SENIOR ENGLISH OPTIONS English Literature Texts: Siddhartha, by Hesse, Antigone, by Sophocles, Invisible Man, by Ellison, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Fadiman, Macbeth, by Shakespeare Book circles possible choices include: Catch-22, by Heller, Beloved, by Morrison, Handmaid's Tale by Atwood, Kaffir Boy by Mathabane, Brave New World by Huxley, Obasan by Kogawa Selected short stories, poetry and non-fiction SENIOR ENGLISH OPTIONS Film Analysis Texts: The Art of Watching Films by Bogs and Petrie as well as many articles from contemporary journals. Films (whole films and excerpts) such as The Stunt Man, The Player, Pulp Fiction, The Gold Rush, It Happened One Night, Casablanca, On the Waterfront, The Graduate, Annie Hall, Raging Bull, American Beauty, Citizen Kane, Man with a Movie Camera, Nanook of the North, Triumph of the Will, Thin Blue Line, Lessons of Darkness, Bowling for Columbine, The Bicycle Thief, The 400 Blows, Amores Perros, Salaam Bombay, City of God, selected short films and others. SENIOR ENGLISH OPTIONS Global Connections English/social studies class Kaffir Boy by Mathabane, Night by Wiesel, two student-selected non-fiction texts. Selected short stories, poetry and non-fiction Examples of films that may be shown: Return to Paradise, Nuremberg, The Power of One, ,Crimson Tide, Truth and Reconciliation, A Few Good Men SENIOR ENGLISH OPTIONS Creative views Drown by Diaz, Running by Rodriguez,Parrot in the Oven by Martinez Selected short stories, poetry and non-fiction Examples of films that may be shown: Malcolm X, Eyes on the Prize, Crooklyn, Do the Right Thing SENIOR ENGLISH OPTIONS Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Great Expectations, by Dickens, Pride and Prejudice by Austen Dubliners by Joyce, As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, Beloved by Morrison, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Fadiman. Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky Invisible Man by Ellison Native Son by Wright Catch-22, by Heller Hamlet, by Shakespeare Poetry, short stories, news articles, and essays will also be assigned. In addition, substantial independent reading is required for the senior project. TRANSCENDENTALISM Mid-1800s TRANSCENDENTALISM Ralph Waldo Emerson: traditionally trained at Harvard, joined ministry before leaving in 1831 Belief in an “over-soul” – an awareness that every man and woman share. We are all connected – every person, thing, drop of nature Distrust in authority: “Trust thyself” Intuition: we all have within us our own guides that will lead us in the right direction MEN SAY THEY KNOW MANY THINGS BY HENRY DAVID THOREAU Men say they know many things; But lo! they have taken wings, — The arts and sciences, And a thousand appliances; The wind that blows Is all that any body knows.