211 Multimedia Web Design Lesson 1 – Web Functionality & Purpose Starter • In groups (pods), using A3 paper, you need to: • Note down all the different websites you can think of. • Think of the websites you use all the time. • Think about what you can do online. • We will review in 5 minutes. Objectives • Understand what is meant by “internet” and where it originates from. • Understand what is available on the internet. • Know how different “types” of site are structured. • Research web site design, functionality and purpose. The Internet Vs. The World Wide Web • What is the difference between the Internet and WWW? Very simply put… What is a web page made up? Text Multiple Pages Hyperlinks Forms Logo’s Buttons Banners Menus Video Sound Web 2.0 - Blogs - Forum - Podcasting - Cloud Computing - Image / Video Tagging - Geo-Tagging etc. What are the Features of this site? Functions, Audience, Purpose? Functions, Audience, Purpose? Functions, Audience, Purpose? Today’s Task • Open a new version 211 Web Pre-Project Report. Within Part 1 you need to conduct some research. • You need to find an example of each type (see below) of site. You should screenshot them, identify the features, purpose, audience and evaluate it (what is good and bad about the site). Features: Text / Multiple Pages Hyperlinks Forms Logo’s / Graphics Buttons Banners Menus Video / Sound Web 2.0 - Blogs - Forum - Podcasting - Cloud Computing Evaluate: Navigation Layout Fonts / Colours / Styles Search Facilities Usability Consistent Navigation Spelling / Grammar Intuitiveness Browser dependence? Purposes (TYPES): -News (BBC) - Collaboration - Entertainment - Information (E.g. NHS)) - Advertising - Social Networking -Gaming Task 2 • In part 2 of your report, you need to describe, all the different features of a website and explain what they are and give examples of why they are used. • You should be able to describe the difference between a Web 1.0 and a Web 2.0 site (giving examples with screenshots to compare) Features: Text / Multiple Pages Hyperlinks Forms Logo’s / Graphics Buttons Banners Menus Video / Sound Web 2.0 - Blogs - Forum - Podcasting - Cloud Computing - Geotagging Objectives Review • Understand what is meant by “internet” and where it originates from. • Understand what is available on the internet. • Know how different “types” of site are structured. • Research web site design, functionality and purpose. Plenary • Quick fire: Name a feature of a website. • Quick fire: Suggest a purpose • Each group / pod of students should come to the front and display a website which they have reviewed today. • They then need to explain it’s functionality, audience and purpose, giving reasons.