other than English, the diploma in Chinese or English which is issued by the applicant’s school shall also be accepted by ISU. 5. (5) official academic transcripts A. Academic transcripts: 1) scores for each subject in each semester, 2) the location of the school, and 3) the period of study shall be written on the academic transcripts. Academic transcripts shall be notarized by a local R.O.C. embassy, overseas office or representative office. A Chinese or English translation notarized by a local R.O.C. embassy, overseas office, representative office or a registered translation agency shall be provided if the academic transcript is written in languages other than English. B. A test report for the Comprehensive Assessment for Senior High School Students held by local government. (6) a financial statement (please submit one of the following items) A. a financial statement issued by a bank within the latest three months (in sealed envelope) as an evidence of adequate financial support to cover the costs of studying at ISU (the account balance is US$4,000 or NT$100,000 or more). B. If the financial statement is not under the applicant’s account, please provide a financial affidavit and a financial statement under the sponsor’s account. C. Applicants who have received a full ISU scholarship shall submit a certificate. (7) other documents required by the department/institute/program you intend to enroll in Notes: (1) All information provided by applicants and included in the application package will be used only for the purpose of student recruitment (including relevant announcements) and statistics compilation. When an applicant is admitted to ISU, his or her information will also be used for the purpose of student registration. All information provided by applicants shall be used pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act. (2) Applicants who had dual nationality shall submit a photocopy of the Permit Certificate of Nationality Loss issued by the Ministry of the Interior. (3) Late applications and incomplete submission shall not be accepted by ISU. (4) Please keep an extra copy of all documents submitted for application as ISU will not return the originals to applications. 8 V. Admission Criteria 1. Programs taught in English: Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the English language. Department Dept. of Applied English Degree Language of Instruction English (courses related to translation and interpretation will be taught in both English and Chinese) Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Relevant documents and/or certificates (such as research projects, works, journal papers, English proficiency certificates, etc.) TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5652 Website: www.ae.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Entertainment Management (International College) Degree Language of Instruction English Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. ※ One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) Official academic transcripts A financial statement Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or GEPT). Applicants with an IELTS band score of 5.0 or above will enjoy early admission. An autobiography/personal statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates All submitted documents shall be written in English. TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8852 Website: www.em.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of International Business Administration (International College) Degree Language of Instruction English Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or GEPT). Applicants with an IELTS band score of 5.0 or above will enjoy early admission. 2. An autobiography/personal statement 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates ※ All submitted documents shall be written in English. 9 Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8702 Website: www.iciba.isu.edu.tw/ Department Dept. of International Finance (International College) Degree Language of Instruction English Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or GEPT). Applicants with an IELTS band score of 5.0 or above will enjoy early admission. 2. An autobiography/personal statement in English 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates ※ All submitted documents shall be written in English. TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8752 Website: www.icif.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of International Tourism and Hospitality (International College) Degree Language of Instruction English Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts in English 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or GEPT). Applicants with an IELTS band score of 5.0 or above will enjoy early admission. 2. An autobiography/personal statement in English 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates ※ All submitted documents shall be written in English. TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8802 Website: www.icth.isu.edu.tw Department International MBA Program of College of Management (IMBA) Degree Language of Instruction English Enrollment Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. An English proficiency certificate (TOEFL and the like) 2. An academic achievement certificate (GMAT or GRE) 3. Two recommendation letters in English and an autobiography/personal statement in English 4. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5013 Website: www.gsm.isu.edu.tw 10 2. Programs taught in Japanese:Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language. Department Dept. of Applied Japanese Degree Language of Instruction Chinese and Japanese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. Master Contact Info 2. 3. 4. 5. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) Official academic transcripts A financial statement An autobiography/personal statement in Japanese or Chinese, prizes, works, etc. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. a Japanese language proficiency (JLPT) certificate) Applicants whose mother tongue is not Japanese shall submit a Japanese language proficiency (JLPT) certificate. Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or Japanese An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or Japanese Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (such as prizes or works) TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5552 Website: www.aj.isu.edu.tw 3. Programs taught in Chinese: Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language. Department Dept. of Electrical Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Doctoral Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Doctoral Contact Info 1. 2. 3. 4. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) Official academic transcripts A financial statement Relevant documents and/or certificates 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English The master’s thesis and a list of publications Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 6602 Website: www.ee.isu.edu.tw 11 Department Dept. of Electronic Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Doctoral Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Doctoral Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Relevant documents and/or certificates 1. Two recommendation letters 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. Two recommendation letters 2. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 6653 Website: www.ene.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Information Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Doctoral Fall Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Doctoral Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Relevant documents and/or certificates 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English The master’s thesis and a list of publications Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 6502 Website: www.csie.isu.edu.tw 12 Department Dept. of Communication Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. IELTS or TOEFL). 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 6752 Website: www.cme.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Information Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 3. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 4. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 6552 Website: www.mis.isu.edu.tw 13 Department Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate, relevant recommendation letters, or proofs of experience in Chinese learning or training in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. Two recommendation letters 2. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 3. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 4. A Chinese proficiency certificate, relevant recommendation letters, or proofs of experience in Chinese learning or training in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language 5. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 3202 Website: www.mae.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Chemical Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Bachelor 2. Contact Info Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 3402~3403 Website: www.isu.edu.tw/che 14 Department Institute of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Master Doctoral Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Master Doctoral Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Two recommendation letters 3. A research proposal in Chinese or English 4. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 5. Project reports 6. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Two recommendation letters 3. A research proposal in Chinese or English 4. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 5. The master’s thesis and a list of publications 6. Project reports 7. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 3402~3403 Website: www.isu.edu.tw/che Department Dept. of Civil and Ecological Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. 2. 3. 4. Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 3302 or 3303 Website: www.civil.isu.edu.tw 15 Department Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Doctoral Fall Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Doctoral 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. certificates, patents, prizes, etc.) 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Two recommendation letters 3. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 4. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 5. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Two recommendation letters 3. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 4. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 5. The master’s thesis and a list of publications 6. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 3102 Website: www.mse.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Financial and Computational Mathematics Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. An autobiography/personal statement in English (including personal information, educational background and reasons for applying for the Department) 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5602 Website: www.math.isu.edu.tw 16 Department Dept. of Industrial Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Doctoral Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts in English 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Master 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English 3. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 4. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 5. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Doctoral 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate. 2. Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English 3. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 4. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 5. The master’s thesis and a list of publications 6. Project reports 7. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5502 Website: www.im.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Business Administration Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. language proficiency certificates, professional skills certificates, proofs of achievements, etc.) Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. a study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English, an autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English, etc.) TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5902 Website: www.ba.isu.edu.tw 17 Department Dept. of Finance Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester (for the master’s program only) Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Bachelor Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Master Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5702 Website: www.finance.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Accounting Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement A certificate of taking Chinese language courses and other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5402 Website: www.acc.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of International Business Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Bachelor 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate or documents to certify that the applicant is able to communicate in Chinese smoothly 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5802 Website: www.ib.isu.edu.tw 18 Department Dept. of Public Policy and Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement A Chinese proficiency certificate 1. 2. 3. 4. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese A Chinese proficiency certificate Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5852 Website: www.ppm.isu.edu.tw Department Postgraduate Programs in Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Master Doctoral Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Master (MBA) (Service Industry Management) Doctoral Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate 2. An academic achievement certificate (GMAT or GRE) 3. One recommendation letter in Chinese or English, and an autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 4. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate 2. An academic achievement certificate (GMAT or GRE) 3. Two recommendation letters in Chinese or English, and an autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 4. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 5. The master’s thesis and a list of publications 6. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5013 Website: www.gsm.isu.edu.tw 19 Department Dept. of Mass Communication Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (Please attach certificates or relevant documents for remarkable achievements) TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5952 or 5953 Website: www.dmc.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Digital Media Design Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8452 Website: www.dmmd.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Creative Product Design Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8352 Website: www.cpd.isu.edu.tw 20 Department Dept. of Film and TV Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 2. Two recommendation letters 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 8252 Website: www.filmtv.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Tourism Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5452 Website: www.tourism.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Leisure Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5352 Website: www.leisure.isu.edu.tw 21 Department Dept. of Hospitality Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 5752 Website: www.hm.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Culinary Arts Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. A Chinese proficiency certificate 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6577711 ext. 3152 Website: www.ca.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Biological Science and Technology Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Master Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. language proficiency certificates, professional skills certificates, proofs of achievements, etc.) 1. Two recommendation letters 2. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 3. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 4. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. journal papers, a list of publications, project reports, etc.) TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7302 Website: www.bst.isu.edu.tw 22 Department Dept. of Health Management Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Bachelor 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL). 2. An autobiography/personal statement and a study plan Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7402 Website: www.hmd.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Nutrition Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese (two pages in A4 size) 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. language proficiency certificates, professional skills certificates, proofs of achievements, etc.) TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7902 Website: www.nut.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Bachelor Other supplementary documents and/or certificates (e.g. language proficiency certificates, professional skills certificates, proofs of achievements, etc.) Master Contact Info 1. Two recommendation letters 2. A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English 3. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 4. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7453 Website: www.bme.isu.edu.tw 23 Department Dept. of Healthcare Administration Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Master Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Bachelor 1. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 2. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL or IELTS). 3. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Master 1. 2. 3. 4. Two recommendation letters A study plan or research proposal in Chinese or English An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL or IELTS). 5. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7602 Website: www.healthcare.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Nursing Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese (two pages in A4 size) 2. An audiovisual file of an self introduction in Chinese (10 minutes) Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7702 Website: www.nurse.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Send only the documents listed above. TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7802 Website: www.rt.isu.edu.tw 24 Department Dept. of Physical Therapy Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement Bachelor 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL) 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Contact Info TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7552 Website: www.pt.isu.edu.tw Department Dept. of Occupational Therapy Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Spring Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor Contact Info 1. One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 2. Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) 3. Official academic transcripts 4. A financial statement 1. Applicants from non-English speaking countries shall submit an English proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL). 2. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7502 Website: www.ot.isu.edu.tw Department School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate Degree Language of Instruction Chinese Enrollment Bachelor Fall Semester Documents required Documents required for all applicants Bachelor 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Contact Info One photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality Academic credential(s) (a certificate of enrollment, a diploma or a certificate at an equivalent education level) Official academic transcripts A financial statement Applicants shall acquire adequate proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing of the Chinese language. Other supplementary documents and/or certificates Admitted applicants are not allowed to transfer to another department after enrollment. The submission deadline is June 30, 2015 (applicants shall take into consideration the estimated mail delivery time). TEL: +886-7-6151100 ext. 7052 Website: http://www.scmpb.isu.edu.tw/interface/overview.php?dept_mno=83210 25 VI. Application Form for Scholarship for International Students Admissions Procedure The Office of Academic Affairs will conduct an initial examination upon the receipt of admission applications. Applicants who pass the initial examination will move on to a second review. Applicants may be notified to take tests in professional subjects or language proficiency if necessary. Admitted applicants will be informed of enrollment after the review results are approved by ISU’s Admissions Committee. VII. Notification of Review Results 1. 2. A formal notification will be sent to all applicants individually. The letter of admissions does not guarantee the issuance of a visa, which shall be approved only by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a local R.O.C. representative office. VIII. Enrollment 1. If any information provided by an applicant or included in the application package is found to have been counterfeited, actually owned by another person or altered, the applicant shall be denied the eligibility for admission. If such an applicant has already been enrolled at ISU, his or her student registration shall be nullified and no certificate is issued. If such an applicant has already graduated from ISU, the degree awarded shall be nullified and the diploma revoked. 2. A complete registration package will be sent to admitted applicants along with a formal notification. Please follow the instructions to pay the tuition and other required fees, and complete the necessary registration procedure. Failure to complete the registration procedure will constitute refusal to enroll at ISU. Upon registration, admitted applicants shall submit the passport, one photocopy of the diploma certified by an R.O.C. overseas office, and official academic transcripts. Admitted applicants who fail to submit any of the aforesaid documents will not be allowed to enroll at ISU. 3. When applying for a student visa, admitted applicants shall submit the original of a health certificate (including HIV test, positive measles & rubella antibodies or vaccination certificates; please only use the form provided by ISU) issued by a hospital to the local R.O.C. overseas office. Moreover, admitted applicants shall submit one copy of the health certificate to ISU’s Health Section and take a group physical examination for freshmen as arranged by ISU. Please visit the website of the local R.O.C. overseas office to see whether there is any specific form as required by the Office. 4. Upon registration, newly-admitted international students shall submit a proof of health and personal injury insurance, valid for at least six months from the date of arrival in Taiwan; the mentioned insurance shall be valid in Taiwan (the proof shall be certified by an R.O.C. overseas office). Currently enrolled students shall submit a proof of the National Health Insurance valid during their stay in Taiwan. Those who have not participated in the National Health Insurance program may pay the insurance premiums to and request ISU to apply for the National Health Insurance (only available for officially enrolled studnts). The proof of insurance issued overseas shall be certified by an R.O.C. overseas office. 5. Issues not mentioned herein shall be governed by the MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education, the Regulations on the Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Mainland China, the Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Qualifications from Hong Kong and Macao, the Regulations for International Student Admission to I-Shou University, and the decisions made by ISU’s Admissions Committee. 26 IX. Tuition & Other Required Fees, Accommodation Fees and Living Expenses 1. 2. The estimated amount of each item is subject to change depending on actual situations. Tuition & Other Required Fees: Please refer to the announcement made by the Office of Accounting for the actual amount of the tuition & other required fees in the Academic Year 2015. Department / Institute (including Master’s & Doctoral Programs) Tuition & Other Required Fees per Semester (estimated) Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Dept. of Information Engineering, Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical & Automation Engineering, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Dept. of Communication Engineering, Institute of Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering, Dept. of Civil & Ecological Engineering, Dept. of Mass Communication, Dept. of Film & TV, Dept. of Creative Product Design, Dept. of Digital Media Design, and Dept. of Culinary Arts Management NT$55,373 Dept. of Business Administration, Dept. of Finance, Dept. of Accounting, Dept. of Information Management, Dept. of Healthcare Administration, Dept. of International Business, Dept. of Public Policy & Management, Dept. of Health Management, Postgraduate Programs in Management, Dept. of Industrial Management, Dept. of Leisure Management, Dept. of Tourism, and Dept. of Hospitality Management NT$47,994 Dept. of Financial and Computational Mathematics and Dept. of Biological Science & Technology NT$54,232 Dept. of Nursing, Dept. of Medical Imaging & Radiological Sciences, Dept. of Physical Therapy, Dept. of Occupational Therapy, and Dept. of Nutrition NT$55,495 Dept. of Applied English and Dept. of Applied Japanese NT$45,405 Dept. of International Business Administration (International College), Dept. of International Finance (International College), Dept. of International Tourism & Hospitality (International College), Dept. of Entertainment Management (International College), School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate, and IMBA Program of College of Management NT$72,500 3. Accommodation Fees Newly-admitted international students will be assigned to dorm rooms for 4 persons. They may apply for a dorm room change based on individual needs after moving in (excluding summer and winter vacations). Newly-admitted international students studying in medical disciplines will be assigned to dorm rooms for 3 persons at the Medical Campus. 27 Room Type Campus Twin Room (estimated) Room for 3 Persons (estimated) Dormitory 2 Dormitory 3 Deposit: NT$4,290 Main Campus ISU International House I (at Main Campus) Deposit: NT$3,800 st st 1 Semester: NT$25,740 1 Semester: NT$22,800 2nd Semester: NT$21,450 2nd Semester: NT$19,000 Room for 4 Persons (estimated) NT$12,400 per person / semester Deposit: NT$7,000 1st Semester: NT$42,000 N/A N/A NT$19,000 per person / semester N/A nd 2 Semester: NT$35,000 A Room for 3 Persons at Medical Campus (Medical Disciplines) N/A * The fees listed above are only estimated based on the average accommodation fees collected per semester in 2014. International students shall pay accommodation fees at the prescribed rates. 4. Textbooks & Living Expenses (The amount varies depending on individual circumstances) Expenses Item Description (estimated) * Textbook expenses vary depending on course requirements. * Students majoring in hospitality management, tourism and culinary NT$5,000-10,000 Textbooks arts management shall pay extra fees per person / semester for practicum and uniforms. * Students majoring in leisure management shall pay extra fees for uniforms. Living Expenses 5. NT$6,000 per person / month Living expenses in Taiwan Insurance Premiums Item Student Group Insurance Fee (in New Taiwan Dollars) (estimated) $240 (open tendering price) 28 $3,000 1. Students who have stayed in Taiwan for 180 days and have left Taiwan only once for less than 30 days are qualified for Health Insurance (After staying in Taiwan for 6 months, students may apply for National Health Insurance Premium) applying for the National Health Insurance program. When booking airplane tickets for going home during the summer vacation, students must pay attention to the total days of the trip (not to exceed 30 days) in order to be eligible to apply for the National Health Insurance program. 2. From the second semester after enrollment, students who are ineligible for the National Health Insurance program should pay the Health Insurance premiums according to the regulations. 3. The National Health Insurance premiums will be charged from the second semester after enrollment for a period of 6 months. The monthly premium is about $749 and the total amount for one semester is about $4,494. Remarks: The University may collect the insurance premiums along with the tuition and apply for the insurance for students. Please refer to the website for more details on the National Health Insurance (http://www.nhi.gov.tw/english/index.aspx). 6. Possible Miscellaneous Fees after Enrollment Item Fee (in New Taiwan Dollars) (estimated) Alien Resident Certificate $2,000 The University helps students to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (If the 2-inch photo fails to meet the photo requirements, s/he needs to pay for taking new photos. The photographer contracted with the Office of International Affairs can be hired on the day of registration. Photo-taking fee is about $350.) Health Examination Textbooks $500 About $500~ $1,000 per textbook. The price depends on each instructor’s choice. Stamp Engraving About $50 (for opening a bank account or a Post Office account) Prepaid SIM card About $500 per card Accommodation during Winter and Summer Vacations About $3,800~ $4,500 per month 29 X. Scholarships 1. 2. Taiwan Scholarship International students may apply for the scholarship granted by the Republic of China (R.O.C.) government by applying to local R.O.C. overseas offices before arrival in Taiwan. Please visit the website at: http://english.moe.gov.tw/ “Study in Taiwan” ”Scholarships” “Taiwan Scholarship” for more information. ISU Scholarship for International Students: (1) Scholarship amounts awarded include: A. NT$120,000/year B. the tuition and other required fees for two semesters C. NT$60,000/year D. 50% discount on the tuition and other required fees for two semesters (2) The scholarship for one full year will be divided by two and awarded in two semesters. Group insurance premiums, NHI premiums, the tuition & other required fees, and other fees payable to ISU shall be deducted from the scholarship. If the scholarship amount is less than the total fees payable, the recipients must pay for the difference. On the other hand, the remaining scholarship money will be returned to the recipients after the semester begins if the scholarship amount exceeds the total fees payable to ISU. (3) Requirements for Scholarship Recipients: A. A scholarship recipient shall not receive the scholarship if he or she 1) does not complete the registration procedure for the semester when the scholarship is awarded, 2) retains the student status or 3) transfers to another school. A scholarship recipient will be asked to return the full amount of the scholarship awarded if he or she suspends the schooling or withdraws from ISU. In addition, a scholarship recipient will be disqualified for the scholarship if he or she returns to ISU after suspension of schooling, has obtained a score on personal conduct below 80 for the most recent semester, or have had records of minor demerits or severer punishment. B. Scholarship recipients who have been granted the scholarship for the first year of studying at ISU are required to live in the dormitory assigned by ISU; otherwise, they will be disqualified from the scholarship. (4) The Scholarship Committee for International Students will review scholarship applications. Qualified applicants will be granted the scholarship for the first year of studying at ISU, and they have to reapply in the second year of studying at ISU. For more information, please refer to the Regulations for Scholarship for International Students at I-Shou University at: http://www.isu.edu.tw/international → English Version → Scholarship. 30 義守大學 外國學生繳交資料紀錄表 I-SHOU UNIVERSITY Checklist for Application Package for International Student Admissions * Full Name (English) 英文姓名: * Full Name (Chinese) 中文姓名: * Admission to: □ Fall Semester (Beginning in September)秋季班 □ Spring Semester (Beginning in February)春季班 * Application for Admission to Department (Institute) of 申請系所: * Degree 欲修讀學位:□ Bachelor 學士班 □ Master 碩士班 □ PhD 博士班 Please tick () the items that you have submitted 請於下面表格之繳交註記欄內打() Tick () Quantity Documents Required for Application 繳交資料項目 註記 份數 The following documents are required for all applicants:申請繳交資料 An Application Form for International Student Admissions (including an Affidavit)入學申請表 1 (含切結書) An Application Form for Scholarship for International Students (if necessary)獎助學金申請表 1 A photocopy of the passport or the proof of nationality 護照或國籍證明影本 A photocopy of the academic credential in English or Chinese (A Chinese or English translation shall be provided if the academic credential is written in languages other than English)英文或中文 畢業證書影本(中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本) Official academic transcripts in English or Chinese (A Chinese or English translation shall be provided if the transcripts are written in languages other than English)英文或中文歷年成績單 (中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本) 1 A financial statement 財力證明書 1 1 1 Documents required by the department (institute) you intend to enroll in:系所另繳交下列資料 Language Proficiency Certificate:語言能力證明 Test Title 測驗考試名稱: ______________________________ If you apply for a program in which English is the language of instruction (such as Dept. of International Business Administration, Dept. of International Finance, Dept. of International Tourism & Hospitality, Dept. of Entertainment Management and International MBA program), please submit an English proficiency certificate, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC, or a recommendation letter to prove your English proficiency. 如果你申請的是英語授課系所(國 際企業經營學系、國際財務金融學系、觀光餐旅學系、娛樂事業管理學系及管理碩士班國際 組),請提供英語能力證明或能證明你的英文能力的推薦函。 A recommendation letter(s) 推薦信 A study plan/research proposal in Chinese or English 中文或英文讀書或研究計畫書 An autobiography/personal statement in Chinese or English 中文或英文自傳 Master’s thesis and a list of publications 論文、著作目錄 Project reports 專題報告 Others: 其他 Others: 其他 Note: When applying for a student visa, admitted applicants shall submit the original of a health certificate (including HIV test, positive measles & rubella antibodies or vaccination certificates; please only use the form provided by ISU) issued by a hospital to the local R.O.C. overseas office. Moreover, admitted applicants shall submit one copy of the health certificate to ISU’s Health Section. 注意:來臺入學辦理簽證時,須繳交由醫院出具之健康證明(包含 HIV 病毒、麻疹及德國麻疹抗體陽性報告 或預防接種證明相關檢查,限用本校所附表格)至駐外單位,並於註冊時繳交一份至本校衛生保健組。 31 I-SHOU UNIVERSITY APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ADMISSIONS 外國學生入學申請表 84001 高雄市大樹區學城路一段一號 No.1, Sec. 1, Syuecheng Rd., Dashu District, Kaohsiung City 84001, Taiwan R.O.C. Please type or print in Chinese or English 請以中文或英文正楷逐項填寫 Year ____________年 Attach a recent original photo here □ Fall Semester (Beginning in September) 秋季班 □ Spring Semester (Beginning in February) 春季班 請貼最近相片 The department (institute) and degree you are applying for: ※擬申請就讀之系(所)及學位 Priority 志願 Department (institute) you intend to enroll in Degree 學位 申請系所 1 □ Bachelor’s Degree 學士班 Department/Institute: 2 □ Master’s Degree 碩士班 Department/Institute: 3 □ PhD Degree 博士班 Department/Institute: □ Chinese-taught Program □ English-taught Program □ Japanese-taught Program Personal Information 個人資料 Month Date of Birth Date 出生日期 □ Male 男 Gender 性 別 □ Female 女 Applicant’s (English)英文 Full Name 申請人姓名 (Chinese)中文 Year Permanent Address 住 址 Mailing Address 現在通訊處 E-mail (Required) Telephone 電 話 Place of Birth 出生地點 Father 父 親 Contact Person in Taiwan 在台 聯絡人 Mobile 手 機 Passport No. 護照號碼 Marital □ Married 已婚 Status 婚姻狀況 □ Single 未婚 Nationality (1) 國 籍 (2) If any Full Name: (Chinese or English) 姓名 Full Name: (Chinese or English) 姓名 Nationality: 國籍 Nationality: 國籍 □ Please tick the box if with R.O.C nationality 具中華民國國籍(請於□打勾) Telephone:電話 Full Name: (Chinese or English) 姓名 Mother 母 親 □ Please tick the box if with R.O.C. nationality 具中華民國國籍(請於□打勾) Telephone:電話 Relationship: 關係 Mailing Address in Taiwan: 在台聯絡地址 32 Telephone: 電話 Educational Background 教育背景 Name of Institution 學校名稱 High School Diploma/Certificate 學位/證書 From:(Month/Year) Duration of Study 就學期間 To:(Month/Year) 高級中學 Country 學校所在地 Major 主修 GPA/Average Semester Grade 學業平均成績 成績/總分 / Name of Institution 學校名稱 University/ College Duration of Study 就學期間 Degree/Diploma 學位/證書 From:(Month/Year) To:(Month/Year) 大學/學院 Country 學校所在地 Major 主修 GPA/ Average Semester Grade 學業平均成績 成績/總分 / Name of Institution 學校名稱 Degree 學位 Graduate Duration of Study From:(Month/Year) 就學期間 School To:(Month/Year) 研究所 Country 學校所在地 Major 主修 GPA/ Average Semester Grade 學業平均成績 成績/總分 / Financial Support: What is your major financial resource while you are studying at ISU? 財力支援狀況:在本校求學期間費用來源 □ □ □ □ □ Parental Support 父母支援 □ ISU Scholarship for International Students 義守大學外國學生獎助學金 Taiwan Scholarship 臺灣獎學金 Others Scholarships 其他獎助金 Personal Savings 個人儲蓄 Others 其他 Are you applying for the ISU Scholarship for International Students? 申請本校獎助學金 □ No 否 □ Yes 是 (Please fill out the Application Form below 請填寫獎助學金申請表) Health Status 健康情形 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Please specify if you have any health concerns:如有疾病或缺陷,請敘明 How did you learn about us? 如何得知義守大學? □ Newspaper 報紙 □ Internet Search 網路 □ Magazines 雜誌 □ From a Friend 朋友介紹 □ From an Organization 機構推薦 □ Others 其他 33 Chinese Proficiency 中文語文能力 □ Never 從未學習過 □ From 從 to 到 How many years have you learned Chinese? 學習中文幾年 Where did you learn Chinese? (e.g. a high school, college or language institution) 學習中文環境(高中、大學、語文機構) Have you ever taken any Chinese proficiency test? 您是否參加過中文語文能力測驗 □ Yes 是 □ No 否 Test Title 何種測驗 Score 分數 Self-evaluation of Chinese Proficiency 自我評估 Listening 聽 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Speaking 說 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Reading 讀 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Writing 寫 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 □ I cannot take courses taught in Chinese. 無法參加以中文授課為主之課程 □ I can take courses taught in Chinese, but I shall take additional Chinese language courses to improve my Chinese. 可以參加以中文授課為主之課程,但須再參加中文課程加強 □ I can take courses taught in Chinese, and there is no need for me to take additional Chinese language courses. 可以參加以中文授課為主之課程,無須再參加中文課程加強 ※ Please submit a Chinese proficiency certificate if you are from a country where Chinese is not an official language.若申請人為非使用中文為官方語言之國家,請提出中文能力證明。 English Proficiency 英文語文能力 □ Never 從未學習過 □ From 從 to 到 How many years have you learned English? 學習英文幾年 Where did you learn English? (e.g. a high school, college or language institution) 學習英文環境(高中、大學、語文機構) Have you ever taken any English proficiency test? 您是否參加過英文語文 能力測驗 □ Yes 是 □ No 否 Test Title 何種測驗 Score 分數 Self-evaluation of English Proficiency 自我評估 Listening 聽 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Speaking 說 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Reading 讀 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 Writing 寫 □ Excellent 優 □ Good 佳 □ Average 尚可 □ Poor 差 □ I cannot take courses taught in English. 無法參加以英文授課為主之課程 □ I can take courses taught in English, but I shall take additional English courses to improve my English. 可以參加以英文授課為主之課程,但須再參加英文課程加強 □ I can take courses taught in English, and there is no need for me to take additional English courses. 可以參加以英文授課為主之課程,無須再參加英文課程加強 ※ If you apply for a program in which English is the language of instruction (such as Dept. of International Business Administration, Dept. of International Finance, Dept. of International Tourism & Hospitality, Dept. of Entertainment Management and International MBA program), please submit an English proficiency certificate, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC, or a recommendation letter to prove your English proficiency. 如果你申請英語授課系所(如國際企業經營學系、國際財務金融學系、國際觀光餐旅學系、娛 樂事業管理學系及管理碩士班國際組),請提供英語能力證明或能證明你的英文能力的推薦函。 34 義守大學外國學生申請入學具結書 I-SHOU UNIVERSITY Affidavit for International Student Admission Application I hereby authorize I-Shou University to verify the information provided below. If any deception, concealment, violation or forgery is found, I have no objection to being disqualified from admission to I-Shou University and my student status shall be revoked, and no proof of attendance or diploma be issued. 以下所陳之任一事項同意授權貴校查證,如有不實或不符規定或變造等情事,經查證屬實者,本人願意接 受貴校撤銷入學資格、開除/註銷學籍或本校畢業資格,且不發給任何有關學分證明或畢業證書,絕無異議。 Signature:申請人簽名: Date:日期: I hereby certify that: 本人保證以下事項: 1. I have never studied in Taiwan as an overseas compatriot student nor been placed by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Student through distribution or individual application at the current academic year. 本人均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學,且未於當學年度經海外聯合招生委員會分發或個人申請錄取。 2. Nationality and residence (Please tick the box that best describes the current status) 國籍及居留(請依實際情形選擇以下其一選項,於□打勾) □ I am neither an overseas compatriot student nor an R.O.C. national as defined in Article 2 of the Nationality Act(*), and I have never held household registration in Taiwan since birth. 本人具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍*,自始未曾在臺設有戶籍,於申請時且未具僑生身分資格。 □ I am a foreign national and have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of six years (applicants for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years). I am also an R.O.C. national at the time of application, but have never held household registration in Taiwan. 本人具外國國籍且符合於申請時已連續居留海外六年(申請本校醫學或中醫學系者,其連續居留海外 八年)以上者,申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,自始未曾在臺灣設有戶籍。 □ I am a foreign national and have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of six years (applicants for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years). I used to be a national of the Republic of China and already gave up the R.O.C. citizenship. It has been at least eight years since the date on which the renouncement was approved by the Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. 本人具外國國籍且符合於申請時已連續居留海外六年(申請本校醫學或中醫學系者,其連續海外八年) 以上者,申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,自中華民國內政部許可喪 失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年。 □ I am a foreign national concurrently holding a permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macao. I have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of six years (*2), and I have never held household registration in Taiwan since birth (applicants for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years). 具外國國籍,兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格,且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時於香港、澳門或海外連 續居留(*註2)六年以上者,得申請入學。但擬申請學士後中醫學系者,其連續居留年限為八年以上。 □ I used to be a citizen of mainland China and have a foreign nationality. I have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of six years (*2), and I have never held household registration in Taiwan since birth (applicants for admission to the School of Chinese Medicine for Post Baccalaureate shall have stayed overseas for an uninterrupted period of eight years). 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時已連續居留海外(*註2)六年以上者,得 申請入學。但擬申請學士後中醫學系者,其連續居留年限為八年以上。 3. The highest degree submitted by me (a senior high school diploma for admission to an undergraduate program, a university diploma for admission to a master’s program, and a master’s degree for admission to a PhD program) is valid and has been legally awarded in the country where I graduated. The diploma submitted by me is comparable to that awarded by an accredited institution in Taiwan. 本人所提供之最高學歷證明(申請大學部者提出高中畢業證書、申請碩士班者提出大學畢業證書、申請博 士班者提出碩士畢業證書),在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得畢業資格,且所持之證件相當於中 華民國國內之各級合法學校授予之相當學位。 4. All the documents and certificates provided by me [including the diploma, the passport and other relevant documents (original or photocopy)] are valid. Should any document be found to be invalid or false, my admission to I-Shou University shall be revoked, and no proof of attendance shall be issued. 本人所提供之所有相關資料(包括學歷、護照及其他相關文件之正本及影本)均為合法有效之文件,如 有不符規定或變造之情事,經查屬實即由 貴校取消入學資格,且不發給任何有關之學分證明。 5. Once admitted, I must present the original of the diploma and academic transcripts officially certified by the R.O.C. overseas office or representative office in the country where the school is located at the time of registration. If I fail to submit required documents or any of the documents submitted does not meet the provisions of the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., I-Shou University reserves the right to 35 disqualify me from being admitted to the University. 本人取得入學許可後,在辦理報到時,須繳交經中華民國(台灣)駐外單位或代表處驗證之畢業證書及 成績單(認證章正本),始得註冊入學。屆時若未如期繳交或經查證結果有不符中華民國教育部「大學 辦理國外學歷採認辦法」之規定,即由 貴校取消入學資格,絕無異議。 6. I have never been enrolled in any senior high school in Taiwan as an international student (except for domestic schools for foreign residents, bilingual departments/programs in domestic high schools, or foreign curriculum departments/classes in private senior high schools and below). I have never been expelled from any institution in Taiwan due to a failing score on personal conduct/academic performance or a sentence resulting from a criminal judgment. 本人不曾在台以外國學生身分完成高中學校學程(就讀我國之外國僑民學校或我國高級中等學校附設之雙 語部(班)私立高級中等以下學校外國課程部班畢業者除外)。本人以外國學生身分來臺入學後亦未曾因 操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學。 7. I have never applied for admission to or been enrolled at I-Shou University or any other universities in Taiwan. Once founded, I have no objection to being disqualified from admission to I-Shou University. 本人未曾於義守大學或臺灣其他大學申請註冊入學,經查屬實即由 貴校取消入學資格。 8. All information provided by me and included in my application package will be used only for the purpose of student recruitment and statistics compilation. Once I am admitted to I-Shou University, the information will also be used for the purpose of student registration. 本人申請資料僅做為招生(錄取生資料亦作為學籍資料使用)及相關統計研究使用。 *Note: According to Article 2 of the Nationality Act, a person shall have the nationality of the Republic of China under any of the conditions provided by the following subparagraphs: 1. His/her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China when he/she was born. 2. He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China at the time of death. 3. He/she was born in the territory of the Republic of China, and his/her parents can’t be ascertained or both were stateless persons. 4. He/she has undergone the nationalization process. Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to the persons who were minors at the time of the amendments and promulgation of this Act. *註:中華民國國籍法第二條: 有下列各款情形之一者,屬中華民國國籍: 1.出生時父或母為中華民國國民。 2.出生於父或母死亡後,其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民。 3.出生於中華民國領域內,父母均無可考,或均無國籍者。 4.歸化者。 前項第一款及第二款之規定,於本法修正公布時之未成年人,亦適用之。 36 義守大學外國學生獎助學金申請表 Application Form for Scholarship for International Students □ Fall Semester (Beginning in September) 秋季班 □ Spring Semester (Beginning in February) 春季班 Department / institute and degree you intend to enroll in at ISU (freshman) 系(所)及學位 Department / Institute Entry Year 入學年度 系(所) Degree 學位 □ Bachelor 學士 In English 英文 Applicant’s Full Name 申請人姓名 □ Master 碩士 Nationality 國 In Chinese 中文 Passport No. 籍 □ Male 男 Gender 性 別 □ Female 女 Telephone 電 護照號碼 □ PhD 博士 Date of Birth 話 Attach a recent original photo here 請貼最近照片 Mobile 出生日期 手 機 Place of Birth E-mail 出生地點 Permanent Address 住 址 Mailing Address 現在通訊處 Full Name in Chinese 中文姓名 Full Name in English 英文姓名 Telephone Mobile Contact Person in Taiwan 在台聯絡人 電 話 手 機 一、Scholarship amounts awarded include:獎學金分類為 (1)NT$120,000/year 新台幣十二萬元。 (2)tuition and other required fees for two semesters 兩學期學雜費金額。 (3)NT$60,000/year 新台幣六萬元。 Scholarship Type (4)50% discount on tuition and other required fees for two semesters. 兩學期學雜費二分之一 獎助金種類 金額。 二、Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee for International Students, and scholarship amounts are determined based on the review results. 本校將依申請所附資料進 行審查,審查通過者視結果提供獎助學金。 Notes 注意: 1. Please note that you are not eligible to apply this scholarship if you have already received any other scholarships from I-Shou University. 若已領取本校其他獎學金,不得再申請本獎助學金。 2. Scholarship recipients are required to live in the dormitory during the first year of studying at I-Shou University. 獲得獎助學金的外國學生,於入學的第一年均須在校住宿。 Signature Date 申請人簽名 日期 37 義守大學外國學生財力保證書 I-SHOU UNIVERSITY Financial Guarantee for International Applicants 本人________________________ 與被保證人__________________________ (請填寫姓名) (請填寫被保證人姓名) 關係為____________________ ,願擔保被保證人在義守大學就學及生活所需一切費用支出。 此 致 義守大學招生委員會 I, ____________________________, and the applicant, ______________________________, (Full Name) (Applicant’s Name) our relationship being _______________________, hereby guarantee that the applicant’s total living and tuition expenses while attending I-Shou University will be paid in full. To Admissions Committee of I-Shou University 保證人Guarantor: _______________________ (Signature) 護照(居留證)號碼Passport (ARC) No.: _______________________ 連絡電話Tel.: ________________________________ 電子郵件E-mail: ________________________________ 具結日期Date: __________ / __________/ __________ (YYYY/MM/DD) 38