DrDelMath Math 160C College Algebra Summer 2008 Review Guide for Tests bbbbb Website: http://www.drdelmath.com e-mail: del@delweg.com When sending an e-mail, the subject should be the course name: College Algebra TEST 1 : 18 & 19 JUN: Topics to be covered on Test 1 include anything from the text, from the lectures, from the website, and from the handouts related to the following sections of the textbook. Chapter P : Prerequisites Section 1.1: Basic Equations Section 1.3: Quadratic Equations Section 1.5: Other Types of Equations Section 1.2: Modeling with Equations Section 1.4: Complex Numbers o Equations Involving Radicals o Rational Equations Section 1.6 Inequalities Section 1.7: Solving Equations Involving Absolute Value Section 2.1: Coordinate Plane o Distance Formula o Midpoint Formula Section 2.2: Graphs of Equations in Two Variables o Understand Definition of Graph o Intercepts o Equations of Circles Section 2.4: Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables o Standard Form o Slope-Intercept Form o Point-Slope Form o Graphing when given the equation o Finding the equation when given conditions o Formula for Slope Section 2.4A: Graphs of Quadratic Equations in Two Variables o Intercepts o Vertex o Shape and Orientation o Discriminant The following essays from Special Topics on the website are included. Introduction to Sets Sets of Numbers Linear Equations Quadratics Finally, if I have failed to list some topic included in the listed sections of the text or essays or that were included in lectures or on the website they are hereby included in this test. In short, the test covers everything assigned, discussed or referred to since the beginning of the class. TEST 2 : 7 & 8 JUL: Topics to be covered on Test 2 include anything from the text, from the lectures, from the website, and from the handouts related to the following sections of the textbook. Section 3.1: Definition of Function o o o o o o Function Notation Domain Range Rule Arrow Diagrams Section 3.2 o o o o o o Definition of Function Graphs of Functions Definition of Graph of a Function Definition of Zero of a Function Coordinates of Points on the Graph Determine if a point is on a graph Arrow Diagrams Vertical Line Test Section 3.2A Library of Basic Functions o The First Nine Entries and The Absolute Value Function Zero Function Constant Function Linear Function Identity Function Squaring Function Cubing Function Quadratic Function o Graph Shape and Orientation Discriminant Sum, Difference, Product, Quotient of functions Composition of functions Factoring with respect to composition Definition Notation Horizontal Line test Finding the Inverse Show that two functions are inverses Show that two functions are not inverses Definition and Elementary Properties Equivalent Statements about Polynomials Multiplicities of Zeros Intermediate Value Theorem Section 4.2: Dividing Polynomials The Division Algorithm for Polynomials The Long Division Process for Polynomials Remainder and Factor Theorems Section 4.3: Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions o Rational Zeros Theorem Section 4.4: Complex Zeros and The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra o o Vertex Section 4.1: Polynomial Functions and their Graphs o o o Intercepts Section 3.7: Inverses of Functions o o o o General Form Section 3.6: Combining Functions o o o o o o Horizontal Shift Definition o o o Vertical Shift o Absolute Value Function Section 3.5: Quadratic Functions Cube Root Function Section 3.4 Transformations of Functions Square Root Function Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Facts about Complex Zeros of Polynomial Functions Section 4.5: Rational Functions o o o o o Definition, Domain, and Zeros Vertical Asymptote Horizontal Asymptote Important Facts about Rational Functions Sketching the Graph The following essays from Special Topics on the Web Site are included o Introduction to Functions o Linear Functions o Quadratic Functions Of course it is presumed that you know all previous material which includes but is not restricted to: Definitions Sets of Numbers Sets, Set terminology, Set notations, Set Union, Set Intersection o o o o Natural, Whole, Integers, Rational, Irrational, Real, Complex Intervals and Rays Primes and Composites Even and Odd Integers Working with Equations o Working with Equations may be helpful Finally, if I have failed to list some topic included in the listed sections of the text or essays on the website they are hereby included in this test. TEST 3 : 21 JUL: Topics to be covered on Test 3 include anything from the text, from the lectures, from the website, and from the handouts related to the following sections of the textbook. Section 5.1: Exponential Functions o Exponential Function Base e o Domain, Range, Graph, and it has an inverse The exponential function base 10 is named exp2 and its rule is exp2 (x) = 2x Domain, Range, Graph, and it has an inverse Exponential Function Base a The exponential function base 10 is named exp10 and its rule is exp10 (x) = 10x Exponential Function Base 2 o Domain, Range, Graph, and it has an inverse Exponential Function Base 10 o The exponential function base e is named exp and its rule is exp(x) = ex The exponential function base a is named expa and its rule is expa (x) = ax Domain, Range, Graph, and it has an inverse Section 5.2: Logarithmic Functions o o o o o ln is the inverse of exp log is the inverse of exp10 log2 is the inverse of exp2 loga is the inverse of expa Properties of Natural Logarithm o ln(1) = 0 ln(e)=1 Properties of Napierian (or Common) Logarithms Write an exponential statement as an equivalent logarithmic statement Write an logarithmic statement as an equivalent exponential statement Solving Exponential Equations Solving Logarithmic Equations Basic definitions as presented on the website Substitution method Graphical interpretation of solution of a system of equations Substitution Method Gaussian Elimination Gauss-Jordan Elimination Matrix methods Section 6.4 Systems of Inequalities o o Change of base formula Section 6.3 Systems of Linear Equations in Several Variables o o o Log of a power Section 6.2 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables o Log of a quotient Section 6.1 Systems of Equations o o o Log of a product Section 5.4: Exponential and Logarithmic Equations o o o o Boundary line Graphing Section 7.1 Matrices and Systems of Equations o o o o All the basic definitions related to matrices The augmented matrix for a system of equations Elementary Row Operations Gaussian Elimination and Gauss-Jordan Elimination For this topic the names are less important than the techniques Section 7.2 The Algebra of Matrices o o o log(10)=1 Section 5.3: Laws of Logarithms o o o o log(1) = 0 Equality, Addition, Opposite, Subtraction, Scalar Multiplication, Multiplication When Matrix multiplication is defined Matrix multiplication is not commutative Section 7.3 Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations o Identity matrix o Definition of inverse of a matrix o Elementary Row Operations o Procedure for finding the inverse of a matrix o http://www.drdelmath.com/college_algebra/chapter_summaries/matrix_inversio n.pdf o o o Solving matrix equations Matrix equation equivalent to a system of equations Solving a system of equations using the inverse of the coefficient matrix Section 7.4 Determinants o Definition of determinant o o o o o Determinant as a function Cofactor Calculation of the determinant of a 2X2 matrix Cofactor expansion to calculate the determinant of a 3X3 matrix det(AB) = det(A)det(B) Finally, if I have failed to list some topic included in the listed sections of the text or essays on the website they are hereby included in this test. COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM: 23 & 24 JUL: Topics to be covered on COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM include anything from the text, from the lectures, from the website, and from the handouts related to the sections of the textbook listed above for Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3 as well as the following sections. Section 9.1 Sequences and Summation Notation o o o o Definition Traditional as well as function notation Finding partial sums Using summation notation Section 9.2 Arithmetic Sequences o o o o For this topic the names are less important than the techniques Definitions Arithmetic Sequence as a Linear Function with restricted domain Determining an arithmetic sequence when given certain facts Partial Sums Section 9.6 The Binomial Theorem o o Binomial Coefficients Expansion of a binomial Finally, if I have failed to list some topic included in the listed sections of the text or essays on the website they are hereby included in this test. Delano P. Wegener, Ph.D. Instructor Copyright 2008 by All Rights Reserved. Use of text, images and other content on this website are subject to the terms and conditions specified on our Copyright and Fair Use page.