High School Business Heroes 2014 Seminar 1: Business Planning and Marketing Analysis March 4, 2014 Agenda Feedback on Elevator Pitch Advancing Guest Teams! Speakers Dragica Lebo and Maya Amoah Professor Ambika Badh Phase 2 Intro – Business Plan Report Upcoming Events Questions, comments, concerns? Elevator Pitch Feedback Edited documents with feedback will be emailed back to your team A variety of ideas presented Formatting Formal Peer of title, citations and bibliography language; marketing concepts and team editing Analysis and defining your plan TEAMS ADVANCING TO PHASE 2… Ace Inc. Mount Carmel Business Innovation A.C.R.I. APHS NewBreed Business Cloud Gurus 10 Collateral Dynamics FBI – Fierce Business Innovators JAM Sesh M.A.P. NST% Premium The Blazers The Heifers The Invincible 4 The Quartets Veni Vidi Vici Creating a Business Plan and Starting Your Own Business Guest Speakers: Dragica Lebo Youth Project Manager, City of Hamilton – SBEC Maya Amoah Gr. 12 Student & Creator of Nebula Artwear Analyzing a Marketing Case Guest Speaker: Ambika Badh Professor of Marketing DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University PHASE TWO: THE WRITTEN REPORT Comprehensive 4-page report including an in-depth analysis using primary and secondary research. Take the ideas presented in Phase 1 and expand on it Consists of an evaluation of your innovative ideas, a marketing plan, and implementation process Basis for selection of Top 10 teams BUSINESS PLAN REPORT Criteria Evaluated out of 60 marks in total Research 2 different primary sources, 10 secondary sources Executive Summary [5 marks] Background info on AGH Summary of goals, findings and plan execution Business throughout report [18 marks] Plan and Implementation [28 marks] Explain creative idea and marketing strategy Describe implementation and its practicality Describe how target market’s perception of AGH as a result of the proposed campaign BUSINESS PLAN REPORT Criteria Conclusion Summarize business plan and findings (no new content) Appendix (optional) Supplementary items that may disrupt report flow References [3 marks] [6 marks] Use Business Citation Guide to cite sources — More info in Submission Details package — Report Deadline: Friday, March 21 at 11:59pm – submit to hsbh@mcmaster.ca Upcoming Events: Seminar 2 Tuesday, March 11 at 5:30-7:00pm, DSB 505 Drop-in help (during March Break) Seminar 3 Tuesday, March 18 at 5:30-7:00pm, DSB 505 Ines Perkovic from Innis Library Professor from DeGroote Questions, comments, concerns?